Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

Obviously not.

Here's what socialism means:

A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated...
(in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

Here's what the PRIVATE ownership of American production looks like in part


source =

One would have to be either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, right wing asshole to continue to think that this nation or any of its elected leaders are socialists.
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No, he's "declared war" on pollution and energy dependence on foreign countries.

He's putting the conserve in conservative. :lol:

LOL, you are really funny wytchey. By not allowing the use of our energy supplies he is making us MORE dependent on foregn countries. .

Here's more evidence of how embarassingly stupid you are:

The shale revolution sweeping the U.S. helped push oil production in the world's largest economy to a record last year, BP said in a report this week, underscoring expectations of the nation's energy independence.

In a statistical review of energy demand in 2012, the U.S., the world's third-largest oil producer, said energy production rose 1.3 percent to 15 percent of the global total. A bounty of shale and natural gas helped energy supplies set record for the third straight year, according to BP.
U.S. production of natural gas surged nearly 5 percent last year, BP said. It is now the largest producer of the gas, with 20 percent of the global total, as well as the biggest consumer of both natural gas and crude oil.

The U.S. saw "the biggest increase in oil and gas production of all the countries in the world," BP Chief Economist Christof Ruhl told CNBC's "Squawk Box" this week. "This was the biggest increase in oil production in the entire history" of the country, he said, adding that much of that was on the back of the shale boom.

US Energy Production Growing by Leaps and Bounds: BP

Stop making an ass of yourself. Please.

All of that increase happened on Private Land.

On Federal Land (and water) Oil production has nose-dived.

You people really should get your arguments from somewhere other than CPUSA.

You Conservatives should visit their website. Home » cpusa

You won't find a bit of difference between what the Communist Party USA believes and the dimocrap platform.


As to defining socialism? How can you define something that has failed every time it has ever been tried? You can't.

That's why IDIOTS like obama keep trying a different way.

Up until the Soviet Union was destroyed by the Greatest President In Galactic History, Ronald Wilson Reagan, socialism was thought to be best achieved through violent upheaval.

Now that those idiots are gone, we're back to 'Socialism From Above' -- You really should read Draper's "The Two Souls Of Socialism"..... After you read Kropotkin's book on the French Revolution.

This is like trying to explain Relativity to 3rd Graders. Do some reading and get back to me
Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

Obviously not.

Here's what socialism means:

A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated...
(in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

Here's what the PRIVATE ownership of American production looks like in part


source =

One would have to be either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, right wing asshole to continue to think that this nation or any of its elected leaders are socialists.

Watch how neatly I turn your vituperation right back to where it your feet.

I'm always surprised when a smart guy like you falls right into their trap....eyes wide shut.

My first and only witness.....Sam Webb:

In May 2010, CPUSA, the communist party of the USA, leader Sam Webb, addressed his peeps in NYC, noting the gains the Communist Party had made: policies and actions of President Barack Obama.

"Welcome, everyone, to our 29th convention; and a special welcome to our friends and allies. I'm sure you are as excited to be here as I am....
What a difference between now and five years ago when we convened in Chicago!"
A way out of the deepening crisis » cpusa

So....who is the "either MENTALLY RETARDED or a great big fat, lying, ... asshole.."?

Raise your paw.
The Keystone pipeline might create a few jobs but it would be an environmental disaster. Probably why the Canadians want to pump that shit all the way to the gulf. As for reducing the price of gas in America, dream on. Oil is a global commodity and its price fluctuates on global supply. This wouldn't even make a dent.

bullshit, bullshit, and bullshit. the country is already criss crossed with pipelines, the alaska pipeline has been problem free for years.

the ignorance of you liberals is put on display daily, what a bunch of buffoons.

Do you have any fucking idea how nasty this stuff is? Even if it ran trouble free for it's lifetime, the byproducts that come from the refining process are toxic as he'll. Where do you propose they dispose of them? The gulf?

This kind of short term black and white 'thinking' is why you conturds are laughing stocks all over the civilized world.

