IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
So it wasn't just "rogue agents" in Cincinnati

WASHINGTON – A Washington-based IRS supervisor acknowledged she was personally involved in reviewing Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status as far back as 2010, Fox News confirms -- a detail that further challenges the agency's initial claim that the practice of singling out those groups was limited to a handful of employees in Ohio.

Congressional sources confirmed to Fox News that Holly Paz, who until recently was a top deputy in the division that handles applications for tax-exempt status, told congressional investigators she reviewed 20 to 30 applications. Some requests languished for more than a year without action.

The account undercuts the narrative that senior officials only learned of the practice after it had already started in the Cincinnati office.

IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News
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So Fox News is reporting she was doing her job? Nowhere in that article is it reported that the directive came from Washington.

Details of Paz's role were first reported by The Associated Press. Still, Paz provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.

Read more: IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News
More on this IRS agent. Big Democrat.

IRS lawyer who donated $4,000 to Obama's 2008 campaign, and hovered over Inspector General interviews with subordinates, emerges as villain in tea party scandal

Holly Paz told congressional investigators that she personally oversaw between 20 and 30 tea party groups' applications for tax exemptions

Another employee told House staffers that while right-wing political groups were scrutinized, those on the left were put into the general queue

Paz gave Obama For America and the Obama Victory fund $2,000 - EACH - during the president's 2008 campaign

She also sat in on the 'independent' Inspector General's interviews with IRS staffers, many of whom were her subordinates

IRS lawyer who donated $4,000 to Obama's 2008 campaign, and hovered over Inspector General interviews with employees, emerges as villain in tea party scandal | Mail Online
Politico has this gem:

But Hofacre told the committee she “was tasked to do tea parties” only and would throw any progressive groups into the general inventory rather than putting them aside them for extra scrutiny.

Paz is also being portrayed as a partisan, with many Republicans noting she donated $4,000 to President Barack Obama and the Democrats during the 2008 campaign.

The transcripts indicate she was aware that a Cincinnati IRS employee leaked confidential taxpayer information to ProPublica after the publication asked for a “huge” amount of information.

An IRS official handed it over without realizing that about 10 forms in the stack were not yet ready for public viewing, she said.

Paz also sat in on interviews the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration conducted with IRS employees as part of its independent investigation into the scandal.

She told Oversight that she and Lois Lerner — the IRS official at the center of the scandal — requested the sit-ins so the agency would “understand what information TIGTA had and what they had been told.”

Hill focuses on D.C. IRS official Holly Paz - Print View
So Fox News is reporting she was doing her job? Nowhere in that article is it reported that the directive came from Washington.

Details of Paz's role were first reported by The Associated Press. Still, Paz provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.

Read more: IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News

I just picked this up. This gentleman called Carter Hull designed the approval template for "tea party" applicants.

Paz said the tea party cases first came to Washington in February 2010 so officials could “develop some guidance or a tool that can be given to folks [in Cincinnati] to help them in working the cases,” which ensures “consistency.”

Carter Hull, a tax law specialist interviewed by the committee last week, was assigned with creating an approval template.

In the fall of 2010, Hull presented Paz with a memo of the 40 cases then being scrutinized.

Most of the cases merited a closer look, Paz recalls.

“There was inconsistency, either between the narrative and the questions where you check yes or no regarding whether you’re going to engage in political campaign intervention,” she said, later adding: “Sometimes what was said in the narrative would be contradicted by their own material.”

Cindy Thomas, a Cincinnati-based manager charged with communicating with IRS headquarters, contacted Paz a number of times in the fall of 2010 to ask when Hull’s template would be ready.

Hill focuses on D.C. IRS official Holly Paz - Print View
So Fox News is reporting she was doing her job? Nowhere in that article is it reported that the directive came from Washington.

Details of Paz's role were first reported by The Associated Press. Still, Paz provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.

Read more: IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News

Wow anything that went wrong in washington while bush was president was his fault, and everything that happens with obama isn't. I see how it goes now.
So Fox News is reporting she was doing her job? Nowhere in that article is it reported that the directive came from Washington.

Details of Paz's role were first reported by The Associated Press. Still, Paz provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.

Read more: IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News

I guess you missed the part where she was in Washington right there in the very first line of the article.
i love watching you people get all up in arms over being Profiled.
The hypocrisy is wonderful.
So Fox News is reporting she was doing her job? Nowhere in that article is it reported that the directive came from Washington.

Details of Paz's role were first reported by The Associated Press. Still, Paz provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.

Read more: IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News

I guess you missed the part where she was in Washington right there in the very first line of the article.

Thats not even his point. Again the need to make up arguments nobody was making so you have something to say. You are as clever as a rock.
Scandal? What scandal?

Yeah, the Left is having a tough time spinning this one in a way that wll pass the laugh test. Everything the administration has said so far about this has been revealed to be a lie.

Mid level bureaucrats do not make decisions like this on their own.
i love watching you people get all up in arms over being Profiled.
The hypocrisy is wonderful.

I love that now you seem to support profiling, at least as long as it is used to stifle political opposition.

You are wrong though, your hypocrisy is not wonderful. It is disgusting.

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