Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.
It's been going down the tubes for a long time. You're just finally noticing it
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.
Don't believe the media fear machine. We live in an age where you can fly around the world in a day, talk to somebody using handheld devices through the air, and have such abundant resources that one of the biggest threats to our health is consuming too much of those resources (obesity). America remains one of, if not than THE strongest nation on the planet. You think of the major corporations or a lot of the idea generators...they are all Americans. Apple, Google, Facebook, McDonald's, WalMart, Tesla...these are American corporations. We have been doing great, and look to be doing even better.

Now, our next election cycle is looking to be pretty scary...but really, given the history of Washington in recent memory, the most likely scenario is that, no matter who takes office, pretty much nothing will get done outside of responding to some sort of attack on American soil. So, for better or worse, you can rest worry free.
I think it may just be me. I remember as a kid watching coverage of the Vietnam war on the nightly news and thinking sooner or later everybody was going to be enlisted and die fighting wars.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.

What has caused major problems is the liberal mindset that doesn't understand
how strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement DETERS criminal attacks.

The worst part of watching this is people undercutting the strengths of our very foundations.
Attacking Christianity as evil.
Attacking Constitutional principles as obstructionist.

The very foundations that provide consistent authority to both Church and State
have both been undermined "in the name of freedom" to the point of crippling emasculation.
What has caused major problems is the liberal mindset that doesn't understand
how strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement DETERS criminal attacks.
Okay, please move to North Korea and tell us how you enjoy the fact that there isn't much criminal activity due to the strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement. lol
Civilization has been collapsing since the beginning of civilization, same with America. We have had a heck of a ride on the way down though haven't we--cured diseases, walked on the moon, given every pubescent boy access to free internet porn regardless of their sexual orientation or kink. At the rate we are going, we might even just cure cancers one of these days. Living longer will be such a punishment in our ever-collapsing world. :boohoo:

Sorry, but I simply cannot look back at history and see a time or place I would rather live in, and on my deathbed my only regret will be that I did not live longer so I could see more of what is to come.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.

What has caused major problems is the liberal mindset that doesn't understand
how strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement DETERS criminal attacks.

The worst part of watching this is people undercutting the strengths of our very foundations.
Attacking Christianity as evil.
Attacking Constitutional principles as obstructionist.

The very foundations that provide consistent authority to both Church and State
have both been undermined "in the name of freedom" to the point of crippling emasculation.

"It has been said too that our governments both federal and particular want energy... This is true, and it is an inconvenience. On the other hand that energy which absolute governments derive from an armed force, which is the effect of the bayonet constantly held at the breast of every citizen, and which resembles very much the stillness of the grave, must be admitted also to have it's inconveniences"
--Thomas Jefferson; from Answer to Demeunier's Queries (Jan. 24, 1786)
And the GOP is going to reverse that by giving money to the rich. They figure it's better than rebuilding the infrastructure.
Civilization has been collapsing since the beginning of civilization, same with America. We have had a heck of a ride on the way down though haven't we--cured diseases, walked on the moon, given every pubescent boy access to free internet porn regardless of their sexual orientation or kink. At the rate we are going, we might even just cure cancers one of these days. Living longer will be such a punishment in our ever-collapsing world. :boohoo:

Sorry, but I simply cannot look back at history and see a time or place I would rather live in, and on my deathbed my only regret will be that I did not live longer so I could see more of what is to come.
I have those feelings to at times. But my life seems to have become in part an obstacle I cannot overcome. What I mean is I have watched many a person have a calling to defend this great country and give their life for it. And others who have fought a good fight become totally disoriented as a veteran. Or at the most their values have changed significantly. But in my life I have been not able to control the path I have chosen for it or wishes I made to myself as a younger man. I guess I feel inadequate at times when I see the accomplishments of others. But I have always had a strong feeling for faith in my life even tho I can blame myself for some things that have caused my life to be detoured. Everybody has their own agenda. And I wake up each day trying to improve mine. I guess that's all I can do.
It's been going down the tubes culturally since the Frankfurt School Marxist infiltration took hold in the 1960's.
Is this what you are referring to?
Frankfurt School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frankfurt school.jpeg

Smash Cultural Marxism: The Frankfurt School: Western Subversion by Design
What has caused major problems is the liberal mindset that doesn't understand
how strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement DETERS criminal attacks.
Okay, please move to North Korea and tell us how you enjoy the fact that there isn't much criminal activity due to the strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement. lol

Hi Never3ndr
No need to move to North Korea.

