Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

No, but I 'see' the RED SCARE. How about you, do you see the bias in favor of corporations by the gang of five (Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito)?

Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?

The greater threat to the American political landscape may be on the Supreme Court Bench. Individual liberty always seems to fade while corporate rights grow.

"Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?"

Perhaps it was Franklin Roosevelt.

"English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property."
Schivelbusch, "Three New Deals."

You shouldn't be afraid to read a book once in a while.

You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.

"Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic."

It's Sunday.
Count your blessings.
Thank God THIS time a Dem got in fast to avert a true SECOND Pub World Depression. Cost 4-5 trillion, and worth every penny..

Those French and English commentators were FOS, and so are yours....
All of that increase happened on Private Land.

On Federal Land (and water) Oil production has nose-dived.

Setting aside the fact that you are wrong,

I am NEVER wrong, cockbreath.

Congressional Research Confirms: Obama Has Blocked Oil Production -

Empty Boast: As we have noted before in our Issues & Insights pages, President Obama has taken credit for an energy boom he had nothing to do with. A government agency now confirms what many have known to be true.

The Congressional Research Service has released a report, "U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production in Federal and Non-Federal Areas," that corroborates what we've said.
"All of the increase (in oil and natural gas production) from FY2007 to FY2012 took place on non-federal lands, and the federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell by about seven percentage points," writes Marc Humphries, the government specialist in energy policy who authored the report.

During this period, oil production on federal land fell from nearly 1.7 million barrels a day to 1.6 million. At the same time, the share of overall production on federal lands shriveled from 33% to 26%.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Congressional Research Confirms: Obama Has Blocked Oil Production -
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Without opening your irrelevant link let's start with just what's in your post:

FY2007 to FY2012? lol, Obama wasn't president in FY2007 or FY2008 or the first 4 months of FY2009.

btw, did you dodge my question because you know the answer kills your nonsensical argument?

Let's try again:

Does drilling on private land have to be permitted by the government or not?
"Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?"

Perhaps it was Franklin Roosevelt.

"English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property."
Schivelbusch, "Three New Deals."

You shouldn't be afraid to read a book once in a while.

You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.

"FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs."

Gee....and all it cost them was their liberty.......

Even that's a lie from our resident stupid fukking leftists.

What they don't get told in their kindergarten history courses is how FDR was butchering tens of thousands of Hogs (to keep prices up) and burning the carcasses while children were suffering from malnutrition and actually dying of starvation.

That is just a fukking FACT. Look up some of his idiotic policies

But FDR gets a little slack from me because he was facing unknown circumstances, an unknown danger. He had no clue. But he was stupid. He really was a national socialist

But here's the funny part... Most people don't know that there was a Depression only a few scant years earlier under warren G Harding.

Know what he did to fight it? Nothing. Not a goddam thing.

And we popped out of it in only a couple years.

Yeah, I know Hoover was a Republican. But he wasn't a Conservative. he was more along the lines of a 'Bull Moose' Republican.... An interventionist like FDR. He made the Depression worse with his idiotic Smoot-Hawley.

But, again.... He had no clue either.

People who sing the praises of FDR? Idiots.

Every second of every minute of ever day of every year that man was in Office, this Country was in Misery.

How anybody can give him any credit for anything other than being horrible is stupid.

In 1941, the year of the War, we had over 14% unemployment at one point. he was an absolutely terrible president. Maybe the 2nd worst ever.... Behind the idiot we have in office now.

At least FDR was a good War President. Although he should have, and could have, avoided it
The two biggest socialist institutions in the U.S. are the public school system and the military,

both almost entirely government run, with government employees, and government funded, through taxes.

If you want to end both of those institutions as they exist and let the private sector try to make up the difference,

then you are not a socialist.

If you want to keep either or both of them, you are a socialist.

You are a socialist in the above scenario as the rightwing inmates here are trying to define 'socialist' in order to be able to label President Obama as such. many of you can claim not be 'socialists'?
The two biggest socialist institutions in the U.S. are the public school system and the military,

both almost entirely government run, with government employees, and government funded, through taxes.

If you want to end both of those institutions as they exist and let the private sector try to make up the difference,

then you are not a socialist.

If you want to keep either or both of them, you are a socialist.

You are a socialist in the above scenario as the rightwing inmates here are trying to define 'socialist' in order to be able to label President Obama as such. many of you can claim not be 'socialists'?

^^^twelve years old^^^
Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

Obviously not.

Here's what socialism means:

A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated...
(in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

Here's what the PRIVATE ownership of American production looks like in part


source =

One would have to be either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, right wing asshole to continue to think that this nation or any of its elected leaders are socialists.

