Is a Constitutional Crisis on the way?

Is a Constitutional Crisis on the Horizon?

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The constitution has been under attack from the far left for a very long time, just now instead of attacking it, they just ignore it.

A constitution scholar president has been shot down 9 times by the SC (9 -0) more than any other president.

Goes to prove that the far left does not know the Constitution let alone understand it.

To them it is just a GD piece of paper.

Actually this administrating has been shot down 13 times 9-0 but believe it or not it's not a record, Clinton was shot down 18 times 9-0.

Let's put the facts on the table. You're are a liar - by omission - a right wing moron - by evidence of your posts - and an asshole (IMO).

Let's look at one source to determine what you are:

GOP leader: Supreme Court has ruled 13 times that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority | PolitiFact

Sadly, the facts are right wing jerks like OKTexas are dishonest - either willfully so, or because they were dropped on their head too often as an infant.

Really, I said this administration, not your dear leader so where was I dishonest? Even a squirrley little puke like you self should be able to tell the difference.
...Is a full blown bloody civil war avoidable?...

[ame=]Cromwell Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

0:48 to 1:10

From time to time, clashes between the Executive and the Legislative trigger such things...

When the People care enough, and feel strongly enough about the way they are governed...
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In fact, the 9th and 10th Amendments were never originally intended as a 'check' on Federal authority to the advantage of the states. That was a recent contrivance of the reactionary right

Thomas Jefferson's Kentucky Resolutions on 10th Amendment Nullification are a recent contrivance? [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION]

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

When was Thomas Jefferson a justice on the United States Supreme Court.

Cite in Constitutional case law where the states are authorized to 'nullify' Federal law.

While you're looking for the citation, here's the case law that says they can't:

Cooper v. Aaron (1958), where the state of Arkansas sought to 'nullify' the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), rendering segregation illegal, and the Supreme Court invalidated that effort.

Consequently the notion of 'nullification' as legitimate Constitutional doctrine is a recent contrivance by the partisan right hostile to post-Lochner jurisprudence.

You might want to google the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, trust me they are not recent. The Kentucky resolution was written by Jefferson while he was a sitting VP, the Virginia resolution was written by Madison.
You might consider doing a fact check and in doing so remember the devil is in the details. Some of the 13 cases rules by the Supremes 9-0 were EO issued by George W. Bush. But don't take my word for it, see:

GOP leader: Supreme Court has ruled 13 times that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority | PolitiFact

But read the entire article, don't cherry pick. If you do, I'll be watching.

btw, here is the conclusion for those to lazy to read the entire article:

"Goodlatte said, the "9-0 decision last week was the 13th time the Supreme Court has voted 9-0 that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority." A thorough review of the 13 cases found many instances where presidential authority was not at issue. Further, most of the cases originated under and were first litigated by the Bush administration."

We rate Goodlatte’s statement False.

What does that tell you? It demonstrate that Bush Jr. a leftists, a Progressive.

Medicare D and Patriot Act are Progressive acts.

Which means we had a Progressive President for 4 terms from both R and D party.

Ask yourself how much liberty you have now vs. 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago.

Live without regrets, live in the present moment. The past is gone and the future is to come. Learn from the past and plan for the future.


And all the republicans in Congress who voted to enact Medicare Part D and the Patriot Act, a Congress controlled by a republican majority, were 'progressives' as well.

How sad, you're the only 'true conservative' left.

Oh my gosh why would the Federal Government vote to give the Federal Government more power over citizens and at the same time enrich big corporations?

Progressivism = Fascism. It is a government and big corporations working with each other for total control over the life of citizens.
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OKTexas and Contumacious have clearly demonstrated fail in this argument.

Since there is no constitutional crisis on the way, let's go about our affairs today and enjoy it.
OKTexas and Contumacious have clearly demonstrated fail in this argument.

Since there is no constitutional crisis on the way, let's go about our affairs today and enjoy it.

Indeed - go about your affairs, and let those of us interested in a discussion have one. You seem really worried that other people might join us or listen to what we have to say. If our views are really so "fail" and inconsequential, why do you waste your time?

Is a full blown bloody civil war avoidable?

How so?

It's avoidable if we can steer things back to sanity. I'm not sure it can happen with Democrats or Republicans running things.

I hate to burst your bubble, I really do.

Parasites constitute 47 to 50% of the electorate.

In order to be considered electable "fathertofive" states that a candidate must promise to

1- feed us
2- insure us
3- clothe us
4- quench our thirst
5- defend and protect the Jewish State


is going to be very very bloody


Oh, Gawd, you are another on of THEM.

OKTexas and Contumacious have clearly demonstrated fail in this argument.

Since there is no constitutional crisis on the way, let's go about our affairs today and enjoy it.

Funny, I answered no to the poll and explained it in my first post, I guess you're just too fucking senile to remember that far back.
OKTexas and Contumacious have clearly demonstrated fail in this argument.

Since there is no constitutional crisis on the way, let's go about our affairs today and enjoy it.

Indeed - go about your affairs, and let those of us interested in a discussion have one. You seem really worried that other people might join us or listen to what we have to say. If our views are really so "fail" and inconsequential, why do you waste your time?

Ironic given that you have failed to articulate a single one of your specific grievances of this imaginary "Constitutional crisis" even after having been given ample opportunities.
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