Irony: CAIR Refusing to Cooperate in Hearings On Why Muslims Don't Cooperate

That's the best you've got?

Him saying people under him did things wrong under his watch?

That's not an apology for committing treason as you said. He never even said the words that he's sorry or the word apologize.

"Did things wrong"? No. They sold arms to a terrorist supporter in order to fund terrorists.

Well, I can't help it if the videos don't show him apologizing for treason as they were supposed to.

Blame the poster of them for misleading you.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

No, I have a communicating-with-stupid-people-who-refuse-to-read problem.

Well, let's see who can't grasp things here....

CAIR admits they took it down AFTER it became public, right?

So if it hadn't become public, they wouldn't have removed it.

Wrong again, boyo. That's just you making shit up.

You're not catholic, are ya?

WTF does that have to do with any fucking thing? :lol:

It figures NADA. Since I'm an Atheist, and you can't even grasp the above, you're shooting blanks.

So I was right - you're not catholic. Tx u vry much.
That's the best you've got?

Him saying people under him did things wrong under his watch?

That's not an apology for committing treason as you said. He never even said the words that he's sorry or the word apologize.

"Did things wrong"? No. They sold arms to a terrorist supporter in order to fund terrorists.

Well, I can't help it if the videos don't show him apologizing for treason as they were supposed to.

Blame the poster of them for misleading you.

Not misleading at all.

He said that he didn't remember authorizing those actions but admitted to them. So lets go through what he did..

-Promised to sell Iran (an enemy) arms prior to the presidential election - Treason.
-When he became President he set up a secret network to use the sale of arms to Iran to fund the Contras. The Congress specifically voted against this action..which is why it was secret. - Violation of the Constitution.

That help?
Well, let's see who can't grasp things here....

CAIR admits they took it down AFTER it became public, right?

So if it hadn't become public, they wouldn't have removed it.

Wrong again, boyo. That's just you making shit up.

Here's what you posted about it:

"As soon as the national organization found out about the image last week -- about the same time Fox News and others began writing about it -- officials asked the chapter to pull it down, a CAIR spokesman tells TPM.

So just as I said.....they took it down when they got caught red-handed with it being up.

I didn't make that posted it.

Which STILL doesn't excuse why it was there in the first place (unless you're a terrorist apologist).

It was a California Chapter of CAIR advocating that their members shouldn't cooperate with the FBI.

And you find that acceptable.
"Did things wrong"? No. They sold arms to a terrorist supporter in order to fund terrorists.

Well, I can't help it if the videos don't show him apologizing for treason as they were supposed to.

Blame the poster of them for misleading you.

Not misleading at all.

He said that he didn't remember authorizing those actions but admitted to them. So lets go through what he did..

-Promised to sell Iran (an enemy) arms prior to the presidential election - Treason.
-When he became President he set up a secret network to use the sale of arms to Iran to fund the Contras. The Congress specifically voted against this action..which is why it was secret. - Violation of the Constitution.

That help?

But you said he APOLOGIZED for TREASON.

Now you're backtracking on that.
Wrong again, boyo. That's just you making shit up.

Here's what you posted about it:

"As soon as the national organization found out about the image last week -- about the same time Fox News and others began writing about it -- officials asked the chapter to pull it down, a CAIR spokesman tells TPM.

So just as I said.....they took it down when they got caught red-handed with it being up.

I didn't make that posted it.

Nice job splicing the quote, just like a good rightwing radio listener.
Nice job splicing the quote, just like a good rightwing radio listener.

"As soon as the national organization found out about the image last week -- about the same time Fox News and others began writing about it -- officials asked the chapter to pull it down, a CAIR spokesman tells TPM.

"It is not consistent with CAIR's policy of constitutionally informed cooperation with law enforcement," government affairs director Corey Saylor said."

There it is UNSPLICED just as you posted it in post #165!

Click on it and see.

They said they took it down when they got caught with it up.

You can't squirm out of it this time.
So I take it that you cannot think of any rebuttal at all about why the California Chapter of CAIR had a poster advocating that their members not cooperate with the FBI?
Oh...I see you went all Fleebagger on me and left for an undisclosed location in Illinois when you are cornered.

Well, I can't help it if the videos don't show him apologizing for treason as they were supposed to.

Blame the poster of them for misleading you.

Not misleading at all.

He said that he didn't remember authorizing those actions but admitted to them. So lets go through what he did..

-Promised to sell Iran (an enemy) arms prior to the presidential election - Treason.
-When he became President he set up a secret network to use the sale of arms to Iran to fund the Contras. The Congress specifically voted against this action..which is why it was secret. - Violation of the Constitution.

