Is anybody actually fighting the Russian troop in Ukraine?

When Putin bombs the pipeline in retaliation for defeat, watch the price go up then. Then you will be wedged again because you hate communism and won't congratulate Biden.
Quite a predicament.

I don't care if gas goes to 50 dollars a gallon. I have plenty if money. it won't worry me.
I'm sorry the cost of gas is going up for everyone in the world because of an a****** like putin. The important thing is the people he is murdering and trying to take the freedoms away from it sovereign Nation.. He needs to be held accountable.
putin hasn't got the opportunities or timing like stalin had otherwise he'd be worse. War was acceptable back then and even possibly lucrative in the short term. Neither is true anymore.
Putin has had 20 years of opportunity. You are simply out of touch with reality.
There are several Nazi Ukrainian groups like this one fighting the Russians.

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I don't care if gas goes to 50 dollars a gallon. I have plenty if money. it won't worry me.
This goes to show that you do not understand global inflation that was already occurring and what it does to the economy. No intelligent person of wealth will say that. I had you pegged as an idiot from the get go. Thus, you're lying about having plenty of money. It doesn't matter as inflation erodes your spending power.
Europe didn't need us. Their combined populations and incomes could produce enough defense materials to defend themselves. What's the point of a deterrent weapon if it doleaesn't deter a 'real war'?

1) Ideally, for the most part nuclear weapon deter the other side from using nuclear.
2) For roughly the first two decades of NATO's existence, The British and French did not have nuclear weapons.
It looks like Russia is walking right in and sitting right down without any or maybe token resistance? What about all the hardware Biden supplied? This has been going on for nearly 24 hours now, how many dead Russians do we have killed be Ukrainian forces using US military hardware?
Just read about a Ukrainian pilot who's already knocked down 5 russian jets. These people are fighting for their homeland, they are highly motivated. I hope they wipe out the entire russian army and navy, that would be justice. And yes, I realize it might be too much to ask for but if you can't hope for the best at least they're prepared for the worst and willing to die rather than be dominated by russia again.
This goes to show that you do not understand global inflation that was already occurring and what it does to the economy.
As if I don't know about inflation. You have to be kidding. You never uttered a word when interest rates are under an all time low under trump. You assumed it was good management when it was a tanked economy yet it's me that doesn't u derstan anything.
No intelligent person of wealth will say that.
The average moron in The street would know anything about it, including you.
I had you pegged as an idiot from the get go.
And you're assessment of me based on being a leftie is profound, thorough and without reservation. Don't make me laugh.
Thus, you're lying about having plenty of money. It doesn't matter as inflation erodes your spending power.
You're dead right it doesnt.
I'd like to see inflation go further. It increases the value of property.

Back to the subject. Biden didn't cause the inflation and you have no evidence he did. All you want to do is blame him for everything.
How pathetic are you?
You project yourself as a knowledgeable person but do that. It doesn't make sense.
Is that why Trump is the first president in a generation to not start a new war? And he was a republican? Do you just make this shit up as you go?
He didn't have to start one. He inherited Afghanistan and Iraq.
Take it further. What do you think he would do with current situation bearing in mind NATO are supposed to do something?
Do you think he should bomb the Russians?
Give your expert opinion. See how good you are.
I'm sure there's the same crazy groups in Russia too, that doesn't change the fact that Putin is the aggressor in this situation. It's just another useless diversion of the truth.
Azov is in Russia, not the Ukraine.
In regards to fighting it was reported that the Ukrainians had downed two Russin IL-76 transports which means they potentially killed hundreds of Russian soldiers right there.

Don't know if its true of course as claims and counter claims fly in a war zone.
War was acceptable back then and even possibly lucrative in the short term. Neither is true anymore.
All Victories Can Pay Off If the Ruling Class Wants Them To

The war Nixon wanted would have had us take possession of all Saudi oil.
But our Big Oil, which had created OPEC so it could piggyback off the jihadis' price-gouging, pressured him to accept this outrage, which was the first act of the present jihad. By the way an embargo is an act of war; it was the reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor after FDR embargoed them.

This is the real reason Nixon had to resign. No popular President can ever be impeached out of office. The Nazislami price-gouging caused a recession, so Nixon had no popular support and was gone.
Shootout in Odessa today... They need to distribute even more weapons to the population!
Back to the subject. Biden didn't cause the inflation and you have no evidence he did. All you want to do is blame him for everything.
How pathetic are you? Hamburger, which Biden loves to use as an example, has skyrocketed in price or hyperinflation to over $5/lb under his admin. He acknowledges and accepts the blame, but points his finger at the supply chain. It's due to higher gas prices and we see it will drive prices higher with his sanctions. This is for not threatening to stop Putin when he mobilized. Oh, Biden is to blame practically directly.
He didn't have to start one. He inherited Afghanistan and Iraq.
Take it further. What do you think he would do with current situation bearing in mind NATO are supposed to do something?
Do you think he should bomb the Russians?
Give your expert opinion. See how good you are.
I have to give you both credit, you both make good points. And you are both good backseat critics. Have a good day.

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