Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With ISIS, And Is Hurting The War...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Iraqis are waking up. They're realizing that ISIS is a U.S./Western/Saudi Frankenstein.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants

BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

“It is not in doubt,” said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw U.S. helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

The Islamic State is “almost finished,” he said. “They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days”...

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With The Islamic State, And It Is Hurting The War

Iraqis are waking up. They're realizing that ISIS is a U.S./Western/Saudi Frankenstein.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants

BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

“It is not in doubt,” said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw U.S. helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

The Islamic State is “almost finished,” he said. “They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days”...

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With The Islamic State, And It Is Hurting The War

Iraq? Isn't that the country Republicans invaded to take their oil? How'd that work out? Did they get the oil?
Iraq may never trust us again after Dubya's incompetent regime destroyed their country. They even specifically told us not to send ground troops when ISIS sprang up.

They realize who created ISIS. The U.S. has started an ugly bloody Sunni/Shiite War over there. It's time for the West, especially they U.S., to stop the meddling and go home. They don't belong in those lands. They've done enough damage over there.
Iraq booted us out, and then Iraq's cowardly army ran away from ISIS, even though they vastly outnumbered ISIS. The Iraqi government also treated their opposition very badly, fueling sympathy for ISIS.

Iraqis have no one to blame but themselves for the success of ISIS in Iraq.

But, like a lot of people around here, Iraqis don't like to look in the mirror to find the person to blame. They look for a scapegoat instead.
Iraq booted us out, and then Iraq's cowardly army ran away from ISIS, even though they vastly outnumbered ISIS. The Iraqi government also treated their opposition very badly, fueling sympathy for ISIS.

Iraqis have no one to blame but themselves for the success of ISIS in Iraq.

But, like a lot of people around here, Iraqis don't like to look in the mirror to find the person to blame. They look for a scapegoat instead.

They know the U.S. had a hand in creating ISIS in the first place. And they're not happy about it.
Iraq booted us out, and then Iraq's cowardly army ran away from ISIS, even though they vastly outnumbered ISIS. The Iraqi government also treated their opposition very badly, fueling sympathy for ISIS.

Iraqis have no one to blame but themselves for the success of ISIS in Iraq.

But, like a lot of people around here, Iraqis don't like to look in the mirror to find the person to blame. They look for a scapegoat instead.

They know the U.S. had a hand in creating ISIS in the first place. And they're not happy about it.
I guess you have forgotten they were living under a brutal dictator who slaughtered Iraqis wholesale. Maybe you were just a child back then.

The Iraqis had a chance to set up a better country and they blew it.
Iraqis are waking up. They're realizing that ISIS is a U.S./Western/Saudi Frankenstein.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants

BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

“It is not in doubt,” said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw U.S. helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

The Islamic State is “almost finished,” he said. “They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days”...

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With The Islamic State, And It Is Hurting The War

Iraq? Isn't that the country Republicans invaded to take their oil? How'd that work out? Did they get the oil?

Various American/Western Cororations are doing very well in Iraq after installing their Puppet Regimes. However, average American Citizens paid for the Elite's war with their own blood & treasure. They'll never see any benefits from the Iraq War blunder. Only the few Globalist Elites will.
The Iraqis need to get off their asses and boot ISIS out, before another Hussein does it for them and they go back to square one.
They know Bush's war created ISIS.

Withdraw all American troops and let the Iraqis save themselves
Iraq booted us out, and then Iraq's cowardly army ran away from ISIS, even though they vastly outnumbered ISIS. The Iraqi government also treated their opposition very badly, fueling sympathy for ISIS.

Iraqis have no one to blame but themselves for the success of ISIS in Iraq.

But, like a lot of people around here, Iraqis don't like to look in the mirror to find the person to blame. They look for a scapegoat instead.

They know the U.S. had a hand in creating ISIS in the first place. And they're not happy about it.
I guess you have forgotten they were living under a brutal dictator who slaughtered Iraqis wholesale. Maybe you were just a child back then.

The Iraqis had a chance to set up a better country and they blew it.

