Irish Voters Reject Anti-Abortion Law


VIP Member
Feb 16, 2014
As prosperity expands in Ireland and more and more people become independent from the mideaval Catholic Church they see how the so called pro-Life nonsense was a scam. Leading the charge to "save the unborn" were a group of pedafile protectors and anti-women zealots.

Here in the US the pro-life racket is only concerned with making money, spreading racism and fighting to take away Americans health care. Ya, they really, really care about the fetus, though. What a joke. But they make millions off the lemmings that see this gang as a way to elect other haters. Nice little hateful system. They love all life, so let's throw the immigrants out, take away people's ability to see a doctor and make sure the wealthy get wealthier on borrowed government money.
You are right, Imissbush, about the pro-life racketeers.

I believe a woman has pre-eminence over the fetus before the twelve week.
You are right, Imissbush, about the pro-life racketeers.

I believe a woman has pre-eminence over the fetus before the twelve week.

A woman had pre-eminence over the fetus as long as it cannot survive without her.

The abortions performed because of necessity, not convenience, are the ones performed after 20 weeks. They’re the abortions that weren’t wanted, and aren’t being done because the child wasn’t wanted, or financial reasons. They’re the medically necessary abortions.
This is the Francis Catholic Church dropping the ball as they lean toward secularism, a social gospel, and liberal theology.

By 2050 all this will be reversed and the church dominant world wide and the Papacy back in the hands of those with genuine faith in its mission; saving souls.
This is the Francis Catholic Church dropping the ball as they lean toward secularism, a social gospel, and liberal theology.

By 2050 all this will be reversed and the church dominant world wide and the Papacy back in the hands of those with genuine faith in its mission; saving souls.

Yeah? Have you had a premonition? Has the Lord spoken to you? Are you a prophet? A Trump supporting prophet? LOL, bitch.
Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?
This is the Francis Catholic Church dropping the ball as they lean toward secularism, a social gospel, and liberal theology.

By 2050 all this will be reversed and the church dominant world wide and the Papacy back in the hands of those with genuine faith in its mission; saving souls.

Actually, the Catholic Church will continue it's ongoing slide to being a third world religion.

And the reality is, the Third World needs population control to advance out of the third world.
Lots of Irish women can now party like there's no tomorrow....without fear.
If there is a God, I think he gave up on mankind and moved on to a more deserving species elsewhere.

I can understand. It's basically a lost cause.
Although I'm not Irish(but I have a strange Irish connection) this is a very disappointing news.


Don't you like when people are able to have a voice?

Do you hate voting?

Why should you be disappointed that the people of Ireland have stopped forcing women to die because their pregnancy went wrong?

Why do you want women to die just because their pregnancy went wrong?
Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?

I guess you don't know that thousands of Irish women have gone to other nations for abortions. Primarily England.

And I guess you don't know about that floating women's clinic ship that goes out to international waters to perform abortions for Irish women. They dock in Ireland but go out to international waters to perform abortions.

And I guess you don't know about the medication RU 486 that is what you call the abortion pill. It's available on line to anyone and is bought by a lot of Irish women.

I also guess you don't know about the millions of abortions Irish women had through the years in Ireland that were labeled D&C in the medical records.

Irish women have been having abortions all along but you didn't consider it a problem until Irish women stood up to the catholic church and told them to get their noses out of women's medical needs. Now women in Ireland don't have to go to other nations or off shore or buy pills on line.

I applaud Ireland for coming into the 21st century.
Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?

I guess you don't know that thousands of Irish women have gone to other nations for abortions. Primarily England.

And I guess you don't know about that floating women's clinic ship that goes out to international waters to perform abortions for Irish women. They dock in Ireland but go out to international waters to perform abortions.

And I guess you don't know about the medication RU 486 that is what you call the abortion pill. It's available on line to anyone and is bought by a lot of Irish women.

I also guess you don't know about the millions of abortions Irish women had through the years in Ireland that were labeled D&C in the medical records.

