Is An Assault Rifle Necessary

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"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.
I was talking to Chris. I'm done talking to your hollow head.
The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. By definition, an assault rifle is capable of semiautomatic operation as well as either fully-automatic operation, burst-fire operation,or both. An AR-15 only operates in semiautomatic mode; and does not offer either burst-fire or fully-automatic modes.

The AR-15 was designed by Armalite to meet the US Army requirement for a new assault rifle, chambered for a new intermediate cartridge. It was adopted by the US Army as the M16 and became a standard issue infantry weapon.

Top 10 Assault Rifles |

Saying the AR15 is not an assault rifle is saying there is a distinction without a difference.
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.
I was talking to Chris. I'm done talking to your hollow head.
You are a proven liar.
The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. By definition, an assault rifle is capable of semiautomatic operation as well as either fully-automatic operation, burst-fire operation,or both. An AR-15 only operates in semiautomatic mode; and does not offer either burst-fire or fully-automatic modes.

The AR-15 was designed by Armalite to meet the US Army requirement for a new assault rifle, chambered for a new intermediate cartridge. It was adopted by the US Army as the M16 and became a standard issue infantry weapon.

Top 10 Assault Rifles |

Saying the AR15 is not an assault rifle is saying there is a distinction without a difference.
Ooooo, more attempts a bafflement form a fascist.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.

Pretty much EVERYTHING you say about guns. Lol. You are completely ignorant on the subject, and it is painfully obvious. :) I am trying to be kind here.
You just accused me of being a liar. Don't be kind. Choose just one of the lies in my posts here and correct it.
The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. By definition, an assault rifle is capable of semiautomatic operation as well as either fully-automatic operation, burst-fire operation,or both. An AR-15 only operates in semiautomatic mode; and does not offer either burst-fire or fully-automatic modes.

The AR-15 was designed by Armalite to meet the US Army requirement for a new assault rifle, chambered for a new intermediate cartridge. It was adopted by the US Army as the M16 and became a standard issue infantry weapon.

Top 10 Assault Rifles |

Saying the AR15 is not an assault rifle is saying there is a distinction without a difference.

It is not an assault rifle. There is a distinct difference.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

And those people are wrong, since 8 million rifles in private hands harm no one....and knives are deadlier than the AR-15 every single year since they actually kill more people every single year...
Who knows, Guy. Maybe it's the bullets that are the answer, then. Have you read this yet?

What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns
The .223/5.56 round was made for shooting small varmints like a groundhog or prarie dog. Small caliber, high speed bullet. It usually breaks apart when hitting a human thorax causing much more damage. But to put it in perspective... A shotgun buckshot round fired at a range close enough to put the whole pattern in a person, is worse. Removes meat and bone.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.
to be fair, the 180 number is "theoretical". you'd need a HUGE extra capacity magazine to hold 180 rounds and the weight alone would make it very difficult to continue firing a "semi-automatic" rifle to get all 180 rounds out.

you can also - in reality - have a revolver (6 shooter) fire 12 rounds in just a few seconds if you practice. the issue gets clouded because people talk about the specs of an AR as if they don't also apply to most guns available today.

i don't disagree on the "look" playing a huge role in their being the weapon of choice but functionally almost any gun can do the same thing if they prepare.
You've been skimming again, haven't you?
Why do civilians need bullets that tear up people's guts like a war weapon? Why do civilians with violent propensities and numerous calls for out of control behavior have the green light to buy guns? Why are mental health services cut over and over by this administration for the sake of "individual freedom?"
There are lots of solutions. Arguing simply about the guns won't solve it. Background checks that actually include the whole red flag background would be a great starting point. Did you know that not all states report criminal histories to NICS? That the military doesn't report DV convictions?
Look into ERPO, at least. Take guns from crazies, one crazy at a time.

You don't know anything about bullets....we had an accidental shooting in our gun community, the brother of a police officer was shot...the 9mm bullet entered under his arm, broke a rib and lodged on the opposite side of his body......all bullets do strange things when they move around a body...

And again......the AR-15 is not a war has never been used by the military and has never been used in a war.....ever.

The 6 shot revolver is an actual weapon of war.

The lever action rifle is an actual weapon of war.

The bolt action rifle is a current weapon of war.

The pump action shot gun is a current weapon of war.......

