Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?

LOL this thread won't end well

With Special Ed that's a given.

Fun fact: Thomas Jefferson invented the Libertarian Party, 135 years before his own birth.
Except he was a supporter of public education and the press..

It's an inside joke. Special Ed has sat on this board and claimed TJ invented the Republican Party, 28 years after his own death -- so I figured I'd get the jump on whatever cockamamie history he comes up with here.
Just don't let him hawk his books he had published...(total wrecks).I am part libertarian, the pothead part...
LOL this thread won't end well

With Special Ed that's a given.

Fun fact: Thomas Jefferson invented the Libertarian Party, 135 years before his own birth.
Except he was a supporter of public education and the press..

It's an inside joke. Special Ed has sat on this board and claimed TJ invented the Republican Party, 28 years after his own death -- so I figured I'd get the jump on whatever cockamamie history he comes up with here.
Just don't let him hawk his books he had published...(total wrecks).

The Amazon reviews are worf it though.
LOL this thread won't end well

With Special Ed that's a given.

Fun fact: Thomas Jefferson invented the Libertarian Party, 135 years before his own birth.
Except he was a supporter of public education and the press..

It's an inside joke. Special Ed has sat on this board and claimed TJ invented the Republican Party, 28 years after his own death -- so I figured I'd get the jump on whatever cockamamie history he comes up with here.
Just don't let him hawk his books he had published...(total wrecks).

The Amazon reviews are worf it though.
It's in the only section where books sell for less than a buck...
To be libertarian is to be against the of government-over-man.

Very, very few modern conservative value the libertarian ideal. Most modern conservatives are just as rebidly statist as those on the so-called left that they themselves call statist.

To be conservative, though, you first have to ask what the proper role of government should be. That;s the forst thing. The Founders asked the question, the had a revolution and they wrote a constitution. What they decided was that the proper role of government was to protect liberty, and the Constitution is reflective of this.

If we want to be good coservatives we have a very good guide. It's the Constitution.
Unfortunately the Founders didn't realize that that concept of "limited government" is an oxymoron.

Limited government is possible, but can't be maintained without strict limitations on government power.

Maintenance of the courts, the ability to enforce a contract by legal means, and the defense of right to property are all legitimate powers that can only be be guaranteed by government.
Limits depend on humans enforcing them. To get rid of the limits, you simply put the right humans in place. That's exactly what the statists did. The Supreme Court is a mechanism for deconstructing the constitution. They simply redefined all the words to make absolute power perfectly constitutional.
In case you didn't notice, the "libertarian" movement was hijacked by the pot heads. Libertarians are officially the lead political drug legalization party.

They need to take Pot off the schedule. All the other chemically processed shit that turns people into garbage needs to be regulated somehow. I don't really give a shit if people kill themselves with the shit, it's when they kill others we have a problem. Obviously straight prohibition doesn't work by itself. Government is fucking it up, and some people believe government brings in most of the shit.
In case you didn't notice, the "libertarian" movement was hijacked by the pot heads.

Nope. The libertarian 'movement' played the game best and the GOP changed the rules after they realized it so they blocked us from the convention after we won the right to be there in it with our man. Rule 40(b) came, courtesy of the GOP. All in the name of showing party unity, they said. Cock suckers, all of em. It still turns my stomach even remembering it. The mainstream media ran interference for em, too. That's something else, a whole different thing, but it was underhanded, for sure. They even put other candidates pictures next to our guy's numbers. Wouldn't even say his name, even though we were rolling all over the establishment in the delegate game. We were breaking political records in grassroots money department, too, bet your asses we were. lol.

That's who hijacked the librtarian 'movement' And don't even get me started on the Tea Party, our guy was the father of the Tea Party and they stole that from ius, too, the dirty bastards, I think the neocons run the Tea Party now, it's nothing like it was whe nit forst got going. Nothing at all like it. Now it's a neocon group now. lol.

Look what we did, whitehall. We were legends. Ha. But you can't beat a fox at his own game, unfortunately, especially when the fox is making the rules.

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In case you didn't notice, the "libertarian" movement was hijacked by the pot heads.