Irish women have been having abortions all along but you didn't consider it a problem until Irish women stood up to the catholic church and told them to get their noses out of women's medical needs. Now women in Ireland don't have to go to other nations or off shore or buy pills on line.
You seem very excited now that the abortion industry in Ireland can more readily kill off the next generation. That is really sick. Try to be less bloodthirsty and less of a dupe.

I applaud Ireland for coming into the 21st century.
Sometimes societies regress. Some of the decadent wealthy countries want to go back to the time when infanticide was common.
Only a racist could love the abortion industry.

Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?

I guess you don't know that thousands of Irish women have gone to other nations for abortions. Primarily England.

And I guess you don't know about that floating women's clinic ship that goes out to international waters to perform abortions for Irish women. They dock in Ireland but go out to international waters to perform abortions.

And I guess you don't know about the medication RU 486 that is what you call the abortion pill. It's available on line to anyone and is bought by a lot of Irish women.

I also guess you don't know about the millions of abortions Irish women had through the years in Ireland that were labeled D&C in the medical records.

Irish women have been having abortions all along but you didn't consider it a problem until Irish women stood up to the catholic church and told them to get their noses out of women's medical needs. Now women in Ireland don't have to go to other nations or off shore or buy pills on line.
You seem very excited now that the abortion industry in Ireland can more readily kill off the next generation. That is really sick. Try to be less bloodthirsty and less of a dupe.

I applaud Ireland for coming into the 21st century.
Sometimes societies regress. Some of the wealthy countries want to go back to the time when infanticide was common.
Anti-abortion laws in Ireland stopped no abortions. All they did was add the cost of transportation to an abortion preformed in the UK or Europe.

With the fall of abortion laws in Ireland about the only place they exist today are in Mexico and the banana republics in South America and Muslims dominated countries in Africa and Asia. They are relics of the past when wives were forced to have hysterectomies for adultery or stoning at the city gate, a time when women's lives had no value except to produce offsprings. There is no place for these laws in modern society.
Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?

I guess you don't know that thousands of Irish women have gone to other nations for abortions. Primarily England.

And I guess you don't know about that floating women's clinic ship that goes out to international waters to perform abortions for Irish women. They dock in Ireland but go out to international waters to perform abortions.

And I guess you don't know about the medication RU 486 that is what you call the abortion pill. It's available on line to anyone and is bought by a lot of Irish women.

I also guess you don't know about the millions of abortions Irish women had through the years in Ireland that were labeled D&C in the medical records.

Irish women have been having abortions all along but you didn't consider it a problem until Irish women stood up to the catholic church and told them to get their noses out of women's medical needs. Now women in Ireland don't have to go to other nations or off shore or buy pills on line.
You seem very excited now that the abortion industry in Ireland can more readily kill off the next generation. That is really sick. Try to be less bloodthirsty and less of a dupe.

I applaud Ireland for coming into the 21st century.
Sometimes societies regress. Some of the wealthy countries want to go back to the time when infanticide was common.
Anti-abortion laws in Ireland stopped no abortions. All they did was add the cost of transportation to an abortion preformed in the UK or Europe.
Nonsense. When restrictions are placed on the abortion industry you get fewer abortions. For example, when the abortion industry is not allowed to lie to women and endanger their health you get fewer abortions.

How the Legal Status of Abortion Impacts Abortion Rates by Michael J. New | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

Planned Parenthood Sues to Stop Health Inspections: ‘Unconstitutional’

With the fall of abortion laws in Ireland about the only place they exist today are in Mexico and the banana republics in South America and Muslims dominated countries in Africa and Asia.
Those dark skinned primitives in Latin America and Africa, why can’t they be as wonderful and enlightened and progressive as rich white liberals who devalue the lives of unborn babies and cheer when they are slaughtered?
a time when women's lives had no value except to produce offsprings. There is no place for these laws in modern society.
The abortion industry places no value on women’s lives! Tens of millions of young women have been killed by the abortion industry for the crime of being a girl!
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Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?

I guess you don't know that thousands of Irish women have gone to other nations for abortions. Primarily England.

And I guess you don't know about that floating women's clinic ship that goes out to international waters to perform abortions for Irish women. They dock in Ireland but go out to international waters to perform abortions.

