IRAQ: Was it worth it?

Saddam knew how to keep that country together. Now we're probably going to see a civil war.

So did Mubarak. So did Gaddafi. So does in the present sense Assad.

Why did Obama take all of them out? He's still working on Assad who has been fighting these terrorists that just invaded Iraq.

I've been screaming for forever that there was no such thing as a Syrian Spring. No such thing as a Syrian rebel.

ISIS and Levant are terrorists. But Obama was so intent on taking out Assad he let this Baghdadi amass a terrorist army of 12,000 at last count.

But make no mistake about what is happening in Iraq. It is not a civil war. It is an invasion of a terrorist army Obama allowed to grow on his watch.

They make AQ look like boy scouts. Their leader makes Osama bin Laden look as tough as Liberace.
You know what? I've listened to arguments back and forth for forever on Iraq. I personally think that Bush and Blair were thinking ahead that if Saddam died his insane truly insane sons would get Iraq and Lord help the planet.

That WMD's as we know them were not the cause. But the sons were. The whacked out sons were the WMD's.And consequently while "we were in the region anyway", they saw a moment in time to take out those psycho killer kids of Saddam for the good of the region.

And I bitch all the time about going back to Bush as the starting point.

Why? Because for any one with any intelligence who is not an Obama appendage sucker if you go back to the League of Nations you can explain today in the here and now.

Sadly though I am surrounded on this board by left wing boot strap marching morons who won't even know what the League of Nations was.

Wow, this is a new twist. Sooo, Bush was protecting the world from Saddam's asshole sons? Like Saddam said in an interview:

[FBI Interrogator:] "[When I pressed him on his son Uday's record of rape and murder] he told me to stop. [He said]: 'You don't get to pick your kids. You're stuck with what you get.'"

Saddam Hussein quotes
Democrats will never allow a Military victory in a republican administration no matter what the consequence. Democrats forced Nixon to abandon the Vietnamese when the war was won. After authorizing the Military mission in Iraq democrats undermined it for eight years. Obama is in the same situation as Truman was in after WW2. Truman was in the process of downsizing the US Military when North Korea invaded South Korea. He bungled the situation so badly that we lost 50,000 Troops in three years and ended up where we started after an embarrassing truce. Barry Hussein is easily as dumb as Truman but he has no balls so he will allow all the work we did in the Mid East to go down the drain and oil prices will skyrocket.
Saddam knew how to keep that country together. Now we're probably going to see a civil war.

SADDAM was very powerful and that power let him invade and rape his neighbors for over a decade and caused serious crises for the world and a major war for the United States in 1991. Bottom line is that its about what is good for the flow of oil out of the region, especially from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. SADDAM was not good for that. That's why he had to go!
Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?

Everything in life can take effort to maintain.

If you are stupid enough to let your marriage fall into the abyss, and become a pool of putrid sewage, one might make the same case you are right now.

Don't do it bucs90! It will ruin your life, and wreck your family and your children by getting married!

But that's not the truth. The truth is, the reason getting married ruined you, is because you didn't maintain it. Any long time loving married couple will tell you that their relationship went through peaks and valleys, and it was dedication, and a willingness on ONE, or both's part, to do what was needed to make it work.

The same is true here. In Korea, we did what was needed to keep and maintain them. Because of that, millions of Koreans in the South have a 1st world standard of living, and are valuable economic allies.

In Vietnam, we did not do what was needed, and millions of Vietnamese were killed by leftists, and millions more escaped in the notorious 'boat people' of Vietnam. Everything we fought for, was destroyed and ruined. Everything our men and women bled and died for, was tossed away by Leftist sympathizers in the government.

So you want to know was Iraq worth it?

Depends. Depends on what you do today. Will you throw away everything that our people fought for? Will you let Iraq sink into chaos? Will Obama wimp out, and allow Iraq to become a symbol of shame, instead of an icon of Democracy in the Middle East where people desperately want it?

It's up to you. Your idiot is the president, so what will you support? Throwing the blood of our troops away like it was nothing? Or fighting to protect our hard won victories?

We'll all know soon enough. But to answer your question, ask the leftists in your mirror for the answer. We've made our choice on the right, but you morons have the presidency, and he is the commander and chief, no matter how spineless he may end up being.
Saddam knew how to keep that country together. Now we're probably going to see a civil war.

So did Mubarak. So did Gaddafi. So does in the present sense Assad.

Why did Obama take all of them out? He's still working on Assad who has been fighting these terrorists that just invaded Iraq.

I've been screaming for forever that there was no such thing as a Syrian Spring. No such thing as a Syrian rebel.

ISIS and Levant are terrorists. But Obama was so intent on taking out Assad he let this Baghdadi amass a terrorist army of 12,000 at last count.

But make no mistake about what is happening in Iraq. It is not a civil war. It is an invasion of a terrorist army Obama allowed to grow on his watch.

They make AQ look like boy scouts. Their leader makes Osama bin Laden look as tough as Liberace.

That is true, a lot of these fighters in ISIS are very experienced and have been fighting the Syrian military which is well supplied and funded by the Russians. Unfortunately the Iraqi military's training for the past 2 to 3 years appears to be non-existent in part thanks to the premature pull out. ISIS fighters from Syria are probably confused at how easy they have suddenly had it in Iraq compared to 3 years of continuing struggle in Syria.
Let's blame Bush for breaking it in the first place.

Let's blame Obama for walking away before it was fixed.

Plenty of blame to go around.

And none of it means shit.

What DOES signify is where we are TODAY.

And what we plan on doing about it.

If anything.
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Obama fucked up, therefore Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Please explain in detail exactly how Obama fucked up.

