Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.


Socialism has prevented nothing of the kind. Furthermore, all the other great advances in human civilization are the result of capitalism

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

True, and that is the reason democracy is a terrible form of government.

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

In other words, democracy is the means whereby useless ticks on the ass of society obtain the power to loot the property of the productive members of society.
2. In the process of failing anyway. It is happening right before your eyes. Look at the cases in history where the experiment came to it's natural conclusion. Germany got the Nazis, and the Soviet Union went bankrupt and got the Oligarchs.

About the only thing you and I have in common is that neither one of us knows what you're talking about in the above post.

Kind of tough to defend German and Soviet Socialism. I know you have it in you...give it a try.

The current German nation is not a failure by any stretch of the imagination. If you believe it is socialist,

then you've refuted your own nonsensical claim that all socialist nations have failed.

I remain absolutely amazed at how many people place so much faith and trust in a bunch of paid off politicians and the federal bureaucracy. How many times do folks need to lied to, how much corruption, waste and sloth are they willing to forgive, how many lives wasted by generations of dependence on someone else is going to be enough?

I don't get it.


I know how you feel. We are continually lied to (by BOTH sides), we are promised the moon (by BOTH sides), we are told what THEY believe WE want to hear (by BOTH sides). And yet, when the next "pretty boy or girl" comes along (on BOTH sides) we throw caution to the wind and blindly follow because, after all, this guy says we can "believe" him.

The last politician that I actually had respect for was Ronnie Reagan. I TRULY believe he had the best interests of America at heart. EVERY politician since Reagan has been a liar and a thief.

They care about one thing, and ONLY one thing - power.

They consider themselves some sort of "elite" class that answers to no one. Just like the Lords and Ladies that once lauded over us. It's despicable and it WILL lead to the eventual fall of this country.
Graph above- See UE come down under FDR, see UE go up under auserity in '37-8.

I AM a socialist, or social democrat, but most of this country doesn't know what that is. Socialism by definition is ALWAYS democratic, and Marxism/ Communism NEVER IS, and is basically dead. Of course they all support Dems over pander to the greedy rich Pubs. They aren't brainwashed IDIOTS lol.

. Nazis are RW FASCISTS, had and have no problem with the greedy rich and corporations. Period.

PC, all your "facts" are RW BULLSHYTTE. We're the only country in the WORLD without mandated paid vacations and parental leave, have CRAPPE day care, and see sig PP1, the most unfair system in the modern world, Thanks to greedy idiot megarich Pubs and their silly dupes.

Socialism didn't bring militarism in Germany and Japan, the FIRST Pub Great World Depression did. Thank God Dems got in fast this time to avert another TRUE depression. Only cost 4-5 TRILLION. Great job, Pubbies. A catastrophe in every way, dupes.

" We're all socialists now!"-- Finland PM, when O-care passed. Well actually, we have to wait till it starts, because 60%, going DOWN with a bullet, are totally misinformed on it.
Graph above- See UE come down under FDR, see UE go up under auserity in '37-8.

I AM a socialist, or social democrat, but most of this country doesn't know what that is. Socialism by definition is ALWAYS democratic, and Marxism/ Communism NEVER IS, and is basically dead. Of course they all support Dems over pander to the greedy rich Pubs. They aren't brainwashed IDIOTS lol.

. Nazis are RW FASCISTS, had and have no problem with the greedy rich and corporations. Period.

PC, all your "facts" are RW BULLSHYTTE. We're the only country in the WORLD without mandated paid vacations and parental leave, have CRAPPE day care, and see sig PP1, the most unfair system in the modern world, Thanks to greedy idiot megarich Pubs and their silly dupes.

Socialism didn't bring militarism in Germany and Japan, the FIRST Pub Great World Depression did. Thank God Dems got in fast this time to avert another TRUE depression. Only cost 4-5 TRILLION. Great job, Pubbies. A catastrophe in every way, dupes.

" We're all socialists now!"-- Finland PM, when O-care passed. Well actually, we have to wait till it starts, because 60%, going DOWN with a bullet, are totally misinformed on it.

you have some serious problems that you should address with a mental health professional. YOU HAVE TO WORK TO GET VACATION!!! We have mandated maternity leave.

