IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family

There are 21 tax increases in the ACA.

I'm sure those of us who have HC will be subsidizing, with our hard earned tax dollars, everyone that can't afford HC.

Anyone who thinks the ACA is going to be cheaper or better is an idiot.
If I make 1 million dollars a year, and I am taxed at 10%, then I will be paying 100,000 dollars in taxes.

I make no where near 1 million dollars a year, but the example is valid for any amount of income I do make.

Everyone understand yet?

I pay less than 2100 dollars a year for My medical insurance for Myself and My wife. It just went up by 26%,(thanks Obama you fucking loser) and that hurt, but it is not going to be anywhere near $20,000 dollars.

I think maybe you peeps should read what the IRS is actually doing and saying and not take the word of a media type as gospel.

Oops...My bad...I forgot to factor in the 3,000 dollar less than 5100 per year. Still only 25% of the stated amount.

Since you pay for just you and your wife, you can expect to pay significantly more than the quoted $20,000. That was for an "average family" of five. We all know that single people and people who are no longer supporting children will have to pay more in order to make things "fair".
By Matt Cover
January 31, 2013

( – In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.

Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.

The examples point to families of four and families of five, both of which the IRS expects in its assumptions to pay a minimum of $20,000 per year for a bronze plan.


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IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family | CNS News

Now wait a minute, the article points out that the $20,000 per family is for the "BRONZE" plan. That is the cheapest of four plans, the others being "SILVER", "GOLD", and "PLATINUM". So how is this supposed to be any different than what we have now? People who can afford better care will be able to purchase a higher-priced plan. Really?

I am pretty darn sure... that the 49% of people who dont pay one red cent of federal income tax....will have nothing to worry about...

they will not have to pay the obamacare... TAX
nor will they be given a penalty for not paying the TAX.... but also GET said obamacare regardless.

so how is it any different..... the TAX part and the none payers getting everything they want. .

No doubt. They'll probably get additional tax "credits" for the amount they would have paid for health care premiums, if they had paid them, something along the lines of the EIC.
Which makes you a dumnshit who can't read, we get it

No "liberals" are responding to this because it's pure bullshit. The IRS said nothing of the sort.

And this thread makes it pretty clear that some of you still don't understand what "Obamacare" is.
You have no idea what you are talking about Komrade.

Tell me what happens when the Ins company changes the coverage in any way....if you can't tell me that it is you who needs to shut the hell up kid.

If you have it through your company, not much change. If not, cheaper. Subsidies under 4x poverty line, free Medicaid under 140% of poverty line. Read something and stop getting the shytte scared out of you, dupe.
This simply is not true.
I suggest you actually READ it before you type.

I can't believe no liberal had anything to say about this. It's not like what we have now where we can get better plans if we want. No one will be able to afford the cheapest plan, let alone a better one.

Right now, I have one I like and can afford. I won't be able to afford the cheapest one available thanks to Obamadoesn'tcare, so now what?

It's bullshit that average families have to pay nearly half their income for something that they can afford now.

Only those idiots who have no conscience about putting too heavy of a burden on the tax payers are okay with this. Hey, as long as it's other people who will be forced into bankruptcy, why the hell should they care? And the Commie/Marxist pukes are cheering because this will be the thing that finally destroys the country.

What say you liberals? $20,000 a fucking year for the average family. The average family doesn't have that much to spend on health care. Do you liberals realize how many people will find themselves in trouble with the government if they opt to forego ridiculously expensive health insurance in order to keep their homes? And if we can't pay the fine, Pelosi herself said sending people to jail is a fair thing to do.

There is nothing fair about any of the things the Obama administration has done. He is destroying this country. That has been his plan from day one.

If you get your insurance through your employer, nothing will change. If you buy it on your own and your income is only $40,000 for your entire family, then you won't pay much at all as most will be covered by tax credits.

What you need to remember is that most people will still get their insurance through employers. For those who have to pay for it on their own, it will be subsidized depending on income. The real question for the long run is how much those subsidies are going to really cost taxpayers. For that, we will have to wait to see.

