Iron Poet

The Pitjant'jaras tell the tale of one,
Wurluru (and his weapons in the sky),
who slings his daggers from a migrant sun
that devastates the lands it passes by.
So, heed the word the father passed to son:
prepare to hone your skills (or just to die);
and when Wurluru comes again, to RUN;
take shelter in the caves of Bogong 'igh.

Olmec, astronauts, artifacts.
Olmec, astronauts, artifacts.

The Olmec's skies were gray.
With rivers black and frozen.
Their men of valor long gone.
Astronauts of basalt intentions.
Where are your artifacts now?

Riven, raven, cleft
Alighting from the Serpent's tail
to points beyond the riven veil,
where Adad's Sacred Raven flies,
MUL.UGA.MUSHEN takes the skies...

and sends ahead her darkest sun --
the offspring of the Fallen One
descended to the blood of Cain --
to carry forth the crimson rain...

that fills the clefts and reservoirs
the cyclical Celestial Wars
engrave on every seventh trip
and cause our planet's poles to flip.

Kukulcan, Chich'en Itza, shadow.
Kukulcan, Chich'en Itza, shadow.
Kukulcan's spent, yet sought on halcyon thrall,
Chich'en Itza's gone with nary a shadow call.
Parades of shades long gone and sent adrift,
Where they went was an Empiric short shift.

spent, sought, empiric
From his senses the empiricist
sought to counter the rationalist.
He failed to conceive
what he spent to perceive,
so his writings were widely dismissed.

Armageddon, tribulation, redemption.
Armageddon, tribulation, redemption.

like turquoise camel beads
smooth polished stones
tumbled in oceans of fears
warding off tribulations of a
whispered ephemeral redemption
hanging 'round icy columned

radiated, penultimate, locomotive

Words can create a dagger of air,
Trampling some in the guise of fair.
Glance about in skillful sight,
Fair shall transform to what is right.

Well Met Jeremiah.


shelf, prosper, light
Souls dark night
locomotive light

cattle trains rattle
herded like cattle

Nazis thunder
people wonder

where their going
without knowing

Radiant hate
devils berate

Penultimate death
the final breath

The world was still
while they did kill

On Souls dark night
to their delight
6 million bright........

Never forget.

Souls dark night
locomotive light

cattle trains rattle
herded like cattle

Nazis thunder
people wonder

where their going
without knowing

Radiant hate
devils berate

Penultimate death
the final breath

The world was still
while they did kill

On Souls dark night
to their delight
6 million bright........

Never forget.

Very nice twist.


Enfolded in intricate beauty,
multi dimensional firmament.
Our history non chronological,
heaving we heathen skyward.
If weird and warp we woof,
then dare we weave?

Causeway, opaque, silence
Under the causeway and out to sea
my little boat
carries me

windy gale
opaque sails

a gift -
silence - listen!
water glistens

feel the sun
too much fun

being free
on the sea

my little boat
carries me

battle, brigade, storm
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Under the causeway and out to sea
my little boat
carries me

windy gale
opaque sails

a gift -
silence - listen!
water glistens

feel the sun
too much fun

being free
on the sea

my little boat
carries me

battle, brigade, storm

Battle is as battle does,
Such a storm is not a buzz.
Low yield brigade yells to "Stop"!
So if they don't, so then they drop.

perpetuate, undone, focus
I bought a brand new Focus
the colors of "the free"--

red, like bloody bodies strewn
all over Ramadi;

white, like linens used to wrap
the wounds of Afghani's;

blue, like bruises on the backs
of shills who chant "Morsi!"--

so my new ride perpetuates
the global tyranny

of undone conquests funded by
consumers just like me.

DHS is NSA with regards to FEMA

DHS activates and radiates.
NSA obfuscates and hesitates.
FEMA confiscates and isolates.
For the good of all the states.
And of course, their postulates.

Blither, blather, blotter
He blathered on
throughout the night
the blithering idiot
went on in spite

This blot of humanity
who bordered insanity
would not silence his tongue
which left none among. Him.

laurel, regal, remote
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^^ :thup:

laurel, regal, remote

No one bother to ask about me,
I am no one and with no laurels.
Thus I am but a simple man,
who has wronged by degree.

They must know who I am,
Since I am everywhere.

In the village and in the town,
in the regal palace and in jail.
Aiding in the smarts of hearts,
while tossing a conversation down.

So while I'm in this simple mood,
in between questions and answers.
Regarding what's blessed or messed,
just like you.. waiting for decisions to be made.

Unravel, direction, rapport
^^ :thup:

laurel, regal, remote

No one bother to ask about me,
I am no one and with no laurels.
Thus I am but a simple man,
who has wronged by degree.

They must know who I am,
Since I am everywhere.

In the village and in the town,
in the regal palace and in jail.
Aiding in the smarts of hearts,
while tossing a conversation down.

So while I'm in this simple mood,
in between questions and answers.
Regarding what's blessed or messed,
just like you.. waiting for decisions to be made.

Unravel, direction, rapport

You're a deep well. That's for sure. - J.
Unravel, direction, rapport

dark places
within shadows
who can not exist without light
directionless, substanceless

faces without hearts
unravel under scrutiny
beneath your strobe
in hard edged shadow
without direction

rapport becomes a labor
of words and thoughts
without sinew

without heart.

halleluha, light, love
Unravel, direction, rapport

dark places
within shadows
who can not exist without light
directionless, substanceless

faces without hearts
unravel under scrutiny
beneath your strobe
in hard edged shadow
without direction

rapport becomes a labor
of words and thoughts
without sinew

without heart.

halleluha, light, love

^ Nice interweave.

Hallelujah; such a sublime
expression of joy divine.
It's love from a well lit mansion,
lighted with a key in scansion.

accomplish, challenge, ocean

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