Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?

A lot of people have complained about Trump signing the budget, and the spending. But he hasn't come close to running up the total debt Obama did. Now you are just being misleading.
For FY2018, Trump outspent Obama's worst year by half a trillion dollars.

For FY2019, Trump's 4.4 trilion budget exceeds Obama worst year by a full trillion dollars.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

Trump had DOUBLED the deficit he inherited. The deficit was going DOWN until the GOP got control of Congress back. Then they blew it back the fuck up.

And not even a single peep out of these alleged conservatives/libertarians about it.


You hypocritical asshole. I never heard you bitching about debt when the Jungle Monkey President with the transvestite husband was running up more debt than the world had ever seen before.
Obama = Hate America Globalist

Trump = Working for the benefit OF AMERICANS.
FY2019: $4.4 trillion budget.

The party of small government, my ass!
A libertarian is a fiscal conservative and not a social conservative.

We worry about gov't over-reaching. We do not think more power in the hands of a few is a good thing.
A lot of people have complained about Trump signing the budget, and the spending. But he hasn't come close to running up the total debt Obama did. Now you are just being misleading.

Why no, in two years he hasn't quite added as much to the debt as Obama did in eight. Give him time, he will surpass Obama's additions to the debt quite easily according to all major economic predictions.
A lot of people have complained about Trump signing the budget, and the spending. But he hasn't come close to running up the total debt Obama did. Now you are just being misleading.

A Moon Bat like this g500 clown being misleading???? Say it ain't so!

Trump said he reluctantly signed the deficit budgets so that he could properly fund the military after the destruction done by the Jungle Monkey President.

He said he wasn't going to do that again. Lets hope he keeps his word.


dont make me laugh

I didn't vote for Trump because I figured he was going to be just another big government President.

So far he has lived up to that stereotype. The Liberals hate him because they are confused but they should love him.

He has continued with the welfare state, ran up debt, grew the size of government and pretty much given us most of what we had when the Jungle Monkey was in charge.

He even is working an anti right to keep and arms agenda. All the things that Liberals love.

We will see at the end of his Presidency if he is really going to make this country great again or just give us about the same shit that we would got from the filthy ass Democrats. You know, like Bush did.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.

Is a libertarian is essentially

Well, somebody is slow........
A lot of people have complained about Trump signing the budget, and the spending. But he hasn't come close to running up the total debt Obama did. Now you are just being misleading.
For FY2018, Trump outspent Obama's worst year by half a trillion dollars.

For FY2019, Trump's 4.4 trilion budget exceeds Obama worst year by a full trillion dollars.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

Trump had DOUBLED the deficit he inherited. The deficit was going DOWN until the GOP got control of Congress back. Then they blew it back the fuck up.

And not even a single peep out of these alleged conservatives/libertarians about it.


You hypocritical asshole. I never heard you bitching about debt when the Jungle Monkey President with the transvestite husband was running up more debt than the world had ever seen before.
Prepare to be buried, dipshit.

From the period Obama was President:

Does anyone seriously believe Obama or Romney would balance the federal budget by 2016?

I sure as hell don't. It will be 2016 and Obama will still be running over a trillion dollars in annual deficits, and his anus worshippers will still be finding ways to blame Bush.

But I don't buy Romney will balance it either. Not with a borrow and spend Congress pandering to everyone who casts a shadow.


Marc, we seriously need entitlement reform. It will be mathematically impossible to ever balance the budget again without it.

Obama has not only completely ignored this fact, his one and only domestic achievement was to add an entirely new entitlement to our budgetary load!

No, he gets no slack from me.



I am 100 percent confident we will continue to run deficits until at least 2016, no matter who wins the White House, and no matter who controls the Congress. And I am a critical thinker who is almost never 100 percent confident about anything.

There is not the necessary critical mass of balls of steel to get the job done. Washington DC is overrun with cowards who get votes by writing checks the taxpayers can't cash, and who are too afraid to lay out the specifics of a real plan to balance the budget. They say things that make their base orgiastic, but the base never notices the promises are never fulfilled and that the politicians they love and defend are chickenshit liars and hypocrites.

We have the government we deserve.


$1.4 trillion of tax expenditures, boys and girls.

It would be a piece of cake to balance the budget in one year. A piece of cake.

And we could lower tax rates for everyone at the same time.

Ban all tax expenditures and raise the retirement age to 70. Done!

If we banned all tax expenditures, this alone would enable us to balance the budget AND lower everyone's tax rates.

Our government could balance the budget tomorrow, very easily. If it wanted to.

It does not want to.

I believe our elected American officials should balance the budget, which can be achieved simply by banning all tax expenditures and raising the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I believe our elected American officials should abolish the federal income tax and replace it with the Fair Tax.

I believe our elected American officials should repeal ObamaCare and allow us to buy our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, home, and life insurance.

And I can write pages and pages of reasons why these are the best options for America going forward.

Shall I go on, jingo-boi? Or am I putting you to sleep?
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A lot of people have complained about Trump signing the budget, and the spending. But he hasn't come close to running up the total debt Obama did. Now you are just being misleading.
For FY2018, Trump outspent Obama's worst year by half a trillion dollars.