Here's a link to Kaiser's calculator. It is obviously only based on estimates, but it should give you an idea how much it will really cost you. Most likely, you will pay less than you do now.

Health Reform Subsidy Calculator - Kaiser Health Reform
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No "liberals" are responding to this because it's pure bullshit. The IRS said nothing of the sort. the actual IRS document, which can be found here:

we find the following:

Under paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, the required contribution for C,
D, and E is B's share of the cost for family coverage, $20,000. Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, C, D, and E lack affordable coverage for 2016 because their required contribution ($20,000) exceeds 8 percent of their household income (


The annual premium for U, V, W, and X’s applicable plan is $20,000.


Therefore, the annual premium for the applicable plan is the same as in Example 3 ($20,000).


The sum of the monthly national average bronze plan premiums is $20,000

Now, I'm not saying you are spouting pure bullshit, but I wonder if you'd be willing to back up your claim that the "IRS said nothing of the sort" because according to the document they released, it sure looks that way.
I can't believe no liberal had anything to say about this. It's not like what we have now where we can get better plans if we want. No one will be able to afford the cheapest plan, let alone a better one.

Right now, I have one I like and can afford. I won't be able to afford the cheapest one available thanks to Obamadoesn'tcare, so now what?

It's bullshit that average families have to pay nearly half their income for something that they can afford now.

Only those idiots who have no conscience about putting too heavy of a burden on the tax payers are okay with this. Hey, as long as it's other people who will be forced into bankruptcy, why the hell should they care? And the Commie/Marxist pukes are cheering because this will be the thing that finally destroys the country.

What say you liberals? $20,000 a fucking year for the average family. The average family doesn't have that much to spend on health care. Do you liberals realize how many people will find themselves in trouble with the government if they opt to forego ridiculously expensive health insurance in order to keep their homes? And if we can't pay the fine, Pelosi herself said sending people to jail is a fair thing to do.

There is nothing fair about any of the things the Obama administration has done. He is destroying this country. That has been his plan from day one.

what this works out for me is

i will pay more for less.... so someone else can have what i am paying for.

Are you pretending you make alot of money along with all the other things you're pretending to be?
We pay about 6k per year on health insurance. I expect that we'll pay about the same in 5 years. Nutters need a higher BS threshold.

and your provider is and through who?

Hmmmmmm. I smell a nutter trap.

Through my wife's employer. Rates have increased 12-15% per year for several years......but that will change. And....both of our preexisting conditions will be included for coverage next year. Big savings. Thanks, President Obama.
We pay about 6k per year on health insurance. I expect that we'll pay about the same in 5 years. Nutters need a higher BS threshold.

and your provider is and through who?

Hmmmmmm. I smell a nutter trap.

Through my wife's employer. Rates have increased 12-15% per year for several years......but that will change. And....both of our preexisting conditions will be included for coverage next year. Big savings. Thanks, President Obama.

Trap, why would you think it is a trap?
union job per chance? That's the only way I see you can get away with 6 grand a year unless you are also not including the portion being paid by the employer. Or you are in your early 20's. Or it is crappy coverage.
And if it is through your employer pre-existing is usually covered after so many months on the plan and with some there is no waiting as long as you join during open enrollment.
And....both of our preexisting conditions will be included for coverage next year.

Ah yes, if only "preexisting conditions" was required for all insurance! No one would have to buy a homeowner's policy until the house was actually on fire. Wonderful...:cuckoo:
and your provider is and through who?

Hmmmmmm. I smell a nutter trap.

Through my wife's employer. Rates have increased 12-15% per year for several years......but that will change. And....both of our preexisting conditions will be included for coverage next year. Big savings. Thanks, President Obama.

Trap, why would you think it is a trap?
union job per chance? That's the only way I see you can get away with 6 grand a year unless you are also not including the portion being paid by the employer. Or you are in your early 20's. Or it is crappy coverage.
And if it is through your employer pre-existing is usually covered after so many months on the plan and with some there is no waiting as long as you join during open enrollment.

