Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

No I'm claiming you're fucking retarded for claiming that Obama wants to kill the economy.

then why else would he block the Keystone pipeline that would create thousands of new jobs, bring more cheap energy to the USA, and reduce the price of gas for every american? why would he put huge fines on coal production that will destroy thousands of UNION jobs, raise energy prices, create energy shortages, and hurt every aspect of the economy? Why would he make it almost impossible to get a new drilling permit in the gulf?

face it, obama wants the US economy to shrink so that we will no longer be the richest nation in the world. He believes that we got rich at the expense of the rest of the world and we should be punished for that.

The Keystone pipeline might create a few jobs but it would be an environmental disaster. Probably why the Canadians want to pump that shit all the way to the gulf. As for reducing the price of gas in America, dream on. Oil is a global commodity and its price fluctuates on global supply. This wouldn't even make a dent.

bullshit, bullshit, and bullshit. the country is already criss crossed with pipelines, the alaska pipeline has been problem free for years.

the ignorance of you liberals is put on display daily, what a bunch of buffoons.
Lol. So Obama wants to destroy the entire economy and the proof is...he won't approve of one project. The Keystone pipeline. Apparently if the Keystone is approved the entire economy will be great from a couple thousand jobs in the land of 300 million people.

no one said that keystone would fix the entire economy. stop the lies.

the proof that obama wants to destroy the economy is obvious in almost every action that he has taken both domestically and internationally.

your hero truly believes that the USA must be punished for its prior successes and for slavery. The sad thing is that he is accomplishing that goal, and you fools just continue your idol worship of the kenyan messiah.:cuckoo:
All you have to do is read his own writings to see that he leans towards Socialism.
That makes him a Socialist.
So you're one more poster who wants to piss and moan about 'socialism' but who doesn't have the courage to say he wants to get rid of socialism.

So you are another poster that wants to establish straw men, will not address the points given, resort to ad homonyms and sees the world as completely black and white.

Not bad for a single sentence.
No I'm claiming you're fucking retarded for claiming that Obama wants to kill the economy.

I know that hearing the truth destroys your libtardian philosophy and makes you mad. But you better get used to it, because a lot of americans are finally waking up to the fraud that is known as liberalism.

That's right, run away from your claim.

You think that President Obama wants to kill the economy, which if it happens will be blamed on him and the Democrats,

and which will assure that a Republican is elected president and the Republicans take the Senate.

That is your idea of Obama's grand plan, to guarantee that when he leaves the GOP takes over the government.

Are you an idiot for real? Can you possibly be this stupid? Or are you just playing stupid like some five year old who's trying to annoy the grown ups?

It’s what the left claims of Bush all the time – that he intentionally destroyed the economy and blamed it on the democrats…
Isn't Social Security a prime example, if not the best example, of U.S. socialism?

Anyone dispute that?

Social security is a giant Ponzi scheme that has been bankrupt for years, so, yes, it is the best example of U.S. socialism.
Lol. So Obama wants to destroy the entire economy and the proof is...he won't approve of one project. The Keystone pipeline. Apparently if the Keystone is approved the entire economy will be great from a couple thousand jobs in the land of 300 million people.

no one said that keystone would fix the entire economy. stop the lies.

the proof that obama wants to destroy the economy is obvious in almost every action that he has taken both domestically and internationally.

your hero truly believes that the USA must be punished for its prior successes and for slavery. The sad thing is that he is accomplishing that goal, and you fools just continue your idol worship of the kenyan messiah.:cuckoo:

You're a birther? That's about all we need to know about you.
I know that hearing the truth destroys your libtardian philosophy and makes you mad. But you better get used to it, because a lot of americans are finally waking up to the fraud that is known as liberalism.

That's right, run away from your claim.

You think that President Obama wants to kill the economy, which if it happens will be blamed on him and the Democrats,

and which will assure that a Republican is elected president and the Republicans take the Senate.

That is your idea of Obama's grand plan, to guarantee that when he leaves the GOP takes over the government.

Are you an idiot for real? Can you possibly be this stupid? Or are you just playing stupid like some five year old who's trying to annoy the grown ups?

It’s what the left claims of Bush all the time – that he intentionally destroyed the economy and blamed it on the democrats…

And what is that supposed to mean? That redfish thinks the people who said that were brilliant, so he's using them as his mentors?

So you're one more poster who wants to piss and moan about 'socialism' but who doesn't have the courage to say he wants to get rid of socialism.

So you are another poster that wants to establish straw men, will not address the points given, resort to ad homonyms and sees the world as completely black and white.

