IRAQ: Was it worth it?

Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.


If we could all go back to 2002, would we ask President Bush...."Don't do it"?

I would. Mr. President, just don't do it. IT WONT BE WORTH IT.

And those saying that in 2003...turned out to be right.

God bless all the lives that were destroyed by that war.....for WHAT?

This isn't a Bush issue. This is an Al Qaeda issue. You know the Al Qaeda that Obama pronounced as dead in the water, decimated, destroyed and on the run.

That Al Qaeda. This offshoot of bad ass terrorists have been right under Obama's nose flourishing and amassing an army of an estimated 12,000 terrorists.

In Syria. Right out in the open. And that terrorist army led by a mega terrorist named Baghdadi decided they were going to invade Iraq.

A terrorist Obama released in 2009.

Obama owns this debacle.
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So, we have documented uses of Chemical Weapons from Iraq.

Reports saying he has more.

Saddam saying he has them.

Dems and Reps saying he has them.........

But on hindsite, these posters are experts, and still refuse to denounce their own party for their actions in this situation.
It wasn't the WMD stuff and connections to terrorist stuff that fucked us up. It was the decision to stay and rebuild the country of Iraq into a democracy and get our greedy little hands on it's oil. Otherwise we could have just said the country was clear of WMD's, Saddam was captured and left. Would have saved a bunch of blood and treasure. So somebody remind us, when did Bush tell us about the nation building thingy?
Asswipe....the border with Syria was OPEN. Nobody was blocking trucks going back and forth from Syria.

Iraq was so porous that Saddam was able to violate UN sanctions and the Oil for Food program by selling oil for weapons with the help of UN scum like you....yet you believe the UN was interested in stopping any trucks with WMD sneaking into Syria. :cuckoo:

Asswipe...British intel and the CIA had "intelligence" information on Saddam's WMD programs.

He moved most of it to Syria is my best guess based on my background and access to information far above your inbred brain.
Yep, your expertise in clandestine international weapons smuggling is far superior to the combined intelligence apparatus of world governments who completely missed all of those WMD going into Syria.

You should share your "intelligence" with the CIA. Show them where they fucked up. Ask them how they missed all of those WMD going to Syria. Ask them why they didn't invade Syria. I'm interested in their answers. Please post their response here for everyone to read.
All of Iraq is divided into three parts.

The Kurds, the Sunni, and the Shia.

It should be split into separate countries like Yugoslavia.
This mess in Iraq today is on Obama, not Bush. Otherwise you Obama cocksuckers need to explain Obama and Biden claiming Iraq was their success and ready for the US to pull 100% out.

Your bullshit blaming Bush for every fucking disaster caused by Obama is pathetic but predictable.
It wasn't the WMD stuff and connections to terrorist stuff that fucked us up. It was the decision to stay and rebuild the country of Iraq into a democracy and get our greedy little hands on it's oil. Otherwise we could have just said the country was clear of WMD's, Saddam was captured and left. Would have saved a bunch of blood and treasure. So somebody remind us, when did Bush tell us about the nation building thingy?

I never wanted to Nation build there. I wanted to the strategy to get in, do what we had to do and get out. That's all.
[ame=]Halabja - new pictures about chemical attack - YouTube[/ame]

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction -
IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.
Bush later said that the biggest regret of his presidency was "the intelligence failure" in Iraq,[17] while the Senate Intelligence Committee found in 2008 that his administration "misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq".[18] A key CIA informant in Iraq admitted that he lied about his allegations, "then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war".[19]

Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interview: Iraq war my biggest regret, Bush admits | World news | The Guardian

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war | World news | The Guardian

Fact: Obama administration released this leader of ISIS in 2009

Fact: AQ was never on the run, never decimated, never almost destroyed

Fact: Baghdadi who is the head of ISIS is so vicious Zawahiri has tried to ban him from AQ
and has a formidable terrorist army that has invaded Iraq blindsiding everyone. Where's the Intelligence agencies?

Fact: Iraq has been begging for help from the US since last year to suppress this terror group but Obama's been too busy drawing lines in the sand for Putin while a terrorist army grew in strength and power.

And let's face it. Obama wanted to bail.

The proposed 2012-and-beyond agreement was never finalized – partly because Iraq resisted giving American personnel immunity from Iraqi law, and partly because the Obama administration chose to withdraw instead of pressing the issue.

'The chickens are coming home to roost': Congressmen and veterans slam Obama for 2011 Iraq troop withdrawal as murderous Islamist radicals march toward Baghdad and erase U.S. 'progress' | Mail Online
IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.

I'm stuck cheering the Revolutionary Guard now. Swell. Because Obama has been asleep at the wheel.
IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.

I'm stuck cheering the Revolutionary Guard now. Swell. Because Obama has been asleep at the wheel.
Yeah, as if we control Iraq you little idiot. Why don't you try cheering reality instead of trying to pick sides? It's none of your fucking business either way.
IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.