As to preventing people from getting a gun......we already have laws on the books that would have stopped this guy from getting a gun......the cops, the FBI and the school failed to implement is that the fault of normal gun owners?

Did you know that it is the NRA pushing to get NICS you realize that?
Of course an assault rifle is not necessary.
Of course the AR15 is a derivative of the M 16.
Of course the sick minds of so many of these mass killers is attracted to such a machine.
So, of course, the problem is a mental problem. Like so much of the grotesque excess in American culture, including cars, food and consumption in general, the mentality of a great percentage of the population is frighteningly eccentric.
The disease is so ingrained that the cure will be very difficult.

Rather those problems here than the ingrained disease of mass murder and genocide that you find in Europe and the rest of the world......12 million unarmed men, women and children murdered by Europeans.....25 million Russians murdered, and 70 million Chinese murdered....

I'll take American culture any day of the year....
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.

Pretty much EVERYTHING you say about guns. Lol. You are completely ignorant on the subject, and it is painfully obvious. :) I am trying to be kind here.
You just accused me of being a liar. Don't be kind. Choose just one of the lies in my posts here and correct it.

I didn't. I said you were listening to what the lying media was feeding you, and you are and you do. :)

You aren't lying. You are just very ignorant about guns, and it shows to anyone who knows even a little bit about them. If you have a question about a gun, then you should ask and accept the answers given to you by those who know a lot more about it than you.

An AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It is a semi automatic rifle. It was designed for civilian use. An automatic weapon is a weapon that is automatic (which means it fires in a "burst" of bullets - more than one bullet). If you keep your finger on the trigger, it will keep firing. That is not how a semi automatic works at all. The semi automatic can only fire as fast as you pull the trigger. People don't use automatic weapons much for crimes because they are not very accurate. You cannot really pinpoint a specific target with an automatic weapon. It is more of a spray action weapon for hitting more than one target at a time and isn't as easy to use or control as other weapons.

An assault rifle is a military grade FULLY automatic weapon, intended for military use. Fully automatic weapons ARE banned from general public use for the most part.

Now, why is it that we only hear from you people when there is a lunatic who shoots up a school? Why do you say NOTHING about the people who are dying from being shot with ILLEGAL weapons in the ghettos of our big cities every day?
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.
I was talking to Chris. I'm done talking to your hollow head.

So you think that more gun control laws will stop murderers, or they will just not want to put in the effort or ??? What?? Please explain your rationale of using gun control laws to stop murderers/law breakers. Thanks.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.
I was talking to Chris. I'm done talking to your hollow head.

So you think that more gun control laws will stop murderers, or they will just not want to put in the effort or ??? What?? Please explain your rationale of using gun control laws to stop murderers/law breakers. Thanks.
There are a lot of proposed "gun control laws." Which one do you want me to speak to?
"The AR-15 was designed by Armalite to meet the US Army requirement for a new assault rifle, chambered for a new intermediate cartridge. It was adopted by the US Army as the M16 and became a standard issue infantry weapon."
Distinction; no difference.
Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.
I was talking to Chris. I'm done talking to your hollow head.

So you think that more gun control laws will stop murderers, or they will just not want to put in the effort or ??? What?? Please explain your rationale of using gun control laws to stop murderers/law breakers. Thanks.
There are a lot of proposed "gun control laws." Which one do you want me to speak to?

Any aside from ones we might already have.
"The AR-15 was designed by Armalite to meet the US Army requirement for a new assault rifle, chambered for a new intermediate cartridge. It was adopted by the US Army as the M16 and became a standard issue infantry weapon."
Distinction; no difference.

The M16 is a different rifle manufactured by the same company! Duh! The army wouldn't take the AR-15, and it was redesigned and distributed as a civilian rifle!
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.

Pretty much EVERYTHING you say about guns. Lol. You are completely ignorant on the subject, and it is painfully obvious. :) I am trying to be kind here.
You just accused me of being a liar. Don't be kind. Choose just one of the lies in my posts here and correct it.

I didn't. I said you were listening to what the lying media was feeding you, and you are and you do. :)

You aren't lying. You are just very ignorant about guns, and it shows to anyone who knows even a little bit about them. If you have a question about a gun, then you should ask and accept the answers given to you by those who know a lot more about it than you.

An AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It is a semi automatic rifle. It was designed for civilian use. An automatic weapon is a weapon that is automatic (which means it fires in a "burst" of bullets - more than one bullet). If you keep your finger on the trigger, it will keep firing. That is not how a semi automatic works at all. The semi automatic can only fire as fast as you pull the trigger. People don't use automatic weapons much for crimes because they are not very accurate. You cannot really pinpoint a specific target with an automatic weapon. It is more of a spray action weapon for hitting more than one target at a time and isn't as easy to use or control as other weapons.

An assault rifle is a military grade FULLY automatic weapon, intended for military use. Fully automatic weapons ARE banned from general public use for the most part.

Now, why is it that we only hear from you people when there is a lunatic who shoots up a school? Why do you say NOTHING about the people who are dying from being shot with ILLEGAL weapons in the ghettos of our big cities every day?
If you look in Race Relations you'll see I made the same argument yesterday about your last statement.
I'm fully aware of the difference between a full auto and a semi-auto. The term being used today for AR's and their ilk is "assault weapons," so if I used it myself, you know what I meant. With few exceptions, civilians in this country aren't allowed to own machine guns. Arguing over the term is helpful in drafting legislation. We need to know what we're talking about, I agree. However, in conversation, what would you propose I say instead?

It seems to me, for all I'm learning about how guns work, that even crusty old gun owners and military men see a distinction between AR's and a hunting rifle. They know more about it than I do. You trust a doctor to diagnose an illness. Why can't I trust experienced gun owners to know what's what?
Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.

Pretty much EVERYTHING you say about guns. Lol. You are completely ignorant on the subject, and it is painfully obvious. :) I am trying to be kind here.
You just accused me of being a liar. Don't be kind. Choose just one of the lies in my posts here and correct it.

I didn't. I said you were listening to what the lying media was feeding you, and you are and you do. :)

You aren't lying. You are just very ignorant about guns, and it shows to anyone who knows even a little bit about them. If you have a question about a gun, then you should ask and accept the answers given to you by those who know a lot more about it than you.

An AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It is a semi automatic rifle. It was designed for civilian use. An automatic weapon is a weapon that is automatic (which means it fires in a "burst" of bullets - more than one bullet). If you keep your finger on the trigger, it will keep firing. That is not how a semi automatic works at all. The semi automatic can only fire as fast as you pull the trigger. People don't use automatic weapons much for crimes because they are not very accurate. You cannot really pinpoint a specific target with an automatic weapon. It is more of a spray action weapon for hitting more than one target at a time and isn't as easy to use or control as other weapons.

An assault rifle is a military grade FULLY automatic weapon, intended for military use. Fully automatic weapons ARE banned from general public use for the most part.

Now, why is it that we only hear from you people when there is a lunatic who shoots up a school? Why do you say NOTHING about the people who are dying from being shot with ILLEGAL weapons in the ghettos of our big cities every day?
If you look in Race Relations you'll see I made the same argument yesterday about your last statement.
I'm fully aware of the difference between a full auto and a semi-auto. The term being used today for AR's and their ilk is "assault weapons," so if I used it myself, you know what I meant. With few exceptions, civilians in this country aren't allowed to own machine guns. Arguing over the term is helpful in drafting legislation. We need to know what we're talking about, I agree. However, in conversation, what would you propose I say instead?

It seems to me, for all I'm learning about how guns work, that even crusty old gun owners and military men see a distinction between AR's and a hunting rifle. They know more about it than I do. You trust a doctor to diagnose an illness. Why can't I trust experienced gun owners to know what's what?

My dad owned a .22 rifle and it wasn't an "assault" rifle and it operated in very much the same manner as an AR-15. Have you ever even held a gun before? Have you ever shot a gun before?

What did they teach you about your 2nd amendment rights in school?
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.
I was talking to Chris. I'm done talking to your hollow head.

So you think that more gun control laws will stop murderers, or they will just not want to put in the effort or ??? What?? Please explain your rationale of using gun control laws to stop murderers/law breakers. Thanks.
There are a lot of proposed "gun control laws." Which one do you want me to speak to?

Any aside from ones we might already have.
Which specifically was I lying about?
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
According to Quora, an AR-15 can theoretically fire 180 bullets per minute. That's why anti-gunners want it so bad.


The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
According to Quora, an AR-15 can theoretically fire 180 bullets per minute. That's why anti-gunners want it so bad.


The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?
One in the chamber
That would be a pretty cool little gun with a 30rd magazine

Except they're not a accurate as an AR and kinda pricey. $700+
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