Irelands deputy prime minister wants you to know "austerity doesnt work".

Nope it is reducing spending and NOT doing anything to stimulate the economy
the right is screaming for reducing all spending and NOT raising taxes on the very group who gained during the mess the right created so that you have money to stimulate the economy.
when money is not circulating through your economy you cant get more spending in your economy by reducing spending.
That is what the right claims will work and at no time in history has it ever worked
It is left-wing rhetoric to say tax increases in not austerity
But consider the source..
Spending cuts might well produce prosperity instead of austerity, especially if accompanied by less government interference in the economy and less fear in the private sector of anti-market government policies.
Speaking of which, didnt the US do "austerity" in 1944?
Didnt that shit work?
If it wasnt for reading 71,606 of your posts, I might not understand what you say.
Guess I am getting good at "monkey"
I think the GOP hides their intentions of austerity, IMO
But, TM, you do understand that tax increases in our economic situation is considered austerity as well, right? LOL

Only if you dont then stimulate.

Tax increases can be a part of a stimulus plan too
Don’t forget that Harding slashed taxes and cut spending and pulled the US out of the Depression of 20-21 in short order.
She didnt even read it
She said that because a person more right of her, posted it

If you thought the United Kingdom’s recent economic woes would diminish the American right’s enthusiasm for massive spending cuts, you were wrong. Instead, the libertarian-leaning Mercatus Center has put out a statement explaining that Great Britain’s negative GDP growth and subsequent credit downgrade don’t make the case against austerity, because the governing Tory-Lib Dem coalition hasn’t tried real austerity.

did you NOT read your own peice?

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