Is America a Failing Empire?

The world would have vanished as we know it.

No matter what we humans foolishly may to to each other, or to ourselves, the world will survive, and will barely miss us if we are gone.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest
I agree. The planet will expel humans long before we can cause permanent damage. It seems like it may have started already with the ever increasing intensity of storms and the warming climate and loss of polar ice.

As the climate warms, human migration will cause more misery as people search for cooler weather. Cold water fish and animals will die off first because they have nowhere to go to cool off.

But don't worry about any of that because climate change is the devil!
Maybe you can book a flight to Mars
The world would have vanished as we know it.

No matter what we humans foolishly may to to each other, or to ourselves, the world will survive, and will barely miss us if we are gone.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest
I agree. The planet will expel humans long before we can cause permanent damage. It seems like it may have started already with the ever increasing intensity of storms and the warming climate and loss of polar ice.

As the climate warms, human migration will cause more misery as people search for cooler weather. Cold water fish and animals will die off first because they have nowhere to go to cool off.

But don't worry about any of that because climate change is the devil!
Maybe you can book a flight to Mars
Not me. I don't have that kind of money. I'll be here burning with the rest of you!
The world would have vanished as we know it.

No matter what we humans foolishly may to to each other, or to ourselves, the world will survive, and will barely miss us if we are gone.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest
I agree. The planet will expel humans long before we can cause permanent damage. It seems like it may have started already with the ever increasing intensity of storms and the warming climate and loss of polar ice.

As the climate warms, human migration will cause more misery as people search for cooler weather. Cold water fish and animals will die off first because they have nowhere to go to cool off.

But don't worry about any of that because climate change is the devil!
Maybe you can book a flight to Mars

That reminds me, I have to email Elon Musk.
Don't worry about it, Joke Wanker... we dump Caligula on November 3rd... Marcus Aurelius will make it right again. :auiqs.jpg:
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?
The biggest problem that America has at this point are the Democrats.
The are totally corrupt, totally dishonest and they control most of what Americans see, read and hear.
They are illegally using our own government agencies as their political tools.
Obama corrupted the CIA, FBI and the DOJ.
They have created one Party states like CA, IL and NY that are going bankrupt because their corruption, incompetence and high taxes.
They are making our cities unlivable for the middle class.
The are turning our schools into left wing indoctrination centers.
They will destroy our democracy if they gain too much power.
Don't be smug like Canadians have been for the last few decades, we've allowed a covert police apparatus to destroy the soul of this nation.

Can't destroy what was never there.

I'm not going to let it be forgotten that while The United States was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in kissing that same tyrant's ass, in cowering and grovelling before that tyrant.

The biggest threat of Canada to the U.S is our inability to embrace civil liberties. We were used by the British as a satellite nation at inception, we are constantly reminded how horrible America is by much in our media. As an example, almost every day Canada tries to compare our Wuhan Virus numbers to yours (especially on CBC). Some sort of morbid desire to say "look how much better it is in Canada!" (even though the % have narrowed). It's a sad state of Canadas inferiority complex, the same complex that pushes weaklings into positions of power via covert means here...

The world tries to promote Canada, because we are right beside the U.S, they use us as an example of "change" for America, when really it just means the end of the U.S constitution and liberty and a push to socialism to allow global socialists to pilfer and control. I can tell you what that "change" will represent, and if Americans knew they would wholeheartedly reject it.

The problem now is, we are lead to believe America is so bad while at the same time our own civil liberties have been destroyed by government and police agencies, it has lead to more Canadians recently to start questioning all they thought they knew about our own system. The abuses without recourse, the lack of concern, leadership and action by politicians to address citizens needs, has ensured many have their lives and dreams stolen. We can't hide the truth forever.
The results of WW3 will determine it's destiny.

The huge military challenge for the USA is China of course.

Being nuclear powers neither nation can afford outright war as was the case with the Soviet Union and America during the Cold War.

America may not be competent in fighting land insurgencies but she does have the greatest naval power on Earth, and will for a few more decades to come.

China knows that and is desperately trying to catch up.

Also China's mishandling of the virus pandemic has severely damaged her soft power with much of the rest of the world.

For instance, China is Australia's major trading partner, indeed we are one of the few nations that have a trade surplus with China so for years a lot of Chinese apologists in Australia, just looking after the bottom line and not greater national self interest played down every transgression China has made in the South China Sea.