Its oil, fool. We have been processing oil in this country for many many years. The entire product is used, there is nothing left after the refining process to dispose of. You are a victim of envirolies.

But since you are worried about disposal, where do you propose that we dispose of the toxic batteries from electric cars? throw them in the gulf?
Where's the socialism in the ACA, specifically?

The end result of obamacare will be single payer government run medicine. That was always the goal. In a very short time the insurance companies will be put out of business because people will realize that paying the penalty will be cheaper than buying insurance.

The illogic of the above is stunning. The insurance companies will be put out of business by people who currently don't have insurance anyway?

lol good one.

OK, think this through slowly, you might get it.

you can buy an insurance policy for $500/month, or you can pay the penalty of $3500/year and get "free" obamacare from the exchange.

let me help: $500 a month equals $6000 a year. $6000 is more than $3500. So what will most people do?

Ta ta insurance companies, welcome single payer obamacare-----funded by the people. And get ready to stand in long lines for crappy medicine. you will never see the same doctor twice, your medical decisions will be made by a GS 9 civil servant that you will never see or talk to in person. She will remind you of the "key witness" in the Zimmerman trial. I bet you can hardly wait.
The end result of obamacare will be single payer government run medicine. That was always the goal. In a very short time the insurance companies will be put out of business because people will realize that paying the penalty will be cheaper than buying insurance.

The illogic of the above is stunning. The insurance companies will be put out of business by people who currently don't have insurance anyway?

lol good one.

OK, think this through slowly, you might get it.

you can buy an insurance policy for $500/month, or you can pay the penalty of $3500/year and get "free" obamacare from the exchange.

let me help: $500 a month equals $6000 a year. $6000 is more than $3500. So what will most people do?


Since that is not how it works, it is you who needs to do some thinking.
The illogic of the above is stunning. The insurance companies will be put out of business by people who currently don't have insurance anyway?

lol good one.

OK, think this through slowly, you might get it.

you can buy an insurance policy for $500/month, or you can pay the penalty of $3500/year and get "free" obamacare from the exchange.

let me help: $500 a month equals $6000 a year. $6000 is more than $3500. So what will most people do?


Since that is not how it works, it is you who needs to do some thinking.

Wrong, that is EXACTLY how it will work, that was the long range plan of the dem/libs all along, destroy the evil insurance industry because it employs people and makes evil profit, and turn our medical care over to the same idiots who are running social security and the post office.
OK, think this through slowly, you might get it.

you can buy an insurance policy for $500/month, or you can pay the penalty of $3500/year and get "free" obamacare from the exchange.

let me help: $500 a month equals $6000 a year. $6000 is more than $3500. So what will most people do?


Since that is not how it works, it is you who needs to do some thinking.

Wrong, that is EXACTLY how it will work, that was the long range plan of the dem/libs all along, destroy the evil insurance industry because it employs people and makes evil profit, and turn our medical care over to the same idiots who are running social security and the post office.

Right, if you there's no profit in people being sick, what good is disease?
Where's the socialism in the ACA, specifically?

The end result of obamacare will be single payer government run medicine. That was always the goal. In a very short time the insurance companies will be put out of business because people will realize that paying the penalty will be cheaper than buying insurance.

The illogic of the above is stunning. The insurance companies will be put out of business by people who currently don't have insurance anyway?

lol good one.

As clueless as you do you manage to find your way back to the refrigerator box you call home?


ObamaCare isn't designed to insure folks who are uninsured.

It is a socialized medicine program designed to increase the size of government.

And, the promise to insure all Americans? According to the CBO, in 2015 there will be 36 million uninsured nonelderly Americans. (table 3)
Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

Yeah, he is.

