Iraqi MPs are unhappy with Donald Trump's surprise visit and want him and the US forces gone

They can screw off. I'm glad trump went to visit troops and he deserves props for doing it.
But he doesn't get props for lying to them.

I was in the military. You are ordered to attend. You can't walk out. The Democrats there can't yell shut up liar or anything for that matter because Trump is commander in chief.

Trump might as well have stood there and yelled out the N word or used slang for Hispanics or gays.

What he did was both obscene and a disgrace. I don't expect Republicans to understand because they are both obscene and disgraceful people.

You are a traitor deanard. A traitor. There have been military traitors from time immemorial. There isn’t a foreign attack on the US you haven’t taken up as your own. When I hammer you about it you sometimes back off a few days and attack your country for too many whites or Christians for a while But you are like a fly to shit when you see foreign nations attacking ours. You simply can’t help it.
You haven’t had much in common with Iraqis...until now. Now they are your fellow fighters against your own country.
Tomorrow it may be Saudi Arabia or Sudan or the Philippines. Doesn’t matter to you so long as they attack the interests of the US they are on your side in your mind.
Your day is coming. Count on it.
So you are threatening me?

We have a president who went to Americans in the military who were ordered to go to a rally. A captive audience. An audience that couldn't walk out. An audience of people who are protecting this country. And audience with many Democrats in the the audience.

Trump stands there and calls them names. Tells other soldiers there that the Democrats among them don't want to protect America among other charges. And are actually a danger to the country.

And when I point that out, some piece of trash threatens me and calls me names.

I'm not the doing that to our soldiers. Trump did. You support him. He not only further divided America, he lied to them.

Too bad that you want to defend someone like that. One wonders the kind of person you are. Obviously very dangerous.

That’s not a threat you chat room pussy. That’s a deduction based on the reading of history. Sooner or later people get tired of traitors and when the lid blows off here you won’t be able to hide.
The people of Iraq never wanted the US forces in the first place.
yet i bet they were happy when saddam and his psycho sons were gone....
They can have ours.

when you can prove those guys did what saddam and sons did,then you may have a point....until then this is just more of your..."i hate trump" psychosis...go for it dean...
They took advantage of their country, both politically and looting wise. They were traitors to Iraq. Just because we don't know if the Trump kids and Trump himself murdered anyone, they have caused just as much division and told probably even more lies.
geezus dean give some of us here a are so goddamed consumed in your hate for this guy that you will put up more shit than a guy with diarrhea....
Iraqi MPs unimpressed by Donald Trump's surprise visit, call for US forces to leave
Donald Trump's surprise visit to US forces in Iraq has left a sour taste in the mouths of local MPs, prompting calls for an end to American deployments.
Mr Trump, making his first presidential visit to troops in a troubled region, said he has no plans to withdraw the 5,200 US forces in the country.

Containing foreign influence has become a hot-button issue in a year that saw Mr al-Sadr supporters win the largest share of votes in May elections.

It is only a small number of parliamentarians who routinely oppose anything the government does. They need us and we're not going anywhere until the president orders it.
They can screw off. I'm glad trump went to visit troops and he deserves props for doing it.
But he doesn't get props for lying to them.

I was in the military. You are ordered to attend. You can't walk out. The Democrats there can't yell shut up liar or anything for that matter because Trump is commander in chief.

Trump might as well have stood there and yelled out the N word or used slang for Hispanics or gays.

What he did was both obscene and a disgrace. I don't expect Republicans to understand because they are both obscene and disgraceful people.
Ok that explains when Obama visited. Our troops love Trump.
They can screw off. I'm glad trump went to visit troops and he deserves props for doing it.
But he doesn't get props for lying to them.

I was in the military. You are ordered to attend. You can't walk out. The Democrats there can't yell shut up liar or anything for that matter because Trump is commander in chief.

Trump might as well have stood there and yelled out the N word or used slang for Hispanics or gays.

What he did was both obscene and a disgrace. I don't expect Republicans to understand because they are both obscene and disgraceful people.

You are a traitor deanard. A traitor. There have been military traitors from time immemorial. There isn’t a foreign attack on the US you haven’t taken up as your own. When I hammer you about it you sometimes back off a few days and attack your country for too many whites or Christians for a while But you are like a fly to shit when you see foreign nations attacking ours. You simply can’t help it.
You haven’t had much in common with Iraqis...until now. Now they are your fellow fighters against your own country.
Tomorrow it may be Saudi Arabia or Sudan or the Philippines. Doesn’t matter to you so long as they attack the interests of the US they are on your side in your mind.
Your day is coming. Count on it.
So you are threatening me?

We have a president who went to Americans in the military who were ordered to go to a rally. A captive audience. An audience that couldn't walk out. An audience of people who are protecting this country. And audience with many Democrats in the the audience.

Trump stands there and calls them names. Tells other soldiers there that the Democrats among them don't want to protect America among other charges. And are actually a danger to the country.

And when I point that out, some piece of trash threatens me and calls me names.

I'm not the doing that to our soldiers. Trump did. You support him. He not only further divided America, he lied to them.

Too bad that you want to defend someone like that. One wonders the kind of person you are. Obviously very dangerous.
Didn't hear you complain when our great troops were forced to listen to Obama.

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