IRAQ: Was it worth it?

No WMD in Iraq to justify an invasion. Bush lied. Curveball lied. Powell lied.

U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD

The Khurds died by WMD's..........

Iranians died by WMD's..............

We blew the hell out of their ammo depots back then. And we blew up some of it.

Doesn't matter. You again refuse to blame your own lame side. Who all said the same damn thing. Many on intel committees seeing the data.

According to the Jack Ass Party, they were all lied to. Because they were too stupid to look at the intel then, from the past, and from other countries as well.

Yeah Iraq used chemical weapons, during the Raygun Administration, while Raygun was supporting Saddam. It was known back then too. Did Raygun do anything, like cut off support, or enact some kind of sanctions? Nope. And just how did Saddam acquire advanced chemical and biological WMD? Ronnie and the Western Allies again.
Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?

This isn't a Bush issue. This is an Al Qaeda issue. You know the Al Qaeda that Obama pronounced as dead in the water, decimated, destroyed and on the run.

That Al Qaeda. This offshoot of bad ass terrorists have been right under Obama's nose flourishing and amassing an army of an estimated 12,000 terrorists.

In Syria. Right out in the open. And that terrorist army led by a mega terrorist named Baghdadi decided they were going to invade Iraq.

A terrorist Obama released in 2009.

Obama owns this debacle.

Oh this is the guy who was radicalized while languishing the one of the Iraqi Prison/Torture Centers Bush installed during the Iraq war. Yeah, Bushes blunder just continue to haunt us doesn't it?

Under Obama's nose in Syria? Really?
...pan-jihadism may be the greatest threat for our country.

Let the Sunni and Shia bang on each other. As long as Baghdad does not fall, which is not likely, the kill each for a long, long time, while we stay out of it.
A snippet of common ground...


Your analysis is quite probably the correct one...
After 10 years of training, and millions of dollars of US equipment the Iraqi military is not worth a shit.

Take ISIS' victory in Mosul. 30,000 Iraqi troops ran from 800 ISIS fighters. Those are 40:1 odds! Yet Iraqi troops ran because they simply didn't want to fight and die for this government. There had been hundreds of desertions per month for months prior to the events of June 10th. The escalation with ISIS is, of course, making it worse.

If the Iraqis do not want to fight for their government why should we fight for them
After 10 years of training, and millions of dollars of US equipment the Iraqi military is not worth a shit.

Take ISIS' victory in Mosul. 30,000 Iraqi troops ran from 800 ISIS fighters. Those are 40:1 odds! Yet Iraqi troops ran because they simply didn't want to fight and die for this government. There had been hundreds of desertions per month for months prior to the events of June 10th. The escalation with ISIS is, of course, making it worse.

If the Iraqis do not want to fight for their government why should we fight for them
You can lead a horse to Democracy but you can't make him drink.
IRAQ: Was it worth it?

The pivot to Asia that was to take 20 years was shortened to 5 and now there's a balance of power (that is not Sunni) in the ME.

Now from an American standpoint? I'd say yes because the buffer between the Shia and Sunni (Iraq) is now very tenuous and the fighting will be happening there, not here.

President Bush Links War in Iraq to War on Terrorism

He clearly made two solid points and tied them together. This link remains but now it's a Sunni/Shia schism reopened and should keep the Sunni and Shia quite busy in their own back yard for quite some time, while the US pivots to Asia.
1. The U.S. did aid Saddam back then, primarily because we were still ticked off at Iran over the Hostage issue. A hostage issue over the Shah, who was supported by the U.S. under Peanut head who allowed them to be held for over a year. They only released them when Reagan was about to be put into office as he clearly stated we were going to kick their butts.

During the Iran, Iraq War which was instigated by Saddam, the Iranians were throwing mines into the Kuwaiti Mine Fields trying to kill us. More reason to dislike the Iranians. I served in Tanker Escort Missions during this time.

The Iraqi's and Iranians were using Chems, primarily Iraq during this War. So, it shows Not BS documents of Cherry picked intel, but actual usage on the Battlefield. The Khurds understand it better than any as Saddam used Chemical Weapons on them towards the end of that War. Killing every man woman and child in that area when used.

2. North Korea is a different animal but similar in one major way. We didn't finish the War because of punk ass Politicians who refused to allow the military to fight it like a War. We could have cut the supply lines of China and hit their airfields in mainland China as it should have been. We were at War with China then when they sent Hundreds of Thousands of troops against us. That is the ONLY REASON there is a North Korea today.

And any action against NK would eventually mean action against China, who would go against us again.

We didn't finish Korea, so the problem of NK exists.
We didn't finish the First Gulf War, so the problem remained.
Same as WWI. Politicians playing by rules instead of finishing the job.

The US supported the Shah long before Carter.......

So what. Whether you like it our not the Middle East plays a very large role in Global Markets and economies because of the oil. Without the oil, this region would nothing more than backwards a......countries as they were before the oil.

The place imploded during the Carter Administration and ignited a Brush Fire that still exists today. Carter played PC in the return of our people.

Imperfect vision and narrative, eagle.

We will let the shia and the sunni bang on each other. Iran well not let the sunnis take Baghdad.
Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?

For What? To remove Saddam Hussein and insure that vital US national security interest, the free flow of oil out of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, is not threatened again by a foreign regime like Saddam's. Remember, your job, the food you eat, and just about everything you purchase is dependent the price of energy which is heavily impacted by oil. That's why F.D.R. was the first President in the United States to make protecting oil in the Persian Gulf a vital U.S. national security interest. Since 1943! So yes, its definitely worth it because the United States and the rest of the industrialized world depends on the natural resources of the region.
You know what? I've listened to arguments back and forth for forever on Iraq. I personally think that Bush and Blair were thinking ahead that if Saddam died his insane truly insane sons would get Iraq and Lord help the planet.

That WMD's as we know them were not the cause. But the sons were. The whacked out sons were the WMD's.And consequently while "we were in the region anyway", they saw a moment in time to take out those psycho killer kids of Saddam for the good of the region.

And I bitch all the time about going back to Bush as the starting point.

Why? Because for any one with any intelligence who is not an Obama appendage sucker if you go back to the League of Nations you can explain today in the here and now.

Sadly though I am surrounded on this board by left wing boot strap marching morons who won't even know what the League of Nations was.

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