I have NEVER worked at a job (whether it be military or civilian) that DIDN'T offer vacation time. NEVER. My civilian job gave me 6 weeks vacation a year. My time in the military gave me 4 weeks per year. WHAT THE HELL MORE DO YOU WANT???

I'm sure, that with you, it must be "government mandated" for it to mean anything.

Fellow, you would do yourself a favor by renouncing your citizenship and moving to France. You'd fit right in with the rest of the communists...
1. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

The critically important modifier missing from the above presentation is the word "regulated."

The kind of unregulated (laissez-faire) capitalism which had produced the Gilded Age and fostered the Robber Barons had become regulated by the efforts of FDR and, mainly, the Union Movement, which placed the Nation's wealth resources under the control of the People, resulting in the most prosperous and productive decades in our history (late 40s to early 80s). It is the long and methodical process of de-regulation which is responsible for the economic transformation which has taken place since Ronald Reagan (the corporate puppet from General Electric) introduced Milton Friedman-style "supply side" economics ("Reaganomics").
"Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?"

Perhaps it was Franklin Roosevelt.

"English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property."
Schivelbusch, "Three New Deals."

You shouldn't be afraid to read a book once in a while.

You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.

"FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs."

Gee....and all it cost them was their liberty.......

In her book "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker put it this way:

1. "There is the passage from Genesis 25:29-34, which accurately describes the cultural shifts that took place during the Great Depression. Read this, and replace "Jacob" with "Uncle Sam," "Esau," with "the People," and "birthright," with "freedom."

29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”
31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”
33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.
34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.
So Esau despised his birthright."

2. So, as a result, corrosive indolence warped a once healthy work ethic, and a new cultural ideal took hold in society. Once the needy got a taste of government handouts, the genie was out of the bottle. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness became the expectation of government obligation to provide happiness to everyone. Dependence begat a lower echelon of faithful voter. Politicians advanced the idea that the alleviation of poverty was the sole responsibility of politicians. What Tocqueville had predicted came to pass."

When do you think Obama will issue an executive order changing July 4th to 'Dependence Day"?

PC, I think the people of America were better off after FDR. So he puts food in their stomach. That's what you do when people are hungry. What freedoms did people give up? Their freedom to starve? After FDR and ww2, America became the most powerful country and Americans the most prosperous for decades. We're still doing pretty well right now I think. What freedom do I not have that my grandfather had? Have my phone calls monitored? He didn't have a phone. Take my shoes off at the airport? My grandfather never had money to take a vacation. You say probably he had the power to form his own destiny without the government, but that wasn't helping him and other hard working americans in their time of need. He couldn't find work, only my mother and aunt found work as domestics. There was no money circulating and of course, no demand for workers. Are we certain republicans would have ever pulled us out of a depression? Would things have gotten better on their own? Maybe, maybe not but the country was close to a revolution and FDR did prevent that. IMO
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Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.
1. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

The critically important modifier missing from the above presentation is the word "regulated."

The kind of unregulated (laissez-faire) capitalism which had produced the Gilded Age and fostered the Robber Barons had become regulated by the efforts of FDR and, mainly, the Union Movement, which placed the Nation's wealth resources under the control of the People, resulting in the most prosperous and productive decades in our history (late 40s to early 80s). It is the long and methodical process of de-regulation which is responsible for the economic transformation which has taken place since Ronald Reagan (the corporate puppet from General Electric) introduced Milton Friedman-style "supply side" economics ("Reaganomics").

No, it is the process of unionization of the government workers which is bankrupting this country. Even FDR was against it.
You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.

"FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs."

Gee....and all it cost them was their liberty.......

In her book "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker put it this way:

1. "There is the passage from Genesis 25:29-34, which accurately describes the cultural shifts that took place during the Great Depression. Read this, and replace "Jacob" with "Uncle Sam," "Esau," with "the People," and "birthright," with "freedom."

29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”
31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”
33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.
34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.
So Esau despised his birthright."

2. So, as a result, corrosive indolence warped a once healthy work ethic, and a new cultural ideal took hold in society. Once the needy got a taste of government handouts, the genie was out of the bottle. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness became the expectation of government obligation to provide happiness to everyone. Dependence begat a lower echelon of faithful voter. Politicians advanced the idea that the alleviation of poverty was the sole responsibility of politicians. What Tocqueville had predicted came to pass."