That help?

But you said he APOLOGIZED for TREASON.

Now you're backtracking on that.

No I am not.

That's what he did.

Committed Treason. Unless you can explain what promising to sell an enemy nation, arms, is exactly? When you have no authority to do so.

You have another word for it?

Here's what the US Constitution says:

Section 3 - Treason Note

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Is the Constitution wrong?
No I am not.

That's what he did.

Committed Treason. Unless you can explain what promising to sell an enemy nation, arms, is exactly? When you have no authority to do so.

You have another word for it?

Didn't you SPECIFICALLY say you were going to post something showing him apologizing for committing treason?

Let me go back and see......

Not a link to Reagan being made to apologize for treason?

Sure..this never gets old.

Yep...I was right!

He never says anything like that in your two videos. He NEVER says he apologizes or even that he's sorry. And the word treason is never mentioned.

You'll have to find him ACTUALLY apologizing for treason as I asked you to do.
It is essentially a crime against humanity and against sharia to question Islam .
Islamophiles get apoplectic when Islam is brought under light.
The reasons have been listed as

Political correctness leading to Islamic correctness.
Fear of playing into the hands of racist and reactionariesto the detrimint of western muslims minorities
commercial oreconoimic motives
Post colonial guilt
physical fear
influenced by intellectual terrorist writers like Edward Said .
Plain ignorance and hatred of of religions

The Shahada "I bear witness that there is no divinity but God; I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God". In Arabic, "Ashhadu an la ilaha illa'llaj; ashhadu an-na Muhammada-r-rasulu'llah".

Islam is called “al-deen,” the way of life; as it is not a religion of rituals but a complete way of life including spiritual, social, eco-nomic and political systems pro-viding guidance for private, public, national and international issues.

O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and do not die except as Submitters. [3:102]

We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully; you shall worship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone. Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers. [39:2-3]

Therefore the way of life decreed by God is submission to His will, and to Him alone, in service and worship.

And so the submission to allah in the life of a Muhammadan...
Last edited:
It is essentially a crime against humanity and against sharia to question Islam .
Islamophiles get apoplectic when Islam is brought under light.
The reasons have been listed as

Political correctness leading to Islamic correctness.
Fear of playing into the hands of racist and reactionariesto the detrimint of western muslims minorities
commercial oreconoimic motives
Post colonial guilt
physical fear
influenced by intellectual terrorist writers like Edward Said .
Plain ignorance and hatred of of religions

The Shahada "I bear witness that there is no divinity but God; I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God". In Arabic, "Ashhadu an la ilaha illa'llaj; ashhadu an-na Muhammada-r-rasulu'llah".

Islam is called “al-deen,” the way of life; as it is not a religion of rituals but a complete way of life including spiritual, social, eco-nomic and political systems pro-viding guidance for private, public, national and international issues.

O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and do not die except as Submitters. [3:102]

We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully; you shall worship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone. Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers. [39:2-3]

Therefore the way of life decreed by God is submission to His will, and to Him alone, in service and worship.

And so the submission to allah in the life of a Muhammadan...

“Muslims need to write an honest biography of the Prophet that does not shun the truth, least of all cover it up with the dishonest subterfuge of condescending the Western scholars”. ------ Ibn Warraq, 2000, p. 21.
It is essentially a crime against humanity and against sharia to question Islam .
Islamophiles get apoplectic when Islam is brought under light.
The reasons have been listed as

Political correctness leading to Islamic correctness.
Fear of playing into the hands of racist and reactionariesto the detrimint of western muslims minorities
commercial oreconoimic motives
Post colonial guilt
physical fear
influenced by intellectual terrorist writers like Edward Said .
Plain ignorance and hatred of of religions

The Shahada "I bear witness that there is no divinity but God; I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God". In Arabic, "Ashhadu an la ilaha illa'llaj; ashhadu an-na Muhammada-r-rasulu'llah".

Islam is called “al-deen,” the way of life; as it is not a religion of rituals but a complete way of life including spiritual, social, eco-nomic and political systems pro-viding guidance for private, public, national and international issues.

O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and do not die except as Submitters. [3:102]

We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully; you shall worship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone. Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers. [39:2-3]

Therefore the way of life decreed by God is submission to His will, and to Him alone, in service and worship.

And so the submission to allah in the life of a Muhammadan...

You can take all that gibberish and fuck off for all I care!
No I am not.

That's what he did.

