IRAQ: Was it worth it?



Chronic liars.
Asswipe...British intel and the CIA had "intelligence" information on Saddam's WMD programs.

He moved most of it to Syria is my best guess based on my background and access to information far above your inbred brain.
Yep, your expertise in clandestine international weapons smuggling is far superior to the combined intelligence apparatus of world governments who completely missed all of those WMD going into Syria.

You should share your "intelligence" with the CIA. Show them where they fucked up. Ask them how they missed all of those WMD going to Syria. Ask them why they didn't invade Syria. I'm interested in their answers. Please post their response here for everyone to read.

If the Bush administration had actionable proof that WMDs were moved to Syria, than a few things follow. 1) They would have shouted this fact from the highest rooftop to repair their global credibility. 2) The Republican Party should be put out of business because they knew about it and did nothing because the goal was to enlarge our military footprint in the world's most volatile region atop the most necessary resource.

Some lingering questions.

1) Why do so many Republican voters who claim certainty about WMDs not know about the weapons and money Reagan & Bush 41 poured into Hussein's Iraq? Why don't these people know that Reagan, against heavy congressional opposition, Removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that the U.S. could support Hussein's ascendancy? Why don't these people understand the complicated oil geopolitics, and how this affects the US and Global economies? There are many rational reasons for trying to control the region - so why don't Limbaugh Republicans understand those reasons? Why do they buy into these simplistic narratives about "evil doers" when everyone knows that those narratives are pre-packaged Washington bullshit designed for the woman and children back on the homeland - the fragile weaklings who can't handle the hardball that Superpowers play on the periphery of empire?

2) Why do these Republicans believe that WMDs had anything to do with the real motives for the invasion? North Korea has WMDs, which is exactly why we would never fuck with them. The Bush administration picked a petty/evil dictator who had been reduced to a shit-pile after 10 years of reckless Clinton over-containment (bombing/sanctions).

The Bush Regime took a healthy economy and bankrupted it with a terribly botched war and a criminally deregulated mortgage industry. And when they were asked to cool the bubble by tightening credit markets, they all said "what bubble?"

We swallowed poison in 2000 and the venom has taken its course.

1. The U.S. did aid Saddam back then, primarily because we were still ticked off at Iran over the Hostage issue. A hostage issue over the Shah, who was supported by the U.S. under Peanut head who allowed them to be held for over a year. They only released them when Reagan was about to be put into office as he clearly stated we were going to kick their butts.

During the Iran, Iraq War which was instigated by Saddam, the Iranians were throwing mines into the Kuwaiti Mine Fields trying to kill us. More reason to dislike the Iranians. I served in Tanker Escort Missions during this time.

The Iraqi's and Iranians were using Chems, primarily Iraq during this War. So, it shows Not BS documents of Cherry picked intel, but actual usage on the Battlefield. The Khurds understand it better than any as Saddam used Chemical Weapons on them towards the end of that War. Killing every man woman and child in that area when used.

2. North Korea is a different animal but similar in one major way. We didn't finish the War because of punk ass Politicians who refused to allow the military to fight it like a War. We could have cut the supply lines of China and hit their airfields in mainland China as it should have been. We were at War with China then when they sent Hundreds of Thousands of troops against us. That is the ONLY REASON there is a North Korea today.

And any action against NK would eventually mean action against China, who would go against us again.

We didn't finish Korea, so the problem of NK exists.
We didn't finish the First Gulf War, so the problem remained.
Same as WWI. Politicians playing by rules instead of finishing the job.
If only we could have given a few million to one of the less radical groups that wanted to bump him off. Invading just gave a reason for radicals to recruit.
If only we could have given a few million to one of the less radical groups that wanted to bump him off. Invading just gave a reason for radicals to recruit.

They will recruit whether or not we went into the region or not. They are the scourge of the earth and will continue to cause death and mayhem around the globe.

It will end one day, and it will not end pretty. When they do more the 9/11 in the future, there will be Hell to Pay. They will not like it if we take the gloves off and fight it like a War, and it very well may mean WWIII.

Since there is no negotiating with their Ideology, then there is the inevitable.
IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.

I'm stuck cheering the Revolutionary Guard now. Swell. Because Obama has been asleep at the wheel.

Why? Why choose between them looking for someone to cheer? Would you look for a favorte terminal disease? Let them decimate each other.Let us stay out.
Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?
That's not the question I'd ask Bush.