Not bad for a single sentence.

What is the point of you people constantly calling Obama a socialist but then when pressed you cannot even define what a socialist is,

or what socialism is,

or what current socialism you object to?
Yes, I agree. America was ruled by a socialist.


Federal government spending during the eight budgets signed by President Bush rose from $1.9 trillion to $3.5 trillion, an increase of nearly 85%.

And on healthcare, President Bush signed the biggest expansion of the government into healthcare since LBJ's Great Society.

Medicare Part D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush White House also conceived of and passed TARP, which extended the government's reach even further into the financial system, and effectively used the US Treasury to socialize private banking debt.

It may have taken some time but it's good to see that the apologists on the Right finally coming around to see the expansion of the government under the prior administration. And this doesn't include the subjugation of individual rights under the guise of The War on Terror.

Oh, wait. Are we talking about Obama here?

So you're one more poster who wants to piss and moan about 'socialism' but who doesn't have the courage to say he wants to get rid of socialism.

So you are another poster that wants to establish straw men, will not address the points given, resort to ad homonyms and sees the world as completely black and white.

Not bad for a single sentence.

What is the point of you people constantly calling Obama a socialist but then when pressed you cannot even define what a socialist is,

or what socialism is,

or what current socialism you object to?

You people?

Again, I URGE you to go through this thread and actually read my posts. You seem to be completely off base as to what I have claimed or what my position is.
then why else would he block the Keystone pipeline that would create thousands of new jobs, bring more cheap energy to the USA, and reduce the price of gas for every american? why would he put huge fines on coal production that will destroy thousands of UNION jobs, raise energy prices, create energy shortages, and hurt every aspect of the economy? Why would he make it almost impossible to get a new drilling permit in the gulf?

face it, obama wants the US economy to shrink so that we will no longer be the richest nation in the world. He believes that we got rich at the expense of the rest of the world and we should be punished for that.

The Keystone pipeline might create a few jobs but it would be an environmental disaster. Probably why the Canadians want to pump that shit all the way to the gulf. As for reducing the price of gas in America, dream on. Oil is a global commodity and its price fluctuates on global supply. This wouldn't even make a dent.

bullshit, bullshit, and bullshit. the country is already criss crossed with pipelines, the alaska pipeline has been problem free for years.

the ignorance of you liberals is put on display daily, what a bunch of buffoons.

Do you have any fucking idea how nasty this stuff is? Even if it ran trouble free for it's lifetime, the byproducts that come from the refining process are toxic as he'll. Where do you propose they dispose of them? The gulf?

This kind of short term black and white 'thinking' is why you conturds are laughing stocks all over the civilized world.
If anyone is free to rewrite the definition of socialism, then anyone is capable of being defined as a socialist. The definition of socialism has always included government control over e means of production and distribution. When I see a president confiscate and nationalize the nation's farmland, I will think that the president is a socialist. Until then, calling Obama a socialist will continue to be the PC way of calling him a kenyan or an n-word... Just another valueless epithet.

Again, it's that 8th Grade education that's screwing you up.

MARXISM is what you're thinking of.

There are dozens of different kinds of socialism. Look it up or...Shut up.

Damn, but libtards are stupid.
Here's a primer for retards -- Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so the blond bimbo knows wiki. Good for you. Your link only serves to reinforce my point. If they are a bazillion different different definitions of socialism, no doubt you can find ONE that will work for you. :::::yawn:::::

Where's the socialism in the ACA, specifically?

The end result of obamacare will be single payer government run medicine. That was always the goal. In a very short time the insurance companies will be put out of business because people will realize that paying the penalty will be cheaper than buying insurance.

The illogic of the above is stunning. The insurance companies will be put out of business by people who currently don't have insurance anyway?

lol good one.

The biggest weakness of the usage of relatively simplistic terms like "socialism" and "Marxism" is that they are vague and essentially impossible to prove on the margins. A society doesn't click one day from "not socialist" to "socialist", so its very existence is easy to deny for most countries.

Now, are we moving to a more centralized, authoritarian federal government? I think that answer is a pretty easy "yes". And are many people happy about that and promoting more of it? Another easy "yes".


"Conservatives don't want less government; they want less of the other guys' government."

Correction; conservatives want less government, republican partisans want less of the other guys government.

You are free to squabble amongst yourselves over who owns the word 'conservative' and who gets to define it. The current mainstream of conservatism in this country is not in favor of cutting defense spending, for example.
Obama is not a socialist...

He is a Kenyan born, white hating, Muslim who loves terrorists

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