Is An Assault Rifle Necessary

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i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.
to be fair, the 180 number is "theoretical". you'd need a HUGE extra capacity magazine to hold 180 rounds and the weight alone would make it very difficult to continue firing a "semi-automatic" rifle to get all 180 rounds out.

you can also - in reality - have a revolver (6 shooter) fire 12 rounds in just a few seconds if you practice. the issue gets clouded because people talk about the specs of an AR as if they don't also apply to most guns available today.

i don't disagree on the "look" playing a huge role in their being the weapon of choice but functionally almost any gun can do the same thing if they prepare.
You've been skimming again, haven't you?
Why do civilians need bullets that tear up people's guts like a war weapon? Why do civilians with violent propensities and numerous calls for out of control behavior have the green light to buy guns? Why are mental health services cut over and over by this administration for the sake of "individual freedom?"
There are lots of solutions. Arguing simply about the guns won't solve it. Background checks that actually include the whole red flag background would be a great starting point. Did you know that not all states report criminal histories to NICS? That the military doesn't report DV convictions?
Look into ERPO, at least. Take guns from crazies, one crazy at a time.
Almost all of this is total bullshit lies.
Ok, here you go. Looks like we got a confirmed liar a few post up.

View attachment 178511
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.
to be fair, the 180 number is "theoretical". you'd need a HUGE extra capacity magazine to hold 180 rounds and the weight alone would make it very difficult to continue firing a "semi-automatic" rifle to get all 180 rounds out.

you can also - in reality - have a revolver (6 shooter) fire 12 rounds in just a few seconds if you practice. the issue gets clouded because people talk about the specs of an AR as if they don't also apply to most guns available today.

i don't disagree on the "look" playing a huge role in their being the weapon of choice but functionally almost any gun can do the same thing if they prepare.
You've been skimming again, haven't you?
Why do civilians need bullets that tear up people's guts like a war weapon? Why do civilians with violent propensities and numerous calls for out of control behavior have the green light to buy guns? Why are mental health services cut over and over by this administration for the sake of "individual freedom?"
There are lots of solutions. Arguing simply about the guns won't solve it. Background checks that actually include the whole red flag background would be a great starting point. Did you know that not all states report criminal histories to NICS? That the military doesn't report DV convictions?
Look into ERPO, at least. Take guns from crazies, one crazy at a time.
in class so yea - if i missed something apologies.

all i'm addressing is the firepower of the AR15. ballistics of the .223 or .308 (they can use both) can however also be compared to anything from .22 to 9mm to .45 acp. any bullet can do this depending on how it's made.

i do NOT disagree we need to make changes to the system top to bottom in some cases. i DO agree we need to look much more closely at who is buying guns and revamp the entire background check process. far too much info is simply NOT put into the system and that needs to change.

we agree on a lot, oldlady. we do. but saying an AR15 can fire 180 rounds a minute i'm just saying is an extreme position and i'm pretty sure some kid who just bought one (who no should not have been able to) will never come close to that and will likely fire an AR15 about as fast as a 9mm or many semi-auto rifles.

the focus should be on better background checks and the like - agreed there. trying to limit what people can buy? doesn't matter if i agree or disagree that is not a "winable" solution *right now* so i'd rather focus on better checks, not gun specs.
If in defense of your life why would a person care how bad a bullet tore up his enemy . As far as school kids , we might fix that problem by getting rid of gun free zones in schools OldLady !!
Ok, here you go. Looks like we got a confirmed liar a few post up.

View attachment 178511
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!
You should have to be deemed mentally incompetent by a judge in order to be denied ANY rights due to a mental illness. Mental illness has many different ranges. If you have ever sought treatment for situational depression (such as after a close family member passes on or something like that), then you could be deemed to have a "mental illness." YES, it is a slippery slope.
You should have to be deemed mentally incompetent by a judge in order to be denied ANY rights due to a mental illness. Mental illness has many different ranges. If you have ever sought treatment for situational depression (such as after a close family member passes on or something like that), then you could be deemed to have a "mental illness." YES, it is a slippery slope.
Yet that pos shit sheriff wants the authority, based on a complaint or his observations, to just arrest you, take your guns, and put you in a hospital for treatment against your will. That's jack booted thug If I ever saw one.
Of course an assault rifle is not necessary.
Of course the AR15 is a derivative of the M 16.
Of course the sick minds of so many of these mass killers is attracted to such a machine.
So, of course, the problem is a mental problem. Like so much of the grotesque excess in American culture, including cars, food and consumption in general, the mentality of a great percentage of the population is frighteningly eccentric.
The disease is so ingrained that the cure will be very difficult.
Of course an assault rifle is not necessary.
Of course the AR15 is a derivative of the M 16.
Of course the sick minds of so many of these mass killers is attracted to such a machine.
So, of course, the problem is a mental problem. Like so much of the grotesque excess in American culture, including cars, food and consumption in general, the mentality of a great percentage of the population is frighteningly eccentric.
The disease is so ingrained that the cure will be very difficult.
None of us have assault rifles and Cruz, didn't either.
Ok, here you go. Looks like we got a confirmed liar a few post up.

View attachment 178511
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Of course an assault rifle is not necessary.
Of course the AR15 is a derivative of the M 16.
Of course the sick minds of so many of these mass killers is attracted to such a machine.
So, of course, the problem is a mental problem. Like so much of the grotesque excess in American culture, including cars, food and consumption in general, the mentality of a great percentage of the population is frighteningly eccentric.
The disease is so ingrained that the cure will be very difficult.
None of us have assault rifles and Cruz, didn't either.

