Is An Assault Rifle Necessary

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............................Jesus, I am really scared. Funny thing is, I am over 70, and have several guns. I hunt, and have since I was a kid. And I have yet to have to pull a gun on anyone. Ever.
If you think an AR is going to keep you alive when a group of whomever comes to get you, then you are nuts. Better to get inside, call the cops. Then, you may want to wonder what you did to piss that group off. I would suggest if you reflect on it, you would see you are a dipshit. Cause gangs do not attack those who have not irritated them for no reason. And you do yourself, and your family, little good in getting yourself killed by a gang you just pissed off. You simply proved yourself stupid.
1. Yes an AR will keep you alive. The cops won't.

2. You can be attacked by a group without pissing anybody off. You really need to be told this ? :rolleyes:

3. Get more sleep, and think before you post - you're having a bad day.
The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. By definition, an assault rifle is capable of semiautomatic operation as well as either fully-automatic operation, burst-fire operation,or both. An AR-15 only operates in semiautomatic mode; and does not offer either burst-fire or fully-automatic modes.

The AR-15 was designed by Armalite to meet the US Army requirement for a new assault rifle, chambered for a new intermediate cartridge. It was adopted by the US Army as the M16 and became a standard issue infantry weapon.

Top 10 Assault Rifles |
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.

The M-16 is capable of automatic fire, the AR-15 is not. The AR-15 is capable of rapid fire, just like every other semi-automatic weapon in the world. I have never seen an AR-15 on the street, and I seriously doubt that you have either. Many normal looking rifles fire just as fast as the AR-15, and also can be fitted with 30 round magazines. Many semi-automatic pistols also have magazines that carry 14 to 17 rounds, and the magazines can be changed much faster.

Although the AR-15 is probably the best home defense weapon available, I don't own one. I know several people who do own one or more of them, and they own them mostly for the fun of shooting them at the range. I have shot them, and they are fun to shoot.

If the next mass shooter uses a Mini-14 or a Glock 9mm, you will want to be banning one, or both, of them next. And, you still will not have solved the problem of mass shootings.
The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....
The OP title says >> Is An Assault Rifle Necessary ? The thread is about assault rifles - whatever model they are. Talk about the main point of a thread, not side issues.
The M-16 is capable of automatic fire, the AR-15 is not. The AR-15 is capable of rapid fire, just like every other semi-automatic weapon in the world. I have never seen an AR-15 on the street, and I seriously doubt that you have either. Many normal looking rifles fire just as fast as the AR-15, and also can be fitted with 30 round magazines. Many semi-automatic pistols also have magazines that carry 14 to 17 rounds, and the magazines can be changed much faster.

Although the AR-15 is probably the best home defense weapon available, I don't own one. I know several people who do own one or more of them, and they own them mostly for the fun of shooting them at the range. I have shot them, and they are fun to shoot.

If the next mass shooter uses a Mini-14 or a Glock 9mm, you will want to be banning one, or both, of them next. And, you still will not have solved the problem of mass shootings.
AR-15s ARE capable of automatic fire when modified, BUT >> The thread isn't about AR-15s, it's about assault rifles of any model. Let's keep the thread to the main topic.
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
According to Quora, an AR-15 can theoretically fire 180 bullets per minute. That's why anti-gunners want it so bad.


The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?

20 and 30 round magazines are available on line for the Mini-14.
The OP title says >> Is An Assault Rifle Necessary ? The thread is about assault rifles - whatever model they are. Talk about the main point of a thread, not side issues.

It is a mistake to confound the terms “assault rifle” and “assault weapon”.

An assault rifle is a lightweight rifle, that fires a medium-powered round, and is capable of either fully-automatic or burst-fire modes, or both, in addition to semiautomatic operation.

An AR-15 is only capable of operating in semiautomatic mode. It does not have a fully-automatic mode, nor does it have a burst-fire mode. It is, therefore, not an assault rifle.

The term “assault weapon” is a fraudulent term used to single out certain arms based on superficial cosmetic similarities to true assault rifles. The Violence Policy Center even has a page on its site openly admitting to the deceit:

Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.
anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.
A use for these weapons was clearly stated in the OP. Try reading it.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
Look, asshole, I was in a situation where I was confronted by ten people that had some very bad things in store for me. I had a single shot 12 gauge. None of them were willing to be the one that would die if the proceeded with what they had in mind. No, there is no zombie apocalypse going to happen, and you don't need 30 shots in a war weapon. And given the fact that the assault weapon seems to be the weapon of choice in the murder of large numbers of people in our nation, maybe it would be beneficial to see that these weapons did not fall into the hands of crazies. Or, barring that, simply remove all of them from society. Your choice of which.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I'm not surprised that you repeatedly deny reality.
Since you have not the slightest idea of what reality is, how would you know that? But the teenagers at that school in Parkland know what reality is, and they know that you would happily put their lives on the alter of the gun.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
The OP asked if an "Assault Rifle" is necessary.
The answer is yes and no. is not "necessary" for home protection and self defense in many cases. Hand guns and shot guns can be effective.