1. How can that even open to question???

2. As far back as 2001, in a radio interview on WBEZ, 'senior lecturer Obama' made his socialist intentions clear. In this tour-de-Marx performance- one which never made it into the mainstream media, he used these phrases:

"Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth"...."coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change...."
2001 Obama WBEZ Interview Redistribution Wealth Warren Court - YouTube

Turns out 'redistributive change' became 'hope and change.'

a. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" Oct. 12, 2008.
Hard to believe that the public was less concerned about whether the next President was a Marxist than if Joe was a licensed plumber.

b. "Obama could not have been clearer about his intentions to replace what he denigrated as the old "right-wing," "individualistic bootstrap myth" with a collectivist order- pure Marx." Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 29.

3. So...why no effect on voters? When, exactly, did apathy and the laughter become a kind of conditioned response that short-circuit actual thinking. Hard to imagine how "yawn and mock" trump anti-American subversion.
Must have been just after everyone got the memo "It's different this time."

4. "...Obama's radical past seems to be making no impact whatsoever among the American public. His connection to communists in particular, from communist-terrorists like Bill Ayers to the communist agitator-journalist Frank Marshall Davis to fellow travelers like Saul Alinsky, has simply failed to resonate beyond the political right....

Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history..... The problem is that it isn't being taught. Consequently, Americans today do not know why communism is such a devastating ideology, at both the level of plain economic theory and in actual historical practice. It is a remarkably hateful system, based on literal hatred and targeted annihilation of entire classes and groups of people. (Nazism sought genocide based on ethnicity; communism sought genocide based on class.)" Archived-Articles: Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines the point:
"... to a Brit who has seen his fair share of socialists and
lives in a socialist country run by a self-described socialist party by a self-described socialist prime minister who has taken over for another self-described socialist prime minister, it is puzzling why self-described independents ... are doing backflips in an attempt to avoid the obvious fact -- President Obama is quite clearly a socialist.
All these verbal gymnastics that are used to avoid stating the obvious may be rather humorous for someone watching from over the Atlantic, but for Americans, such delusion is a very serious matter.

It is important, not just for the American right, but for the American people as a whole, to realise just exactly who it is they have elected to office.

To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial, and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"
Archived-Articles: Obama's Socialism

My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

No, but I 'see' the RED SCARE. How about you, do you see the bias in favor of corporations by the gang of five (Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito)?

Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?

The greater threat to the American political landscape may be on the Supreme Court Bench. Individual liberty always seems to fade while corporate rights grow.
Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

Yeah, he is.

1. How can that even open to question???

2. As far back as 2001, in a radio interview on WBEZ, 'senior lecturer Obama' made his socialist intentions clear. In this tour-de-Marx performance- one which never made it into the mainstream media, he used these phrases:

"Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth"...."coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change...."
2001 Obama WBEZ Interview Redistribution Wealth Warren Court - YouTube

Turns out 'redistributive change' became 'hope and change.'

a. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" Oct. 12, 2008.
Hard to believe that the public was less concerned about whether the next President was a Marxist than if Joe was a licensed plumber.

b. "Obama could not have been clearer about his intentions to replace what he denigrated as the old "right-wing," "individualistic bootstrap myth" with a collectivist order- pure Marx." Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 29.

3. So...why no effect on voters? When, exactly, did apathy and the laughter become a kind of conditioned response that short-circuit actual thinking. Hard to imagine how "yawn and mock" trump anti-American subversion.
Must have been just after everyone got the memo "It's different this time."

4. "...Obama's radical past seems to be making no impact whatsoever among the American public. His connection to communists in particular, from communist-terrorists like Bill Ayers to the communist agitator-journalist Frank Marshall Davis to fellow travelers like Saul Alinsky, has simply failed to resonate beyond the political right....

Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history..... The problem is that it isn't being taught. Consequently, Americans today do not know why communism is such a devastating ideology, at both the level of plain economic theory and in actual historical practice. It is a remarkably hateful system, based on literal hatred and targeted annihilation of entire classes and groups of people. (Nazism sought genocide based on ethnicity; communism sought genocide based on class.)" Archived-Articles: Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines the point:
"... to a Brit who has seen his fair share of socialists and
lives in a socialist country run by a self-described socialist party by a self-described socialist prime minister who has taken over for another self-described socialist prime minister, it is puzzling why self-described independents ... are doing backflips in an attempt to avoid the obvious fact -- President Obama is quite clearly a socialist.
All these verbal gymnastics that are used to avoid stating the obvious may be rather humorous for someone watching from over the Atlantic, but for Americans, such delusion is a very serious matter.