Not since the pandemic, the call to hold China to account is loud and clear, rationally and honestly but Australia is calling China to account for the way it allowed the virus to spread around the globe.

The problem is the USA is the West Pacific's check on China, though other nations like Japan and Taiwan and even a rising India are slowly creating alliances to add to the containment strategy, but right now the USA is seen to be so dysfunctional, even before the pandemic that confidence is shaken. For instance, Trump's betrayal of Kurds in Syria, the most noble people in that region and wildly pro American, had people around the globe relying on American power thinking "is there anyone this President will not betray? Can we really count on American power in the long term?"

Hence the scramble to find other alliances too. Not a rejection of the necessity of American power in the West Pacific, but wisely hedging bets.

It's certainly prudent to hedge your bets. There is an important assessment in all of this, and that this president has openly an directly been critical of the Communists, something that hasn't been done for decades. Just this alone with signal to the world Americas beliefs, it's why it is vital for him to be re-elected. I fear THAT is the bigger reason for you to build alliances, just in case Trump doesn't win.

If Trump does win in 2020, and as long as he keeps fighting for America and confronting China, I am sure he is a favourite, it is going to be a rough ride for China going forward. The world will be forced to side with the capitalist, civil liberty model of America, or, the dictatorship, communist model of China. We know what common citizens want, just as they had to choose in recent elections in Hong Kong. This will ensure pressure on politicians everywhere to return to Western values.

There need to be a constantly push by Australia to call them out as well, build alliances, be more boldly outspoken and drag some other weaker nations in the E.U and Canada to start seeing reality. China is a major threat to all of us, economically, militarily and socially. Trying to avoid it in some hope it improves or goes away is the same feckless leadership that caused WW2.

Our soul is at stake, and it better be all hands on deck in this fight.
I've felt America has been a failing empire for the last 17 years now.

It has been a decline at least domestically for quite some time, no doubt.

And no party is blameless, when President Obama bailed out Wall Street during the global financial crises he asked for almost nothing in return on behalf of the tax payer, no significant reform.

This lead to the anger that still divides the American republic, the Occupy movement on the left the Tea Party on the right and challenges to established political norms and power.

Sanders rode the Occupy Movement wave and almost took the nomination in 2016 and Trump rode the Tea Party wave to the Presidency.

But then there were the failed Bush wars and even prior to that economic policies which have largely lead to stagnant wages in real terms, a declining middle class living off credit and working poverty.

Add to that the failed war on drugs and prison populations, the total despair and crime in many US inner cities and there are certainly signs of serious decline.

Then came the debacle of the US response to the pandemic.
I've felt America has been a failing empire for the last 17 years now.
America did go down hill when the Kenyan was running things. We'll be okay now as long as we don't let Democrats use this stupid pandemic as an excuse to shut down our economy.
I've felt America has been a failing empire for the last 17 years now.
America did go down hill when the Kenyan was running things. We'll be okay now as long as we don't let Democrats use this stupid pandemic as an excuse to shut down our economy.

Like the Titanic, you hit the ice berg long before Obama and there are not enough life boats.
Have we taken a great fall? Yes. But the rest of the world has also.... we'll pick ourselves up by our boot straps, and will rise to the top again.....
Have we taken a great fall? Yes. But the rest of the world has also.... we'll pick ourselves up by our boot straps, and will rise to the top again.....

Now this is the USA's real strength, hope, optimism not anger and division.

I hope America does get back up.

I really do.
The American response to the pandemic has been chaotic and tragic.

No coordinated direction, idiot half wits storming state capitols demanding freedom without human responsibility.

A sociopath President who says everything and anything that he thinks sounds good in the moment.

Even US naval ships with mass infections.

Two tragic and failed wars, a China ever pressing the USA in the South China Sea.

A political culture with no new or creative ideas, so the Democrats nominate a Joe Biden who is not mentally acute and has no ideas to move the country forward to the future.

The highest prison population in the free world, highest poverty rates in the developed democratic world, highest drug use and addiction rates, highest suicide rates.

Anger everywhere.

The USA seems like a country that is tired, ever angry and out of gas.

Is the US empire falling?

Our incompetent and delusional potus thinks of himself as an emperor, although he doesn't know the definition, and in the process has destroyed our country, he has truly brought back hate and racism to our daily lives, has destroyed the economy, he inherited 8 years of solid economic growth under Obama, after yet another republican super recession, ant turned it into the worst economy in 100 years with unemployment almost at 15%, great job pussygrabber....


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