Ironically, it's coming out that Trump supporters are the ones who committed fraud in 2020

I am assuming both sides do it and the winner says it was perfect and the loser says it was fraud. That seems to be the new flavor of the day in politics.

Anyway, fraud is fraud.
No, how about THIS:

50+ organizations have already come forth last winter bragging how they stole the election! Here's the list from Time Magazine:

View attachment 555475

And just ONE organization like Color of Change has around 7 million members! Let's start the investigation by investigating this, not one errant GOPer here and there. Let's cut the BS and stop insulting people's intelligence about what REALLY happened a year ago.
LMAO. Oh wait, you are serious.

“Save the 2020 election” is Orwellian newspeak. You can only save something that already exists. To save an election suggests that the election was already won and needed to be saved from loss.

Now I know you simple minded Republicans latch on to that like it is some kind of gospel. But the problem here is the 2020 election DID ALREADY EXIST. It started in 2018 in Iowa you dumb shits. But the fact that you would quote James Fetzer proves that you Trumpbots have no standards, you will believe anyone and anybody that feeds you the shit you want to hear. How many times have I heard Trumpsters complain about Philosophy majors and yet here you are, quoting a Philosophy professor who is known to be mentally flippin ill.

And I hate to tell you, but getting out the vote, controlling the message, influencing perceptions, and steering media coverage are all commonly used political strategies. Used by BOTH PARTIES. You don't think Trump and his supporters didn't do the same damn thing? Seriously?

Look, I am becoming convinced that maybe all you righties that condemn public education are absolutely right. I am quite sure few, if any of you, have had privately funded educations. But the fact that that screed published by Fetzer is actually believed and reposted speaks volumes as to your ignorance. I mean the whole thing is filled with illogical fallacies and outright misrepresentations.

The conspirators were worried that Trump would win the election, as he did in 2016, because he was too popular and their computer algorithms could not survive an election audit without some fraudulent paper ballots to augment them.

Seriously? Too popular? No president, NO PRESIDENT, in the history of this country has been re-elected with the dismal approval ratings Trump had. Biden will face the same fate if he don't get his numbers up. Now I don't have a degree in Philosophy but I can lay out for all of you what transpired over the last year. Trump could read those approval numbers as well as I can, probably better. We know he was obsessed with them. He knew he was going to lose, but like all good con men, he begin to structure a way out. He discouraged his supporters from voting by mail or absentee. He knew, is so doing, when those votes were "dumped", and yes I said "dumped" into the system it would like like an anomaly, with the huge proportion of them going for Democrats. That was going to be his basis for fraud, that was going to be his means of attacking the Dominion voting system, when the reality is, in a majority of counties that used Dominion software, HE WON. And he honestly believed that he could make the claim of fraud, turn the results of the election, and claim the presidency, especially with the help of State legislators and his minions in Congress. Were it not for principled people, he would have been successful and our Democracy would have been destroyed forever.

But here is the thing. Our Democracy is still not safe. Mostly because of jackasses like you and other idiot posters in this thread. Mostly because of unprincipled people, like Fetzer, Powell, and Rudy. Or congressional representatives like Greene and Boebert, who have no business running a girl scout cookie table in front of Walmart, let alone being in Congress. I am here to tell you, let it go or hang your head in shame in your dying days. Because in the end, this is not going to end well for you and yours. Democracy will prevail.
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LMAO. Oh wait, you are serious. “Save the 2020 election” is Orwellian newspeak. You can only save something that already exists. To save an election suggests that the election was already won and needed to be saved from loss.

FO, idiot. These are the words of the Leftists who stole the election, so you are only attacking them. Obviously, you didn't read the article and don't know shit about what you are talking about nor do you care. Go back to your artificial reality, son.
FO, idiot. These are the words of the Leftists who stole the election, so you are only attacking them. Obviously, you didn't read the article and don't know shit about what you are talking about nor do you care. Go back to your artificial reality, son.
Fetzer you dumbass. James Fetzer. You are hanging your hat on James Fetzer. You ever watch White Collar? Pretty sure they took the character of Mozi from Fetzer. He believes the Kennedy assassination was a government hit job and the Zapruder film is a fake. That Karl Rove caused the airplane crash that killed Paul Wellstone. That the twin towers were knocked down by a "direct energy weapon". And maybe funniest of all, that Paul McCartney died in 1966.