And I guess you don't know about the medication RU 486 that is what you call the abortion pill. It's available on line to anyone and is bought by a lot of Irish women.

I also guess you don't know about the millions of abortions Irish women had through the years in Ireland that were labeled D&C in the medical records.

Irish women have been having abortions all along but you didn't consider it a problem until Irish women stood up to the catholic church and told them to get their noses out of women's medical needs. Now women in Ireland don't have to go to other nations or off shore or buy pills on line.
You seem very excited now that the abortion industry in Ireland can more readily kill off the next generation. That is really sick. Try to be less bloodthirsty and less of a dupe.

I applaud Ireland for coming into the 21st century.
Sometimes societies regress. Some of the wealthy countries want to go back to the time when infanticide was common.
Anti-abortion laws in Ireland stopped no abortions. All they did was add the cost of transportation to an abortion preformed in the UK or Europe.
Nonsense. When restrictions are placed on the abortion industry you get fewer abortions. For example, when the abortion industry is not allowed to lie to women and endanger their health you get fewer abortions.

With the fall of abortion laws in Ireland about the only place they exist today are in Mexico and the banana republics in South America and Muslims dominated countries in Africa and Asia.
Those dark skinned primitives in Latin America and Africa, why can’t they be as wonderful and enlightened and progressive as rich white liberals who devalue the lives of unborn babies and cheer when they are slaughtered?
a time when women's lives had no value except to produce offsprings. There is no place for these laws in modern society.
The abortion industry places no value on women’s lives! Tens of millions of young women have been killed by the abortion industry for the crime of being a girl!
Restricting abortion today does not stop it. It just makes it bit harder, more costly, and less safe. People that support strict abortion laws need to visit Africa to see the suffering it causes, children that will die from starvation, mothers suffering and dying in childbirth, and deformed and sick children left beside the road to die.
As a American of somewhat Irish extraction, This is a huge milestone. But I am not jubilant, It makes me sad for some the passing of some maiden aunt that I barely even knew. History passes by traditions are lost. I am conflicted on this.
Now the next generation in Ireland can be killed en masse. Is this good news?

The abortion industry has already slaughtered women and the handicapped and minorities. Is this cause for celebration?

Abortion and the Missing 160 Million

Wouldn't it be better to offer protection to small vulnerable humans?

I guess you don't know that thousands of Irish women have gone to other nations for abortions. Primarily England.

And I guess you don't know about that floating women's clinic ship that goes out to international waters to perform abortions for Irish women. They dock in Ireland but go out to international waters to perform abortions.

And I guess you don't know about the medication RU 486 that is what you call the abortion pill. It's available on line to anyone and is bought by a lot of Irish women.

I also guess you don't know about the millions of abortions Irish women had through the years in Ireland that were labeled D&C in the medical records.

Irish women have been having abortions all along but you didn't consider it a problem until Irish women stood up to the catholic church and told them to get their noses out of women's medical needs. Now women in Ireland don't have to go to other nations or off shore or buy pills on line.
You seem very excited now that the abortion industry in Ireland can more readily kill off the next generation. That is really sick. Try to be less bloodthirsty and less of a dupe.

I applaud Ireland for coming into the 21st century.
Sometimes societies regress. Some of the decadent wealthy countries want to go back to the time when infanticide was common.

Why make up lies about me?

You don't know me.

Stop saying how I feel you don't know how I feel.

I'm happy that women will stop dying in Ireland because their pregnancy went wrong.

I'm happy women in Ireland don't have to get on boats or travel to other nations to get an abortion.

I'm happy that women in Ireland now have control of their bodies and the government can't kill them or ruin their lives.

You seem very sad that women won't be dying in Ireland because their pregnancy went wrong anymore.

You seem very sad that women in Ireland won't be trapped into situations they don't want to be in.

You seem even more threatened by the fact that women are gaining more control of their lives and preventing men from controlling them and their lives.

It's your problem.

Deal with it.

If you don't believe in abortion did you get a vasectomy or have your tubes tied? Because if you haven't you're a hypocrite.

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