Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?

Trump was worth my vote for the Supreme Court appointments alone. Hillary would have put more Alinskyites on the court like Obama did.
Trump was worth my vote for the Supreme Court appointments alone. Hillary would have put more Alinskyites on the court like Obama did.

If your point is that the Republicans are always a million times better than the filthy ass Democrats then you will get no argument from me.

However,a million times zero is still pretty much zero, isn't it?

I hope Trump succeeds in making this country great again. He has the right agenda in many areas. However, all I see so far is a bigger government than when the Jungle Monkey left office, more debt and the welfare state still continues.
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Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.

A libertarian is a retarded child who likes the benefits of living in a civilized society, but doesn't want to do any of the hard work to live in civilization.

A conservative is a rube who has been convinced by rich people that the protections and rights his grandparents walked picket lines to get are what is holding him back, and then he sits there and wonders why he's working harder for less money.
Commies hate liberty.
To be libertarian is to be against the of government-over-man.

Very, very few modern conservative value the libertarian ideal. Most modern conservatives are just as rebidly statist as those on the so-called left that they themselves call statist.

To be conservative, though, you first have to ask what the proper role of government should be. That;s the forst thing. The Founders asked the question, the had a revolution and they wrote a constitution. What they decided was that the proper role of government was to protect liberty, and the Constitution is reflective of this.

If we want to be good coservatives we have a very good guide. It's the Constitution.
Unfortunately the Founders didn't realize that that concept of "limited government" is an oxymoron.

Limited government is possible, but can't be maintained without strict limitations on government power.

Maintenance of the courts, the ability to enforce a contract by legal means, and the defense of right to property are all legitimate powers that can only be be guaranteed by government.
The experiment has failed....In fact, it didn't even make it past its first presidential administration before its constraints were ignored.

The State is the biggest lie ever invented.
People such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, et al...

Not to mention the First Amendment guaranteeing Freedom of Religion.

Uhhhh.... yeah... thank you for your feedback.

Yeah, pretty much. They were all listening to the voices in their heads, if they existed at all. We have medications for that now.
Denying the existence of God and denigrating Believers...

Typical Leftist fare...

We've seen this act before... Soviet Russia... 1918-1991...

No thank you.
Denying the existence of God and denigrating Believers...

Typical Leftist fare...

We've seen this act before... Soviet Russia... 1918-1991...

No thank you.

Again, just because you want there to be a magic fairy in the sky who cares about you doesn't mean there is one.

So when America fails and breaks up into smaller countries, can we call that a failure of Christianity and Capitalism?
Again, just because you want there to be a magic fairy in the sky who cares about you doesn't mean there is one.

So when America fails and breaks up into smaller countries, can we call that a failure of Christianity and Capitalism?
Magic Fairy in the sky vs. men as magic fairies in capitols large and small.
Faith is required in either.
Knowing the nature of men, I'll go with the God in Heaven.
Libertarians tend to be vastly more intelligent than either liberals or conservatives, especially with so many "christians" calling themselves "conservatives" without a clue how to define the word "conservative...."

Hint = W was NOT a "conservative..."
Denying the existence of God and denigrating Believers...

Typical Leftist fare...

We've seen this act before... Soviet Russia... 1918-1991...

No thank you.

Again, just because you want there to be a magic fairy in the sky who cares about you doesn't mean there is one.

So when America fails and breaks up into smaller countries, can we call that a failure of Christianity and Capitalism?
Wake me up when that happens...
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court –
except if your judicial philosophy is conservative or originalist in which case you care what the Constitution says not what the case law says. 1+1=2
Indeed, for the most part, conservatives are factually wrong when it comes to the Constitution – regardless whether they’re a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ conservative.

if true you would not be so afraid to present the most obvious example of being wrong. What do you learn from your fear? See what happens when you skip college and law school?

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