Is a Constitutional Crisis on the way?

Is a Constitutional Crisis on the Horizon?

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Wrong, congress will still have the power of the purse, they have the power to shut the whole thing down, if it really comes to it. Let's see how the dear leader implements his grand plans with no money.

This. Wrongpublicans will continue to terrorize the nation with threats of "hitting the debt ceiling" and "plummeting off a fiscal cliff" just as they have since they stole a majority in the House.

President Obama, a dictator? Please. We sure could use one, though, to deal with all these Tea-hadis running around Washington, shutting down the gyvyrnmynt.

Did a liberal just wish for dictators? No way. I could never believe that!:lol:

A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as President Obama's the dictator.

And before you conservatards get all uppity at me, this was literally the same sentiment expressed by the last Wrongpublican president.

George Walker "Texas Ranger" Bush said:
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
CNN Transcript - Newsday: Transition of Power: President-Elect Bush Meets With Congressional Leaders on Capitol Hill - December 18, 2000

Even the dumbest manpig we've ever had sitting as our president recognizes the advantages of having a strong central gyvyrnmynt. But I know that won't stop you from crying your delicious Internet-libertarian tears.
Only Constitutional "crisis" in the US is that a black guy became President. If you look at the Declaration of Indpendence under a microscope, the white-out part of "All white men are created equal..." becomes visible. ;)

While I appreciate your exposure of the racist nature of the U.S. government, I'm not sure that this thread is the appropriate place for discussion of organic law. For the sake of avoiding confusion in less-knowledgeable postyrs, please try to stick to the Constitution itsylf.
The answer is that the passage of Amendments, laws, and SCOTUS opinions have changed the context of the role of the 9th and 10th in modern society. They do not, and never will again, operate as a check against the national government as the far right wished they would. States Rights is very, very limited now, not the federal government.

So you are confirming that we are indeed living in a post-constitutional America. Madison said the powers of the feds were few and defined and those of the States were vast. Just the opposite of what you just described, and you appear to be fine with it, how pathetic are you, you fucking loser.


Gotta love it when posters come up with this kind of apocalyptic hyperbole!

There are some who want a "Constitutional crisis" so they fan the flames.

If the radical tee potties could do it, they would have full out civil war going. And, their real and only reason would be that they need to do SOMEthing, anything, with all those guns collecting dust under the bed.
The law was had a specific date...........


Which was appropriate and wisely delayed in accordance with IRS regulatory code and established legal precedent.

No laws were 'rewritten,' no laws were 'ignored,' no laws were 'violated,' and no laws were 'amended.'

The law had a specific date. Period.
Criminality is the hallmark of the Obama Regime. I am not surprised and neither should anyone else be. Obama's name will go down in history along with other criminal world leaders like Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot.
hyperbole much :lol: "Obama's name will go down in history along with other criminal world leaders like Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot."

No, but Cruz's may well do so.
Existing law does not allow them to regulate carbon dioxide that was done by the courts, which they have no more power to amend existing law than the president. Of course they seem to lack that knowledge as they have demonstrated many times.

This doesn't make any sense.

Neither the president nor the Supreme Court 'amended' any laws.

It is both necessary and appropriate for administrative and regulatory entities to infer the intent of Congress when implementing the policies authorized by acts of Congress.

Indeed, Congress writes its laws with the full understanding and intent that administrators and regulators will develop the details and specifics of actual implementation.

And when corporations or private citizens perceive a regulatory agency's implementation as contrary to Congress' intent, they are at liberty to file suit in Federal court to challenge the policy.

When the Supreme Court determines that a regulatory agency is implementing policy as intended by Congress, that decision in no way 'amends' existing law – it's ignorant and ridiculous to maintain otherwise.

Really, how did a penalty written into the law and held unconstitutional, suddenly become a TAX without further congressional action?

By blackmailing a Supreme Court Justice.
Which was appropriate and wisely delayed in accordance with IRS regulatory code and established legal precedent.

No laws were 'rewritten,' no laws were 'ignored,' no laws were 'violated,' and no laws were 'amended.'

The law had a specific date. Period.
Criminality is the hallmark of the Obama Regime. I am not surprised and neither should anyone else be. Obama's name will go down in history along with other criminal world leaders like Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot.

The Reagan Administration was the most criminal in my lifetime. Only a liar or an ignoramus believes otherwise.
So you are confirming that we are indeed living in a post-constitutional America. Madison said the powers of the feds were few and defined and those of the States were vast. Just the opposite of what you just described, and you appear to be fine with it, how pathetic are you, you fucking loser.


Gotta love it when posters come up with this kind of apocalyptic hyperbole!

There are some who want a "Constitutional crisis" so they fan the flames.

If the radical tee potties could do it, they would have full out civil war going. And, their real and only reason would be that they need to do SOMEthing, anything, with all those guns collecting dust under the bed.

