Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?

We peaked as a nation back in the 60's with the moon landing.

It's been slow motion suicide ever since.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.

I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree. 75 years ago and entire race of 6 million was being exterminated. Blacks couldn't vote or enter white establishments. The US was still drafting it's citizens. Workers rights were much less than they are today. Sure, there is some bad stuff going on now. But this stuff was always going plus the stuff I listed and more.

I think we've come a long way, but we're not all the way there yet. Don't discount today's technology bringing everything happening in the world to our hand held devices in minutes of it happening.

People have always flocked to charlatans looking to exploit and most likely that will always be the case. Hence the age old term, "There's a sucker born every minute". Trust the 3 branches of government and the system of checks and balances. No one person can take control and lead us to our demise.
What has caused major problems is the liberal mindset that doesn't understand
how strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement DETERS criminal attacks.
Okay, please move to North Korea and tell us how you enjoy the fact that there isn't much criminal activity due to the strong authoritarian leadership and enforcement. lol

Hi Never3ndr
No need to move to North Korea.

I live in Houston Texas where the city govt has abused millions of taxpayer dollars
to destroy an entire national historic community by completely "legalized" genocide.
They didn't have to do anything "illegal" to pull this off.
They found ways to justify all their acts completely within the law.
Destroyed gravesites, tore down historic buildings and landmarks by declaring in court that the historic designation would not be affected?

So this local govt has one up on China and Korean leaders who have to use violent means
to kill off whole communities. The City of Houston is able to do so by colluding
with developers to evict communities, including killing off elderly people by evicting them
from their homes so they die of depression and heartbreak. Since this is a silent way to die,
and everyone kowtows to developer monied interests, nobody sees this as wrong.

They get away with whatever they want to do, and make it perfectly legal.
They even write or rewrite laws to make what they want to do legal.

So you'd have to sue and win in court if you want to change how things are done around here.
Are you sure it's not a bunch of grave diggers whining about not having something to dig up in a million years or so?
I have those feelings to at times. But my life seems to have become in part an obstacle I cannot overcome. What I mean is I have watched many a person have a calling to defend this great country and give their life for it. And others who have fought a good fight become totally disoriented as a veteran. Or at the most their values have changed significantly. But in my life I have been not able to control the path I have chosen for it or wishes I made to myself as a younger man. I guess I feel inadequate at times when I see the accomplishments of others. But I have always had a strong feeling for faith in my life even tho I can blame myself for some things that have caused my life to be detoured. Everybody has their own agenda. And I wake up each day trying to improve mine. I guess that's all I can do.

I am content to see other people's successes. To me work is just work no mater what it is. I just try to enjoy life as I can. Music never ceases to interest me. TV is getting better and better. I am enjoying the bread and circuses, and to me that is enough. Yes I have my druthers about other people and even myself. I miss people terribly and feel for others deeply, but that is just part of living. The burdens of civilization and survival are the lowest point in history and that is a good thing. They will just get lower. People freak out about things like ebola but that is nothing in comparison to the harms that were inflicted by things we now vaccinate for. We as a people are no longer alone in the wilderness. There are trade-offs, but on balance, civilization seems to be working out better and better every year.
Hmmm...I notice your post doesn't have one like..?
Here is the newest hurdle for mankind -
Zika virus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zika Virus | CDC
Could humans be on the precipice of extinction?
I have those feelings to at times. But my life seems to have become in part an obstacle I cannot overcome. What I mean is I have watched many a person have a calling to defend this great country and give their life for it. And others who have fought a good fight become totally disoriented as a veteran. Or at the most their values have changed significantly. But in my life I have been not able to control the path I have chosen for it or wishes I made to myself as a younger man. I guess I feel inadequate at times when I see the accomplishments of others. But I have always had a strong feeling for faith in my life even tho I can blame myself for some things that have caused my life to be detoured. Everybody has their own agenda. And I wake up each day trying to improve mine. I guess that's all I can do.

I am content to see other people's successes. To me work is just work no mater what it is. I just try to enjoy life as I can. Music never ceases to interest me. TV is getting better and better. I am enjoying the bread and circuses, and to me that is enough. Yes I have my druthers about other people and even myself. I miss people terribly and feel for others deeply, but that is just part of living. The burdens of civilization and survival are the lowest point in history and that is a good thing. They will just get lower. People freak out about things like ebola but that is nothing in comparison to the harms that were inflicted by things we now vaccinate for. We as a people are no longer alone in the wilderness. There are trade-offs, but on balance, civilization seems to be working out better and better every year.
Hmmm...I notice your post doesn't have one like..?
Here is the newest hurdle for mankind -
Zika virus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zika Virus | CDC
Could humans be on the precipice of extinction?

