Is anybody actually fighting the Russian troop in Ukraine?

Lots of videos are showing up on Twitter of destroyed Russian tanks, dead Russian soldiers, and Russian aircraft being shot down. There is fighting going on in some areas but Russian forces are pretty strong. If the warfare becomes urban with house to house fighting, the Russians could experience heavy casualties.
Really ? House to house fighting against Ukrainian soccer mom's and their kid's ? Can't picture that as a coming scenario, but it's your opinion so we'll go with it. Funny though isn't it, otherwise how it is that so far on the MSM we have seen no big troop battle's, no urban warfare, no large line's of prisoner's of war being marched to their destination's for containment be it on either side, so are we being fed a lot of misinformation concerning this conflict or are we blinded behind the iron curtain ??
In two weeks it's predicted that the average price at the pump nationwide will be $5 per gal...none of us has lived with that in our entire lives...can you imagine what a gal of milk shipped by truck will cost?...we are so f-ing screwed....

This means out west a gallon of gas could cost $7.....WTF Biden voters....
The sad thing is, is that they were warned, but get Trump was more important than anything. I always said that they would burn this place to the ground to get Trump, and that may be what we are witnessing.
What about all the hardware Trump gave them?

You know, like all those Javelin anti-tank missiles.

Or the M107A1 Sniper Systems
Matters not at this point, because Russia smelled extreme weakness in Biden, and chose to make his move now. The weapons will probably end up in Russian hands just like it all did in Afghanistan.
It looks like Russia is walking right in and sitting right down without any or maybe token resistance? What about all the hardware Biden supplied? This has been going on for nearly 24 hours now, how many dead Russians do we have killed be Ukrainian forces using US military hardware?

They keep running out of gas, so they can't really reach the front lines. They're waiting on Biden to save them.

Or maybe they're waiting on the free blow jobs Kamala is promising them.
Lots of videos are showing up on Twitter of destroyed Russian tanks, dead Russian soldiers, and Russian aircraft being shot down. There is fighting going on in some areas but Russian forces are pretty strong. If the warfare becomes urban with house to house fighting, the Russians could experience heavy casualties.

Ukraine-Russian War page with the OB's for both sides, at least for the unclassified stuff. They both have essentially the same systems with some minor variations. The Russians are afraid of urban fighting. they prefer to murder all the civilians first.
I'm sorry the cost of gas is going up for everyone in the world because of an a****** like putin. The important thing is the people he is murdering and trying to take the freedoms away from it sovereign Nation.. He needs to be held accountable.
So you are no longer supporting Trump?
What will Putin do with Chernobyl? It seems to have been a prime military target. It's crazy if poison gas escapes again. It is still dangerous.

I'm definitely for military action and start building up nukes again to keep a lid on this for the future. I grew up hearing the only good commie is a dead commie. (It's now the only good commie atheist is a dead commie atheist.) The best thing would be for a combined military to re-enter Afghanistan in the short run and re-start building up nukes supply again. Putin and any future terrorist buildup again cannot be trusted. We need a hawkish Pub POTUS to do so. I wouldn't want them in the Olympic games in the short-term even individual athletes as ROC. They never should have been allowed back per Olympic rules. It means more military build-up for the US and EU. A build up of US-EU nukes and missiles in Afghanistan will get Putin's attention, but... we've been outmaneuvered!!!

Smart Bombs: Military, Defense, National Security and More

America Isn’t Ready for Russia’s Battlefield Nuclear Weapons​


This type of mobile nuclear missile is what we need. That said any nuke buildup there will get the attention of China.
My wonderment is this, don't the nuke delivery platforms operate using electronics and/or high tech programs in order to understand launch instructions, and then there is the on board systems correct ? So why can't we use electronic warfare to disrupt launch systems basically rendering the system useless for a launch ?

Of course there is the nuclear sub's threat, so not sure if containment is actually obtainable when it comes to disrupting launch platforms prior to launch.
I actually remember something about that back in the day.. I couldn't believe it then either.

It happened all right. Russia now owns a majority of the uranium production on the planet. And they do business with Iran and North Korea.
My wonderment is this, don't the nuke delivery platforms operate using electronics and/or high tech programs in order to understand launch instructions, and then there is the on board systems correct ? So why can't we use electronic warfare to disrupt launch systems basically rendering the system useless for a launch ?

Of course there is the nuclear sub's threat, so not sure if containment is actually obtainable when it comes to disrupting launch platforms prior to launch.

We stalk those subs all over the planet. We're never more than few miles away, within easy distance to disrupt whatever they have and disable the subs as well. That's why they never throw those up when they're making threats.
The sad thing is, is that they were warned, but get Trump was more important than anything. I always said that they would burn this place to the ground to get Trump, and that may be what we are witnessing.
I just returned from a sandwich shop where I saw a young lady berating the cost of her sandwich...she was saying to her friend that last week that sandwich was $3 I passed her Toyota I noticed she had a Biden Harris bumper sticker on her car...all I could do was shake my head....
I just returned from a sandwich shop where I saw a young lady berating the cost of her sandwich...she was saying to her friend that last week that sandwich was $3 I passed her Toyota I noticed she had a Biden Harris bumper sticker on her car...all I could do was shake my head....
Sandwiches are fattening
This goes to show that you do not understand global inflation that was already occurring and what it does to the economy. No intelligent person of wealth will say that. I had you pegged as an idiot from the get go. Thus, you're lying about having plenty of money. It doesn't matter as inflation erodes your spending power.
The Leftists think inflation is caused by supply and demand.

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