Ireland ‘least Christian’ part of English-speaking world


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The Republic of Ireland is the least Christian part of the English-speaking world and a place where “God is now seen as redundant and unnecessary”, a prominent Church of Ireland rector has said.
Rev Trevor Johnston also accused “at least one” unnamed southern Church of Ireland bishop of “duplicity” on same-sex issues while “several Irish bishops have not spoken unambiguously” on abortion.

Ireland ‘least Christian’ part of English-speaking world
The Republic of Ireland is the least Christian part of the English-speaking world and a place where “God is now seen as redundant and unnecessary”, a prominent Church of Ireland rector has said.
Rev Trevor Johnston also accused “at least one” unnamed southern Church of Ireland bishop of “duplicity” on same-sex issues while “several Irish bishops have not spoken unambiguously” on abortion.

Ireland ‘least Christian’ part of English-speaking world
Like U.S. Catholic priests?
The Republic of Ireland is the least Christian part of the English-speaking world and a place where “God is now seen as redundant and unnecessary”, a prominent Church of Ireland rector has said.
Rev Trevor Johnston also accused “at least one” unnamed southern Church of Ireland bishop of “duplicity” on same-sex issues while “several Irish bishops have not spoken unambiguously” on abortion.

Ireland ‘least Christian’ part of English-speaking world

Nice. Makes one proud of one's heritage. :beer:

Matter of fact when Cromwell was shipping Irish captives off as slaves to the Caribbean he was trying to depopulate the pagans.

I had a GF who boasted that her people came from the last European country to be Christianized. She was Lithuanian.

Matter of fact she still is.....
The Republic of Ireland is the least Christian part of the English-speaking world and a place where “God is now seen as redundant and unnecessary”, a prominent Church of Ireland rector has said.
Rev Trevor Johnston also accused “at least one” unnamed southern Church of Ireland bishop of “duplicity” on same-sex issues while “several Irish bishops have not spoken unambiguously” on abortion.

How do you feel about that?
This moron forgot the American protestant south. They've got monkeys like graham, jeffress, and hagee.
Christians are harder to find than non-Christians, because they are more low key, less confrontational, less obvious.

If you want to know how the Church is doing, go to Mass on Sunday.

Our Church has five packed Masses every week.
Everyone notice that Rump just dumped Ireland into the UK?

JFK and Reagan went to Ireland, got admired by throbbing throngs. Rump went to the UK, wandered aimlessly in front of the Queen completely blocking her path, and then handed Ireland to her as penance.

How far we've sunk.
Ireland reintroduced Christianity into England after Rome left the island.

That said, Pagan-Catholic Ireland is a hoot when it comes to traditional religion.
Christians have always been minorities in any country, including European countries.; pagan superstitions dominated. The myth that it was monolithic and oppressive is rubbish not borne out by the historical records. It was politically important to feudal lords, who touted it or abandoned it at whim, and the peasants mostly kept their traditional local folklores. Took a while for literacy to take hold after the printing press, and by the time it was getting widespread neo-paganism was already all the fashion with pseudo-intellectuals. The height of Roman Church power in western Europe was only a few hundred years, 13th century to 16th century, when it started losing influence to neo-paganism masquerading as 'Rationalism' and the Protestant revolts, the latter actually revolts against the Hapsburgs and Fugger, really..
Christians have always been minorities in any country, including European countries.; pagan superstitions dominated. The myth that it was monolithic and oppressive is rubbish not borne out by the historical records. It was politically important to feudal lords, who touted it or abandoned it at whim, and the peasants mostly kept their traditional local folklores. Took a while for literacy to take hold after the printing press, and by the time it was getting widespread neo-paganism was already all the fashion with pseudo-intellectuals. The height of Roman Church power in western Europe was only a few hundred years, 13th century to 16th century, when it started losing influence to neo-paganism masquerading as 'Rationalism' and the Protestant revolts, the latter actually revolts against the Hapsburgs and Fugger, really..

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