I don't shape my opinions based on getting likes. They are what they are. The Zika virus can be contained with the reintroduction of DDT to the marketplace until such time as a treatment can be found or a vax created. I have faith that if push comes to shove, we will extinct the butterfly before we let ourselves become extinct. Besides, for all we know, the zika virus may be a catalyst to start the next wave of human evolution into something different and better than it is now. Either way, those are largely third world problems at the moment and reducing populations in the third world is not without its benefits even if it is without its humanity.
Meh what I see is that folks have forgotten the lessons that drove America's birth and economic prosperity; unfortunately there's no history nor economic test for voting so the contagion of greed/envy is coming to the forefront. I just hope a) intelligence isn't completely dead in this country and b) if it is dead, that the country can survive it heh

As for me personally, life is good. I made some wise investments and don't have to worry about finances (even if Sander's gets elected and pushes his revenge upon the wealthy agenda.) Technology has made it possible for me to learn new things everyday [which is pretty much my "life goal,"] and even better my children are on paths that will lead them to similar financial security (again regardless of how socialist we go as a country.) When ones biggest domestic gripe is that GE profile microwaves only last two damn years, it's hard to be too upset with life as a whole heh

Though I will admit I was a bit stressed the past couple weeks as my folks were over in Egypt and it's, as their travel agent put it, "exciting over there." They're back state-side now though so everything's golden again :)
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.

Cable news, 24/7, Twitter and FB have changed the world. During WWII our parents and grandparents didn't know what was going on unless they went to a movie and watched the newsreels. We don't want that again, either.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.

Cable news, 24/7, Twitter and FB have changed the world. During WWII our parents and grandparents didn't know what was going on unless they went to a movie and watched the newsreels. We don't want that again, either.
Seeing a person could be elected in a little over a year, who knows how fast things could escalate.
Society has become vulgar. The education system administered by the federal government produces a generation of idiots and North Korea still threatens to annihilate South Korea. It seems to me that the Country hasn't changed much since Harry Truman was president. Maybe the problem is too much information 24/7.
Is America Going Down The Tubes Or Am I Just Dreaming ?
And the whole World for that matter.For the nearly 60 years that I have been alive on this planet and experiencing reality as it is in America, things seemed to be going along a path that somehow seems to be getting more and more out of control. Everything seems to be getting amped up. Life is a bigger freak show then ever and violence can hardly be explained after watching it on tv. The way so many flock to a person with no experience more than a carnival barker is disturbing to me. The openness of the press to follow whatever story to it's end and then some. The glorification of the most deprived humans in existence. And the total greed and ill mannered reverence for the veterans and homeless. It appears to me that civilization is on the precipice of a very dark period or close to a catastrophic extinction event.
I am wondering the same thing. Liberalism and a general lapse in common sense/decency. And overpopulation, both together , cause and effect. What else can we say? Reduce both, we might survive the apocalypse.
When I was a kid I listened to the radio because we couldn't afford a T.V. and here I am today with the freaking world at my fingertips in the information age. In barely 200 years the United States of America went from a pimple on the ass of Great Britain to saving it from destruction by the Nazi hoard. As a senior citizen in the greatest Country in the freaking world I am in constant awe of the greatness of the United States in a world of craziness. I sit hear in the comfort of my own home without a worry about the things that 2000 year old civilizations deal with like starvation and execution by militants. Do I think the U.S. is "going down the tubes"? No way. I fly the Flag and I thank God every day that I was born in the greatest Country in the world.
Don't believe the media fear machine. We live in an age where you can fly around the world in a day, talk to somebody using handheld devices through the air, and have such abundant resources that one of the biggest threats to our health is consuming too much of those resources (obesity). America remains one of, if not than THE strongest nation on the planet. You think of the major corporations or a lot of the idea generators...they are all Americans. Apple, Google, Facebook, McDonald's, WalMart, Tesla...these are American corporations. We have been doing great, and look to be doing even better.
"You live in a deranged age, more deranged than usual, because, in spite of great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing." Walker Percy (1916-1990), American Catholic convert and author of Lost in the Cosmos.

I guess it all depends on what one defines as progress or success. One can also measure affluent West turning its back on its God more and more each year and consuming its days with hedonism. Unbelievable.

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