Ironic the DNC calls the Republicans "Nazis"


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Ironic the DNC calls the Republicans "Nazis"while being unable to make any parallels, meanwhile the Democrats continue to promote the Klan-with-A-tan organizations such as La Raza (The Race).

what if a politician was white and was a past member of a white organization called The Race, would that be an issue?
i guess the politicians and the media pick and chose what is acceptable for us, this year we're told to applaud people from the Mexican Klan.

not only that, but this years chairman of the DNC was Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villargrosa.
he is a former member of MECha, a radical Hispanic organization.
...then they have to nerve to accuse Republicans of being NAZIS

Chican@ Student Movement of Aztlán
"For the Race, everything, outside the Race, nothing",

A passage from MEChA's national website reads: ‘As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente.’[3] [4] Such statements have led MEChA to be criticized by a variety of sources, including the National Review[5] and Michelle Malkin[6] which alleges that MEChA is tinged with racist and separatist views. Groups such as American Patrol criticises MEChA of Aztec supremacism and irredentism.

Much of the criticism addresses statements made by individual MEChA members or chapters, as opposed to the official agenda of the national organization. Critics also point out the group's use of the word Aztlán: To many, this word calls to mind a region comprising much of the Southwestern United States and as a result, some critics feel use of the phrase implies support for the controversial theory of reconquista. While MEChA supporters point out that the Aztlan mythology itself does not refer to reclaiming conquered lands, it simply describes the mythical (imaginary) home of the Aztec people. MEChA supporters do not acknowledge that the lands of the Southwest United States were actually the homelands of a multitude of Native tribes, none of which were Aztec, and that the Aztec never inhabited these lands. MEChA also does not acknowledge that the map they use to illustrate their myth of "Aztlan" has nothing at all to do with the Aztec tribe, since it is a map of Nueva Espania, lands stolen by the Spanish and claimed by the Spanish after they arrived in North America from Europe. This error, on the part of those who promote the Aztlan propaganda, including MEChA, negates their credibility on this issue.

I still don't see the irony or where the DNC called Republicans Nazis
A 1998 MEChA youth conference at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly SLO) featured a printed program that introduced the school as "Cal Poly State Jewniversity". The program also referred to New York as "Jew York". When the Anti-Defamation League objected to the program, the Cal Poly MEChA organization issued a formal apology, a repudiation of the anti-Semitism and expelled those students who had been responsible for the production of the printed conference program.[12] MEChA has also been linked to La Voz de Aztlán (The Voice of Aztlan), a Chicano webzine that regularly publishes articles attacking Jews, Zionism, and Israel.[citation


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