Is An Assault Rifle Necessary

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Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.

The M-16 is capable of automatic fire, the AR-15 is not. The AR-15 is capable of rapid fire, just like every other semi-automatic weapon in the world. I have never seen an AR-15 on the street, and I seriously doubt that you have either. Many normal looking rifles fire just as fast as the AR-15, and also can be fitted with 30 round magazines. Many semi-automatic pistols also have magazines that carry 14 to 17 rounds, and the magazines can be changed much faster.

Although the AR-15 is probably the best home defense weapon available, I don't own one. I know several people who do own one or more of them, and they own them mostly for the fun of shooting them at the range. I have shot them, and they are fun to shoot.

If the next mass shooter uses a Mini-14 or a Glock 9mm, you will want to be banning one, or both, of them next. And, you still will not have solved the problem of mass shootings.

The AR15 is a military assault weapon. isn't, it has never been used by the military it has never seen military are lying.

The 6 shot revolver is a military weapon and has been used in war.

The Lever action rifles is a military weapon and has been used in war.

The pump action shotgun is now, currently, a weapon of war.

The bolt action rifle is currently a weapon of war.

You don't know what you are talking about.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I'm not surprised that you repeatedly deny reality.
Since you have not the slightest idea of what reality is, how would you know that? But the teenagers at that school in Parkland know what reality is, and they know that you would happily put their lives on the alter of the gun.

They don't know what reality is.....

Victims of all mass shootings since 1982....35 years..... 759

Victims of all knife murder each and every year....over 1,600.

The reality is that mass shootings are rare, school shootings are more don't know what you are talking about....

cars kill more kids every single year than all gun deaths......drowning kills more kids than gun deaths....
We saw people with AR-15s stopping violent looters from burning their stores in the Los Angeles riots and the Black Lives Matter riots..the only stores that weren't looted and burned were stores protected by people with AR-15 you don't know what you are talking about......

And on the border, where ranchers are isolated and can't simply call the police and have them there in 5 minutes...they have to deal with drug gangs moving drugs and illegals across their property...and the drug cartels actually have military weapons......they don't have AR-15s they have M4 carbines...provided to them by the Mexican police and military...

Yes, I'm sure an assault weapon would be very effective in those situations. Do you think that is the only gun that would have worked?

There are lots of rifles that would work.....and they all work the same as the AR-15, they just don't look the same as the AR-15...the same way a Camry and a Jeep have the same engine if you get the AR-15 you will be able to make a claim on all the other rifles too...since they all work the same........

Sure, but the Camry and Jeep aren't essentially the same, and the parts aren't interchangeable. An AR and an M16 are, and the parts are ALL interchangeable, other than the slight modification to disable select fire.. Do any other guns have 100% interchangeability with the M16 military assault weapon?
--------------------------------------------- NOPE , and thats why the AR15 is needed plus it uses the same military caliber ammunition at this time Bulldog .

Actually any M16 produced after 1986 is illegal for any civilian to own and to get any parts legally one must have a federal permit. So it's not as easy as you think to convert an AR 15 to full auto with M16 parts

Didn't you say crooks don't care about what is legal?[/QUOTE]

So where are crooks going to get the fully automatic receivers parts but from people with federal permits?

If any idiot gang banger could get the parts then every gang member would have automatic rifles.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
Look, asshole, I was in a situation where I was confronted by ten people that had some very bad things in store for me. I had a single shot 12 gauge. None of them were willing to be the one that would die if the proceeded with what they had in mind. No, there is no zombie apocalypse going to happen, and you don't need 30 shots in a war weapon. And given the fact that the assault weapon seems to be the weapon of choice in the murder of large numbers of people in our nation, maybe it would be beneficial to see that these weapons did not fall into the hands of crazies. Or, barring that, simply remove all of them from society. Your choice of which.

The AR-15 is not a war weapon and just because you didn't need 30 bullets doesn't mean everyone will be so lucky......we do not tell the Fire Department how much water they can use before they try to put out a house fire. You have no right to tell someone how many bullets they get to save their family from a rapist, robber or murderer......
So other than the slight modification to disable the select fire capability, what is the difference between the two?
What you call a "slight modification" is conversion of an ordinary semi-auto weapon into a machine-gun, which easily doubles its lethal potential in a mass-shooting event.

Your question regarding the difference between the two is best answered by the fact that all contemporary armed forces have seen fit to equip their soldiers with full-auto firearm capability. The simple answer is full-auto is substantially more lethal.