My 2002 question would be, "What the fuck are you doing?"

There was absolutely no reason to rush into war that cost this country over $4 trillion dollars,
over 4000 American lives, over 1 million Iraqi lives, our reputation around the world and our American heritage,
with nothing in return! Zero. Zip. Nada.

Yep, your expertise in clandestine international weapons smuggling is far superior to the combined intelligence apparatus of world governments who completely missed all of those WMD going into Syria.

You should share your "intelligence" with the CIA. Show them where they fucked up. Ask them how they missed all of those WMD going to Syria. Ask them why they didn't invade Syria. I'm interested in their answers. Please post their response here for everyone to read.

If the Bush administration had actionable proof that WMDs were moved to Syria, than a few things follow. 1) They would have shouted this fact from the highest rooftop to repair their global credibility. 2) The Republican Party should be put out of business because they knew about it and did nothing because the goal was to enlarge our military footprint in the world's most volatile region atop the most necessary resource.

Some lingering questions.

1) Why do so many Republican voters who claim certainty about WMDs not know about the weapons and money Reagan & Bush 41 poured into Hussein's Iraq? Why don't these people know that Reagan, against heavy congressional opposition, Removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that the U.S. could support Hussein's ascendancy? Why don't these people understand the complicated oil geopolitics, and how this affects the US and Global economies? There are many rational reasons for trying to control the region - so why don't Limbaugh Republicans understand those reasons? Why do they buy into these simplistic narratives about "evil doers" when everyone knows that those narratives are pre-packaged Washington bullshit designed for the woman and children back on the homeland - the fragile weaklings who can't handle the hardball that Superpowers play on the periphery of empire?

2) Why do these Republicans believe that WMDs had anything to do with the real motives for the invasion? North Korea has WMDs, which is exactly why we would never fuck with them. The Bush administration picked a petty/evil dictator who had been reduced to a shit-pile after 10 years of reckless Clinton over-containment (bombing/sanctions).

The Bush Regime took a healthy economy and bankrupted it with a terribly botched war and a criminally deregulated mortgage industry. And when they were asked to cool the bubble by tightening credit markets, they all said "what bubble?"

We swallowed poison in 2000 and the venom has taken its course.

1. The U.S. did aid Saddam back then, primarily because we were still ticked off at Iran over the Hostage issue. A hostage issue over the Shah, who was supported by the U.S. under Peanut head who allowed them to be held for over a year. They only released them when Reagan was about to be put into office as he clearly stated we were going to kick their butts.

During the Iran, Iraq War which was instigated by Saddam, the Iranians were throwing mines into the Kuwaiti Mine Fields trying to kill us. More reason to dislike the Iranians. I served in Tanker Escort Missions during this time.

The Iraqi's and Iranians were using Chems, primarily Iraq during this War. So, it shows Not BS documents of Cherry picked intel, but actual usage on the Battlefield. The Khurds understand it better than any as Saddam used Chemical Weapons on them towards the end of that War. Killing every man woman and child in that area when used.

2. North Korea is a different animal but similar in one major way. We didn't finish the War because of punk ass Politicians who refused to allow the military to fight it like a War. We could have cut the supply lines of China and hit their airfields in mainland China as it should have been. We were at War with China then when they sent Hundreds of Thousands of troops against us. That is the ONLY REASON there is a North Korea today.

And any action against NK would eventually mean action against China, who would go against us again.

We didn't finish Korea, so the problem of NK exists.
We didn't finish the First Gulf War, so the problem remained.
Same as WWI. Politicians playing by rules instead of finishing the job.

The US supported the Shah long before Carter.......
eagle, like many neo-cons, suffers selective vision as well as memory.

He's correct, though, that pan-jihadism may be the greatest threat for our country.

Let the Sunni and Shia bang on each other. As long as Baghdad does not fall, which is not likely, the kill each for a long, long time, while we stay out of it.
If the Bush administration had actionable proof that WMDs were moved to Syria, than a few things follow. 1) They would have shouted this fact from the highest rooftop to repair their global credibility. 2) The Republican Party should be put out of business because they knew about it and did nothing because the goal was to enlarge our military footprint in the world's most volatile region atop the most necessary resource.

Some lingering questions.