It is important, not just for the American right, but for the American people as a whole, to realise just exactly who it is they have elected to office.

To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial, and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"
Archived-Articles: Obama's Socialism

My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

No, but I 'see' the RED SCARE. How about you, do you see the bias in favor of corporations by the gang of five (Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito)?

Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?

The greater threat to the American political landscape may be on the Supreme Court Bench. Individual liberty always seems to fade while corporate rights grow.

"Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?"

Perhaps it was Franklin Roosevelt.

"English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property."
Schivelbusch, "Three New Deals."

You shouldn't be afraid to read a book once in a while.
OK, think this through slowly, you might get it.

you can buy an insurance policy for $500/month, or you can pay the penalty of $3500/year and get "free" obamacare from the exchange.

let me help: $500 a month equals $6000 a year. $6000 is more than $3500. So what will most people do?


Since that is not how it works, it is you who needs to do some thinking.

Wrong, that is EXACTLY how it will work, that was the long range plan of the dem/libs all along, destroy the evil insurance industry because it employs people and makes evil profit, and turn our medical care over to the same idiots who are running social security and the post office.

No, this is not how it ‘works.’

You’ve encased your head in partisan concrete, and believe only the lies about the ACA found in rightist dogma.
Since most Health Insurance Companies are already Not for Profit, how is a government run program going to make anything more efficient?

It isn't. It will just make government bigger.

This may surprise some of you, but as conservative as i am (which is... VERY) I believe we have to have a mandatory participation in Health Insurance.

NOT socialized medicine, which has Failed everywhere it has been tried, but mandatory participation.

National health is a disaster in Britain, it's not so great in Canada and most of the rest of the civilized world is trying hard to get away from it.

Switzerland may have found the answer but i'm not going to explain it to the Peanut gallery.

Most people won't know this (especially dimocraps because -- They're just stupid) but Republicans have tried to get an employer based mandatory system through since the days when Richard Nixon brought it up as a First Term Congressman in 1947.

He also made it the keynote of his 1972 State of The Union address.

Republicans want mandatory participation in Health Insurance but dimocrap scum, most notably ted Kennedy, fought it tooth and nail. They even fought Medicare Part D. scumbags

Know why? Because dimocrap scum don't want Universal Health Coverage -- They want socialism.

I could go on and on about why we need Universal health Insurance but whtat's the point? dimocraps are just far too stupid to understand it. They even think there's a profit motive in Not-For-Profit companies.

Stupid beyond belief.

And one other thing, stupid fukking dimocrap dirtbags.... Know how many Companies are "Self insured"? Of course you don't. You're so stupid you probably don't even know what it means.

My wife's Company only employs around 1,200 people, give or take. They're self insured.

Real big profit motive there, huh stupid fukking libtards?

but the gubmint's gonna do a better job....... :cuckoo:
Since that is not how it works, it is you who needs to do some thinking.

Wrong, that is EXACTLY how it will work, that was the long range plan of the dem/libs all along, destroy the evil insurance industry because it employs people and makes evil profit, and turn our medical care over to the same idiots who are running social security and the post office.

No, this is not how it ‘works.’

You’ve encased your head in partisan concrete, and believe only the lies about the ACA found in rightist dogma.

You're real fukking big on telling us how something doesn't work, why don't you tell us how it DOES work?

Do you know how I am certain Obama is a socialist? all the progressives are trying to tell us what is is. Idiots learned well from Bill Clinton

Welcome to my nightmare
Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

Yeah, he is.

