Is America a Failing Empire?

The results of WW3 will determine it's destiny.

The huge military challenge for the USA is China of course.

Being nuclear powers neither nation can afford outright war as was the case with the Soviet Union and America during the Cold War.

America may not be competent in fighting land insurgencies but she does have the greatest naval power on Earth, and will for a few more decades to come.

China knows that and is desperately trying to catch up.

Also China's mishandling of the virus pandemic has severely damaged her soft power with much of the rest of the world.

For instance, China is Australia's major trading partner, indeed we are one of the few nations that have a trade surplus with China so for years a lot of Chinese apologists in Australia, just looking after the bottom line and not greater national self interest played down every transgression China has made in the South China Sea.

Not since the pandemic, the call to hold China to account is loud and clear, rationally and honestly but Australia is calling China to account for the way it allowed the virus to spread around the globe.

The problem is the USA is the West Pacific's check on China, though other nations like Japan and Taiwan and even a rising India are slowly creating alliances to add to the containment strategy, but right now the USA is seen to be so dysfunctional, even before the pandemic that confidence is shaken. For instance, Trump's betrayal of Kurds in Syria, the most noble people in that region and wildly pro American, had people around the globe relying on American power thinking "is there anyone this President will not betray? Can we really count on American power in the long term?"

Hence the scramble to find other alliances too. Not a rejection of the necessity of American power in the West Pacific, but wisely hedging bets.
America is moribund but can still be saved if enough are willing to permanently eliminate the Little Hitlers who have emerged.

But that's one Hell of a big "IF".

To be sure, the Tree of Liberty is way overdue for a good watering.

Sadly, I think there are too few among the present generation that have the courage to do what needs to be done. We've grown too complacent, too lazy, and too damn cowardly. What would the great men who founded this country think, to see what we've become, and what we've allowed our government to get away with?
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?
Yum Yum. How about that free range roasted kangaroo meat? Pretty good?

You know I really like Kangaroo, a lot of Aussies will not eat it.

It is very gamy, great for chillies and stews and it has the highest protein - vitamin levels with the lowest amount of fat than any other red meat.

With no growth hormone injected in of course, it is actually quite nice if cooked right.
My own answer is the American empire is staggering, especially in the last two failed wars and pandemic, but will not fall any time soon.

Once again I will compare America to Republican Rome.

The egalitarian nature of Republican Rome late on eroded before large powerful economic interests, as is the case in the US, there was social discord and conflict, even social wars, as is the case in America at least politically and socially. Peoples living standards, for most Roman citizens declined, as is the case with America, and more and more her political leaders were lunatics or deluded, as with the case of America but.....

Republican Rome retained the most professional and powerful army in the world, as is the case with America (her failures in Iraq and Afghanistan were due to bad political goals and planning, not the nature of the military itself) and Republican Rome had an ability to keep reinventing it's economical opportunities and goals which I believe the American empire does and can continue to do.

There is 50 years of empire gas left in the American tank I reckon, maybe more.
You will only fail if too few Americans understand why citizens of other nations left to go to America, including many allies. Freedom is not experienced by most of the world, as in one form or another governments have become overbearing, overly secretive and unaccountable. If you don't want this, you had best heed the warning.

Don't be smug like Canadians have been for the last few decades, we've allowed a covert police apparatus to destroy the soul of this nation.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.
Maybe you'll like it better in China. Bye.
Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.
Just two ? That's being kind.
A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.
So what's your solution ?
The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.
Anger everywhere.
The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.
Definitely signs of a failing empire.
Is the US empire falling?
Good question. Maybe we can work on trying to stop us from being an empire,
and see if it will fail a little less each day going forward. But don't ask me....they say I'm a dreamer.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?

You love our aircraft carriers over there protecting you though.
Don't be smug like Canadians have been for the last few decades, we've allowed a covert police apparatus to destroy the soul of this nation.

Can't destroy what was never there.

I'm not going to let it be forgotten that while The United States was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in kissing that same tyrant's ass, in cowering and grovelling before that tyrant.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.
Maybe you'll like it better in China. Bye.
Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.
Just two ? That's being kind.
A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.
So what's your solution ?
The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.
Anger everywhere.
The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.
Definitely signs of a failing empire.
Is the US empire falling?
Good question. Maybe we can work on trying to stop us from being an empire,
and see if it will fail a little less each day going forward. But don't ask me....they say I'm a dreamer.

Thing is in history, as Pericles noted "an empire is a very dangerous thing to give up."

Another one will rise.

If you do not act in the world, you will be acted upon.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?

You love our aircraft carriers over there protecting you though.

Of course, the democratic entire region does. Though as I mention, American competence has come into question so now other alliances are being made too, Japan and India.

That does not mean we love everything about the ever growing or failing nature of American culture or society.

Nations do not have friends, they have interests.

We will use America as long as we need to.

And pay the price, Australia went into the Iraq War with you even though you had no idea what you were doing what so ever.
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The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
You will only fail if too few Americans understand why citizens of other nations left to go to America, including many allies. Freedom is not experienced by most of the world, as in one form or another governments have become overbearing, overly secretive and unaccountable. If you don't want this, you had best heed the warning.

Don't be smug like Canadians have been for the last few decades, we've allowed a covert police apparatus to destroy the soul of this nation.

The idea of American freedom is often primitive and simplistic.

One is not free if they do not have access to good and affordable health care, or if they have wages that keep them just above poverty, or if they live in crime infested ghettos, or if they are in prison for minor drug offences in an idiotic and totally failed war on drugs and taking drugs because of the failure in so many areas of American society.