Watch how neatly I turn your vituperation right back to where it your feet.


I'm always surprised when a smart guy like you falls right into their trap....eyes wide shut.

Okay, I'm waiting

My first and only witness.....Sam Webb:

In May 2010, CPUSA, the communist party of the USA, leader Sam Webb, addressed his peeps in NYC, noting the gains the Communist Party had made: policies and actions of President Barack Obama.

"Welcome, everyone, to our 29th convention; and a special welcome to our friends and allies. I'm sure you are as excited to be here as I am....
What a difference between now and five years ago when we convened in Chicago!"
A way out of the deepening crisis » cpusa

And you truly do imagine that the blathering of some communist supports the case that this nation is socialist?!


The fact that the means of production in this nation are owned privately is the ONLY evidence that can support or refute the theory that this nation is socialist..

Want to know why that is true, PC?


When Obama Nationalizes the means of production then TRULY I will be the first to tell you and anyone else who will listen that he is a socialist.

Until that time?

I'll just stick to the facts.

The USA is a capitalist nation and its policies, including those advanced by Obama are capitalist

So....who is the "either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, ... asshole.."?

Well I'm sanguine to let anyone who reads our exchange decide that for himself, PC.

I cite as evidence the staggering reality of who owns our site as your evidence a statement by some Commie nobody gives a hoot about.
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The two biggest socialist institutions in the U.S. are the public school system and the military,

both almost entirely government run, with government employees, and government funded, through taxes.

If you want to end both of those institutions as they exist and let the private sector try to make up the difference,

then you are not a socialist.

If you want to keep either or both of them, you are a socialist.

You're simply an idiot. I'm all for getting rid of government schools. They're turning out a river if ignoramuses. However, there's no way to have a private military. That's the reason it's socialist.

You are a socialist in the above scenario as the rightwing inmates here are trying to define 'socialist' in order to be able to label President Obama as such. many of you can claim not be 'socialists'?

Your lame argument is only convincing the forum imbeciles. Obama is a socialist. That is irrefutable. Government is his solution for every problem. He even proposes government as a solution for non-problems. That's what defines someone as a socialist.
bullshit, bullshit, and bullshit. the country is already criss crossed with pipelines, the alaska pipeline has been problem free for years.

the ignorance of you liberals is put on display daily, what a bunch of buffoons.

Do you have any fucking idea how nasty this stuff is? Even if it ran trouble free for it's lifetime, the byproducts that come from the refining process are toxic as he'll. Where do you propose they dispose of them? The gulf?

This kind of short term black and white 'thinking' is why you conturds are laughing stocks all over the civilized world.

Its oil, fool. We have been processing oil in this country for many many years. The entire product is used, there is nothing left after the refining process to dispose of. You are a victim of envirolies.

But since you are worried about disposal, where do you propose that we dispose of the toxic batteries from electric cars? throw them in the gulf?

Not the same thing fool. First of all, it takes a lot of energy and water to release the oil which means more greenhouse gasses are produced. Then the sand that's left behind contains heavy metals including mercury and arsenic. Probably not in high enough concentrations to make it commercially viable to extract. So you have this crud left over waiting to give the native population genetic deformities and cancer. Hey that's your part of the world isn't it?
Thank God THIS time a Dem got in fast to avert a true SECOND Pub World Depression. Cost 4-5 trillion, and worth every penny..

Those French and English commentators were FOS, and so are yours....

Scholarship reveals the truth....

...and you reveal abject ignorance.

In an insightful analysis, John A. Garraty compared Roosevelt’s New Deal with aspects of the Third Reich:
a strong leader; an ideology stressing the nation, the people and the land; state control of economic and social affairs; and the quality and quantity of government propaganda.
Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78 (1973) p. 907ff.

I always look forward to your posts, blanko, as they constantly reveal the depth of ignorance on the Left.

Keep up the bad work.
Obviously not.

Here's what socialism means:

Here's what the PRIVATE ownership of American production looks like in part


source =

One would have to be either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, right wing asshole to continue to think that this nation or any of its elected leaders are socialists.


Okay, I'm waiting

My first and only witness.....Sam Webb:

And you truly do imagine that the blathering of some communist supports the case that this nation is socialist?!


The fact that the means of production in this nation are owned privately is the ONLY evidence that can support or refute the theory that this nation is socialist..

Want to know why that is true, PC?


When Obama Nationalizes the means of production then TRULY I will be the first to tell you and anyone else who will listen that he is a socialist.

Until that time?

