Is anybody actually fighting the Russian troop in Ukraine?

No, Ukraine ready for talks with Putin, if either is correct. Putin invited talks yesterday and maybe on Wednesday. Zelensky didn't respond.
”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday the Russian leader is “ready” to send a high-level delegation “for talks with a Ukrainian delegation” to Belarusian capital Minsk, which has previously hosted rounds of peace talks over the Ukraine crisis.”

My source is in the previous post and Al Jazeera normally does a very good job with promoting the truth compared to most others. The Hill, Forbes, and a few others also keep it more honest than the others.
The resources of the Ukraine are secondary at this point in time. US/Nato positioning as related to Russia's borders are the main issue.
There is where I ask you to demonstrate that "US/Nato positioning as related to Russia's borders are the main issue.", and you respond by tucking tail and running.
As always.
Like a good armchair general.
Really OK, you have seen videos of Ukrainian forces engaging Russians? I watched ABC new for an hour on this last night They showed 1/2 an hour of Russian tanks armored troop carriers rolling down the roads unopposed, Russian helicopters flying around. They did say the Ukrainian army was 250,000 strong, next 1/2 hour was nothing but politician talking sanctions and massive US aid to Ukraine. Today I watched 20 minute of video on the BBC, more videos of Russian military vehicles moving unopposed? drive through the suburban streets near Kiev even with passenger cars and a city bus in the scene. Then they showed the Ukrainian government handing out small arms to civilians. The BBC stated that all men from 18 years old to 60 years old are forbidden to leave the country. So where is the Ukrainian army of 250,000 men fighting the Russians?
Media is showing virtually no resistance.
It looks like Russia is walking right in and sitting right down without any or maybe token resistance? What about all the hardware Biden supplied? This has been going on for nearly 24 hours now, how many dead Russians do we have killed be Ukrainian forces using US military hardware?
What hardware did Biden supply?
I can't give you that one ---- the dollar is not based on gold, true, but it isn't based on any commodity. It's based on our soft power, I guess, and the fact that ours is the reserve currency; which won't last long if Russia and China have to develop their own banking exchanges instead of SWIFT.

Oil is a very important commodity, but so is wheat (bad crops expected from the major wheat-growing nation Ukraine this year ---); it's not the same as money. What are all the new digital currencies based on? Darned if I know. Faith, that's all that really matters, or ever did since money turned into paper.

Besides, Europe direly needs energy autarky, and wind seems likely to be the replacement in Germany, nuclear power in France. Nations are moving out of oil as fast as they can, and no wonder! Green energy: maybe it will work after all.
There is actually no such thing as Green energy....and no It cannot work...we are currently at rate of about 15 Terawatts of energy usage and growing exponentially. To put that in perspective it would require solar panels covering all of California, Oregon and half of Washington state to produce that. Wind would be even worse. In the interim we need nuclear until we can perfect fusion.

I hear you on the commodities but as I watch the dollar go up and down it's petroleum that moves the most....ergo Petro-dollar. Even gold seems to follow the rhythm of Petroleum.....but you did open my eyes to other alternatives for sue.

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A branch of agreement....
Introducing a new sub-topic is as good here as in any of the war related topics.

Where's Trump when the opportunity is so great for taking a positioin against Biden's/America's war?

Would it be too risky to be vocally siding against the flow of acceptance of the war?

If he remains mostly silent then it's the elephant in the room!
What hardware did Biden supply?
“The weapons are the last portion of a $60 million security-assistance package announced Sept. 1 meant to help Ukraine “more effectively defend itself against Russian aggression,” the White House said at the time.”

You aren't making much effort to follow events in the war obviously.
Follow This dope.... Putin is using kid gloves right now....have you noticed that all the lights are still on? You think that's an accident? When Schwarzkopf
took Iraq the first thing he did was take out all the power plants. Putin is using a fraction of his military might and showing a lot of restraint actually. So get a clue before beating your chest on this one. I am not happy about what is happening btw I am just thinking of the people and the fastest way out of this for me that means Ukraine kicking NATO out of their business.....this whole mess is horrible but it is an invention of Western greed and power mongering and certainly not the bullshit line about defending democracy....what a joke.

Introducing a new sub-topic is as good here as in any of the war related topics.

Where's Trump when the opportunity is so great for taking a positioin against Biden's/America's war?

Would it be too risky to be vocally siding against the flow of acceptance of the war?

If he remains mostly silent then it's the elephant in the room!
Or just sitting back, and giving your opponent enough rope to hang himself. It's only been two days...
Besides... We all know that if he speaks out just yet, the left will just accuse him of trying to undercut America, rather than the imposter President Biden.
Hell. The left does it now with Joe Random. The playbook is known.
Introducing a new sub-topic is as good here as in any of the war related topics.

Where's Trump when the opportunity is so great for taking a positioin against Biden's/America's war?