For FY2019, Trump's 4.4 trilion budget exceeds Obama worst year by a full trillion dollars.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

Trump had DOUBLED the deficit he inherited. The deficit was going DOWN until the GOP got control of Congress back. Then they blew it back the fuck up.

And not even a single peep out of these alleged conservatives/libertarians about it.


You hypocritical asshole. I never heard you bitching about debt when the Jungle Monkey President with the transvestite husband was running up more debt than the world had ever seen before.
In my last post, I provided you some examples of me talking about how to balance the budget, and criticizing Obama for the deficit.

I can provide HUNDREDS more.

Now let's see you provide some examples of you criticizing Trump's record spending.

I'll wait here.
Dumb fuck just tried to project his own hypocrisy onto me.

Idiot fucked with the wrong guy and got owned. :lol:
FY2019: $4.4 trillion budget.

The party of small government, my ass!

The deficit and national debt have been a joke for decades. Neither party is concerned about them. The central government is out of control. Nothing new here.
FY2019: $4.4 trillion budget.

The party of small government, my ass!

The deficit and national debt have been a joke for decades. Neither party is concerned about them. The central government is out of control. Nothing new here.
And yet you pseudocons have been DEAD SILENT about Trump's record spending, after complaining for eight years about Obama's.

Nothing new about that kind of reeking hypocrisy on your part, either.
One of the sleazier tactics of Trump's psueodocons is that they defend Trump's spending by pointing out Obama ran up more debt than Trump has so far.

They cannot bring themselves to attack Trump for spending so much. They just can't do it.

Here's the thing.

They didn't wait to attack Obama's spending until he broke Bush's record. They started in on him in 2009. Right out of the gate!

Fucking hypocrites.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
I actually admire libertarians more than these alleged conservatives.

There are no conservatives any more. The conservative movement is dead. Dead, dead, dead. They are gone, and have been replaced by racists, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.

A huckster New York limousine liberal like Trump was the obvious choice to fill the vacuum left behind by the collapse of conservatism.

The one thing I admire about libertarians is their total dedication to their cause. Guys like Ron Paul have more integrity in their little finger than the millions of Trumpeters have collectively.

However, even the libertarians have been dead silent about Trump's spending and his deficits. And that is a very sad thing. Very sad indeed.
Oh, by the way. Post 108. That prediction I made all those years ago that Obama would still be running trillion dollar deficits in 2016 was wrong.

Obama had gotten the deficit down to half that amount by 2016.

Then the GOP took over. Now they and Trump have gotten it back up to a trillion dollars in less than two years.

"yeahbutobama! :206:"
Libertarians are utopian ' Don Quixotes'. They never met a windmill that they could beat!
So much wasted energy.

Actually my Libertarian leanings are rooted in realism. Things like the reality that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch", personal responsibility, individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.

The Don Quixotes of the political spectrum are the Liberals that think they are somehow entitled to have somebody else pay their bills, just because they are alive.
Libertarians are utopian ' Don Quixotes'. They never met a windmill that they could beat!
So much wasted energy.

Actually my Libertarian leanings are rooted in realism. Things like the reality that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch", personal responsibility, individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.

The Don Quixotes of the political spectrum are the Liberals that think they are somehow entitled to have somebody else pay their bills, just because they are alive.

That's all well and good.
But, your vote just never counts if voting Libertarian.
Libertarians are utopian ' Don Quixotes'. They never met a windmill that they could beat!
So much wasted energy.

Actually my Libertarian leanings are rooted in realism. Things like the reality that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch", personal responsibility, individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.

The Don Quixotes of the political spectrum are the Liberals that think they are somehow entitled to have somebody else pay their bills, just because they are alive.

That's all well and good.
But, your vote just never counts if voting Libertarian.

When I voted for Bush 41 I got higher taxes, bigger government, more welfare, several new federal gun laws, Ruby Ridge and the start of WACO.

When I voted for Bush 43 I did get a rinky dink tax cut but I also got bigger government, bigger welfare state, an interventionist war than nothing to do with 911, and millions of Illegals streaming in.

Why vote for Republicans when you get about the same big government shit that you would have got from the filthy ass Democrats?

Talk about wasting your vote.
Libertarians are utopian ' Don Quixotes'. They never met a windmill that they could beat!
So much wasted energy.

Actually my Libertarian leanings are rooted in realism. Things like the reality that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch", personal responsibility, individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.

The Don Quixotes of the political spectrum are the Liberals that think they are somehow entitled to have somebody else pay their bills, just because they are alive.

That's all well and good.
But, your vote just never counts if voting Libertarian.

When I voted for Bush 41 I got higher taxes, bigger government, more welfare, several new federal gun laws, Ruby Ridge and the start of WACO.

When I voted for Bush 43 I did get a rinky dink tax cut but I also got bigger government, bigger welfare state, an interventionist war than nothing to do with 911, and millions of Illegals streaming in.

Why vote for Republicans when you get about the same big government shit that you would have got from the filthy ass Democrats?

Talk about wasting your vote.

I got sour grapes too over my past votes. But, so far, I'm more than happy having voted for Trump.

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