Is America Really Producing More Oil Under Biden Than Trump? No, Obviously Not

I really don't see the usefulness in your attempts to cloud the issue. We are drilling less today because drillers went bankrupt (lost their shirts in oil field lingo) in the pandemic because they'd drilled a lot of holes for oil nobody wanted to buy. And post-pandemic, investors weren't in a hurry to risk a lotta money until it appeared the pandemic wasn't coming back around.

There's no doubt Biden's cancelling XL has reduced the amount LNG coming out of ND and Canada. But there's no showing his actions on leases did the same. His actions may cause there to be less land being explored 4 years or so down the road. And I'm certainly no fan of the progs who'd like to "gin up" the price of carbon to "transition" to alternatives. But imo its best to be honest with facts, and your thread fails at that.
I really don't see the usefulness in your attempts to cloud the issue. We are drilling less today because drillers went bankrupt (lost their shirts in oil field lingo) in the pandemic because they'd drilled a lot of holes for oil nobody wanted to buy. And post-pandemic, investors weren't in a hurry to risk a lotta money until it appeared the pandemic wasn't coming back around.

There's no doubt Biden's cancelling XL has reduced the amount LNG coming out of ND and Canada. But there's no showing his actions on leases did the same. His actions may cause there to be less land being explored 4 years or so down the road. And I'm certainly no fan of the progs who'd like to "gin up" the price of carbon to "transition" to alternatives. But imo its best to be honest with facts, and your thread fails at that.
my thread is detailed and accurate, and shows i'm the best poster in the history of the world
Figures can lie.

During Trumps first weeks in office US oil producers were pumping around 9 mbd. During Bidens first weeks they were producing around 11 mbd. Plus US producers kept the meaningless statistic of being energy independent under Biden as well, as we were a net petroleum exporter in 2021 for the second year in a row.
From the NY Times

Executives at 141 oil companies surveyed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in mid-March offered several reasons that they weren’t pumping more oil. They said they were short of workers and sand, which is used to fracture shale fields to coax oil out of rock. But the most salient reason — the one offered by 60 percent of respondents — was that investors don’t want companies to produce a lot more oil, fearing that it will hasten the end of high oil prices.

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