When do you think Obama will issue an executive order changing July 4th to 'Dependence Day"?

PC, I think the people of America were better off after FDR. So he puts food in their stomach. That's what you do when people are hungry. What freedoms did people give up? Their freedom to starve? After FDR and ww2, America became the most powerful country and Americans the most prosperous for decades. We're still doing pretty well right now I think. What freedom do I not have that my grandfather had? Have my phone calls monitored? He didn't have a phone. Take my shoes off at the airport? My grandfather never had money to take a vacation. You say probably he had the power to form his own destiny without the government, but that wasn't helping him and other hard working americans in their time of need. He couldn't find work, only my mother and aunt found work as domestics. There was no money circulating and of course, no demand for workers. Are we certain republicans would have ever pulled us out of a depression? Would things have gotten better on their own? Maybe, maybe not but the country was close to a revolution and FDR did prevent that. IMO

1. Actually, there are a number of positives that FDR provided.

Consider the following pluses for FDR( from “The Hundred Days of FDR”, by Schlesinger)
"Who can now imagine a day when America offered no Social Security, no unemployment compensation, no food stamps, no Federal guarantee of bank deposits, no Federal supervision of the stock market, no Federal protection for collective bargaining, no Federal standards for wages and hours, no Federal support for farm prices or rural electrification, no Federal refinancing for farm and home mortgages, no Federal commitment to high employment or to equal opportunity - in short, no Federal responsibility for Americans who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in economic or social distress?"
The 'Hundred Days' of F.D.R.

The question that needs answering is whether the above make up for the loss of our memorializing document, the Constitution.
Make no mistake: it ended with FDR.

2. Theodore Lowi, a political science eminence at Cornell University, years ago drew a bead on what was wrong with the American polity. In his "The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States," he claimed that the Founder's constitution of 1787 had been surreptitiously replaced with a new one by the FDR administration,...

2. Though the Constitution of the Second Republic is unwritten, here is Lowi's "sketch" of its essential outlines:

PREAMBLE. There ought to be a national presence in every aspect of the lives of American citizens. National power is no longer a necessary evil; it is a positive virtue.

Article I. It is the primary purpose of this national government to provide domestic tranquility by reducing risk. This risk may be physical or it may be fiscal. In order to fulfill this sacred obligation, the national government shall be deemed to have sufficient power to eliminate threats from the environment through regulation, and to eliminate threats from economic uncertainty through insurance.

Article II. The separation of powers to the contrary notwithstanding, the center of this national government is the presidency. Said office is authorized to use any powers, real or imagined, to set our nation to rights making any rules or regulations the president deems appropriate; the president may delegate this authority to any other official or agency. The right to make all such rules and regulations is based on the assumption in this constitution that the office of the presidency embodies the will of the real majority of the American nation.

Article III. Congress exists, but only as a consensual body. Congress possesses all legislative authority but should limit itself to the delegation of broad grants of unstructured authority to the president. Congress must take care never to draft a careful and precise statute because this would interfere with the judgment of the president and his professional and full time administrators.

Article IV. There exists a separate administrative branch composed of persons whose right to govern is based on two principles: (1), the delegations of power flowing from Congress; and (2), the authority inherent in professional training and promotion through an administrative hierarchy. Congress and the courts may provide for administrative procedures and have the power to review agencies for their observance of these procedures; but in no instance should Congress or the courts attempt to displace the judgment of the administrators with their own.

Article V. The Judicial branch is responsible for two functions: (1), to preserve the procedural rights of citizens before all federal courts, state and local courts, and administrative agencies; and (2), to apply the Fourteenth Amendment of the 1787 Constitution as a natural-law defense of all substantive and procedural rights. The appellate courts shall exercise vigorous judicial review of all state and local government and court decisions, but in no instance shall the courts review the constitutionality of Congress’s grants of authority to the president or to the federal administrative agencies.

Article VI. The public interest shall be defined by the satisfaction of the voters in their constituencies. The test of public interest is reelection.

Article VII. The public interest to the contrary notwithstanding, actual policy making will not come from voter preferences or congressional enactments but form a process of tripartite bargaining between specialized administrators, relevant members of Congress, and the representatives of self-selected organized interests. Principalities And Powers: Goodbye Liberalism: Hello Socialism

Your understanding of the original Constitution has not, of yet, been in evidence. But if and when that event comes to pass, you should consider which constitution you agree to live under.