Well, obviously they do not know what an assault rifle is. Most of them have probably never even held a gun before.
You should have to be deemed mentally incompetent by a judge in order to be denied ANY rights due to a mental illness. Mental illness has many different ranges. If you have ever sought treatment for situational depression (such as after a close family member passes on or something like that), then you could be deemed to have a "mental illness." YES, it is a slippery slope.
Cruz having a gun was okay?
I agree with you that mental health diagnoses need to be defined with care and not taken in great blanket bunches. I heard a psychiatrist yesterday explaining that it is being suicidal that tends to a be a shared factor among school shooters like Cruz, and that suicide screening tools have helped in a lot of schools. Of course, as she points out, most suicidal people would never hurt anyone. But those who decide to take everyone with them when they go down are a small but deadly percentage. We can only address those troubled souls one at a time, though the tools can be available to all.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

It's all very simple. My back yard is about 100 yards end to end and borders on a parking lot that lets out to a main street in a relatively shitty neighborhood. We've had plenty of shady motherfuckers cut through yards in this neighborhood, even had one guy cut right through a neighbor's house in the middle of the night. This last summer, a police bird followed a fugitive to my back yard, and cops with a K9 unit showed up at my door to go back there and find him. It's not outside of the realm of possibility that I might have to confront intruders at a fair distance in said yard.

Since a rifle is much more effective at range than a hand gun or a shotgun, I'd much rather come out my door with my AR at the ready in that situation than with my XD or my Mossberg. If any given intruder is carrying a handgun, the AR puts me at the advantage if shit goes bad. The reason I want a semi automatic rifle in stead of a bolt action rifle is obvious: It's very likely that it'll take more than 1 shot to stop someone clean. I don't want to have to prepare every shot on the off chance that some intruder pulled a weapon and my first shot wasn't enough.

And if I have 600 rounds, that's my God damn business. Part of the safe operation of a weapon is knowing how to use it safely and accurately, which requires practice. Practice requires shooting. Shooting requires ammunition. If the lefties could stop sobbing and screeching long enough to consider the basic logistics of gun ownership and home defense, these conversations would be SO much fucking easier.
Of course an assault rifle is not necessary.
Of course the AR15 is a derivative of the M 16.
Of course the sick minds of so many of these mass killers is attracted to such a machine.
So, of course, the problem is a mental problem. Like so much of the grotesque excess in American culture, including cars, food and consumption in general, the mentality of a great percentage of the population is frighteningly eccentric.
The disease is so ingrained that the cure will be very difficult.
None of us have assault rifles and Cruz, didn't either.

Well, obviously they do not know what an assault rifle is. Most of them have probably never even held a gun before.
The only thong they hold is each other peckers.
Well, that is one flaw in having a government run education system. They can conveniently "leave out" very important information that is helpful to us but perhaps not very helpful for them. :) It is a total lack of understanding how and why the 2nd amendment is one of our MOST important rights and needs to be defended AGAINST the government.
Ok, here you go. Looks like we got a confirmed liar a few post up.

View attachment 178511
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.

Pretty much EVERYTHING you say about guns. Lol. You are completely ignorant on the subject, and it is painfully obvious. :) I am trying to be kind here.
I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.
"Theoretical" appears no where in your comments. Stop lying.

No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

I used the word "theoretical." Keep up.

Will it make you feel better if I start saying "AR-15's can realistically fire 90 bullets per minute.?"
I already know what I'll get--"Old Lady, ALL guns can shoot 90 bullets per minute."
IMO, that's too many. But if that number makes you feel a lot better, okay.

Awwww, gun nutter talks about feelings.....Word game champion! You get a brown medal!
This is about all I get from you, ever. You're being a waste of time, Mike.
Because all you do is post made up bullshit. You don't have the spine to actually find out what it is you are talking about, you'd rather sit back and post downright lies!

Old Lady is just repeating what she has been fed by the traitorous lying, truth spinning liberal media. She is just naive is all.
Show me what in my posts was a lie. I'm open to learning.
I already showed you. All you want to do is pretend more and spin and lie about guns more. I even posted the link to Quora that you lied about.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

And those people are wrong, since 8 million rifles in private hands harm no one....and knives are deadlier than the AR-15 every single year since they actually kill more people every single year...
Who knows, Guy. Maybe it's the bullets that are the answer, then. Have you read this yet?

What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns
What's so amusing? You sick or what?

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
No one is asking to take away your right to protect your family. They just don't feel people need a gun that shoots 180 rounds per minute.

And those people are wrong, since 8 million rifles in private hands harm no one....and knives are deadlier than the AR-15 every single year since they actually kill more people every single year...
Who knows, Guy. Maybe it's the bullets that are the answer, then. Have you read this yet?

What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns isn't the bullets either......the 5.56 is a small bullet for a rifle, getting hit with a .357 would be just as bad....

There are close to 600 million rifles in private hands, there are over 16.3 million people carrying guns in this country for self defense.....our mass shootings in this country are rare and not even close to being as deadly as driving in a car.....yet instead of focusing on all of the mistakes that law enforcement made with the laws they already have to deal with mass shooters, and people who can't buy guns, you guys want to take guns away from everyone else......the 600 million guns in the hands of people who didn't shoot anyone and who won't shoot anyone.

It is not speaks of a mental paranoia about guns rather than dealing with the threat of mass shooters rationally....and that is why nothing you propose will stop them...
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