Is a full blown bloody civil war avoidable?

How so?
The law had a specific date. Period.
Criminality is the hallmark of the Obama Regime. I am not surprised and neither should anyone else be. Obama's name will go down in history along with other criminal world leaders like Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot.

The Reagan Administration was the most criminal in my lifetime. Only a liar or an ignoramus believes otherwise.

Only an asshole would make such a prejudiced statement.

So you are confirming that we are indeed living in a post-constitutional America. Madison said the powers of the feds were few and defined and those of the States were vast. Just the opposite of what you just described, and you appear to be fine with it, how pathetic are you, you fucking loser.


Gotta love it when posters come up with this kind of apocalyptic hyperbole!

There are some who want a "Constitutional crisis" so they fan the flames.

If the radical tee potties could do it, they would have full out civil war going. And, their real and only reason would be that they need to do SOMEthing, anything, with all those guns collecting dust under the bed.

Absolutely. The Constitution is all that really protects minorities in a democracy. Take that from them and all they have is their guns.

Gotta love it when posters come up with this kind of apocalyptic hyperbole!

There are some who want a "Constitutional crisis" so they fan the flames.

If the radical tee potties could do it, they would have full out civil war going. And, their real and only reason would be that they need to do SOMEthing, anything, with all those guns collecting dust under the bed.

Is a full blown bloody civil war avoidable?

How so?

It's avoidable if we can steer things back to sanity. I'm not sure it can happen with Democrats or Republicans running things.
Criminality is the hallmark of the Obama Regime. I am not surprised and neither should anyone else be. Obama's name will go down in history along with other criminal world leaders like Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot.

The Reagan Administration was the most criminal in my lifetime. Only a liar or an ignoramus believes otherwise.

Only an asshole would make such a prejudiced statement.


Nothing prejudiced in his statement. He remembers history better than you do, apparently.

Reagan had some good policies that helped the country, no doubt... but his administration was rampant with cronyism, there's no getting around that.
There are some who want a "Constitutional crisis" so they fan the flames.

If the radical tee potties could do it, they would have full out civil war going. And, their real and only reason would be that they need to do SOMEthing, anything, with all those guns collecting dust under the bed.

Is a full blown bloody civil war avoidable?

How so?

It's avoidable if we can steer things back to sanity. I'm not sure it can happen with Democrats or Republicans running things.

I hate to burst your bubble, I really do.

Parasites constitute 47 to 50% of the electorate.

In order to be considered electable "fathertofive" states that a candidate must promise to

1- feed us
2- insure us
3- clothe us
4- quench our thirst
5- defend and protect the Jewish State


is going to be very very bloody

Criminality is the hallmark of the Obama Regime. I am not surprised and neither should anyone else be. Obama's name will go down in history along with other criminal world leaders like Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot.

The Reagan Administration was the most criminal in my lifetime. Only a liar or an ignoramus believes otherwise.

Only an asshole would make such a prejudiced statement.


Let me first say you're too stupid to use the word "prejudiced" in this context. That I'm an asshole is open for debate, but in this matter you're the asshole:

List of Reagan administration convictions.
Last edited:
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

1. Lyn Nofziger--White House Press Secretary - Convicted on charges of illegal lobbying of White House in Wedtech scandal. The lobbying would not have been illegal had he not been White House Press Secretary.

2. Michael Deaver, Reagan's Chief of Staff, received three years' probation and was fined one hundred thousand dollars after being convicted for lying to a congressional subcommittee and a federal grand jury about his lobbying activities after leaving the White House. Same as with Lyn Nofziger.

3. James Watt, Reagan's Secretary of the Interior was indicted on 41 felony counts for using connections at the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help his private clients seek federal funds for housing projects in Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Watt conceded that he had received $500,000 from clients who were granted very favorable housing contracts after he had intervened on their behalf. Watt was eventually sentenced to five years in prison and 500 hours of community service.

4. John Poindexter, Reagan's national security advisor, guilty of five criminal counts involving conspiracy to mislead Congress, obstructing congressional inquiries, lying to lawmakers, used "high national security" to mask deceit and wrong-doing...

5. Richard Secord pleaded guilty to a felony charge of lying to Congress over Iran-Contra. Appointed by William Casey to assist Oliver North.

6. Elliott Abrams was appointed by President Reagan in 1985 to head the State Department's Latin American Bureau. He was closely linked with ex-White House aide Lt. Col. Oliver North's covert movement to aid the Contras. Working for North, Abrams coordinated inter-agency support for the contras and helped solicit illegal funding from foreign powers as well as domestic contributors. Abrams agreed to cooperate with Iran-Contra investigators and pled guilty to two charges reduced to misdemeanors. He was sentenced in 1991 to two years probation and 100 hours of community service but was pardoned by President George Bush...

