Iron Poet

Cascading from the holey chests
of bodies riddled pools
the panacea of the West:
the blood-soaked dollar rules!
And bills of rights are laid to rest,
as unsuspecting fools
are taught compliance at the best
indoctrinating schools.

Prime-time viewing, propaganda.
bleeding from reading
such short timed
and little primed
snippets of PROSE that force
me to dart from line
to viewing line
like a hyperactive OOMPA
loompa an
oompa LOOMPA that is trying
impart propaganda but
instead just shoots out
a big nose hanga

drift, repair, consider
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humor's good repair
considering drift of thread
into the gloaming​

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Wassailing gluttons
ignore petitions to stem
serotinal war

Trapped human race...
I looked for superheroes at The Hall
of Justice
(that's become a costumed curse)
outfitted by the Masters ruling all
the "leaders" of the DC Universe,

and thought I might have seen a Superman
sent from above to "save the planet Earth"!
Instead I fell for Luther's evil plan
and voted for much less than it was worth

believing in that superhero crap --
that ANYONE could save the human race
from falling ever deeper for the trap
the Global Villains cruelly set in place.

God help us.
No Gods will help to truss the muss for us.

Slapped, sloped, slumped
slapped on his saddle one morning for pleasure
rode out to the wilderness on his best horse
friends stayed the trail for merriment's measure
but he ventured down slope in malapert force
taking the easy road in their good leisure
they noticed nothing around them of course

for he had ridden o'er small canyon crest
beyond their hearing; they could not envision
his fall and slumping where he came to rest
even the best steed in fate's split decision
can only stand by though with sadness possessed
that boss's collision beckoned death's division

only the angels knew that he was blessed​

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Becki fritters and flutters, she folds and spends,
While edifying so many of her dear old friends.
She's conducive to time flying on viscid dreams,
And if you ask, she'll tell you just what it means.


Sure, shore, sand
Sure, shore, sand

we stray upon the strand
a place that's neither sea nor sand
and wonder as we watch the shore
if in between places
are an unopened door

drizzle dazzle drink
drizzle dazzle drink

Talk about your dazzles,
talk about your thrills.
One woman drinks,
another woman spills.

Now what I've told you,
and yes, what I've said.
Should drizzle your thoughts,
right off of your thread.

(You did say drink...)

one winged dove
The hawks of war now masquerade as doves
and camouflage a poisoned olive branch
delivered to their prey without a chance
of peace or liberty from the above's...

ambitious, blood-soaked talons unopposed
by naked bodies grasping now at straws
to hide themselves amid the UN's laws...

designed to leave them totally exposed.

Beware, O' Syria, The Wing-ed Ones
have no desire for a lasting peace
to DE-destabilize the Middle East
and cut the profits made by running guns.

Zion's Trojan horse.
Zion's Trojan horse.

Zion can see the forest for the trees,
and they're trying to bury the breeze.
Slow down Trojan, you're going to freeze,
H-s horse will come when they lose all pleas.

Autumn, colors, brilliant
A "Comet" unlike any one gone by
(beyond itself) is slowly bearing down
to spread its wings across the Autumn sky,
in mockery of colors on the ground.

Its brilliant yellows, oranges, reds, and browns
will sneeringly drown-out the peoples' cries
with never-heard-before auroric sounds
on days when our opposing suns will rise.

The Phoenix reborn.
A "Comet" unlike any one gone by
(beyond itself) is slowly bearing down
to spread its wings across the Autumn sky,
in mockery of colors on the ground.

Its brilliant yellows, oranges, reds, and browns
will sneeringly drown-out the peoples' cries
with never-heard-before auroric sounds
on days when our opposing suns will rise.

The Phoenix reborn.

Nice Cappie,steve
The Phoenix reborn.

The vibrancy of it's heart reborn,
Risen in proof without lie.
A Phoenix which from the start,
Saw truth without goodbye.

The crystal bubbling brook,
The ringing steeple bell.
Within the sound of silence,
That nothing can quite quell.

Within the hardest, sharpest wit,
And those biting words in mock.
The Phoenix just laughed at it,
When she heard Prospero talk.

Leisure, simple, deter
Leisure in the mumble of old men’s words
Sticking like floss between the teeth
spitting out the quick and strong

youth sees promise in fast waters
undeterred by hidden teeth
they miss the grace in simple stones

travel boney haze
travel boney haze

I hear the diesel come alive,
A chorus line strumming.
With every beat of metal drive,
And home, of course I'm running.

This melody seems hazy & right,
Even though I have no dancer.
Just bright headlights in the night,
With radio's echo in answer.

{musical interlude}

Now it ain't no driving crime,
and there's no broken mime.
So it might just be quicker,
To travel down in time.

'Cause this morning I'm so lazy,
I can't even seem to bust a move.
This music's got me funky & crazy,
Because my bone's in the groove.

{musical interlude}


We hear the shadow symphonies compose
oppressing scores without an interlude
or higher codas for the deeper lows
repeated in those strains forever skewed;

we beg them for a different melody
for which to write the lyrics of our dreams
to sing aloud in racial harmony
instead of drowning out each others' screams.

Divided we fall.
We hear the shadow symphonies compose
oppressing scores without an interlude
or higher codas for the deeper lows
repeated in those strains forever skewed;

we beg them for a different melody
for which to write the lyrics of our dreams
to sing aloud in racial harmony
instead of drowning out each others' screams.

Divided we fall.

Romneyswings like a pendulum do
Caddies in garages, two by two
General Motors, anticipating the end
The dividend checks, he'll never spend

Now if you search Huff-n-puff and read out about Seamus
You'll see a story t'wd woof up Reince Priebus
But if you missed the quip and still support Miit
Poor old Seamus, he turned into shit

Grandpa's old serape, and your Granny's sister wives
Firing all the hired help, your giggle sure belies
If we mock the way you talk, knowin' you don't eat grits
That's just your away game, falling down the muddy Missisip

dang me hell
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