I live in Houston Texas where the city govt has abused millions of taxpayer dollars
to destroy an entire national historic community by completely "legalized" genocide.
They didn't have to do anything "illegal" to pull this off.
They found ways to justify all their acts completely within the law.
Destroyed gravesites, tore down historic buildings and landmarks by declaring in court that the historic designation would not be affected?

So this local govt has one up on China and Korean leaders who have to use violent means
to kill off whole communities. The City of Houston is able to do so by colluding
with developers to evict communities, including killing off elderly people by evicting them
from their homes so they die of depression and heartbreak. Since this is a silent way to die,
and everyone kowtows to developer monied interests, nobody sees this as wrong.

They get away with whatever they want to do, and make it perfectly legal.
They even write or rewrite laws to make what they want to do legal.

So you'd have to sue and win in court if you want to change how things are done around here.
Even though its design is from the 1930's it didn't begin to effectively take hold in this country until the 1960's. The complacency of wealth made it easier at that point.
Now our institutions are being driven by the 1960's generation that received the brainwashing. The 1960's flourish on campuses today and all throughout the democrat party.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.

What has caused major problems is the liberal mindset that doesn't understand
how strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement DETERS criminal attacks.

The worst part of watching this is people undercutting the strengths of our very foundations.
Attacking Christianity as evil.
Attacking Constitutional principles as obstructionist.

The very foundations that provide consistent authority to both Church and State
have both been undermined "in the name of freedom" to the point of crippling emasculation.
It`s only the fake Christians that are being attacked. Does Ted Cruz think that "carpet bombing" someplace is what Jesus Christ would do?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... is `cause white men not runnin' things as much...

... a good example is Africa...

... back when it was bein' run by England an' France...

... an' other 'white' countries...

... the natives was happy an' ever'thin' was peaceable...

... den dat vocal minority advocated for indigenous rule...

... an' look what's happened ever since...

... do ya think the locals are happy with Mugabe in Zimbabwe?

... an' what about dat Idi Amin?

... seems like ever since the white man backed away...

... ever'thin gone to hell inna handbasket.

An' look what's happened inna Middle East...

... as long as the white men was lettin' the Shah in Iran run things...

... gas was cheap an' dey weren't under sanctions...

... an' Israel was a-thrivin'.

So if ya wanna get back to the good ol' days...

... put the white men back in charge o' runnin' the world."
The world has been going down the tubes since Adam. For you see, Adam was a Republican who was only interested in enriching himself with food and the knowledge of good and evil. Of course, being the bigoted misogynist that he was, Adam blamed everything on Eve.

Oddly enough though, it was Bush's fault.
I have those feelings to at times. But my life seems to have become in part an obstacle I cannot overcome. What I mean is I have watched many a person have a calling to defend this great country and give their life for it. And others who have fought a good fight become totally disoriented as a veteran. Or at the most their values have changed significantly. But in my life I have been not able to control the path I have chosen for it or wishes I made to myself as a younger man. I guess I feel inadequate at times when I see the accomplishments of others. But I have always had a strong feeling for faith in my life even tho I can blame myself for some things that have caused my life to be detoured. Everybody has their own agenda. And I wake up each day trying to improve mine. I guess that's all I can do.

I am content to see other people's successes. To me work is just work no mater what it is. I just try to enjoy life as I can. Music never ceases to interest me. TV is getting better and better. I am enjoying the bread and circuses, and to me that is enough. Yes I have my druthers about other people and even myself. I miss people terribly and feel for others deeply, but that is just part of living. The burdens of civilization and survival are the lowest point in history and that is a good thing. They will just get lower. People freak out about things like ebola but that is nothing in comparison to the harms that were inflicted by things we now vaccinate for. We as a people are no longer alone in the wilderness. There are trade-offs, but on balance, civilization seems to be working out better and better every year.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.
You're probably just projecting.

It's much easier to believe the end is nigh, than face the fact that you're not good with change.

And that's what will continue to happen.

Everything that comes here...comes here to pass.

Try to enjoy yourself while you're here
And the GOP is going to reverse that by giving money to the rich. They figure it's better than rebuilding the infrastructure.
So tell us how great Obama has been at rebuilding to collapsing infrastructure.
Tell us what a great 'unifier' he has been for the negroes.
The 'HOPE' ended up being 'NO-HOPE'. The CHANGE ended up being millions of desperate unemployed digging in behind the sofa cushions looking for it.

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