Sandy Hook, Fetzer said it was Mossad agents that went in to that school and killed those children and teachers. And it gets better, Boston Marathon bombing, Parkland High School shootings, Pulse Nightclub shootings, and the Charlottesville massacre--they were all Mossad training activities. And of course, the moon landings were faked.

I mean this Fetzer dude makes MTG's Jewish space beam starting wild fires seem downright logical. Fetzer is the laughing stock of the entire Philosophy community.
LMAO. Oh wait, you are serious.

“Save the 2020 election” is Orwellian newspeak. You can only save something that already exists. To save an election suggests that the election was already won and needed to be saved from loss.

Now I know you simple minded Republicans latch on to that like it is some kind of gospel. But the problem here is the 2020 election DID ALREADY EXIST. It started in 2018 in Iowa you dumb shits. But the fact that you would quote James Fetzer proves that you Trumpbots have no standards, you will believe anyone and anybody that feeds you the shit you want to hear. How many times have I heard Trumpsters complain about Philosophy majors and yet here you are, quoting a Philosophy professor who is known to be mentally flippin ill.

And I hate to tell you, but getting out the vote, controlling the message, influencing perceptions, and steering media coverage are all commonly used political strategies. Used by BOTH PARTIES. You don't think Trump and his supporters didn't do the same damn thing? Seriously?

Look, I am becoming convinced that maybe all you righties that condemn public education are absolutely right. I am quite sure few, if any of you, have had privately funded educations. But the fact that that screed published by Fetzer is actually believed and reposted speaks volumes as to your ignorance. I mean the whole thing is filled with illogical fallacies and outright misrepresentations.

The conspirators were worried that Trump would win the election, as he did in 2016, because he was too popular and their computer algorithms could not survive an election audit without some fraudulent paper ballots to augment them.

Seriously? Too popular? No president, NO PRESIDENT, in the history of this country has been re-elected with the dismal approval ratings Trump had. Biden will face the same fate if he don't get his numbers up. Now I don't have a degree in Philosophy but I can lay out for all of you what transpired over the last year. Trump could read those approval numbers as well as I can, probably better. We know he was obsessed with them. He knew he was going to lose, but like all good con men, he begin to structure a way out. He discouraged his supporters from voting by mail or absentee. He knew, is so doing, when those votes were "dumped", and yes I said "dumped" into the system it would like like an anomaly, with the huge proportion of them going for Democrats. That was going to be his basis for fraud, that was going to be his means of attacking the Dominion voting system, when the reality is, in a majority of counties that used Dominion software, HE WON. And he honestly believed that he could make the claim of fraud, turn the results of the election, and claim the presidency, especially with the help of State legislators and his minions in Congress. Were it not for principled people, he would have been successful and our Democracy would have been destroyed forever.

But here is the thing. Our Democracy is still not safe. Mostly because of jackasses like you and other idiot posters in this thread. Mostly because of unprincipled people, like Fetzer, Powell, and Rudy. Or congressional representatives like Greene and Boebert, who have no business running a girl scout cookie table in front of Walmart, let alone being in Congress. I am here to tell you, let it go or hang your head in shame in your dying days. Because in the end, this is not going to end well for you and yours. Democracy will prevail.

Dear Diary:

Today I laughed at some asshole who helped elect the most un-democratic Marxist shitheads in this country's history, and then used terms like "our Democracy."