1. How can that even open to question???

2. As far back as 2001, in a radio interview on WBEZ, 'senior lecturer Obama' made his socialist intentions clear. In this tour-de-Marx performance- one which never made it into the mainstream media, he used these phrases:

"Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth"...."coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change...."
2001 Obama WBEZ Interview Redistribution Wealth Warren Court - YouTube

Turns out 'redistributive change' became 'hope and change.'

a. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" Oct. 12, 2008.
Hard to believe that the public was less concerned about whether the next President was a Marxist than if Joe was a licensed plumber.

b. "Obama could not have been clearer about his intentions to replace what he denigrated as the old "right-wing," "individualistic bootstrap myth" with a collectivist order- pure Marx." Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 29.

3. So...why no effect on voters? When, exactly, did apathy and the laughter become a kind of conditioned response that short-circuit actual thinking. Hard to imagine how "yawn and mock" trump anti-American subversion.
Must have been just after everyone got the memo "It's different this time."

4. "...Obama's radical past seems to be making no impact whatsoever among the American public. His connection to communists in particular, from communist-terrorists like Bill Ayers to the communist agitator-journalist Frank Marshall Davis to fellow travelers like Saul Alinsky, has simply failed to resonate beyond the political right....

Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history..... The problem is that it isn't being taught. Consequently, Americans today do not know why communism is such a devastating ideology, at both the level of plain economic theory and in actual historical practice. It is a remarkably hateful system, based on literal hatred and targeted annihilation of entire classes and groups of people. (Nazism sought genocide based on ethnicity; communism sought genocide based on class.)" Archived-Articles: Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines the point:
"... to a Brit who has seen his fair share of socialists and
lives in a socialist country run by a self-described socialist party by a self-described socialist prime minister who has taken over for another self-described socialist prime minister, it is puzzling why self-described independents ... are doing backflips in an attempt to avoid the obvious fact -- President Obama is quite clearly a socialist.
All these verbal gymnastics that are used to avoid stating the obvious may be rather humorous for someone watching from over the Atlantic, but for Americans, such delusion is a very serious matter.

It is important, not just for the American right, but for the American people as a whole, to realise just exactly who it is they have elected to office.

To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial, and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"
Archived-Articles: Obama's Socialism

My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

No, but I 'see' the RED SCARE. How about you, do you see the bias in favor of corporations by the gang of five (Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito)?

Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?

The greater threat to the American political landscape may be on the Supreme Court Bench. Individual liberty always seems to fade while corporate rights grow.

"Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?"

Perhaps it was Franklin Roosevelt.

"English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property."
Schivelbusch, "Three New Deals."

You shouldn't be afraid to read a book once in a while.

You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.
LOL, you are really funny wytchey. By not allowing the use of our energy supplies he is making us MORE dependent on foregn countries. .

Here's more evidence of how embarassingly stupid you are:

The shale revolution sweeping the U.S. helped push oil production in the world's largest economy to a record last year, BP said in a report this week, underscoring expectations of the nation's energy independence.

In a statistical review of energy demand in 2012, the U.S., the world's third-largest oil producer, said energy production rose 1.3 percent to 15 percent of the global total. A bounty of shale and natural gas helped energy supplies set record for the third straight year, according to BP.
U.S. production of natural gas surged nearly 5 percent last year, BP said. It is now the largest producer of the gas, with 20 percent of the global total, as well as the biggest consumer of both natural gas and crude oil.

The U.S. saw "the biggest increase in oil and gas production of all the countries in the world," BP Chief Economist Christof Ruhl told CNBC's "Squawk Box" this week. "This was the biggest increase in oil production in the entire history" of the country, he said, adding that much of that was on the back of the shale boom.

US Energy Production Growing by Leaps and Bounds: BP

Stop making an ass of yourself. Please.

All of that increase happened on Private Land.

On Federal Land (and water) Oil production has nose-dived.

Setting aside the fact that you are wrong,

are you aware that all oil/gas drilling on private land has to be permitted by the government?
Here's more evidence of how embarassingly stupid you are:

The shale revolution sweeping the U.S. helped push oil production in the world's largest economy to a record last year, BP said in a report this week, underscoring expectations of the nation's energy independence.