The military was presented with lots of guns with full auto options, so that particular feature isn't the reason they chose the M16. Why did they pick that particular weapon, that is essentially a clone of the AR 15?
It doesn't matter what the M16 looks like

There are specific differences in function that make them different rifles.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

And those people are wrong, since 8 million rifles in private hands harm no one....and knives are deadlier than the AR-15 every single year since they actually kill more people every single year...
--------------------------------------------- NOPE , and thats why the AR15 is needed plus it uses the same military caliber ammunition at this time Bulldog .

Actually any M16 produced after 1986 is illegal for any civilian to own and to get any parts legally one must have a federal permit. So it's not as easy as you think to convert an AR 15 to full auto with M16 parts

Didn't you say crooks don't care about what is legal?
-------------------------------------- no body that know guns think its easy to do an ILLEGAL conversion . Also , you can buy a full operational 'm16' in any Class 3 State Bulldog .

Bullshit. It's a hour job to convert one if you've never done it before. Of course it's illegal, but you've already established that crooks don't care about the law.
--------------------------------------------------- as i said , illegal conversion isn't easy plus its illegal . And class 3 can be bought in class 3 states Bulldog .

Nice try, but you lose.[/QUOTE]
Why don't you show us how easy it is and then show us how reliably your basement mods will be.

If it was a easy as you say it is then we would be seeing thousands of of illegally modified AR rifles in the hands of criminals

The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

the +1 refers to a round in the firing chamber.

All Semiautomatics can be designated as magazine capacity +1.

And IMO magazine size is irrelevant.

It doesn't slow down your trigger finger, but doesn't stopping to load a new magazine every five bullets slow down the number you can shoot in a minute? Is that what you mean by "irrelevant?"

Do you really think that making all magazines over 5 rounds in capacity illegal will stop someone from using a 30 round magazine to commit mass murder?

Where will they get it? Are you saying black market or something? Making it harder to access is a step in the right direction. People still access and create child porn, even though it is illegal. According to your argument, we shouldn't bother making child porn illegal, since there are people who will do it anyway. Maybe that's where you stand, I don't know.

We don't ban computers because people exploit children....that is what you want to want to ban an item because a tiny number of people abuse it...while millions use them lawfully....we don't punish people and assume the are criminals until they actually break the law.

The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

the +1 refers to a round in the firing chamber.

All Semiautomatics can be designated as magazine capacity +1.

And IMO magazine size is irrelevant.

It doesn't slow down your trigger finger, but doesn't stopping to load a new magazine every five bullets slow down the number you can shoot in a minute? Is that what you mean by "irrelevant?"

Do you really think that making all magazines over 5 rounds in capacity illegal will stop someone from using a 30 round magazine to commit mass murder?

Where will they get it? Are you saying black market or something? Making it harder to access is a step in the right direction. People still access and create child porn, even though it is illegal. According to your argument, we shouldn't bother making child porn illegal, since there are people who will do it anyway. Maybe that's where you stand, I don't know.

Where do the criminals get their guns in Britain and Australia, or France...all places that have banned and confiscated guns....but their gun crime rates keep going up as criminals keep getting guns easily.

The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

the +1 refers to a round in the firing chamber.

All Semiautomatics can be designated as magazine capacity +1.

And IMO magazine size is irrelevant.

It doesn't slow down your trigger finger, but doesn't stopping to load a new magazine every five bullets slow down the number you can shoot in a minute? Is that what you mean by "irrelevant?"

Do you really think that making all magazines over 5 rounds in capacity illegal will stop someone from using a 30 round magazine to commit mass murder?

Where will they get it? Are you saying black market or something? Making it harder to access is a step in the right direction. People still access and create child porn, even though it is illegal. According to your argument, we shouldn't bother making child porn illegal, since there are people who will do it anyway. Maybe that's where you stand, I don't know.

There are millions of them out in the world and you think banning them will make all those disappear?

There is no reason to make every magazine larger than 5 rounds illegal.
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

the +1 refers to a round in the firing chamber.

All Semiautomatics can be designated as magazine capacity +1.

And IMO magazine size is irrelevant.

It doesn't slow down your trigger finger, but doesn't stopping to load a new magazine every five bullets slow down the number you can shoot in a minute? Is that what you mean by "irrelevant?"

