Is anybody actually fighting the Russian troop in Ukraine?

Introducing a new sub-topic is as good here as in any of the war related topics.

Where's Trump when the opportunity is so great for taking a positioin against Biden's/America's war?

Would it be too risky to be vocally siding against the flow of acceptance of the war?

If he remains mostly silent then it's the elephant in the room!
He's speaking up... you just have to look for it... you won't find it easily and you won't hear it on CNN....
I don't think Putin actually wants Ukraine....its better for him if they remain their own nation....but he doesn't want NATO in there either.
We would do the same thing if China put Missile sites in California aimed at NYC and's pretty much congruent.

What's to stop NATO from another coup in a year or two? Then it's back to square one.
In Nikolaev, the so-called "territorial defense" shot its own paratroopers, who landed on three helicopters at the airfield, mistaking them for Russian paratroopers. Disorder, panic and complete trash... Oh, yes, this army and this country need to be supported, yeah...
I never though it was a good idea to send anything to Ukraine....especially since they seem to have more corruption per capita in their governmental ranks that even we do and baby THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING.....and yes I criticized Trump for sending them stuff's just stupid.

Aiding Corrupt and Cowardly Allies Winds Up Aiding Those We Seduced Them to Fight

Just as in Vietnam (where the Viet Cong wound up with M-16s before the Marines got them), Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, we pick scumbags to arm. The Ukies will either surrender those arms without a fight or sell them to the Russians.
Being quite the armchair general yourself -- what do you think that means, and why do you think Putin will take that step?
"Whatever It Takes" Is Something No Enemy Can Take

Because Putin is a winner. Winners don't play prevent-defense. He would have won all the wars LBJ the Chickenhawk lover and the Chickenhawk chiefs Bush and Cheney lost.
Are you going commie next, Colin norris? One needs to be ready for war against your enemies in order to have peace, but really the first line of crisis to this is what to do about the global inflation? Just wait until drivers see the gas prices and their bill. What are you gonna do if it hits runaway?
When Putin bombs the pipeline in retaliation for defeat, watch the price go up then. Then you will be wedged again because you hate communism and won't congratulate Biden.
Quite a predicament.

I don't care if gas goes to 50 dollars a gallon. I have plenty if money. it won't worry me.
Yeah, if a NATO country attempts a coup and fails, the victim country has no recourse unless they want to fight all of NATO. It is little more than a Western bully alliance. Just another useless long term foreign entanglement we need to exit from.
NATO kept Westen Europe free of the Soviet Union for decades.

It is hardly "useless".
It looks like Russia is walking right in and sitting right down without any or maybe token resistance? What about all the hardware Biden supplied? This has been going on for nearly 24 hours now, how many dead Russians do we have killed be Ukrainian forces using US military hardware?
I'm hoping that Ukrainians have a brilliant plan in place, to allow them in easily creating a false sense of superiority among the Russian troops only to encircle them all in a devastating blow. All this blood will be on Putin's hand and then finally maybe the people of Russia will rise up against him and crucify the murdering dictator.
Europe could have done that themselves, France and England both have nuclear deterrents. Our involvement was not necessary. It it even less so since the Cold War ended.
I disagree, with the psychopath like putin in charge of russia the threat is even greater now than it was back then.
Unlike the republicans who quickly rush to war for no reason, Biden has repeatedly said USA troops will not be fighting. He is supporting NATO.

Is that why Trump is the first president in a generation to not start a new war? And he was a republican? Do you just make this shit up as you go?
You must be joking, Putin is a teddy bear compared to Stalin. You folks are completely unhinged.
putin hasn't got the opportunities or timing like stalin had otherwise he'd be worse. War was acceptable back then and even possibly lucrative in the short term. Neither is true anymore.

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