IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Talked to a liberal about worry on future cost of health care due to the Affordable Health care act. He said doesn't everyone DESERVE health care? I asked if he could explain why anyone deserves anything. He couldn't he just keep repeating the same question. He said the government wasn't doing their job. He mentioned wasting the money on the Clinton impeachment. I told him what happened, he didn't know who Paula Jones was, he didn't know that Clinton lied under oath, he didn't know that Clinton lost his law license for five years and he didn't know that Clinton lost a big civil case. These types of low information voters lecture me on what people DESERVE. He also didn't know Obama bombed US citizens but he didn't really care either.

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family | CNS News

( – In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.

Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.
Libtards will be here shortly to lie and twist things so their beloved obamaturd doesn't look like the lier that he is.
People with a brain knew from the start that obamacare is a farce, nothing more then a tax law.

I think to be right they should not have said the cheapest because 20000 is far from cheap. What they should have said is the least expensive.

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