Nope. The libertarian 'movement' played the game best and the GOP changed the rules after they realized it so they blocked us from the convention after we won the right to be there in it with our man. Rule 40(b) came, courtesy of the GOP. All in the name of showing party unity, they said. Cock suckers, all of em. It still turns my stomach even remembering it. The mainstream media ran interference for em, too. That's something else, a whole different thing, but it was underhanded, for sure. They even put other candidates pictures next to our guy's numbers. Wouldn't even say his name, even though we were rolling all over the establishment in the delegate game. We were breaking political records in grassroots money department, too, bet your asses we were. lol.

That's who hijacked the librtarian 'movement' And don't even get me started on the Tea Party, our guy was the father of the Tea Party and they stole that from ius, too, the dirty bastards, I think the neocons run the Tea Party now, it's nothing like it was whe nit forst got going. Nothing at all like it. Now it's a neocon group now. lol.

Look what we did, whitehall. We were legends. Ha. But you can't beat a fox at his own game, unfortunately, especially when the fox is making the rules.

The GOP is deserate to keep our party supressed because they know we will take all their constituents and leave them holding the bag with the insufferable theocrat Jesus Nazis.
I don't agree with everything the Libertarian's say.

But on foreign policy, a balanced budget, a small, peacetime armed forces/large militia and the economy (the government staying out of it)? I am in 100% agreement.

If America followed these Libertarian ideals...thousands of brave (and dead), American soldiers would probably be alive today, the world would be noticeably more stable, the federal deficit would be FAR smaller (if it would exist at all), the military industrial complex would not be out-of-control (as it is now) and the economy would be flourishing - with recessions and booms - but, overall, flourishing.

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Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.

A libertarian is a retarded child who likes the benefits of living in a civilized society, but doesn't want to do any of the hard work to live in civilization.

A conservative is a rube who has been convinced by rich people that the protections and rights his grandparents walked picket lines to get are what is holding him back, and then he sits there and wonders why he's working harder for less money.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
The GOP was clearly infected with pure libertarian thought with the advent of the Tea Party. The two groups of essentially melded into one hyper-anti-government coalition now, with talk radio as its ideological engine, and Trump is the result.

Today's "conservatives" are not in the middle.
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The GOP was clearly infected with pure libertarian thought with the advent of the Tea Party. The two groups of essentially melded into one hyper-anti-government coalition now, and Trump is the result.

Today's "conservatives" are not in the middle.

No, Trump is the result of bad ideas being wrapped in racism, except no they aren't bothering with the bad ideas, and just going with the racism.

You see, Barry Goldwater was the guy who started the "Tea Party Bullshit"... And people who were still old enough to remember the Great Depression and what happens when you let the rich run amok rejected that loudly.

And when the GOP scanned the wreckage of losing 44 states, including places like Utah and Kansas, they said, "Hey, look where we did okay... these southern states where the racists live!"

So starting with Tricky Dick, they started wrapping up their Libertarian/Plutocratic RAT POISON in a juicy bacon of racism, misogyny and homophobia. That person who is different from you is out to get you... so vote to give up your rights or the ability of government and unions to enforce them.

Trump isn't the end result of Libetarian Bad ideas... He wants to turn ICE into the Gestapo and tell you what you can buy in stores...

But the Billionaire Sugar Daddies like the Kock brothers, much like Dr. Frankenstein, stitched together this monster and now wonders why he runs amok across the land.
To be libertarian is to be against the anti-moral precept of government-over-man.

Very, very few modern conservatives value the libertarian ideal. Most modern conservatives are just as rebidly statist as those on the so-called left that they themselves call statist.

To be conservative, though, you first have to ask what the proper role of government should be. That's the first thing. The Founders asked the question, they had a revolution and they wrote a constitution. What they decided was that the proper role of the federal government was to protect liberty, and the Constitution is reflective of this.

If we want to be good coservatives we have a very good guide. It's the Constitution.
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court – and for the most part conservatives do a poor job of following the Constitution.

Indeed, for the most part, conservatives are factually wrong when it comes to the Constitution – regardless whether they’re a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ conservative.
Conservatives believe in two simple, undeniable, unchanging concepts... Right and Wrong. Liberals attempt to ignore those concepts. Libertarians believe they can redefine them based on their own beliefs.

Simple as that.
Is a libertarian is essentially a slow conservative?
Yes, a liberal finds government power to be magical when applied to any problem, a libertarian finds government makes all problems worse, and conservatives are in the middle finding government power make the economy worse and the soul better.
"Government power makes 'the soul better' " ???


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