Oh where oh where do I start.

He let the leader of ISIS go in 2009, that's just for the kick off.

And because Obama really wanted Assad gone he tried to convince and did convince his moronic followers that there was such a thing as a "Syrian Spring" when all along ISIS was building a terrorist army of 12,000 plus and now occupies land in Syria and Iraq.

Obama allowed them to grow.

And then you know. AQ is on the run. AQ is decimated. He has held to that belief with you idiots in tow. ISIS is an offshoot of AQ but they make bin Laden look like a choir boy.

How far in to do you want me to go with Obama being to blame for all this shit happening on his watch?

I can go a long time tonight.
Obama fucked up, therefore Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Please explain in detail exactly how Obama fucked up.

Oh where oh where do I start.

He let the leader of ISIS go in 2009, that's just for the kick off.

And because Obama really wanted Assad gone he tried to convince and did convince his moronic followers that there was such a thing as a "Syrian Spring" when all along ISIS was building a terrorist army of 12,000 plus and now occupies land in Syria and Iraq.

Obama allowed them to grow.

And then you know. AQ is on the run. AQ is decimated. He has held to that belief with you idiots in tow. ISIS is an offshoot of AQ but they make bin Laden look like a choir boy.

How far in to do you want me to go with Obama being to blame for all this shit happening on his watch?

I can go a long time tonight.

I don't recall asking you anything, retard.
Obama fucked up, therefore Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Please explain in detail exactly how Obama fucked up.

Oh where oh where do I start.

He let the leader of ISIS go in 2009, that's just for the kick off.

And because Obama really wanted Assad gone he tried to convince and did convince his moronic followers that there was such a thing as a "Syrian Spring" when all along ISIS was building a terrorist army of 12,000 plus and now occupies land in Syria and Iraq.

Obama allowed them to grow.

And then you know. AQ is on the run. AQ is decimated. He has held to that belief with you idiots in tow. ISIS is an offshoot of AQ but they make bin Laden look like a choir boy.

How far in to do you want me to go with Obama being to blame for all this shit happening on his watch?

I can go a long time tonight.

Why should we have kept spending lives and money on Iraq?
Please explain in detail exactly how Obama fucked up.

Oh where oh where do I start.

He let the leader of ISIS go in 2009, that's just for the kick off.

And because Obama really wanted Assad gone he tried to convince and did convince his moronic followers that there was such a thing as a "Syrian Spring" when all along ISIS was building a terrorist army of 12,000 plus and now occupies land in Syria and Iraq.

Obama allowed them to grow.

And then you know. AQ is on the run. AQ is decimated. He has held to that belief with you idiots in tow. ISIS is an offshoot of AQ but they make bin Laden look like a choir boy.

How far in to do you want me to go with Obama being to blame for all this shit happening on his watch?

I can go a long time tonight.

Why should we have kept spending lives and money on Iraq?

Because you like to drive cars, use electricity in your house, shop at a supermarket full with food that had to be transported there, and other things that require energy the price of which is deeply effect by the Persian Gulf region and in particular Iraq. Unless your willing to live like the Amish in Pennsylvania, then you should indeed support continued engagement in Iraq and the Persian Gulf.
Let's blame Bush for breaking it in the first place.

Let's blame Obama for walking away before it was fixed.

Plenty of blame to go around.

And none of it means shit.

What DOES signify is where we are TODAY.

And what we plan on doing about it.

If anything.

Saddam needed to be removed. Anyone who thinks the United States or in particular Kuwait would be better off with Saddam in power is crazy.
Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?

Was Iraq worth it? No. Did we find WMD? Well that depends on who you ask. Was it worth pulling out prematurely and sending that country spiraling into political upheaval? No. Not only will they collapse into an Islamic Caliphate, such a development will cause Syrian like results. With people like ISIS in control, expect blood to be shed.

Should the US just sit idly by as a group of barbarians haplessly slaughters innocent people? You tell me. Will it be worth it to sit by and let this go on? Should we continue saying "we stand for freedom and democracy" while watching a bloodbath from afar?

America should have enough honor to go back and fix what it broke.
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Obama fucked up, therefore Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Please explain in detail exactly how Obama fucked up.

"Al Qaeda is on the run, and Osama Bin Laden is dead." Sure he got Bin Laden, but what I can see, the only thing Al Qaeda is running from is a band of Barbarians in the Middle East, not from us. Now Al Qaeda is running scared from a group of people who are even more extreme than they are.
No, Iraq was certainly not worth it.

Every single thing the hawks said and predicted was wrong. You hawks promised that we'd be greeted as liberators and you were wrong. Said it would last a matter of weeks, in and out in 6 months. Wrong. Said there were WMD's that were ready to be used against us. Wrong. Said the oil would pay for the war. Said you knew where Saddam was. Told the Sunnis they could go take a hike and favorited and propped up the Shiites, who have governed Iraq into this mess by totally abusing their power over the other two factions because George W. Bush and the Republicans required nothing from the Shiites they were propping up that tied their funding from us to their willingness to play fair with the other two sects of that country.

So we should take their armchair quarterbacking today with a grain of salt. The way we all do with John McCain, for instance.

Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in U.S. history and it has everything to do with how it was cooked up and conducted by the George W. Bush administration and his neo-con cabal. That is our history and those Republicans in denial today must own it.

George W. Bush decided to disband the Iraqi army to his own detriment.

Dubya and the Neo-Cons did no planning whatsoever on the political side of the war and their bad decisions turned Iraq into what we see today. Of course the right wants to send troops back in, because they want to forever save face and be able to have their talking point that somehow Iraq was a victory for them when we all know it for the grand folly that it was.
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