I'm stuck cheering the Revolutionary Guard now. Swell. Because Obama has been asleep at the wheel.

The Iraqis kicked us out 2 1/2 years ago because they would not give us a SOFA to protect our soldiers from Iraqi courts.

Obama could do nothing, as you, of all people here, well understand.

I have said here for almost five years that Iran and Iraq will ally, and a Shi'ite coalition against the impending Sunni caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq is obvious.
Just because Obama fucked up what the US military accomplished doesn't make the Iraq War a failure.

Obama fucked it all up when he left zero US combat forces there to kill off any terrorists that came back.

This is what you get with liberals in charge.

How long would you have stayed in Iraq? I mean YOU, personally? How long would you want to make OTHER people's sons and daughters and spouses stay in Iraq?

Forever? Because the Middle East has been fucked up for 5,000 years.

We didn't "accomplish" peace or an entire culture change.

We accomplished winning the military conflict, and then flooding it with enough troops/police to keep it stable.......until we left.

It was inevitable that when the US left, havoc would ensue. Now or 2016 or 2020.

rw chickenhawks on this forum & in rw media think that being deployed to vietraq is no big deal because 98% of them have never been there. 110 degrees in the shade in summer, shiite & sunnis hate you, and IED's around every bend. I've been to that area of the world in the 1980's & I wouldn't want to be there in endless deployments like the last Repub admin was forced to implement after it was discovered that we WOULDN'T BE WELCOMED AS LIBERATORS contrary to what Big Dick said. :eusa_hand:
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Asswipe...British intel and the CIA had "intelligence" information on Saddam's WMD programs.

He moved most of it to Syria is my best guess based on my background and access to information far above your inbred brain.
Yep, your expertise in clandestine international weapons smuggling is far superior to the combined intelligence apparatus of world governments who completely missed all of those WMD going into Syria.

You should share your "intelligence" with the CIA. Show them where they fucked up. Ask them how they missed all of those WMD going to Syria. Ask them why they didn't invade Syria. I'm interested in their answers. Please post their response here for everyone to read.

If the Bush administration had actionable proof that WMDs were moved to Syria, than a few things follow. 1) They would have shouted this fact from the highest rooftop to repair their global credibility. 2) The Republican Party should be put out of business because they knew about it and did nothing because the goal was to enlarge our military footprint in the world's most volatile region atop the most necessary resource.

Some lingering questions.

1) Why do so many Republican voters who claim certainty about WMDs not know about the weapons and money Reagan & Bush 41 poured into Hussein's Iraq? Why don't these people know that Reagan, against heavy congressional opposition, Removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that the U.S. could support Hussein's ascendancy? Why don't these people understand the complicated oil geopolitics, and how this affects the US and Global economies? There are many rational reasons for trying to control the region - so why don't Limbaugh Republicans understand those reasons? Why do they buy into these simplistic narratives about "evil doers" when everyone knows that those narratives are pre-packaged Washington bullshit designed for the woman and children back on the homeland - the fragile weaklings who can't handle the hardball that Superpowers play on the periphery of empire?

2) Why do these Republicans believe that WMDs had anything to do with the real motives for the invasion? North Korea has WMDs, which is exactly why we would never fuck with them. The Bush administration picked a petty/evil dictator who had been reduced to a shit-pile after 10 years of reckless Clinton over-containment (bombing/sanctions).

The Bush Regime took a healthy economy and bankrupted it with a terribly botched war and a criminally deregulated mortgage industry. And when they were asked to cool the bubble by tightening credit markets, they all said "what bubble?"

We swallowed poison in 2000 and the venom has taken its course.
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IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.

I'm stuck cheering the Revolutionary Guard now. Swell. Because Obama has been asleep at the wheel.

I love you like kin but you're one crazy rw broad :tinfoil: . Asleep at the wheel :rolleyes: Taking their eyes off of the ball (Repubs in re: Afghanistan) & diverting massive resources away from it for a voluntary war was really, REALLY a bad move bordering on criminal negligence. Getting in the middle of religious civil wars is a recipe for disaster. You aint payin' for it either sister.
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IRAQ: Was it worth it?

(1) Absolutely not

(2) Iran is sending aid, and eventually troops, to Baghdad. The city won't fall.

Let the Sunni and Shia slug it out.

I'm stuck cheering the Revolutionary Guard now. Swell. Because Obama has been asleep at the wheel.

The Iraqis kicked us out 2 1/2 years ago because they would not give us a SOFA to protect our soldiers from Iraqi courts.

Obama could do nothing, as you, of all people here, well understand.

I have said here for almost five years that Iran and Iraq will ally, and a Shi'ite coalition against the impending Sunni caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq is obvious.


Iraq-Iran Ties Grow Stronger As Iraq Rises From The Ashes

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