Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?

I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

However, I don't support all Libertarian issues. For instance, I don't support legalize mind altering drug use and abortion. I think they have pretty much changed their minds but it use to be that Libertarians supported open borders providing nobody could get any government welfare once they got here. I have never supported open borders with any qualifications.
I don't agree with everything the Libertarian's say.

But on foreign policy, a balanced budget, a small, peacetime armed forces/large militia and the economy (the government staying out of it)? I am in 100% agreement.

If America followed these Libertarian ideals...thousands of brave (and dead), American soldiers would probably be alive today, the world would be noticeably more stable, the federal deficit would be FAR smaller (if it would exist at all), the military industrial complex would not be out-of-control (as it is now) and the economy would be flourishing - with recessions and booms - but, overall, flourishing.


Good points.

A difference between a Conservative and a Libertarian is that the Conservative may very well believe that it is America's destiny to make the world safe for Democracy or to be the world's policeman, or whatever.

A Libertarian (like me) would say "fuck it, go fight your own wars".

A stupid Liberal doesn't have a clue what the foreign policy of the US should be. Most of the assholes are American hating globalists anyhow.
I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

Conservatives do compromise which you have to do in a democracy. That's why they control the Supreme court while libertarians have not put one justice on.
Very, very few modern conservative value the libertarian isdeal .Mose modern conservatives are just as rebidly statist as those on the so-called left.
obviously not true even Trump made huge cuts to taxes and regulations
And then began accelerating the deficit.

Deficit Donald broke Obama's worst year of spending by half a trillion dollars in FY2018, and is planning on topping Obama's worst year by a full trillion dollars for FY2019.

So...yeah. Trump and the GOP are WORSE spenders than the Democrats. Just like Republicans were the last time they had all the power.
I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

Conservatives do compromise which you have to do in a democracy. That's why they control the Supreme court while libertarians have not put one justice on.

Very, very few modern conservative value the libertarian isdeal .Mose modern conservatives are just as rebidly statist as those on the so-called left.
obviously not true even Trump made huge cuts to taxes and regulations
And then began accelerating the deficit.

Deficit Donald broke Obama's worst year of spending by half a trillion dollars in FY2018, and is planning on topping Obama's worst year by a full trillion dollars for FY2019.

So...yeah. Trump and the GOP are WORSE spenders than the Democrats. Just like Republicans were the last time they had all the power.

its like a contest to them to see which one can out spend the other,,,

both should be declared traitors and terrorist
In case you didn't notice, the "libertarian" movement was hijacked by the pot heads.

Nope. The libertarian 'movement' played the game best and the GOP changed the rules after they realized it so they blocked us from the convention after we won the right to be there in it with our man. Rule 40(b) came, courtesy of the GOP. All in the name of showing party unity, they said. Cock suckers, all of em. It still turns my stomach even remembering it. The mainstream media ran interference for em, too. That's something else, a whole different thing, but it was underhanded, for sure. They even put other candidates pictures next to our guy's numbers. Wouldn't even say his name, even though we were rolling all over the establishment in the delegate game. We were breaking political records in grassroots money department, too, bet your asses we were. lol.

That's who hijacked the librtarian 'movement' And don't even get me started on the Tea Party, our guy was the father of the Tea Party and they stole that from ius, too, the dirty bastards, I think the neocons run the Tea Party now, it's nothing like it was whe nit forst got going. Nothing at all like it. Now it's a neocon group now. lol.

Look what we did, whitehall. We were legends. Ha. But you can't beat a fox at his own game, unfortunately, especially when the fox is making the rules.

If Ron Paul could not even clear the small eight state hurdle, then he had no chance of ever getting the nomination unless an asteroid crashed through the roof and killed all the other candidates.
A Libertarian (like me) would say "fuck it, go fight your own wars".
quaint idea until Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and Pol Pot's Cambodia, and the age of anthrax that we now live in

Actually, if you look at the events prior to Pearl Harbor, you will see quite clearly that FDR provoked the Japs into attacking us with his interventionist policies. For instance, he cut the Japs off of our oil when we were the world's largest oil producer and pretty well controlled the world market. How is the Japs going to war over that any different that when we went to war in Kuwait because Saddam threaten our imported oil?

Being a Vietnam veteran I am quite aware of the brutality of the filthy Communists. However, it is not our responsibility to make the world safe.