My posts are based on having agreed to the original, only.
I just thank God Obama is not like FDR and that he hasn't in prison people because of their race

Welcome to my nightmare
Graph above- See UE come down under FDR, see UE go up under auserity in '37-8.

I AM a socialist, or social democrat, but most of this country doesn't know what that is. Socialism by definition is ALWAYS democratic, and Marxism/ Communism NEVER IS, and is basically dead. Of course they all support Dems over pander to the greedy rich Pubs. They aren't brainwashed IDIOTS lol.

. Nazis are RW FASCISTS, had and have no problem with the greedy rich and corporations. Period.

PC, all your "facts" are RW BULLSHYTTE. We're the only country in the WORLD without mandated paid vacations and parental leave, have CRAPPE day care, and see sig PP1, the most unfair system in the modern world, Thanks to greedy idiot megarich Pubs and their silly dupes.

Socialism didn't bring militarism in Germany and Japan, the FIRST Pub Great World Depression did. Thank God Dems got in fast this time to avert another TRUE depression. Only cost 4-5 TRILLION. Great job, Pubbies. A catastrophe in every way, dupes.

" We're all socialists now!"-- Finland PM, when O-care passed. Well actually, we have to wait till it starts, because 60%, going DOWN with a bullet, are totally misinformed on it.

you have some serious problems that you should address with a mental health professional. YOU HAVE TO WORK TO GET VACATION!!! We have mandated maternity leave.

I have NEVER worked at a job (whether it be military or civilian) that DIDN'T offer vacation time. NEVER. My civilian job gave me 6 weeks vacation a year. My time in the military gave me 4 weeks per year. WHAT THE HELL MORE DO YOU WANT???

I'm sure, that with you, it must be "government mandated" for it to mean anything.

Fellow, you would do yourself a favor by renouncing your citizenship and moving to France. You'd fit right in with the rest of the communists...

STUPID insults, and brainwashed talking points as always from the idiot hater RW.

Good for you, Mr Myopia- every other modern country has a paid 4 week + vacation after 1 year for ALL jobs and PAID parental leave. If irt's not gov't mandated, IT DOESN"T happen, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich.

Socialism is NOT COMMUNISM, dolt. EU doesn't want Americans unless they're married to an EU (and you're still second class), or a great doctor or a multi-millionnaire who doesn't, dumbazz- and France is not communist, blockhead, they just don't don't have a STUPID ugly American dumbass twit party like the GOP, the modern world's STUPIDEST party.
Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

You don't know the difference between communism and socialism as the whole world but Pub dupe cold war dinosaurs undertand it. Socialism is ALWAYS democratic and go from there.
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Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

You don't know the difference between communism and socialism as the whole world but Pub dupe cold war dinisaurs undertand it. Socialism is ALWAYS democratic and go from there.

hey genius communism is socialism

Welcome to my nightmare
Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

So you object to the idea of the poor and lower and middle income members of our society having any political power?

Is that the problem you have with what I said? Because that's what I said.
Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

So you object to the idea of the poor and lower and middle income members of our society having any political power?

Is that the problem you have with what I said? Because that's what I said.

You wish there to be a one sided political system. Political power is irrelevant. Anyone who is wealthy should be deprived of their voice, correct?
Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

So you object to the idea of the poor and lower and middle income members of our society having any political power?

Is that the problem you have with what I said? Because that's what I said.

I object to your demagoguery.
Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

You don't know the difference between communism and socialism as the whole world but Pub dupe cold war dinisaurs undertand it. Socialism is ALWAYS democratic and go from there.

hey genius communism is socialism

Welcome to my nightmare

Extreme, totalitarian socialism, cold war dinosaur...

Why won't you put your money where your mouth is and submit your US citizenship for an exchange of one of the socialist countries - North Korea or Cuba.

And don't give me a BS about "socialist countries" as Sweden or Norway. Those are NOT socialist countries( by the clear definition what socialism is) - those are good old capitalist countries with social democrats going crazy. Sweden is actually reforming their welfare state.

So you object to the idea of the poor and lower and middle income members of our society having any political power?

Is that the problem you have with what I said? Because that's what I said.

I object to your demagoguery.

That is all he is capable of.

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