Zone1 Is America Going the Way of 1933 Germany?

No he wasn't. The Social Democrats were the largest party out of 30 parties in Germany. Hitler used them to get his foot in the door. He split with the Socialists in 1926. Mussolini also split from the Socialists in 1919.

In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats. He put them in newly finished Dachau. He hated them all.


Is America Going the Way of 1933 Germany?​

- absolutely depends on who wins ... the nazi's or the democrats.

trump is different than but none the less a prototype of hitler.
Netanyahu bragged that Hamas was his strategy to prevent any 2 state solution ever.
you have a citation to support your claim that Netanyahu stated that he supports Hamas in order to avoid a "2 state solution" EVER??? In what
language did he issue this proclaimation?
you have a citation to support your claim that Netanyahu stated that he supports Hamas in order to avoid a "2 state solution" EVER??? In what
language did he issue this proclaimation?
Yes, and most Israeli Newspapers have published it.
That's just a name. Study some history. Maybe read the rise and fall of the third reich. Hitler hated the socialists.
I've studied more history than you, nimrod.

The entire German economy was controlled by the Party.

That is the very definition of socialism.
Yes, and most Israeli Newspapers have published it.
ok----you got a citation----just the minimum of that which
you claim as in "I (netanyahu) give tens of millions of dollars
to Hamas so that they can convince arabs that they do not need
the land which was the Palestine mandate other than that which
they already have", to wit, Jordan and Gaza
ok----you got a citation----just the minimum of that which
you claim as in "I (netanyahu) give tens of millions of dollars
to Hamas so that they can convince arabs that they do not need
the land which was the Palestine mandate other than that which
they already have", to wit, Jordan and Gaza
Read the Israeli newspapers. I do.
The Nazis didn't nationalize any companies. They were fascists.
No shit. Yet they controlled them. Every company had a Party overseer.

The company was told what to produce, how much to charge for it, where to get the raw materials, who to use for shipping.

If a company failed to follow orders the owners were either imprisoned, or killed.

You are so far out of depth it isn't funny.

You are like a child.
No shit. Yet they controlled them. Every company had a Party overseer.

The company was told what to produce, how much to charge for it, where to get the raw materials, who to use for shipping.

If a company failed to follow orders the owners were either imprisoned, or killed.

You are so far out of depth it isn't funny.

You are like a child.
she is an excellent parrot

westwall's dementia is reaching unsustainable ends. I hope he has a general all purposes hospital where he lives.

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