There are times when we need to fight. However, we should not be in the business of fighting other people's wars for them or being the world's policeman or making the world safe for Democracy or whatever. We do far too much of that. It doesn't really make us safer. It just gets our best men and women killed and taps our resources and keeps us pretty much in a state of perpetual war, like we have been in much of my life time.
I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

Conservatives do compromise which you have to do in a democracy. That's why they control the Supreme court while libertarians have not put one justice on.

Weak minded people compromise and all that does is produce failure only at a slower rate.

We have too many RINOs masquerading as Conservatives that vote to advance big government.

Compromise has given us the welfare state, a $4 trillion a year bloated out of control Federal government, a lost of a lot of Liberties, over run borders and $20 trillion in debt.

No thank you.
I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

Conservatives do compromise which you have to do in a democracy. That's why they control the Supreme court while libertarians have not put one justice on.


The distinction is not relevant to the point he was making.
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court

Bull pucky, Jones.

Judicial review does not exist in Article III. Anywhere.

Go look. We'll wait.

clayton you still pushing that case law BS???

go home prog we dont want your kind here

It's always amusing when a wag who's been here all of two days starts using the word "we". :rofl:

Let alone the anachronistic handle, let alone his lack of a shift key....
And then began accelerating the deficit.

Deficit Donald.

He has a long way to go before he breaks the Jungle Monkey President's world record of $10 trillion in debt.

You stupid Moon Bats were absolute morons electing that Obama piece of shit. The worst President this country ever had.
I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

However, I don't support all Libertarian issues. For instance, I don't support legalize mind altering drug use and abortion. I think they have pretty much changed their minds but it use to be that Libertarians supported open borders providing nobody could get any government welfare once they got here. I have never supported open borders with any qualifications.
The biggest problem with libs and cons is they advocate for a bloated war machine and lots of foreign wars. Rs and Ds are this way too.
I consider myself a Libertarian because it seems like people that call themselves Conservatives compromise with the Liberals too often. That is a bad thing. To me most Conservatives will be too willing to go along with big government, as an example.

Conservatives do compromise which you have to do in a democracy. That's why they control the Supreme court while libertarians have not put one justice on.


The distinction is not relevant to the point he was making.

its totally relevant,,,and his comment about controlling the SCOTUS is a reason why, since in a democracy a party can control courts where as a republic they cant, they are bound by the constitution
I don't agree with everything the Libertarian's say.

But on foreign policy, a balanced budget, a small, peacetime armed forces/large militia and the economy (the government staying out of it)? I am in 100% agreement.

If America followed these Libertarian ideals...thousands of brave (and dead), American soldiers would probably be alive today, the world would be noticeably more stable, the federal deficit would be FAR smaller (if it would exist at all), the military industrial complex would not be out-of-control (as it is now) and the economy would be flourishing - with recessions and booms - but, overall, flourishing.

I have quite a few libertarian principles. I've been mixing with Libertarians since I first attended a Young Americans for Freedom convention in New York in 1977. That's also where I had the honor of meeting Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley, among many other luminaries of the conservative movement.

Bill Buckley had a lot of libertarian tendencies. He was one of the earliest to call for the legalization of pot. It took me a while to come around to his point of view. He also pissed off conservatives by calling for the US to grant Panama independence.

A man ahead of his time.

One of the reasons I harp continuously about tax expenditures is because that is a core conservative/libertarian principle. Tax expenditures are by far the largest destructive force working against our capitalist system and the security of our nation.

As for a standing military, we are dependent on goods and raw materials all over the world. It just isn't possible to protect those interests with a small military. However, I agree there is a tremendous amount of fraud, waste, and abuse in the military, having seen it with my own eyes.

Where I seriously depart from Libertarians is on the idea that human beings are self-regulating. That's a fucking joke. The single biggest distinction of Libertarians is their utter lack of understanding of human nature.

There is no "invisible hand".
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The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court

Bull pucky, Jones.

Judicial review does not exist in Article III. Anywhere.

Go look. We'll wait.

clayton you still pushing that case law BS???

go home prog we dont want your kind here

It's always amusing when a wag who's been here all of two days starts using the word "we". :rofl:

Let alone the anachronistic handle, let alone his lack of a shift key....

yeah but I've been on this planet for 53 yrs,,,,sorry if my grammar or punctuation offends you,,,try blaming dems and repubes for my education for I are a product of that

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