Why would I include the portion paid by her employer? Are you some kind of weirdo?

WE PAY 6k per year. Is that hard to understand?

Preexisting conditions are not covered. Where are you from?

She is non-union.

The coverage is excellent.
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Hmmmmmm. I smell a nutter trap.

Through my wife's employer. Rates have increased 12-15% per year for several years......but that will change. And....both of our preexisting conditions will be included for coverage next year. Big savings. Thanks, President Obama.

Trap, why would you think it is a trap?
union job per chance? That's the only way I see you can get away with 6 grand a year unless you are also not including the portion being paid by the employer. Or you are in your early 20's. Or it is crappy coverage.
And if it is through your employer pre-existing is usually covered after so many months on the plan and with some there is no waiting as long as you join during open enrollment.

Why would I include the portion paid by her employer? Are you some kind of weirdo?

WE PAY 6k per year. Is that hard to understand?

Preexisting conditions are not covered. Where are you from?

She is non-union.

The coverage is excellent.

why would you not? It is the totality of the premium, is it not? And it tells us what percentage of your premium you are paying. And I will assume you are young.

So far as pre-existing, most medium to large companies and governmental policies do cover them, if after a certain waiting period, if you enroll during open enrollment or when first hired. Individual policies do not unless you pay extra for that coverage.
No "liberals" are responding to this because it's pure bullshit. The IRS said nothing of the sort. the actual IRS document, which can be found here:

we find the following:

Under paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, the required contribution for C,
D, and E is B's share of the cost for family coverage, $20,000. Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, C, D, and E lack affordable coverage for 2016 because their required contribution ($20,000) exceeds 8 percent of their household income (



Therefore, the annual premium for the applicable plan is the same as in Example 3 ($20,000).


The sum of the monthly national average bronze plan premiums is $20,000

Now, I'm not saying you are spouting pure bullshit, but I wonder if you'd be willing to back up your claim that the "IRS said nothing of the sort" because according to the document they released, it sure looks that way.

So what did the IRS say Doc?
So what did the IRS say Doc?

This is a worksheet showing the methodology for figuring out how penalty payments get calculated, it's not some kind of prediction or actuarial analysis of what premiums will be.

That said, when that IRS document says:

For 2016, the annual premium for the lowest cost bronze plan covering Y is $5,000, and the annual premium for the lowest cost bronze plan covering Z is $4,500.

It sounds like they're just drawing from the CBO's estimates a few years ago:

Overall, CBO estimates that premiums for Bronze plans purchased individually in 2016 would probably average between $4,500 and $5,000 for single policies and between $12,000 and $12,500 for family policies.
Trap, why would you think it is a trap?
union job per chance? That's the only way I see you can get away with 6 grand a year unless you are also not including the portion being paid by the employer. Or you are in your early 20's. Or it is crappy coverage.
And if it is through your employer pre-existing is usually covered after so many months on the plan and with some there is no waiting as long as you join during open enrollment.

Why would I include the portion paid by her employer? Are you some kind of weirdo?

WE PAY 6k per year. Is that hard to understand?

Preexisting conditions are not covered. Where are you from?

She is non-union.

The coverage is excellent.

why would you not? It is the totality of the premium, is it not? And it tells us what percentage of your premium you are paying. And I will assume you are young.

So far as pre-existing, most medium to large companies and governmental policies do cover them, if after a certain waiting period, if you enroll during open enrollment or when first hired. Individual policies do not unless you pay extra for that coverage.

I didn't discuss the employers portion of the premium because I was discussing our cost. The portion that the company pays is compensation to us...not cost.

Now...since you are trying to demonstrate that the total premiums paid for my family's health insurance plan is $20,000. I will inform you that the total premium cost is $1,117 per month for COBRA coverage for this plan. That is $13,404. Not quite 20k. Preexisting conditions are not covered under our plan....and the company is large enough.

I suggest that you defer to me when it comes to discussing the health insurance plan that I have.

I look forward to slapping down your arrogant tone in future discussions.

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