Do you really think that making all magazines over 5 rounds in capacity illegal will stop someone from using a 30 round magazine to commit mass murder?

Where will they get it? Are you saying black market or something? Making it harder to access is a step in the right direction. People still access and create child porn, even though it is illegal. According to your argument, we shouldn't bother making child porn illegal, since there are people who will do it anyway. Maybe that's where you stand, I don't know.

Where do the criminals get their guns in Britain and Australia, or France...all places that have banned and confiscated guns....but their gun crime rates keep going up as criminals keep getting guns easily.

Drugs are illegal too. How is that working out?
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

the +1 refers to a round in the firing chamber.

All Semiautomatics can be designated as magazine capacity +1.

And IMO magazine size is irrelevant.

It doesn't slow down your trigger finger, but doesn't stopping to load a new magazine every five bullets slow down the number you can shoot in a minute? Is that what you mean by "irrelevant?"

Do you really think that making all magazines over 5 rounds in capacity illegal will stop someone from using a 30 round magazine to commit mass murder?

Where will they get it? Are you saying black market or something? Making it harder to access is a step in the right direction. People still access and create child porn, even though it is illegal. According to your argument, we shouldn't bother making child porn illegal, since there are people who will do it anyway. Maybe that's where you stand, I don't know.

There are millions of them out in the world and you think banning them will make all those disappear?

There is no reason to make every magazine larger than 5 rounds illegal.

You didn't answer my question

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

And those people are wrong, since 8 million rifles in private hands harm no one....and knives are deadlier than the AR-15 every single year since they actually kill more people every single year...
Who knows, Guy. Maybe it's the bullets that are the answer, then. Have you read this yet?

What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns
Where can I get an assault rifle? I have never seen one in any catalog.
---------------------------------------- if you are serious , well pick up an AR15 at most any gun store . [it is not a real 'assault rifle' though ] . If you just want to have a gun that is similar in looks to an assault rifle there are many good brands if you are casual about the purchase . They all work very well . I'D probably get a Smith and Wesson 'M+P' if i was in the Market . COLT of course is always my first choice but if you just want an AR15 then consider my opinion PFTin .

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.
to be fair, the 180 number is "theoretical". you'd need a HUGE extra capacity magazine to hold 180 rounds and the weight alone would make it very difficult to continue firing a "semi-automatic" rifle to get all 180 rounds out.

you can also - in reality - have a revolver (6 shooter) fire 12 rounds in just a few seconds if you practice. the issue gets clouded because people talk about the specs of an AR as if they don't also apply to most guns available today.

i don't disagree on the "look" playing a huge role in their being the weapon of choice but functionally almost any gun can do the same thing if they prepare.
Ok, here you go. Looks like we got a confirmed liar a few post up.

View attachment 178511
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
Where can I get an assault rifle? I have never seen one in any catalog.
---------------------------------------- if you are serious , well pick up an AR15 at most any gun store . [it is not a real 'assault rifle' though ] . If you just want to have a gun that is similar in looks to an assault rifle there are many good brands if you are casual about the purchase . They all work very well . I'D probably get a Smith and Wesson 'M+P' if i was in the Market . COLT of course is always my first choice but if you just want an AR15 then consider my opinion PFTin .
I fired expert with the M16 in the service. I taught the M16 to the troops in Vietnam when they were changing from the M14.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.
to be fair, the 180 number is "theoretical". you'd need a HUGE extra capacity magazine to hold 180 rounds and the weight alone would make it very difficult to continue firing a "semi-automatic" rifle to get all 180 rounds out.

you can also - in reality - have a revolver (6 shooter) fire 12 rounds in just a few seconds if you practice. the issue gets clouded because people talk about the specs of an AR as if they don't also apply to most guns available today.

i don't disagree on the "look" playing a huge role in their being the weapon of choice but functionally almost any gun can do the same thing if they prepare.
You've been skimming again, haven't you?
Why do civilians need bullets that tear up people's guts like a war weapon? Why do civilians with violent propensities and numerous calls for out of control behavior have the green light to buy guns? Why are mental health services cut over and over by this administration for the sake of "individual freedom?"
There are lots of solutions. Arguing simply about the guns won't solve it. Background checks that actually include the whole red flag background would be a great starting point. Did you know that not all states report criminal histories to NICS? That the military doesn't report DV convictions?
Look into ERPO, at least. Take guns from crazies, one crazy at a time.
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