1) Why do so many Republican voters who claim certainty about WMDs not know about the weapons and money Reagan & Bush 41 poured into Hussein's Iraq? Why don't these people know that Reagan, against heavy congressional opposition, Removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that the U.S. could support Hussein's ascendancy? Why don't these people understand the complicated oil geopolitics, and how this affects the US and Global economies? There are many rational reasons for trying to control the region - so why don't Limbaugh Republicans understand those reasons? Why do they buy into these simplistic narratives about "evil doers" when everyone knows that those narratives are pre-packaged Washington bullshit designed for the woman and children back on the homeland - the fragile weaklings who can't handle the hardball that Superpowers play on the periphery of empire?

2) Why do these Republicans believe that WMDs had anything to do with the real motives for the invasion? North Korea has WMDs, which is exactly why we would never fuck with them. The Bush administration picked a petty/evil dictator who had been reduced to a shit-pile after 10 years of reckless Clinton over-containment (bombing/sanctions).

The Bush Regime took a healthy economy and bankrupted it with a terribly botched war and a criminally deregulated mortgage industry. And when they were asked to cool the bubble by tightening credit markets, they all said "what bubble?"

We swallowed poison in 2000 and the venom has taken its course.

1. The U.S. did aid Saddam back then, primarily because we were still ticked off at Iran over the Hostage issue. A hostage issue over the Shah, who was supported by the U.S. under Peanut head who allowed them to be held for over a year. They only released them when Reagan was about to be put into office as he clearly stated we were going to kick their butts.

During the Iran, Iraq War which was instigated by Saddam, the Iranians were throwing mines into the Kuwaiti Mine Fields trying to kill us. More reason to dislike the Iranians. I served in Tanker Escort Missions during this time.

The Iraqi's and Iranians were using Chems, primarily Iraq during this War. So, it shows Not BS documents of Cherry picked intel, but actual usage on the Battlefield. The Khurds understand it better than any as Saddam used Chemical Weapons on them towards the end of that War. Killing every man woman and child in that area when used.

2. North Korea is a different animal but similar in one major way. We didn't finish the War because of punk ass Politicians who refused to allow the military to fight it like a War. We could have cut the supply lines of China and hit their airfields in mainland China as it should have been. We were at War with China then when they sent Hundreds of Thousands of troops against us. That is the ONLY REASON there is a North Korea today.

And any action against NK would eventually mean action against China, who would go against us again.

We didn't finish Korea, so the problem of NK exists.
We didn't finish the First Gulf War, so the problem remained.
Same as WWI. Politicians playing by rules instead of finishing the job.

The US supported the Shah long before Carter.......

So what. Whether you like it our not the Middle East plays a very large role in Global Markets and economies because of the oil. Without the oil, this region would nothing more than backwards a......countries as they were before the oil.

The place imploded during the Carter Administration and ignited a Brush Fire that still exists today. Carter played PC in the return of our people.
eagle, like many neo-cons, suffers selective vision as well as memory.

He's correct, though, that pan-jihadism may be the greatest threat for our country.

Let the Sunni and Shia bang on each other. As long as Baghdad does not fall, which is not likely, the kill each for a long, long time, while we stay out of it.

Fakey speaks. I served over there back then. So spare me your BS.

I don't give a rats behind about Iraq/Iran/the whole dang region. All I care about is the spread of their fanatics..........that is what sent us to War to begin with.........

As far as letting them kill each other.......I'd agree.......As long as they are busy with each other, we get a reprieve from their Global Terrorist actions.
The ONLY people to profit from what has transpired in Iraq over the last 10+ years has been defense contractors. Everyone else has suffered in one way or another. We got "Halliburtoned"
Just because Obama fucked up what the US military accomplished doesn't make the Iraq War a failure.

Obama fucked it all up when he left zero US combat forces there to kill off any terrorists that came back.

This is what you get with liberals in charge.

Bushes timetable for withdrawing our troop. Bush led the invasion and he signed the SOFA to remove our troops almost three year after he leaves office.

But Obama is the one who fucked up.

Typical pseudo-conned.
Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?

there is nothing we do that is worth it to are a such a downer
and you don't care about lives lost you just want to act like you were right..
you suck
It is typical and pathetic idiots are blaming Bush for what is going on in Iraq today.

Bush left a stable and peaceful Iraq for Obama and Obama like a 3 year old with a new toy.....destroyed it.

Bush left a stable and peaceful Iraq, just bubbling with butterflies, unicorns and rainbows........for Obama and.......ect

there fixed it for you.

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