Irish Voters Reject Anti-Abortion Law

I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
LOL did you even read what i wrote? Holy shit
And you sit there and talk about freedom and choice and then say its sad i must be forced to the right thing? Right thing to who? That is completely subjective. Im starting to wonder if you actually care about those 2 wonderful things.

So you think it's not the right thing to save for retirement. Ok that's your choice. All you'll have is what you were forced to do by the government, social security and medicare. Which social security isn't meant to be a full retirement plan. It's meant to be a supplement to what you have already saved for retirement.

That's fine. You plan to live off the government and your children when you get old and sick.

Or you can not take Medicare and die an unnecessary early death. Or more likely you'll go on Medicare. If you end up in a nursing home you'll go on Medicaid.

I'll be there to pay your way with my tax dollars. I won't whine and complain about it. I'll just pay your way and hope that it's enough to get you through.

If you were referring to Medicaid, medicaid is for anyone who doesn't have insurance or can't afford it. There is no age limit so if you financially qualify for it now, go sign up. I'm very happy with my tax dollars going to help you stay healthy and happy with a long life. Just as I'm very happy that my state tax dollars pays for abortions for low income women.
DUDE you STILL havent read what i wrote. Holy shit.
I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.
I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.
Due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment
I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.
Due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment
Lol what? You are applying the 14th amendment to free healthcare food and money? :lol:
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.
Due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment
Lol what? You are applying the 14th amendment to free healthcare food and money? :lol:
Why not? It's been apply to damn near everything else.
The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.
Due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment
Lol what? You are applying the 14th amendment to free healthcare food and money? :lol:
Why not? It's been apply to damn near everything else.
Does that make it a credible argument?
Besides, why wouldnt they apply to gay marriage and racial segregation? That amendment limits the state and localities...
If you want to argue that welfare for an individual is a constitutional right, please, find another argument. Of course, that wont make sense either, since it is not an enumerated power.
Thats why i support the state in doing it, if it feels the need.
I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
LOL did you even read what i wrote? Holy shit
And you sit there and talk about freedom and choice and then say its sad i must be forced to the right thing? Right thing to who? That is completely subjective. Im starting to wonder if you actually care about those 2 wonderful things.

So you think it's not the right thing to save for retirement. Ok that's your choice. All you'll have is what you were forced to do by the government, social security and medicare. Which social security isn't meant to be a full retirement plan. It's meant to be a supplement to what you have already saved for retirement.

That's fine. You plan to live off the government and your children when you get old and sick.

Or you can not take Medicare and die an unnecessary early death. Or more likely you'll go on Medicare. If you end up in a nursing home you'll go on Medicaid.

I'll be there to pay your way with my tax dollars. I won't whine and complain about it. I'll just pay your way and hope that it's enough to get you through.

If you were referring to Medicaid, medicaid is for anyone who doesn't have insurance or can't afford it. There is no age limit so if you financially qualify for it now, go sign up. I'm very happy with my tax dollars going to help you stay healthy and happy with a long life. Just as I'm very happy that my state tax dollars pays for abortions for low income women.
DUDE you STILL havent read what i wrote. Holy shit.

You whined about health care that you're paying for but won't get for 50 years. Which I thought was Medicare. Which I didn't mention Medicare in that post. I did mention Medicaid.

Medicaid is for everyone. You can qualify for it today. You don't have to wait 50 years to get it.

So. If you want to whine about either program fine. Whine away. It makes no difference to me.

Meanwhile, the people in my state have voted to use medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women.

If you don't like that fact, it's a good thing you're not living in my state but you need to check the list of states that do use medicaid to pay for abortions. The list has I think 17 states on it. You could live in one of those states.

So since you accuse me of not reading what you wrote you're wrong I did read it.

You just don't like my reply.
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I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.

No you don't.

It falls under the general welfare of the nation and the taxation clauses in the constitution.

You may have been brainwashed to believe that taxes are evil and don't want to pay them but you just show you don't like or follow the constitution. The constitution allows our federal government to tax people in a few different areas of the document.

You might want to read it.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
LOL did you even read what i wrote? Holy shit
And you sit there and talk about freedom and choice and then say its sad i must be forced to the right thing? Right thing to who? That is completely subjective. Im starting to wonder if you actually care about those 2 wonderful things.

So you think it's not the right thing to save for retirement. Ok that's your choice. All you'll have is what you were forced to do by the government, social security and medicare. Which social security isn't meant to be a full retirement plan. It's meant to be a supplement to what you have already saved for retirement.

That's fine. You plan to live off the government and your children when you get old and sick.