7. Robert C. McFarlane, Reagan's National Security Advisor, pled guilty to four misdemeanors and was sentenced to two years probation and 200 hours of community service. He was also fined $20,000. He received a blanket pardon from President George Bush...

8. Alan D. Fiers was the Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's Central American Task Force. Fiers pled guilty in 1991 to two counts of withholding information from congress about Oliver North's activities and the diversion of Iran arms sale money to aid the Contras. He was sentenced to one year of probation and 100 hours of community service. Alan Fiers received a blanket pardon for his crimes from President Bush...

Thomas G. Clines: convicted of four counts of tax-related offenses for failing to report income from the operations;
Carl R. Channel - Office of Public Diplomacy , partner in International Business- first person convicted in the Iran/Contra scandal, pleaded guilty of one count of defrauding the United States
Richard R. Miller - Partner with Oliver North in IBC, a Office of Public Diplomacy front group, convicted of conspiracy to defraud the United States.
Frank Gomez
13.. Donald Fortier
Clair George was Chief of the CIA's Division of Covert Operations under President Reagan. George was convicted of lying to two congressional committees in 1986. George faced a maximum five year federal prison sentence and a $20,000 fine for each of the two convictions. Jurors cleared George of five other charges including two counts of lying to a federal grand jury. Clair George received a blanket pardon for his crimes from President George Bush...
Rita Lavelle was indicted, tried and convicted of lying to Congress and served three months of a six-month prison sentence.
Philip Winn - Assistant HUD Secretary. Pleaded guilty to one count of scheming to give illegal gratuities.
Thomas Demery - Assistand HUD Secretary - pleaded guilty to steering HUD subsidies to politically connected donors.
Deborah Gore Dean - executive assistant to Samuel Pierce - indicted on thirteen counts, three counts of conspiracy, one count of accepting an illegal gratuity, four counts of perjury, and five counts of concealing articles. She was convicted on twelve accounts. She appealed and prevailed on several accounts but the convictions for conspiracy remained.
Catalina Villaponda - Former US Treasurer
Joseph A. Strauss - Accepting kickbacks from developers
Oliver North - He was indicted on sixteen felony counts and on May 4, 1989, he was convicted of three: accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and destruction of documents (by his secretary, Fawn Hall, on his instructions). He was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell on July 5, 1989, to a three-year suspended prison term, two years probation, $150,000 in fines, and 1,200 hours community service. His conviction was later overturned.
The answer is that the passage of Amendments, laws, and SCOTUS opinions have changed the context of the role of the 9th and 10th in modern society. They do not, and never will again, operate as a check against the national government as the far right wished they would. States Rights is very, very limited now, not the federal government.

So you are confirming that we are indeed living in a post-constitutional America. Madison said the powers of the feds were few and defined and those of the States were vast. Just the opposite of what you just described, and you appear to be fine with it, how pathetic are you, you fucking loser.


There is no such thing as a 'post-Constitution America,' the Constitution is functioning today as it always has, in accordance with the original intent of the Framers.

The Framers were not of one mind with regard to many issues of their day, and they often changed their positions over time concerning various issues. In addition, one member of the Founding Generation did not speak for all, nor would he be representative of all, or possess the sole authority to determine the meaning of the Constitution.

This is why it's important to understand that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, authorized by the Constitution in Articles III and VI as well as the doctrine of judicial review.

It was the intent of the American people who created the Constitution that their National government be supreme, that the Federal Constitution be supreme, and acts of Congress be supreme, with Federal laws and the rulings of Federal courts superior to that of the states and local jurisdictions (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

And it was the intent of the Founding Generation that the Constitution affords Congress powers both expressed and implied, where the states may not interfere with the relationship between the people and their National government, and that the courts determine when Congress has acted in accordance with the Constitution, and when it has not ( McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

The Constitution affords and guarantees the states their own rights and privileges immune from Federal overreach; but the people who reside within the states are first and foremost citizens of the United States, where their civil liberties as American citizens are paramount and cannot be violated by the states, and are safeguarded by the Federal Constitution and its case law.

Great piece of propaganda there, the 10th Amendment plainly states that the feds only have the powers enumerated by the States, the only thing implied is doing the things necessary to carry out those enumerated posers, thus the necessary and proper clause. The States added the 10th Amendment to the bill of rights to dispel any doubt as to their intent and provide another backstop to government overreach.

Great piece of propaganda there, the 10th Amendment plainly states that the feds only have the powers enumerated by the States, the only thing implied is doing the things necessary to carry out those enumerated posers, thus the necessary and proper clause. The States added the 10th Amendment to the bill of rights to dispel any doubt as to their intent and provide another backstop to government overreach.

The Federal Government added the massive domestic paramilitary armies to dispel any doubt as to their intent that they - Not the 10th Amendment - will be the law of the land.


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