:laughing0301: :21::auiqs.jpg::lmao:
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They will deny the proof and support that which doesn't exist how else do humans lie to themselves for so called satisfaction?
Only a gene contaminated and chromosome deficient person would vote for what we are seeing today. Many people will now know what inflation and slow growth is. In one year the cost of living has skyrocketed. When people get poor enough they will go other peoples dwellings to get what they need and use weapons to get products from stores they need..
Fetzer you dumbass. James Fetzer. You are hanging your hat on James Fetzer.

Whatever. His analysis is correct. You still didn't read his analysis much less the original article he is commenting on and are now arguing a fallacy talking about the Fetzer guy w/o critiquing a single thing he actually said to prove anything he says is wrong!

So I can only conclude you CAN'T because he is RIGHT. And he is right. The election was stolen and 50 organizations have come forward to admit it.
Whatever. His analysis is correct. You still didn't read his analysis much less the original article he is commenting on and are now arguing a fallacy talking about the Fetzer guy w/o critiquing a single thing he actually said to prove anything he says is wrong!

So I can only conclude you CAN'T because he is RIGHT. And he is right. The election was stolen and 50 organizations have come forward to admit it.
You are one stupid shit. I pointed out that Fetzer made the claim that Trump was "too popular". The reality is no president in the history of this country with the approval ratings Trump had has ever been re-elected, And those 50 organizations admitted to conducting what has always been considered routine campaigning activities. I mean hell, let's use Fetzer's logic. The election was not "stolen", to be stolen indicates that something was possessed to start with. You can't steal something that is not owned. No one ever indicated that Trump had "won" the election. Not a single agency called the election in Trump's favor. He never "owned" a victory and therefore the election could not have been "stolen".
You are one stupid shit.

FUCK YOU. You are not even worth further reading past this point. You cannot stick to the topic, you don't argue graphable facts, you have the mind of an insipid child who just tries to put down and insult all those not agreeing with you like some 4th grader. Bye, bye, Bore, off to IGGYLAND with you, schmuck.

I guess you Lefties figure that when you can't beat someone in an argument, best to just drive them away then from talking to you at all so as to not be challenged in any of your delicate idiocracy.

Congrats, Smokie, you finally succeeded at one thing in your life. Now you can sit in your empty room there telling yourself what a smart guy you are! :spinner:
FUCK YOU. You are not even worth further reading past this point. You cannot stick to the topic, you don't argue graphable facts, you have the mind of an insipid child who just tries to put down and insult all those not agreeing with you like some 4th grader. Bye, bye, Bore, off to IGGYLAND with you, schmuck.

I guess you Lefties figure that when you can't beat someone in an argument, best to just drive them away then from talking to you at all so as to not be challenged in any of your delicate idiocracy.

Congrats, Smokie, you finally succeeded at one thing in your life. Now you can sit in your empty room there telling yourself what a smart guy you are! :spinner:
LMAO, peace out fool.
care to quote a story about it or are we just to believe what you post.
60% of Biden votes were mail-in. Traditional mail-ins come from overseas, mainly military. Military vote republican.
Covid mail-ins would be necessary for those at risk, old and sick. Old people vote republican.
Therefore, democrats had little need for mail-ins. 60% is beyond conspicuous for honest people and those who want to preserve election integrity and American existence.
FUCK YOU. You are not even worth further reading past this point. You cannot stick to the topic, you don't argue graphable facts, you have the mind of an insipid child who just tries to put down and insult all those not agreeing with you like some 4th grader. Bye, bye, Bore, off to IGGYLAND with you, schmuck.

I guess you Lefties figure that when you can't beat someone in an argument, best to just drive them away then from talking to you at all so as to not be challenged in any of your delicate idiocracy.

Congrats, Smokie, you finally succeeded at one thing in your life. Now you can sit in your empty room there telling yourself what a smart guy you are! :spinner:
Which part of the following is not true?

