Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?

Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
If government made everything worse, no one would support them.

The hell of the matter is, government does some good, so how much "good" justifies their actions verses the "bad" they do?

Case in point is Al Capone. He was a murderous criminal who owned soup kitchens to help the poor. Why? It was to give himself legitimacy. Anyone who wanted to get rid of old Al would have to face questions like, "What about his soup kitchens for the poor"?

Politicians like Hillary do the same. They open their own personal charities that they launder money through while helping a certain segment in society with their charity.

And the government does it with their social programs as well, like Social Security. They give Americans money while stealing whatever is left with a worthless IOU attached.

Problem is, these types of inquiries are often difficult and time consuming and, as a result, ignored, so they just keep on exponentially increasing these types of programs.
A Liberal is a Left-wing adherent.

A Libertarian is a Right-win adherent.

A Conservative is a Centrist.

I think that there is a difference between a liberal and a Leftist. A liberal actually cares about natural rights as where a Leftist only wants to try and create rights that take natural rights away from us. A Leftist is all about collectivism. Just centralize power and take rights away from people to help curb the damage freedom causes, like pollution. A Leftists sees human freedom as a way to trash society and make "social justice" virtually impossible, so every action is geared towards taking away those rights, much like the Catholic church tried to curb the freedom people used to "sin" against the church.

But the main difference between the liberal and the Leftist is, the Leftist is all about centralized power as where the liberal is largely powerless, hence the Leftist dictates to the liberal what must be done.

Conservatives and libertarians tend to differ with the liberal in terms of how much government should be in the economy and personal morality, but are also dictated to by Leftists who preside over the majority of the government.
Again, racism, misogyny, greed, pollution, homophobia are not 'right". They are also terrible ideas.

Joe, you can take thst issue up with the Divine Power that put the system together when you meet it after your passing. I’m not a Creator or the Policy; I’m just an Implementor of the Policy. .
Lots of blovation here by individuals incapable of any more than uninformed and simplistic parroting of that which their masters have fed them. Shit in, shit out.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
You're wrong about all three of, course.

Paraphrasing the difference between a neurotic and a psychotic: conservatives build castles in the sky, libertarians live in those castles.
There can be overlap between Conservative, and Libertarian. I consider myself a Conservatarian because I abhor big government, and government over reach into people's lives. I don't want to be dictated to about things whether they are "good for me" or not, from either side of politics.

One example? I think all drugs should be legalized for people over 18. Stop putting people in jail for drug use. No, I do NOT take drugs.
A libertarian is a conservative who has given up on the search for the superior justification for selfishness. He just declared property rights "sacred", and considered it done.

All else just follows, from decriminalizing pot use and the "right" to breathe air of any grade of contamination to the right to choose (not all necessarily unreasonable), as, for libertarians, it's the consequence of knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
A Liberal is a Left-wing adherent.

A Libertarian is a Right-win adherent.

A Conservative is a Centrist.

I think that there is a difference between a liberal and a Leftist. A liberal actually cares about natural rights as where a Leftist only wants to try and create rights that take natural rights away from us. A Leftist is all about collectivism. Just centralize power and take rights away from people to help curb the damage freedom causes, like pollution. A Leftists sees human freedom as a way to trash society and make "social justice" virtually impossible, so every action is geared towards taking away those rights, much like the Catholic church tried to curb the freedom people used to "sin" against the church.

But the main difference between the liberal and the Leftist is, the Leftist is all about centralized power as where the liberal is largely powerless, hence the Leftist dictates to the liberal what must be done.

Conservatives and libertarians tend to differ with the liberal in terms of how much government should be in the economy and personal morality, but are also dictated to by Leftists who preside over the majority of the government.
We are both correct.

You are expounding the view from 1,000 feet (altitude).

I am expounding the view from 30,000 feet.

A matter of degree...
...There is no God...
In your universe, correct... sux to be you.

...people who claim that they are speaking for him need to be institutionalized before they hurt anyone.
People such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, et al...

Not to mention the First Amendment guaranteeing Freedom of Religion.

Uhhhh.... yeah... thank you for your feedback.
The two major political parties are doing great things for the people. Why do we need anything different?

Apparently some in this thread think this way. LOL.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
Hard to tell. I nwould have to find a real consevative to compare with. Todays republican party does not seem to offer any any more.
A conservative basically desires that the Federal Government govern in accordance with the Constitution. The implications of this philosophy are vast. More than half of the the Federal Government's spending is outside the constraints of Article I (See Section 8).

A libertarian takes it a step further: Government should do the absolute minimum required to avoid chaos and anarchy. Mainly, no restrictions on behavior that is either harmless or harms only the actor.
A conservative basically desires that the Federal Government govern in accordance with the Constitution. The implications of this philosophy are vast. More than half of the the Federal Government's spending is outside the constraints of Article I (See Section 8).

A libertarian takes it a step further: Government should do the absolute minimum required to avoid chaos and anarchy. Mainly, no restrictions on behavior that is either harmless or harms only the actor.

That would be more akin to being a federalist, or actually a strict constructional federalist.

Conservatives can be in favor of unconstitutional things, look at the whole Music labelling thing that went on in the late 80's.
There can be overlap between Conservative, and Libertarian. I consider myself a Conservatarian because I abhor big government, and government over reach into people's lives. I don't want to be dictated to about things whether they are "good for me" or not, from either side of politics.

One example? I think all drugs should be legalized for people over 18. Stop putting people in jail for drug use. No, I do NOT take drugs.

Whelp --- by that description you're not a "Conservatarian" whatever that is, but rather a "Liberal".
A Liberal is a Left-wing adherent.

A Libertarian is a Right-win adherent.

A Conservative is a Centrist.

Nnnnnnnnnnope, not even close.

"Liberal" has nothing to do with "left" and "right". And obviously if you have a "center" of a spectrum -- which is itself a dicey construct but if you do ---- you can't take one end of that spectrum and call that the 'center'.

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