In a statistical review of energy demand in 2012, the U.S., the world's third-largest oil producer, said energy production rose 1.3 percent to 15 percent of the global total. A bounty of shale and natural gas helped energy supplies set record for the third straight year, according to BP.
U.S. production of natural gas surged nearly 5 percent last year, BP said. It is now the largest producer of the gas, with 20 percent of the global total, as well as the biggest consumer of both natural gas and crude oil.

The U.S. saw "the biggest increase in oil and gas production of all the countries in the world," BP Chief Economist Christof Ruhl told CNBC's "Squawk Box" this week. "This was the biggest increase in oil production in the entire history" of the country, he said, adding that much of that was on the back of the shale boom.

US Energy Production Growing by Leaps and Bounds: BP

Stop making an ass of yourself. Please.

All of that increase happened on Private Land.

On Federal Land (and water) Oil production has nose-dived.

Setting aside the fact that you are wrong,

I am NEVER wrong, cockbreath.

Congressional Research Confirms: Obama Has Blocked Oil Production -

Empty Boast: As we have noted before in our Issues & Insights pages, President Obama has taken credit for an energy boom he had nothing to do with. A government agency now confirms what many have known to be true.

The Congressional Research Service has released a report, "U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production in Federal and Non-Federal Areas," that corroborates what we've said.
"All of the increase (in oil and natural gas production) from FY2007 to FY2012 took place on non-federal lands, and the federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell by about seven percentage points," writes Marc Humphries, the government specialist in energy policy who authored the report.

During this period, oil production on federal land fell from nearly 1.7 million barrels a day to 1.6 million. At the same time, the share of overall production on federal lands shriveled from 33% to 26%.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Congressional Research Confirms: Obama Has Blocked Oil Production -
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
Since that is not how it works, it is you who needs to do some thinking.

Wrong, that is EXACTLY how it will work, that was the long range plan of the dem/libs all along, destroy the evil insurance industry because it employs people and makes evil profit, and turn our medical care over to the same idiots who are running social security and the post office.

No, this is not how it ‘works.’

You’ve encased your head in partisan concrete, and believe only the lies about the ACA found in rightist dogma.

He's claiming that if you choose not to be insured, that under ACA you pay the fine and then ACA gives you an insurance policy from the exchange.

I find that difficult to believe lol.
No, but I 'see' the RED SCARE. How about you, do you see the bias in favor of corporations by the gang of five (Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito)?

Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?

The greater threat to the American political landscape may be on the Supreme Court Bench. Individual liberty always seems to fade while corporate rights grow.

"Was it Mussolini who said, "Fascism is the union of corporation and state"?"

Perhaps it was Franklin Roosevelt.

"English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property."
Schivelbusch, "Three New Deals."

You shouldn't be afraid to read a book once in a while.

You didn't comment on the recent opinions by the gang of five?

FDR - much like President Obama - was elected at a time of economic crisis and no map existed on how to respond. Both tired some things that worked and others that didn't.

FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs. He fought the same people whose self interest came before the country and their fellow citizens. The Callous Conservative isn't a new breed, it existed decades before you were born and joined their klan.

Read a book is a rather weak ad hominem PC; you're usually more profane and caustic.

"FDR put people to work and food in their stomachs."

Gee....and all it cost them was their liberty.......

In her book "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker put it this way:

1. "There is the passage from Genesis 25:29-34, which accurately describes the cultural shifts that took place during the Great Depression. Read this, and replace "Jacob" with "Uncle Sam," "Esau," with "the People," and "birthright," with "freedom."

29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”
31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”
33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.
34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.
So Esau despised his birthright."

2. So, as a result, corrosive indolence warped a once healthy work ethic, and a new cultural ideal took hold in society. Once the needy got a taste of government handouts, the genie was out of the bottle. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness became the expectation of government obligation to provide happiness to everyone. Dependence begat a lower echelon of faithful voter. Politicians advanced the idea that the alleviation of poverty was the sole responsibility of politicians. What Tocqueville had predicted came to pass."

When do you think Obama will issue an executive order changing July 4th to 'Dependence Day"?

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