Committed Treason. Unless you can explain what promising to sell an enemy nation, arms, is exactly? When you have no authority to do so.

You have another word for it?

Didn't you SPECIFICALLY say you were going to post something showing him apologizing for committing treason?

Let me go back and see......

Not a link to Reagan being made to apologize for treason?

Sure..this never gets old.

Yep...I was right!

He never says anything like that in your two videos. He NEVER says he apologizes or even that he's sorry. And the word treason is never mentioned.

You'll have to find him ACTUALLY apologizing for treason as I asked you to do.

He did apologize.

It's on the tapes.

And he committed treason.

I don't know how much more clear you want it.

He was never charged. Like Ayers.

So maybe what you're trying to that if you are never charged for a never happened..right?

Is that what you are saying?
Robert Byrd.

You guys really can't separate words from actions can you.

King was not a member of the IRA. Byrd, was a leader in the KKK, and Ayers actually committed crimes.

But I forgot. A con thinking about killing someone is as bad, if not worse than a lib actually killing people.

Puhleeeaze forgive me for thinking you guys could think.

So, you're cool with King supporting the IRA.

I'm as cool with that as you are cool with teens being taken from America and being sent to Somalia, getting turned into radicals and sent on suicide missions.
You guys really can't separate words from actions can you.

King was not a member of the IRA. Byrd, was a leader in the KKK, and Ayers actually committed crimes.

But I forgot. A con thinking about killing someone is as bad, if not worse than a lib actually killing people.

Puhleeeaze forgive me for thinking you guys could think.

So, you're cool with King supporting the IRA.

And you are cool with immams in America threating families with damnation to hell if they talk to the cops.


Nice to know you both don't give a fuck about your fellow Americans. Guess the filthy muslims should live a life of fear.

Cuz that what you ignorant fucks are damning them to.
It is essentially a crime against humanity and against sharia to question Islam .
Islamophiles get apoplectic when Islam is brought under light.
The reasons have been listed as

Political correctness leading to Islamic correctness.
Fear of playing into the hands of racist and reactionariesto the detrimint of western muslims minorities
commercial oreconoimic motives
Post colonial guilt
physical fear
influenced by intellectual terrorist writers like Edward Said .
Plain ignorance and hatred of of religions

The Shahada "I bear witness that there is no divinity but God; I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God". In Arabic, "Ashhadu an la ilaha illa'llaj; ashhadu an-na Muhammada-r-rasulu'llah".

Islam is called “al-deen,” the way of life; as it is not a religion of rituals but a complete way of life including spiritual, social, eco-nomic and political systems pro-viding guidance for private, public, national and international issues.

O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and do not die except as Submitters. [3:102]

We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully; you shall worship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone. Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers. [39:2-3]

Therefore the way of life decreed by God is submission to His will, and to Him alone, in service and worship.

And so the submission to allah in the life of a Muhammadan...

You can take all that gibberish and fuck off for all I care!

potty mouth... there is a better way to say it, if you would like to learn....

Islam stands or falls on the credibility of Muhammad on which we do not have single evidence but unfathomable doubts because his conduct was immoral. But he successfully twisted the sense of morality of his followers, distorted their sense of ‘Humanness’ and linked “doing good” and “a service to God” to all ungodly things. Briefly, he had given a sacred aura to crime and terrorism.

Was Muhammad truthful and sincere when he claimed to the title of prophet? Or, was he a vulgar imposter, who posed as a prophet with his eyes upon a throne from the beginning? Where we can find some concrete evidence that Qur’anic revelations were not Muhammad’s delusions or his conscious fabrications? Where is the ‘divine’ verification for ‘divine’ revelations? If we put the Qur’an in chronological order and correlate it with the context of Muhammad’s life as was reported in Sira, Sunnah and Hadith we find allah mirrored Muhammad’s character. (perhaps) allah was too dumb to be God and too immoral to be Divine. ~ Sujit Das
So I take it that you cannot think of any rebuttal at all about why the California Chapter of CAIR had a poster advocating that their members not cooperate with the FBI?

Wasn't that long ago that Conservatives like Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann were advocating similar stuff when it came to the census.

A healthy level of suspicion when it comes to the Feds ain't a bad thing. It's pretty much the basis for the Tea Party. If you're going to investigate every organization that doesn't happily work with the Feds, you'd best clear your calendar.
"A healthy level of suspicion when it comes to the Feds ain't a bad thing. It's pretty much the basis for the Tea Party. If you're going to investigate every organization that doesn't happily work with the Feds, you'd best clear your calendar." edited to include "if people within your group are blowing up buildings".

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