Would it be too risky to be vocally siding against the flow of acceptance of the war?

If he remains mostly silent then it's the elephant in the room!
He did ---- he came out yesterday cheering on Putin quite dramatically.

I think that was a bit iffy for a presidential candidate -----

Or an American. . . . . . . :oops:
Putin is using kid gloves right now....have you noticed that all the lights are still on? You think that's an accident? When Schwarzkopf
took Iraq the first thing he did was take out all the power plants. Putin is using a fraction of his military might and showing a lot of restraint actually.
Good point. When Clinton made war on Serbia, they gave up as soon as we said and showed that we could kill their electric power ----------- going into a Serbian winter. And that was years ago. People now can't do without power: for getting water, number one.
Follow This dope.... Putin is using kid glove right now....have you noticed that all the lights are still on? You think that's an accident? When Schwarzkopf
took Iraq the first thing he did was take out all the power plants. Putin is using a fraction of his military might and showing a lot of restraint actually. So get a clue before beating your chest on this one. I am not happy about what is happening btw I am just thinking of the people and the fastest way out of this for me that means Ukraine kicking NATO out of their business.....

All that was needed was a vocalized statement from a NATO member that Ukraine could not be admitted, as most are aware, according to its own bylaws. No country with disputed territories (Crimea for years, and now Donbas region as well) to be allowed membership. For many years, this has been incited by various media sources, but has never been likely to happen, ever. I wonder why NATO members chose to not vocalize this fact to the global stage prior to outbreak of war?
All that was needed was a vocalized statement from a NATO member that Ukraine could not be admitted, as most are aware, according to its own bylaws. No country with disputed territories (Crimea for years, and now Donbas region to be allowed membership. For many years, this has been incited by various media sources, but has never been likely to happen, ever. I wonder why NATO members chose to not vocalize this fact to the global stage prior to war?
It's a good rule.
Crimea seems to be no worse for wear to the people outside of the region...many of them living in Crimea are socialist at heart...Ukrainians are more likely to favor something resembling a capitalistic society...So that would explain the fiercer fight that we are seeing today from the people and the Ukrainian military...
You make a good point however....we haven't handled the fall of the wall/iron curtain as good as I hoped....
The citizens in Crimea who were on social network funding had their incomes nearly doubled after the takeover.

All that was needed was a vocalized statement from a NATO member that Ukraine could not be admitted, as most are aware, according to its own bylaws. No country with disputed territories (Crimea for years, and now Donbas region as well) to be allowed membership. For many years, this has been incited by various media sources, but has never been likely to happen, ever. I wonder why NATO members chose to not vocalize this fact to the global stage prior to outbreak of war?
Like I said...NATO is no longer being run by has become a profit seeking entity now and will go to war for that profit.

Really OK, you have seen videos of Ukrainian forces engaging Russians? I watched ABC new for an hour on this last night They showed 1/2 an hour of Russian tanks armored troop carriers rolling down the roads unopposed, Russian helicopters flying around. They did say the Ukrainian army was 250,000 strong, next 1/2 hour was nothing but politician talking sanctions and massive US aid to Ukraine. Today I watched 20 minute of video on the BBC, more videos of Russian military vehicles moving unopposed? drive through the suburban streets near Kiev even with passenger cars and a city bus in the scene. Then they showed the Ukrainian government handing out small arms to civilians. The BBC stated that all men from 18 years old to 60 years old are forbidden to leave the country. So where is the Ukrainian army of 250,000 men fighting the Russians?
Putin is actually going very easy on them .... so far he has not touched the power plants.....that should tell everybody watching something if they know anything at all. Most of them do not.

He did ---- he came out yesterday cheering on Putin quite dramatically.

I think that was a bit iffy for a presidential candidate -----

Or an American. . . . . . . :oops:
Point well taken on the 'iffy' factor. But he hasn't been near vocal enough.

He's the factor that could steal the wind out of Biden's/America's sails and bring a quick peace.
Assuming that would be in his best personal interests?
Putin is actually going very easy on them .... so far he has not touched the power plants.....that should tell everybody watching something if they know anything at all. Most of them do not.

Yes, it sure does make a statement on Putin's intent.

He doesn't want a war with Ukraine and never did.


He's also interested in not destroying infrastructure that he 'might' have to repair himself.
Point well taken on the 'iffy' factor. But he hasn't been near vocal enough.

He's the factor that could steal the wind out of Biden's/America's sails and bring a quick peace.
Assuming that would be in his best personal interests?
Surely not in his best personal interests.

Or political interests, rather, same difference in this case.
Good point. When Clinton made war on Serbia, they gave up as soon as we said and showed that we could kill their electric power ----------- going into a Serbian winter. And that was years ago. People now can't do without power: for getting water, number one.
Right, except that it was March 99 and going into a Serbian summer.

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