Or you can not take Medicare and die an unnecessary early death. Or more likely you'll go on Medicare. If you end up in a nursing home you'll go on Medicaid.

I'll be there to pay your way with my tax dollars. I won't whine and complain about it. I'll just pay your way and hope that it's enough to get you through.

If you were referring to Medicaid, medicaid is for anyone who doesn't have insurance or can't afford it. There is no age limit so if you financially qualify for it now, go sign up. I'm very happy with my tax dollars going to help you stay healthy and happy with a long life. Just as I'm very happy that my state tax dollars pays for abortions for low income women.
DUDE you STILL havent read what i wrote. Holy shit.

You whined about health care that you're paying for but won't get for 50 years. Which I thought was Medicare. Which I didn't mention Medicare in that post. I did mention Medicaid.

Medicaid is for everyone. You can qualify for it today. You don't have to wait 50 years to get it.

So. If you want to whine about either program fine. Whine away. It makes no difference to me.

Meanwhile, the people in my state have voted to use medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women.

If you don't like that fact, it's a good thing you're not living in my state but you need to check the list of states that do use medicaid to pay for abortions. The list has I think 17 states on it. You could live in one of those states.

So since you accuse me of not reading what you wrote you're wrong I did read it.

You just don't like my reply.
My post was about your comment on freedom and choice and i get FORCED to pay for something i dont need now. And might not need in the future. Who knows.
Your response was a strawman.
I think it's very interesting that when it's put to the people to vote, people usually vote for choice and freedom.

My state is a very good example of that.

In 1968 the people of my state were able to vote on a ballot initiative that legalized abortion in my state. It passed with a good margin.

In 1981 we again had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the question was should my state use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. It passed with a very good margin. I voted with the majority.

In 1992 again we had the chance to vote on the issue. This time the initiative gave us the opportunity to enshrine abortion in my state. The initiative said that no matter what any judge says. No matter what anyone in DC does or any law they pass, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

A very restrictive abortion bill that gave rights to zygotes, embryos and fetus was on the ballot twice in Mississippi and once in Colorado. All three times it was on the ballot, it was REJECTED. Twice in Mississippi. A very conservative and so called "pro life" state.

Now the people of Ireland have spoken and very loudly.

When it's left up to the people who have to actually live with the legislation, people vote for choice and freedom. The people reject the so called pro life people who in most people's opinion, are many things but nothing even close to being pro life.
You speak of choice and freedom and then bring up healthcare i am FORCED to pay for, 50 years before i can even receive it? Lol

The reason Medicare was established was because people retire at that age. They lose their employer provided insurance. Insurance companies refused to cover older people or the coverage was so expensive most at that age couldn't afford it. Seniors were dying due to not having any access to health care. So the government stepped in to make sure those who are 65 and over will be able to have good and affordable health care. Which was a big bonus to the insurance companies and healthy young people. The most expensive age group was removed from the insurance pool.

If you don't want to have Medicare then don't apply for it when you become 65. You'll find out just how expensive private insurance is without an employer providing it. That is IF you can find a company to cover you.

When you turn 65 you will be very thankful that you have Medicare. You will understand the freedom that comes with it. You're no longer forced to have to deal with insurance companies.

I don't understand why you have to be forced. Do you have any plan or investments that are for when you retire? Medicare is the same thing. You're saving up now for your health care needs later in life. Just as you're doing with a 401k and social security. Why do you need to be forced to save for the time when you retire so you don't die early or not be able to support yourself? Seems to me that a person shouldn't be forced to do the right thing.

I think it's sad that you or anyone has to be forced to do the right thing.
Social Services such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, welfare etc. is as much about the benefit to community as the individual.

Social Welfare in England never got a real foothold, until the French rose up against their masters. No one really paid much attention to open sewers and unsanitary conditions that existed in London till they threaten the upper classes. We have had the homeless with us for many decades but only when they started camping out in residential neighborhoods and pitching their bedrolls on sidewalk in front of businesses did the city fathers become alarmed. Without Social Security, millions of older adults would end up in garages and living rooms of their kids. Without health services for the poor, disease would run rampart through our cities. Social Welfare services protect society just as much as protects the individual.
I have no problems with safety nets at the state level. In order for me to support them at the federal level, we need an amendment.

No you don't.

It falls under the general welfare of the nation and the taxation clauses in the constitution.

You may have been brainwashed to believe that taxes are evil and don't want to pay them but you just show you don't like or follow the constitution. The constitution allows our federal government to tax people in a few different areas of the document.

You might want to read it.
Do you know what general means? Jw

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