I'll just stick to the facts.

The USA is a capitalist nation and its policies, including those advanced by Obama are capitalist

So....who is the "either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, ... asshole.."?

Well I'm sanguine to let anyone who reads our exchange decide that for himself, PC.

I cite as evidence the staggering reality of who owns our site as your evidence a statement by some Commie nobody gives a hoot about.

"And you truly do imagine that the blathering of some communist supports the case that this nation is socialist?!"

Too bad you didn't review the link that I provided wherein Webb of the CPUSA lists the 'advances' that Obama and the communist party have achieved.


And, it appears, as communists do.

"Well I'm sanguine to let anyone who reads our exchange decide that for himself, PC."

The same.
Tough question. Obama has the economic policies of Benito Mussolini. Which would make him more like a fascist.

ruled past participle, past tense of rule (Verb)
Exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people): "Latin America today is ruled by elected politicians".
(of a feeling) Have a powerful and restricting influence on (a person's life): "her whole life seemed to be ruled by fear".
The two biggest socialist institutions in the U.S. are the public school system and the military,

both almost entirely government run, with government employees, and government funded, through taxes.

If you want to end both of those institutions as they exist and let the private sector try to make up the difference,

then you are not a socialist.

If you want to keep either or both of them, you are a socialist.

You're simply an idiot. I'm all for getting rid of government schools. They're turning out a river if ignoramuses. However, there's no way to have a private military. That's the reason it's socialist.

You are a socialist in the above scenario as the rightwing inmates here are trying to define 'socialist' in order to be able to label President Obama as such. many of you can claim not be 'socialists'?

Your lame argument is only convincing the forum imbeciles. Obama is a socialist. That is irrefutable. Government is his solution for every problem. He even proposes government as a solution for non-problems. That's what defines someone as a socialist.

You want a socialist military so you're a socialist.

ruled past participle, past tense of rule (Verb)
Exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people): "Latin America today is ruled by elected politicians".
(of a feeling) Have a powerful and restricting influence on (a person's life): "her whole life seemed to be ruled by fear".

I see. You utilize a definition of a word for your benefit, yet you failed to meet the standards of the definition of the word socialism. As in that case the definition of a word is irrelevant. :eusa_whistle:
You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.

"FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs."

Gee....and all it cost them was their liberty.......

Even that's a lie from our resident stupid fukking leftists.

What they don't get told in their kindergarten history courses is how FDR was butchering tens of thousands of Hogs (to keep prices up) and burning the carcasses while children were suffering from malnutrition and actually dying of starvation.

That is just a fukking FACT. Look up some of his idiotic policies

But FDR gets a little slack from me because he was facing unknown circumstances, an unknown danger. He had no clue. But he was stupid. He really was a national socialist

But here's the funny part... Most people don't know that there was a Depression only a few scant years earlier under warren G Harding.

Know what he did to fight it? Nothing. Not a goddam thing.

And we popped out of it in only a couple years.

Yeah, I know Hoover was a Republican. But he wasn't a Conservative. he was more along the lines of a 'Bull Moose' Republican.... An interventionist like FDR. He made the Depression worse with his idiotic Smoot-Hawley.

But, again.... He had no clue either.

People who sing the praises of FDR? Idiots.

Every second of every minute of ever day of every year that man was in Office, this Country was in Misery.

How anybody can give him any credit for anything other than being horrible is stupid.

In 1941, the year of the War, we had over 14% unemployment at one point. he was an absolutely terrible president. Maybe the 2nd worst ever.... Behind the idiot we have in office now.

At least FDR was a good War President. Although he should have, and could have, avoided it

Unemployment was well over 25% when FDR took office. No president in history ever saw a bigger decline in the UE than did FDR.

You people need to work on being rational. You look like fools when you try to figure out some way to make everything every liberal in history ever did look bad.
To you liberals who have no compulsion whatsoever to do your own research:

Obama was once quoted as saying "People should judge me by those of whom I surround myself" these are the people he surrounded himself with.

Marilyn Katz: SDS, Socialist, CPUSA, CoC, Public Relations to Obama

Carl Davidson: SDS, Marxist Socialist, Professor, Small school workshop, leading activist in the Chicago break away Socialist/Communist, “New Party” founder of Progressives for Obama, DSA, Communist party split organization Committees of Correspondence CoC.

Mike Klonsky: SDS Weatherman, Maoist Communist, Small schools workshop, CoC

William Ayers: SDS Weatherman, Communist, UC Professor who writes curriculum for teaching teachers, Small schools workshop, CoC, Hugo Chavez honored him for his Socialist educational standards introduced to Venezuela.

