Is Alabama a Racist State?

How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Interesting statistics. But you haven't presented a case for Alabama being racist.

I think what you have found is gerrymandering.

African Americans vote about 90% Democratic- and Republicans have likely gerry mandered the shit out of districts in Alabama to ensure that Democrats can't get elected.

and what does the fact that it's gerrymandered in that fashion indicate?

I'll point out that as soon as Alabama passed a voter ID law, they closed the motor vehicle offices in black neighborhoods.

does that help?

That's a blatant lie. 31 motor vehicle offices were closed because of budget cuts in 2015, while Obama was still in office. They were offices in rural areas only, not large cities where the preponderance of black folks live.

They were also re-opened the same year.

Alabama Will Reopen Closed DMV Offices in Black Counties

you mean they just happened to be closed before the senate election?

delusional trumptard

The voters of Alabama were warned with plenty of advance notice that they would be required to produce a picture ID to vote. Are you trying to reinforce the stereotype that black people are too dumb or too poor to have some form of identification?

How utterly racist of you. I won't even bother to list the things you can't do without some form of identification.
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.
you just proved that YOU are the racist idiot
one problem is blacks graduate high school at lower levels
making less qualified to go to college and these graduate at lower levels
there are less qualified for ALL jobs

where the heck do you get 45% black???
I'm getting about 27%
U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Alabama
Demographics of Alabama - Wikipedia
Alabama Population demographics 2017, 2016

I've documented how blacks are OVER represented in a lot of great jobs--even though they are not qualified by education

you are coming close to being put on ignore for such ridiculous, unsubstantiated crap
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How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.
If basically half the state is black, why are you only putting the blame on white people?
see post # 22
I'd like to know where he gets 45%
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

The Klan from its inception and up through the 60's and 70's was comprised completely of registered Democrats. I will go so far as to say that there's most likely never been a lynching of a black person in this country, by any Klan member who was a registered Republican..


I know that you lie, but I have to admit this bald faced lie by you surprises even me.

The Klan 'from its inception' was formed by Confederate veterans of unknown political parties.

And far from being comprised of 'registered Democrats' large portions of the KKK were Republican- not in the South- but much of the Midwest.

The History of Hate in Indiana: How the Ku Klux Klan took over Indiana's halls of power

"While it's said the Klan through the Republican Party controlled the state legislature, the two houses were divided, with one house aligned with D.C. Stephenson and the other with the governor," Safianow said. "As a result, the Klan really wasn't able to exert as much legislative influence as it could have."
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

Wow- Alabama stopped being racist in the 1920's? Now that is a fancy bit of Republican revisionism.
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

Wow- Alabama stopped being racist in the 1920's? Now that is a fancy bit of Republican revisionism.

they must have been kidding about that whole Jim Crow thing.
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

Wow- Alabama stopped being racist in the 1920's? Now that is a fancy bit of Republican revisionism.

they must have been kidding about that whole Jim Crow thing.

No they weren't. Everyone knows Democrats have no sense of humor.
To remind our viewers, the Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in highers percentages than did the Democrats.

To state it gently, Democrats voted against civil rights in higher numbers.
Well.. Ya know..

The last time I was there, they still had slaves. They just called them nannies and butlers.

Not that there's anything wrong with that if people are paid a fair wage.

But yeah, I got the feeling slavery was alive and thriving in Alabama.
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

The Klan from its inception and up through the 60's and 70's was comprised completely of registered Democrats. I will go so far as to say that there's most likely never been a lynching of a black person in this country, by any Klan member who was a registered Republican..


I know that you lie, but I have to admit this bald faced lie by you surprises even me.

The Klan 'from its inception' was formed by Confederate veterans of unknown political parties.

And far from being comprised of 'registered Democrats' large portions of the KKK were Republican- not in the South- but much of the Midwest.

The History of Hate in Indiana: How the Ku Klux Klan took over Indiana's halls of power

"While it's said the Klan through the Republican Party controlled the state legislature, the two houses were divided, with one house aligned with D.C. Stephenson and the other with the governor," Safianow said. "As a result, the Klan really wasn't able to exert as much legislative influence as it could have."

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Interesting statistics. But you haven't presented a case for Alabama being racist.

I think what you have found is gerrymandering.

African Americans vote about 90% Democratic- and Republicans have likely gerry mandered the shit out of districts in Alabama to ensure that Democrats can't get elected.

and what does the fact that it's gerrymandered in that fashion indicate?

I'll point out that as soon as Alabama passed a voter ID law, they closed the motor vehicle offices in black neighborhoods.

does that help?

That's a blatant lie. 31 motor vehicle offices were closed because of budget cuts in 2015, while Obama was still in office. They were offices in rural areas only, not large cities where the preponderance of black folks live.

They were also re-opened the same year.

Alabama Will Reopen Closed DMV Offices in Black Counties

you mean they just happened to be closed before the senate election?

delusional trumptard
Yeah... Cuz negroes swarm the DMV come election time. LOL!!!
Coming from a White guy, born and raised in Alabama, who married a Black Women and has mixed race kids it's no more racist than any other state. In fact we got more shit from Black people than we did White.
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

Link that all those democrats are republicans now today from the 60s and 70s?

download (17).jpeg
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

Look: If you're going to comment on American history, the least you could do is learn something about us.

