Is America a Failing Empire?

Thing is in history, as Pericles noted "an empire is a very dangerous thing to give up."

Another one will rise.

If you do not act in the world, you will be acted upon.
Pericles was unaware that in 2500 years the
empires would be capable of total annihilation with nukes too.
How many nuked would it take to wipe out the US?
I'm told it would take several hundred.

I do not know, but the Soviet Union had the power to do it and the USA wipe her out too.

The world would have vanished as we know it.

Though way down here in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia, we might have pulled off survival.

We are the lucky country in almost every way.
I would be unhappy if I lived in America, given the anger and chaos of the place.

I do not.

I live in the lucky country.

But it brings me no happiness to see the general failures, anger and suffering that Americans are enduring.

And the selfish indifference so many of you Americans have for your fellow citizens.

That is sad.
Oh, so you don't live here....But you're going to stand outside and make judgements about who we are and how we live, even though you aren't here to check your premise.

Well, I believe that I can speak for a large majority of people, across numerous different races, creeds, and philosophies when I say....

The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
If we keep embracing globalism and “multiculturalism” then yes, we will continue to fall. The Marxist left is obsessed with abandoning our cultural heritage and we see where that has led us. As you said, a big prison population, full of Latinos and blacks, all because we continue to embrace multiculturalism.

As for our response to Wuhan Plague, not many other countries have done any better. Are you blaming President Trump for Wuhan virus in all of South and Latin America? Europe? Africa? Asia? All you people do is whine about our response, yet can’t articulate a better one.
Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Germany all have lower death and infection rates than the USA.

China is reporting they are too, but who believes them?
I would be unhappy if I lived in America, given the anger and chaos of the place.

I do not.

I live in the lucky country.

But it brings me no happiness to see the general failures, anger and suffering that Americans are enduring.

And the selfish indifference so many of you Americans have for your fellow citizens.

That is sad.
Oh, so you don't live here....But you're going to stand outside and make judgements about who we are and how we live, even though you aren't here to check your premise.

Well, I believe that I can speak for a large majority of people, across numerous different races, creeds, and philosophies when I say....

View attachment 333022

You do not have to live in the zoo to observe the animals.
Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Germany all have lower death and infection rates than the USA.

China is reporting they are too, but who believes them?
I suspect there are several underlying health issues more prevalent here like obesity, poor diets, being over-medicated generally, smoking .
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?

Oh, piss off you ignorant twat.
Is the US empire falling?
Our success made us fat, happy and entitled. We took a lot for granted and began lowering our standards pretty much everywhere. We forgot what made us great.

Part of lowering our standards was a decay in our culture that ended up permeating virtually everything, as the old standards were deemed "mean" and "unfair".

Then we allowed people with a vested professional interest in dividing us to get us so angry at each other that we actually split ourselves into different tribal realities.

Falling? I don't know. Rapidly sliding into mediocrity? That's probably closer. Is that horrible? I don't know, I guess we'll see. But this is sure as hell a self-inflicted wound.
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The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?
This is an example of why foreigners should be banned from the forum
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?

Go play in your Billy Bong
The world would have vanished as we know it.

No matter what we humans foolishly may to to each other, or to ourselves, the world will survive, and will barely miss us if we are gone.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest
I see it from a less jaded perspective,
that humans will figure out how to survive and not destroy ourselves.

Things we can't control like super-volcanoes, the sun, or comets and asteroids
are inevitable, but we've been lucky so far.
Thing is in history, as Pericles noted "an empire is a very dangerous thing to give up."

Another one will rise.

If you do not act in the world, you will be acted upon.
Pericles was unaware that in 2500 years the
empires would be capable of total annihilation with nukes too.
How many nuked would it take to wipe out the US?
I'm told it would take several hundred.

I do not know, but the Soviet Union had the power to do it and the USA wipe her out too.

The world would have vanished as we know it.

Though way down here in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia, we might have pulled off survival.

We are the lucky country in almost every way.
Doesn't China have something like 2000 miles of 'secret' underground tunnels connected to various facilities ?
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?

Go play in your Billy Bong

I know a beautiful one up in the hills bymy home and it is croc free too.

And as Australian beer is vastly superior to the carbonated water Americans drink I may have one or two before I dip into the crystal waters.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?
This is an example of why foreigners should be banned from the forum

Spoken like a true blue, Deliverance, I will only marry in my own family, preferably a sister, juice harp playing hick.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
America became a dictatorship way back on nov 22nd 1963 when they allowed the cia to kill jfk,they should have been doing that back in the ninetys when it became clear they were lied to by our corrupt school system all those years.the sheep are so fucking
stupid though they seriously think they elect the president and that there is a difference In The two parties in denial mode that it’s a one party corrupt system designed to look like two so they think they have a choice in who gets elected too stupid to figure out an independent never has a snowballs chance in hell to ever get elected because independents won’t serve the bankers and corporations like the corrupt two parties always do:uhoh3:
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?
This is an example of why foreigners should be banned from the forum

Spoken like a true blue, Deliverance, I will only marry in my own family, preferably a sister, juice harp playing hick.
Thats so gay

libs are so clueless about the real America
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?
This is an example of why foreigners should be banned from the forum

Spoken like a true blue, Deliverance, I will only marry in my own family, preferably a sister, juice harp playing hick.
Thats so gay

libs are so clueless about the real America

Why are closet gay men so obsessed with gay people?

Come out, I will not judge you.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
No. Put a shrimp on the barbie and chill out.

That is another point, thanks for that.

Australia has better sea food than America too.

How are you enjoying those oil basted Gulf shrimp?
This is an example of why foreigners should be banned from the forum

Spoken like a true blue, Deliverance, I will only marry in my own family, preferably a sister, juice harp playing hick.
Thats so gay

libs are so clueless about the real America

Why are closet gay men so obsessed with gay people?

Come out, I will not judge you.
You wish
The world would have vanished as we know it.

No matter what we humans foolishly may to to each other, or to ourselves, the world will survive, and will barely miss us if we are gone.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest
I agree. The planet will expel humans long before we can cause permanent damage. It seems like it may have started already with the ever increasing intensity of storms and the warming climate and loss of polar ice.

As the climate warms, human migration will cause more misery as people search for cooler weather. Cold water fish and animals will die off first because they have nowhere to go to cool off.

But don't worry about any of that because climate change is the devil!

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