Republican Rome once again is a good analogy.

You can remain an empire, even become a stronger one, as your general population stagnate or struggle.
You sound unhappy here....I bet you'd be much happier in the very ordered and efficient State of China.

I'm sure you can find lots of folx here who will help you pack, so you can get out before the empire collapses.

Second that. :up: ^^^

Go find happiness in China OP.
I would be unhappy if I lived in America, given the anger and chaos of the place.

I do not.

I live in the lucky country.

But it brings me no happiness to see the general failures, anger and suffering that Americans are enduring.

And the selfish indifference so many of you Americans have for your fellow citizens.

That is sad.
Thing is in history, as Pericles noted "an empire is a very dangerous thing to give up."

Another one will rise.

If you do not act in the world, you will be acted upon.
Pericles was unaware that in 2500 years the
empires would be capable of total annihilation with nukes too.
How many nuked would it take to wipe out the US?
I'm told it would take several hundred.
Don't be smug like Canadians have been for the last few decades, we've allowed a covert police apparatus to destroy the soul of this nation.

Can't destroy what was never there.

I'm not going to let it be forgotten that while The United States was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in kissing that same tyrant's ass, in cowering and grovelling before that tyrant.

Canada didn’t exist when the USA fought for independence you ignorant turd. We weren’t kissing anyone’s ass. Canada only came under British rule in 1759 and became a country in 1867 when Queen Victoria signed the British North America Act.

Canada became a country without violence or war. We didn’t commit a genocide against our native people, and although slavery was legal in Canada until 1810, Canadians didn’t really own slaves and many American slaves fled to Canada for freedom.

We are a law abiding and peaceful people and we have created the best country in the world to live in.

Every day I’m watching you idiots turn on your fellow Americans in ways both horrible and frightening.

You people are actually talking about how many people you’re prepared to let die to save your economy. I mean it’s only old people. It’s not like we’re productive any more.

What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? If Americans are prepared to allow tens of thousands of its most vulnerable people to die, and force the poor back to work with no tests, no protections, no vaccine and no cure, your nation has failed utterly.
Don't be smug like Canadians have been for the last few decades, we've allowed a covert police apparatus to destroy the soul of this nation.

Can't destroy what was never there.

I'm not going to let it be forgotten that while The United States was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in kissing that same tyrant's ass, in cowering and grovelling before that tyrant.

Canada didn’t exist when the USA fought for independence you ignorant turd. We weren’t kissing anyone’s ass. Canada only came under British rule in 1759 and became a country in 1867 when Queen Victoria signed the British North America Act.

Canada became a country without violence or war. We didn’t commit a genocide against our native people, and although slavery was legal in Canada until 1810, Canadians didn’t really own slaves and many American slaves fled to Canada for freedom.

We are a law abiding and peaceful people and we have created the best country in the world to live in.

Every day I’m watching you idiots turn on your fellow Americans in ways both horrible and frightening.

You people are actually talking about how many people you’re prepared to let die to save your economy. I mean it’s only old people. It’s not like we’re productive any more.

What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? If Americans are prepared to allow tens of thousands of its most vulnerable people to die, and force the poor back to work with no tests, no protections, no vaccine and no cure, your nation has failed utterly.
Who the hell wants to live in Canada?
You've got 35 million people freezing theirs asses off in the winter.
Thing is in history, as Pericles noted "an empire is a very dangerous thing to give up."

Another one will rise.

If you do not act in the world, you will be acted upon.
Pericles was unaware that in 2500 years the
empires would be capable of total annihilation with nukes too.

Nuclear power, though dangerous, has in 50 years acted as an empire containment force.

The USA and Soviet Union would have went to war if not for nuclear weapons and that war would have made World War II look like kids play, nuclear weapons contained the struggle to proxy wars and political propaganda.

Still empires remain.

Putin has reasserted Russian power after the stunning collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is not what the Soviet Union was but has pushed back against American power successfully in the Ukraine and Syria. Outplayed the US in both nations.

China is of course a rising superpower, taking ever more of the South China Sea.

Her pandemic response was catastrophic however for her soft power, had America handled her own outbreak in a competent and sane manner the US could have really played this to her advantage, the US response has been so incompetent it has largely lost that opportunity.

There will always be empires, they will not always even be nations, they can be global corporations too, but it is history and human nature, there will always be empires of some sort or another.
Thing is in history, as Pericles noted "an empire is a very dangerous thing to give up."

Another one will rise.

If you do not act in the world, you will be acted upon.
Pericles was unaware that in 2500 years the
empires would be capable of total annihilation with nukes too.

Nuclear power, though dangerous, has in 50 years acted as an empire containment force.

The USA and Soviet Union would have went to war if not for nuclear weapons and that war would have made World War II look like kids play, nuclear weapons contained the struggle to proxies wars and political propaganda.

Still empires remain.

Putin has reasserted Russian power after the stunning collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is not what the Soviet Union was but has pushed back against American power successfully in the Ukraine and Syria. Outplayed the US in both nations.

China is of course a rising superpower, taking ever more of the South China Sea.

Her pandemic response was catastrophic however for her soft power, had America handled her own outbreak in a competent and sane manner the US could have really played this to her advantage, the US response has been so incompetent it has largely lost that opportunity.

There will always be empires, they will not always even be nations, they can be global corporations too, but it is history and human nature, there will always be empires of some sort or another.
If that were true then the US and USSR would not have been using the Arabs and Israelis to test their military equipment in the 1950s through GW Bush.

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