But to understand the complete answer to this question requires some knowledge of history and some knowledge of the US Constitution.

The 800lb Gorilla in the room, and the point few seem to be willing to acknowledge is that these higher capacity, "military style" rifles aren't for personal defense (and obviously were not intended to be used against American citizens even though a few deranged people have done just that.)

AR15's are for NATIONAL DEFENSE. They are for "We The People" to stand reasonably armed and able to put up a resistance against government forces and other forces, both domestic and foreign, posing a threat to US citizens and the US Constitution which all citizens have a duty to defend.

The AR15 symbolically represents the capability of private American citizens to collectively (militia) provide sufficient resistance to government forces illegally sent against them or foreign threats as well to provide a reasonable deterrence to those threats. And the AR15 is the material tool to provide that resistance. This is the intent of the 2nd Amendment. The Left tends to distort that meaning to suit their agenda which generally opposes citizens being capable of such resistance and places far more trust in stark and startling contrast to the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution which, if you know anything about, is a document that sets out to specifically LIMIT the power of Federal Government. (Which is also why many of those on the Left feel it is a hindrance to their goals)

Considering the context of events leading up to the American Revolution, and the reason the 2nd Amendment was conceived, it is dishonest to misrepresent the meaning of the 2nd Amendment as otherwise.

So, it is in the Constitution of the United States of America that weapons that can give average American citizen that resistance capability are in fact "necessary" since resistance with lesser weapons severely limits the deterrence possessed by average citizens forming a militia.
In that respect, yes, AR15's are "necessary".

Some will argue that events of the days of the founding of this nation do not represent modern times and therefore the reasons for the 2nd Amendment are now invalid. However, we have recent, modern day clear examples of this not being true. We see Venezuela which just lost it's Democracy to a Dictator and we have seen right here in the USA the weaponizing of the Federal government against targeted groups of Americans due to their political ideals. In some ways, that suggests that now more than at any time since the founding of the nation, AR15's are in fact needed in the hands of private American citizens in spite of the dangers a few deranged individuals may pose.

"Complete safety" in a free society is a Utopian ideal and a fantasy. In fact, complete safety has never been achieved in any heterogeneous human society.

Considering the fact that the modern military has exponentially more lethal weapons at it's disposal, it would be reasonable to assume that the Founding Fathers would have intended to give citizens arms far beyond and more lethal than AR15's. What they didn't foresee was the deterioration in Patriotism and the profound rise of personal irresponsibility and unfortunate growth in resentment to Americas social and financial structures present in modern America. The latter unfortunately giving rise to these tragedies such as the school shootings.

However and in any case, the need is still present for citizens to be a deterrent to government corruption and the weaponizing of government against The People.
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Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.

The M-16 is capable of automatic fire, the AR-15 is not. The AR-15 is capable of rapid fire, just like every other semi-automatic weapon in the world. I have never seen an AR-15 on the street, and I seriously doubt that you have either. Many normal looking rifles fire just as fast as the AR-15, and also can be fitted with 30 round magazines. Many semi-automatic pistols also have magazines that carry 14 to 17 rounds, and the magazines can be changed much faster.

Although the AR-15 is probably the best home defense weapon available, I don't own one. I know several people who do own one or more of them, and they own them mostly for the fun of shooting them at the range. I have shot them, and they are fun to shoot.

If the next mass shooter uses a Mini-14 or a Glock 9mm, you will want to be banning one, or both, of them next. And, you still will not have solved the problem of mass shootings.

The AR15 is a military assault weapon.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
Yes they are necessary if we`re to maintain our position in the world. We`re number 1!
Report: U.S. averages nearly one mass shooting per day so far in 2017
[Q and you don't need 30 shots in a war weapon..

Maybe you don't but what if I do?

Why should assholes like you be allowed to take away my choices?

What we don't need are busy body snowflake assholes that think they have the right to take away our Constitutional rights.

And given the fact that the assault weapon seems to be the weapon of choice in the murder of large numbers of people in our nation,

You are confused Moon Bat. According to the FBI stats AR-15s are not used in large number of people getting killed. The much much greater number is caused by cheap and quite often stolen handguns used by minorities in the Democrat control big city shitholes. .
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