Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?

Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
And a Democrat makes everything worse and never solves anything.
They're usually the cause of everything.
Nothing makes them happy.....other than making everyone else around them unhappy.
Joe, you can take thst issue up with the Divine Power that put the system together when you meet it after your passing. I’m not a Creator or the Policy; I’m just an Implementor of the Policy. .

There is no God... and people who claim that they are speaking for him need to be institutionalized before they hurt anyone.

LefTard Logic:
“White Christians are bad...illegal Wetbacks are good.”
Nobody sane should take Joe serious.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
Magic Fairy in the sky vs. men as magic fairies in capitols large and small.
Faith is required in either.
Knowing the nature of men, I'll go with the God in Heaven.

Here's the difference... If I walk into a government building and scream, "I have a bomb", Ill be arrested because the government really exists.

If I go into a Church and say, "Jesus never existed", nothing is going to happen to me because God doesn't exist.
If I go into a Church and say, "Jesus never existed", nothing is going to happen to me because God doesn't exist.
who then created morality on earth? We were Romans before God, we existed on slavery and military conquest and gladiator games were our entertainment. Do you understand?
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
Conservatives and libertarians of course share the same political underpinnings: both are rightwing reactionaries fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

Both seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed – a past far from ‘ideal’ for women, immigrants, and minorities.

And both are equally wrong concerning the Constitution, its case law, the interpretive authority of the courts to determine what the Constitution means, the rule of law, and the supremacy of Federal laws and the rulings of Federal courts.
Conservatives and libertarians of course share the same political underpinnings: both are rightwing reactionaries fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

Both seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed – a past far from ‘ideal’ for women, immigrants, and minorities.

And both are equally wrong concerning the Constitution, its case law, the interpretive authority of the courts to determine what the Constitution means, the rule of law, and the supremacy of Federal laws and the rulings of Federal courts.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
Conservatives and libertarians are also equally authoritarian – the only difference being the manner in which they pursue their authoritarianism.

Conservatives are traditional authoritarians who seek to compel conformity and punish dissent via the power of the state: enact more laws, create bigger government to interfere in the private lives of citizens, deny citizens their right to individual liberty and self-determination.

Libertarian authoritarianism manifests the result of their unwarranted and wrongheaded opposition to necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies as sanctioned by the Commerce Clause and 5th and 14th Amendment jurisprudence prohibiting the states from violating citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

Indeed, conservatives and libertarians are as inconsistent as they are authoritarian – they decry the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government yet endorse and facilitate the tyranny and contempt for individual liberty as practiced by the states.
who then created morality on earth? We were Romans before God, we existed on slavery and military conquest and gladiator games were our entertainment. Do you understand?

Perfectly... we'd be wonderfully advanced if the Romans hadn't fallen because Christians brought us the Dark Ages.

The barbarism is in the bible... with all of it's stupidity and fake morality. The thing is, most of you bible thumping morons don't actually read what's in your bible.. but maybe we still need that warning sticker.

Conservatives and libertarians of course share the same political underpinnings: both are rightwing reactionaries fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

capitalism transformed the planet so brings on great change. Got it backwards yet again??
Indeed, conservatives and libertarians are as inconsistent as they are authoritarian – they decry the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government yet endorse and facilitate the tyranny and contempt for individual liberty as practiced by the states.

states can't be authoritarian since you are free to move out!! Backwards yet again? See what happens when you skip college and never learn critical thinking skills?
Conservatives and libertarians of course share the same political underpinnings: both are rightwing reactionaries fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

Both seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed – a past far from ‘ideal’ for women, immigrants, and minorities.

And both are equally wrong concerning the Constitution, its case law, the interpretive authority of the courts to determine what the Constitution means, the rule of law, and the supremacy of Federal laws and the rulings of Federal courts.
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yes in the old days communists took the fifth, now they openly run for office and Democrats elect them.

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