Iron Poet

Oh I believe you - I believe that you don't see you were the subject line in that last one! lol!

Since when hath a poet
used his words to attack

without seeing the maelstrom created for lack?
About which he's blinded - tis his own deed done first
yet others he'll judge for the thing he doth worst!

magnify, spindle, spelunker
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Moving weight for forums order,
whilst pushing ideas on the border.
Some with the third eye can see,
Some try and double-jack me.
All my words are belong to now,
Whether driven or dug by plow.

Lay it down and walk away
Live to post another day

Laying trails and making waves,
I'm too busy building staves.
Hold in sway the coming storm,
so to keep our asses warm.
There's no tattoos on my neck,
I'm not looking for respect.

Lay it down and walk away
Live to post another day

This is our home alley, dude,
So yeah, we've got lot's of attitude.
I've never seen you here before,
Welcome to the writing floor.
This could be my last night,
So I'd better answer right.

Lay it down and walk away
Live to post another day

Why I'm looking at your hand?
To break a bit of change man!
I'm down here on the curb,
So I'd like to buy a verb.
One or two will go for that,
or better yet just pass the hat.

Lay it down and walk away
Live to post another day

I'm cooking up some tasty goo,
and it's sure not a toxic stew.
Inhaling this fine fruity vapor,
from a malty sugared taper.
Living in a a writer's shack,
while these words, they do stack.

Lay it down and walk away
Live to post another day
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magnify, spindle, spelunker
Serious is as serious does.

Laugh at life or live with strife. :)

magnify, spindle, spelunker

I'd rather be lying on the corner of a populous curb,
Than alone and yet bereft of those in my "burb".
Well met and well done as this is indeed for sooth,
From that magnified statement follows this simple truth.
You are appreciated and well-wished in the USMB "urb".

This forum is one of the best, oh yes indeed,
We plant our word, in a prolific, not spindly seed,
Welcome for wondering and wandering this way,
And for spelunking words in our life long play.
Thanks for you and your words of seed we need.

Bring, Ring, Rung
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elation vigor swarthy

Righteous indignation!
Moralities swift elation!
Yackity yack don't talk back!
Yackity yack that's just wack!
Meeting expectations with vigor!
That's not what you'd figger!
Serious Situations!
Swarthy Abrogations!
Lay it down and walk away!
Live to post another day!

Wither, rather, require

Swarthy Abrogations!

Dang - that's a phrase I'm itching to use somewhere :D

How I was thinking of it?

Yeshua ben Joseph, the swarthy, curly-haired carpenter of the first century AD somehow becomes a blond-haired, blue-eyed savior with very Anglo-German-Nordic features in Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ". The 'Jews' are ugly gnome-like creatures and Jesus is by Western standards a gorgeous specimen. He is not one of THEM. Not really. He's something else. He's also been abrogated.

So, just another swarthy abrogation. :D

I lay it down and walk away.
The Pride of Allied Forces 'rung
the message of the "new" and "clear"
from whereupon the Devil's tongue
spewed forth his super-powered FEAR.

Quicksilver brings the mushroom clouds
that ring above the screams and pleas
of scores of unsuspecting crowds
condemned by their ethnicities...

like "Japs" who stood on Judgment Day
to witness with their dying breath:
that fatal flight, Enola Gay,
The Angel of Atomic Death!

Soft, scoffed, aloft.
Soft, scoffed, aloft.

Free WiFi at Starbucks, I'm so underwhelmed,
Aloft like a starship at Warp 9 but unhelmed.
I gobble Biscottis and slurp creamy Lattes,
Scoffing at blues and scuffing old soft shoes.

[ame=]Tap 365 - Double Soft Shoe Tap - YouTube[/ame]

Shiver, Abut, Rooted
For longer than
eleven years
the War on Terror's
have rooted through
the rubble of
the Towers felled
to raise our fears...
and flags to wave
in pseudo-love
of 'God and Country'
placed above
the truth and justice
thus denied
the widely varied
victims of...
the greed of those
who SHOULD have died
abutting every
body plied
to fatten wallets
with the lives
THEIR shiv'ring terror
took in stride.

False patriotism kills.
It lives in curtained shadows,
philosophy kills silent cries.
False patriotism will soon fade,
when the true one flies.

Regards Come Late
End the Fed.

Like the Pope in a daze, Ben is onto the cheese,
Winding through our finances with familiar ease.
Did he end his last job while paid with no fee,
It's more Fed magic--since nothing comes free.
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Regards Come Late

The puppet of the West was lost
(Mohamed Morsi had been tossed!),
so black ops falsely-flagged Assad
and now the "red line" has been crossed...

by sarin gas that reeks of fraud,
or at its VERY best seems odd:
with all to lose and none to gain,
Bashar 'd erect a lightening rod...

INVITING strikes on his domain
from foreign interests' bleak campaign
to steal the rule from righteous men
and prop up States where villains reign.

Regardless, here they come again:
more clearly false pretenses, then
the liars' latest war begins
to last 'til only god knows when.

It doesn't matter whether the marionette in the White House is a Republican or a Democrat (I voted for Obama twice!); the real string-pullers will always find or manufacture ways to perpetuate their unholy agenda.

Ropey's final three words:

[...]nothing comes free.
nothing comes free.

Now who's to say how the big boys play?
You know their rules just aren't the same.
Nothing but a tray of chips, rewritten MIPS.
Just to win a nothing game...

You can shred your hair, it never comes fair,
We just can't buy all that free stuff.
I might advocate the devil, but at that level,
these boys play pretty darn rough.

Spending riotous defense
Israel don't care cause Zionism is true,
and does all the things a Jew's gotta do.
While following Judaism's light calling,
the L-rd from above will not be falling.

Blame complain shame
Think (and think again),
Dear President,
of days when we the people
loved your words,
like "Hope" and "Change" (not knowing
what they meant!)
and gave approval ratings
of two/thirds!

NOW LOOK upon your hopeless
people's shame,
as you (and you alone)
will bear the blame
for giving ample reason
to complain
of changes made of NOTHING
but the same:

Never ending war.
There is a never-ending war
Between the heart and mind
Not sure what they're fighting for
Deaf and mute and blind

The heart is fighting for love
The mind is fighting for truth
Neither knows what I write of
In my dreams of youth

There can be no winner
In this eternal war
The line grows ever thinner
Like the boy's oaths I swore

Standing on the threshold
Where the flame turns into smoke
I see that I've grown old
As autumn's reddened oak

For love is truth, and just as true
Truth is love I swear
And all I truly love is you
And fall's sunlight in your hair.

New words:
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New words:

Tissues for issues - Boxes for rust,
Debates & discussions - Make it or bust!
Until my life's engine turns to the dust,
Greed for pure speed is all I do trust.

Engine's full blast and firing at will,
Until this new ticker takes a spill.
Melting these Peltiers gives me a thrill,
While the process once again drops to nill.

Debate and create - Ready for more.
Letting no others keep the score,
Scrounging through spin right until 4,
Sailing this wordy ship to that shore.

Fingernails clean and typing again,
Rhyming them through thick and thin.
Not cracking mods or that hunk of tin,
So caring not for loss or win.

Argue and discuss - Here 'till forever,
Brethren some are while here together.
Mouse and board for leash and tether,
Satisfied and stopping -- No! Not ever.

Wake Trials Capital

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