Many in Iraq actually think things were better when Hussein ran the country. That's how awful the Iraq War blunder has been. They also know the current Regime is just an American Puppet Regime. It'll take a Revolution to get rid of it. And that will likely happen at some point.
The Iraqis need to get off their asses and boot ISIS out, before another Hussein does it for them and they go back to square one.

They're trying to do that. Did you read the article? They're angry because the U.S. and Saudis created ISIS in the first place. And they believe ISIS was getting support from them as recently as a few months ago.
We gave the Iraqis Freedom and Independence. So if they DARE behave as a Sovereign Nation and disagree with ANYTHING we say we have to smear them anyway possible. It's the American way.

Which is of course a big "Fvck You" to all those troops we "supported" during the Gulf War and War on Terror and claimed they were doing Good Things in our name.
Iraqis are waking up. They're realizing that ISIS is a U.S./Western/Saudi Frankenstein.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants

BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

“It is not in doubt,” said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw U.S. helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

The Islamic State is “almost finished,” he said. “They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days”...

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With The Islamic State, And It Is Hurting The War

Nope.......Obama is just a total clusterfuck.

He makes more mistakes before 9am than most people make all day.
The Iraqis need to get off their asses and boot ISIS out, before another Hussein does it for them and they go back to square one.
They're trying to do that. Did you read the article? They're angry because the U.S. and Saudis created ISIS in the first place. And they believe ISIS was getting support from them as recently as a few months ago.
"Slow Joe" Biden accidentally let loose with the real plan for Iraq a few years ago when he said it was to be split into 3 parts. Iraq was invaded for Saudi Arabia.
Many in Iraq actually think things were better when Hussein ran the country.

There were Russians who missed Stalin.

It's always like that after a powerful cult of personality collapses.

The Iraqis need to get their shit together.
Iraqis are waking up. They're realizing that ISIS is a U.S./Western/Saudi Frankenstein.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants

BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

“It is not in doubt,” said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw U.S. helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

The Islamic State is “almost finished,” he said. “They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days”...

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With The Islamic State, And It Is Hurting The War

Nope.......Obama is just a total clusterfuck.

He makes more mistakes before 9am than most people make all day.

ME conflict is a cluster fuck more than we Americans can understand. On top of that you mixed your confusions with your hatred to Obama.
Our special forces in Iraq fighting ISIS plus others is in the SAME exact SAME exact locations where these helicopters and other logistical supports are based...........
So we have American special forces fighting enemy militants in Iraq at the same time the SAME SAME exact group supplying ISIS or enemy militants. Does that make sense to you?
Remember Iraqis don't like Iraqi Kurds militants and consider them as enemy militants. We are supplying arms to Iraqi Kurds militants fighting ISIS. At least the Kurds are fighting the ISIS. But where are the coward Iraqi soldiers?
When ISIS is gone in Iraq when ever that will be. The arms we supplied to these militant Kurds will use that against the Iraqis to gain separate state in Northern Iraq. More of these cluster fuck as we move along.
The link is also cherry picking like Breitfart. Just about anybody can say that and most of you believed that because maybe you just started reading, watching news or get updates here on internet.
Iraqis are waking up. They're realizing that ISIS is a U.S./Western/Saudi Frankenstein.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants

BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep.

Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

“It is not in doubt,” said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw U.S. helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

The Islamic State is “almost finished,” he said. “They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days”...

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
Iraqis Think The U.S. Is In Cahoots With The Islamic State, And It Is Hurting The War

Well...we can certainly count on the American MSM investing this and finding the truth...
We gave the Iraqis Freedom and Independence. So if they DARE behave as a Sovereign Nation and disagree with ANYTHING we say we have to smear them anyway possible. It's the American way.

Which is of course a big "Fvck You" to all those troops we "supported" during the Gulf War and War on Terror and claimed they were doing Good Things in our name.

I don't know about the 'Freedom and Independence' thing. It was more about installing a Puppet Regime and grabbing their oil. But yes, when U.S. Puppets stop doing what they're told, you can expect more carnage.

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