Irish Magazine Encourages the Assassination of Our President

In two weeks Trump has achieve more good for America than all the idiots in Europe have achieved in decades, the only achievement lately of European leaders has been to hurry its ultimate destruction via Islamic hordes.

The European media is way off the mark here, this contempt should be directed to their own stupid leaders.

To suggest assassination wont make any friends......don't you think?:cuckoo:

When in trouble, the Europeans come running to the US for help.....what Trump should do is stop all military aid to Europe and NATO immediately, and withdraw the troops ,which is costing the US a fortune

Europe then would quickly change its tune.Shame on them!
Not all Europeans think like this, thankfully. They are coming around. Hopefully it's not too late for them.

And I am one of those Europeans, and there are millions of us who completely reject such repulsive demands for an assassination.

I would comment exactly the same thing if people were calling for the assassination of Hillary had she of taken office. If someone is democratically elected, if your candidate lost, then you of course are disappointed, but as mature people we learn to deal with it and live to fight the next election, what you don't do is have some sort of psychotic breakdown, go on the rampage and then begin issuing calls for assassination.

Germany has one nearly as deplorable. This isn t going to end well for the Left. Hope they continue to make themselves irrelevant.

Twitter it's bad to put gunsights on people?
Millions of people in the US, and millions more world wide protesting his inauguration, and you don't see that as even a little bit awkward? Damn.
Not at all. It gives conservative tremendous joy knowing the era of liberal domination is waning. We now control the power of the most powerful nation in history.

Life is good. Sucks to be a lib, huh?
We get to watch all you screw ups with no one else to blame.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Liar. All one needs to do is not be a leftist and he will be despised. Romney was turned into Satan during the campaign. No other Republican stood a chance. The filthy assholes even made a movie about assassinating GWB. I saw lots of T-shirts with him in the crosshairs.

It's WHY I voted for Trump. I wanted to see you subhumans back on track showing the world what you really are.

You voted for Trump because you support his hateful ideas, and don't care that he is a narcissistic liar.
Trump does not have to worry about the Irish assassinating him

They have strict gun controls
Trump can be criticized and mocked and laughed at . . . not a thing anyone can do about it.
And not one difference will doing any of that make at the end of the day.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Everyone has a hate camp for one reason or another.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
So, no words from you that this is wrong?

Yes. Too much to list here of what is wrong about Trump being president.

But he is the president.....

Suck on it.
For now

And for at least four years.

Kiss the SCOTUS good-bye.

Keep sucking.
The Irish shouldn't say such things about our President

I wouldn't be surprised if they are on the receiving end of a nasty Tweet
Here's Germany's contribution to HATE. I guess Europe won't be happy until we all abandon Christianity for the pedophile worshipping religion
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Liar. All one needs to do is not be a leftist and he will be despised. Romney was turned into Satan during the campaign. No other Republican stood a chance. The filthy assholes even made a movie about assassinating GWB. I saw lots of T-shirts with him in the crosshairs.

It's WHY I voted for Trump. I wanted to see you subhumans back on track showing the world what you really are.

You voted for Trump because you support his hateful ideas, and don't care that he is a narcissistic liar.
I just said why I voted for him. I don't let dumb assholes speak for me.
Trump can be criticized and mocked and laughed at . . . not a thing anyone can do about it.
And not one difference will doing any of that make at the end of the day.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Everyone has a hate camp for one reason or another.
Leftists are just vile creatures, with that said you're correct at the end of the day all the whines, threats and hissy fits won't change a thing....except make them even more despised

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