The Klan from its inception and up through the 60's and 70's was comprised completely of registered Democrats. I will go so far as to say that there's most likely never been a lynching of a black person in this country, by any Klan member who was a registered Republican.

I don't know the political affiliation of any current Klan members because I've never really seen one. But if I ever do, I'll be sure to ask him or her.

So where did all those Democrats go? Did they all die suddenly after 1980? Replaced by young, Republicans? If that's true then why are so many Republicans in the South born in the 1940s.

wow.... stuck hard on dumb liberal bigot regional stereotyping
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

Look: If you're going to comment on American history, the least you could do is learn something about us.

The Klan from its inception and up through the 60's and 70's was comprised completely of registered Democrats. I will go so far as to say that there's most likely never been a lynching of a black person in this country, by any Klan member who was a registered Republican.

I don't know the political affiliation of any current Klan members because I've never really seen one. But if I ever do, I'll be sure to ask him or her.

So where did all those Democrats go? Did they all die suddenly after 1980? Replaced by young, Republicans? If that's true then why are so many Republicans in the South born in the 1940s.

Did Jimmy Carter not win the south?
Alabama hasn't been a racist state since the Democrats stopped lynching black folks back in the 1920's.

What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

Look: If you're going to comment on American history, the least you could do is learn something about us.

The Klan from its inception and up through the 60's and 70's was comprised completely of registered Democrats. I will go so far as to say that there's most likely never been a lynching of a black person in this country, by any Klan member who was a registered Republican.

I don't know the political affiliation of any current Klan members because I've never really seen one. But if I ever do, I'll be sure to ask him or her.

So where did all those Democrats go? Did they all die suddenly after 1980? Replaced by young, Republicans? If that's true then why are so many Republicans in the South born in the 1940s.

They're still with us. But they all mysteriously turned into communists at some point in 1968. They found out that they could run up a bigger body count by just murdering the blacks in the womb, instead of lynching them.

True story, mang. I shit you not. :biggrin:

So how did the South flip from Democrat to Republican if the electorate stayed the same? (racist majority Democrats staying Democrats, and non-racist majority Republicans staying Republicans).

If those electorates are the same, then how do republicans win now?

Do Democrats also think that Today's Germans are all still Nazis and Today's Japanese are all still Kamakazis....left wingers love their dumb stereotyping
What about all those murders by the KKK (who are now Republicans) back in the 1960s and 1970s?

Look: If you're going to comment on American history, the least you could do is learn something about us.

The Klan from its inception and up through the 60's and 70's was comprised completely of registered Democrats. I will go so far as to say that there's most likely never been a lynching of a black person in this country, by any Klan member who was a registered Republican.

I don't know the political affiliation of any current Klan members because I've never really seen one. But if I ever do, I'll be sure to ask him or her.

So where did all those Democrats go? Did they all die suddenly after 1980? Replaced by young, Republicans? If that's true then why are so many Republicans in the South born in the 1940s.

They're still with us. But they all mysteriously turned into communists at some point in 1968. They found out that they could run up a bigger body count by just murdering the blacks in the womb, instead of lynching them.

True story, mang. I shit you not. :biggrin:

So how did the South flip from Democrat to Republican if the electorate stayed the same? (racist majority Democrats staying Democrats, and non-racist majority Republicans staying Republicans).

If those electorates are the same, then how do republicans win now?

Do Democrats also think that Today's Germans are all still Nazis and Today's Japanese are all still Kamakazis....left wingers love their dumb stereotyping

I don't think that but I know for a fact if northern whites and blacks got along as well as red state whites and blacks the democrat party would be over..

All the democrats have left is racism ..
How is it a state that is almost 45% black have only 1 black representative?

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And its state representatives are almost 85% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

And it's state senate is almost 95% white

Current Alabama Elected Representatives | Pictures, Bios, Position Statements and Social Media Links | Vote-AL

Just putting together this thread makes me puke, Alabama is a disgusting state of racism and bigotry.

Interesting statistics. But you haven't presented a case for Alabama being racist.

I think what you have found is gerrymandering.

African Americans vote about 90% Democratic- and Republicans have likely gerry mandered the shit out of districts in Alabama to ensure that Democrats can't get elected.

and what does the fact that it's gerrymandered in that fashion indicate?

I'll point out that as soon as Alabama passed a voter ID law, they closed the motor vehicle offices in black neighborhoods.

does that help?

That's a blatant lie. 31 motor vehicle offices were closed because of budget cuts in 2015, while Obama was still in office. They were offices in rural areas only, not large cities where the preponderance of black folks live.

They were also re-opened the same year.

Alabama Will Reopen Closed DMV Offices in Black Counties

you mean they just happened to be closed before the senate election?

delusional trumptard

Rural WHITES were disenfranchised; not URBAN Blacks. And so....

Roll TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well.. Ya know..

The last time I was there, they still had slaves. They just called them nannies and butlers.

Not that there's anything wrong with that if people are paid a fair wage.

But yeah, I got the feeling slavery was alive and thriving in Alabama.
Sometime, Duke, you worry me. You know you're giving Demo-libtards the vapors!!! They're pining for lynchings!!!


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