Bernadine Dohrn: SDS Weatherman, Communist, Professor, Lawyer, CPUSA organization CoC

Mark Rudd: SDS Weatherman, Socialist, Professor, Progressives for Obama

Tom Hayden: SDS Weatherman, Communist, Professor, Advisory Board of Progressive Democrats of America, Initiated Progressives for Obama, CoC

Rev. Wright: Black Liberation Theology (Socialist) Racist Church, Obama’s Pastor

Rev. James Meeks: Black Liberation, Racist, Spiritual counsel, adviser, and friend

Tony Rezko: Chicago mobster, business associate, friend

Frank Marshall Davis: CPUSA Communist from Chicago, four year mentor to teenage Obama in Hawaii, on FBI security arrest list from 1957 forward.

Raila Odinga: ODM, Kenyan Communist, Obama campaigned for his election in Kenya

Richard Falk: IADL Communist, America hater, Professor and friend until his death

Edward Said: Jew hater, America hater, Obama Professor and friend until his death

Roberto Unger: Communist, Obama Professor, friend

Rashid Khalidi: Jew hater, PLO, University of Chicago Professor friend, Obama fundraiser

John Holdren: (CZAR), Co author, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, advocates totalitarian world order and mass sterilization of population. I kid you not.
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Gregory Craig: ACLU, Specializes in representing Communists. His clients include Castro and the Nicaraguan Communist Sandinistas. Obama`s White House Council.

Carl Sustein: Progressive (Socialist) Professor, friend. Wants legal 'rights' for livestock, wildlife and pets represented by PETA and ACLU.

Jessica Marshall: Chicago activist, national coordinator Young Communists YCLUSA, friend
Terrie Albano: YCLUSA and editor of the Communist Party USA newspaper Peoples Weekly World was an early and ardent backer of Obama, CoC.

Valerie Bowman Jarrett: Married for 5 yrs to Vernon Jarrett CPUSA member now deceased. Jarrett is the great niece of prominent Democratic Party leftist Vernon Jordan. Personal friend of SDS Socialist Marilyn Katz, Senior advisor to President Barack Obama

Timuel Black: Socialist Party SPUSA, Democratic Socialists of America DSA, Committees of Correspondence CoC, personal adviser and friend.

Alice Palmer: 1991 Illinois State Senator, Soviet world traveler, Socialist/Communist admirer, Chicago journalist, friend and employer of Barack Obama. Hand picked Obama as her senate seat successor and organized his coming out fund raiser at her friends William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn’s home

Patrick Gaspard: New Jersey chapter of the Socialist/Communist, “New Party” Activist in the New Party offshoot, and CPUSA endorsed Working Families Party. White House political director for President-elect Barack Obama

Barbara Ehrenreich: Democratic Socialists of America DSA, New Party NP, Progressives for Obama, Committees of Correspondence CoC.

Lou Pardo: Socialist, DSA, New Party, CoC, organizer with and friend of Obama 1990’s

Quentin Young: YCLUSA Young Communist League, DSA, Obama’s doctor for 20 years
Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf: Democratic Socialists of America DSA, Vice chairman of Chicago Committee to ‘Defend the Bill of Rights’ the CPUSA most successful creation, friend of Ayers and Dohrn, friend of Obama

Cornel West: DSA vice-chair, New Party NP, Progressives for Obama, Obama's Black advisory Council, Black Liberation Theology speaker, friend of Rev. Wright, friend of Obama

Danny Davis: Democratic Socialists of America DSA, friend, political ally, Davis and Obama joined New Party NP together and were candidates for NP, CoC

Van Jones: Black Nationalist, Black Liberation Theology, Communist party split organization Committees of Correspondence CoC,, (CZAR) to Obama.

Carol Browner: (Global Warming CZAR) Socialist, member Socialist International

Gerald Kellman: Socialist Activist, Obama's boss.

Michelle Robinson, Obama: At Princeton she was Board member of Third World Center organization for 2 yrs. TWC is an anti white segregationist group. This and Black Liberation Theology might be why she did not love her country until Obama was elected.

Anyone who claims that we are not being presided over by Communists/Socialists/Marxists are simply deluding themselves.
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Socialism is the single greatest advance in human civilization as a whole. Socialism is what has prevented all of the other great advances of civilization to be claimed, owned, and guarded by a powerful few.

And democracy is what enabled socialism. Without the advance of democracy in its many forms,

the economically/socially less powerful would have never gained sufficient political power to be able to wrest away from the wealthy the natural political power that accrues to wealth itself.

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