The reality is no president in the history of this country with the approval ratings Trump had has ever been re-elected, And those 50 organizations admitted to conducting what has always been considered routine campaigning activities. I mean hell, let's use Fetzer's logic. The election was not "stolen", to be stolen indicates that something was possessed to start with. You can't steal something that is not owned. No one ever indicated that Trump had "won" the election. Not a single agency called the election in Trump's favor. He never "owned" a victory and therefore the election could not have been "stolen".
"If you really believe trump benefitted from voter fraud in the face of an election outright stolen........"

I'm mildly neutral on this whole 'election fraud'-thingy; however, my avatar did note that in that hugely expensive Ninja brouhaha over in Maricopa County, well, it seems one must look for fraud from the candidate who benefitted from wrong vote tallies.

So Joe Biden got wrongly shorted by vote counting. The Ninja's work required correcting that injustice....and votes had to be added back to Joe.

Whereas Don Trump was wrongly attributed votes he didn't get. So they had to be taken away.

Remember the old adage 'follow the money'?
In this case, maybe it is 'follow the wrongly attributed votes'.

Most importantly, who benefitted by such?
That, in my opinion, is where fraud be found.
60% of Biden votes were mail-in. Traditional mail-ins come from overseas, mainly military. Military vote republican.
Covid mail-ins would be necessary for those at risk, old and sick. Old people vote republican.
Therefore, democrats had little need for mail-ins. 60% is beyond conspicuous for honest people and those who want to preserve election integrity and American existence.
You have fallen into Trump's con. Covid changed the landscape. And Trump actively discouraged voters from voting by mail and absentee. But you want to gauge things based on the past. You been conned, plain and simple.
There are all sorts of stories coming out of people being charged with voter fraud, though it's not the fraud that Trump was hoping for. A numnber of mail in and absentee balots were forged by Trump supporters in their spouse's names. The issue is their spouses died well before 2020.

Add in the number of Trump supporters who attempted to double vote, in person and by mail, and you see that its Republicans an Trump supporters who commited the vast majority of proven fraud in the 2020 election.

Ironically, normal people can see through your Prog Gaslighting.
60% of Biden votes were mail-in. Traditional mail-ins come from overseas, mainly military. Military vote republican.
Covid mail-ins would be necessary for those at risk, old and sick. Old people vote republican.
Therefore, democrats had little need for mail-ins. 60% is beyond conspicuous for honest people and those who want to preserve election integrity and American existence.
Yet you also seem to admit that COVID made it necessary and explains why it was high.

total voter turnout was the highest number in the US history of voting.

Military vote republican well I am military and I do not vote republican

old people vote republican. well my parents are old and they do not vote republican

More than 159 million Americans voted in 2020: 159,633,396 to be exact. That’s the largest total voter turnout in U.S. history and the first time more than 140 million people voted.

Still all states have ways to check the validity of all ballots.
Get over it Trump lost.
There are all sorts of stories coming out of people being charged with voter fraud, though it's not the fraud that Trump was hoping for. A numnber of mail in and absentee balots were forged by Trump supporters in their spouse's names. The issue is their spouses died well before 2020.

Add in the number of Trump supporters who attempted to double vote, in person and by mail, and you see that its Republicans an Trump supporters who commited the vast majority of proven fraud in the 2020 election.

^^ This is some major deflection from the shit show sitting in the White House right now.

You have fallen into Trump's con. Covid changed the landscape. And Trump actively discouraged voters from voting by mail and absentee. But you want to gauge things based on the past. You been conned, plain and simple.
I’m referring to data and voting trends.
Nobody conned me.
Yet you also seem to admit that COVID made it necessary and explains why it was high.

total voter turnout was the highest number in the US history of voting.

Military vote republican well I am military and I do not vote republican

old people vote republican. well my parents are old and they do not vote republican

More than 159 million Americans voted in 2020: 159,633,396 to be exact. That’s the largest total voter turnout in U.S. history and the first time more than 140 million people voted.

Still all states have ways to check the validity of all ballots.
Get over it Trump lost.
You represent the entire military? Your parents are all old people?
The voting total numbers you refer to are a result of excessive fraudulent votes. Duh.

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