Is anybody bothered by this? muslim flags on houses in Dearborn

You can't see the forest for the trees can you......................... When a flag that was flown that was offensive to them they acted HOSTILE to those flying the flag..............Including being VANDALS................ There is the double standard...............I don't live in Dearborn, MI............where those flying POTENTIAL enemies of our country and way of life are being flown.......................................... They wouldn't do it here..........we'd make them feel unwelcome...........Now call me a bigot or something.............I don't care.............Them flying the flag of the Islamic State here after killings all over the globe...............I'd say they are STUPID..............
OK, you don't like Muslims flying their flags while you want to fly yours without negative comment.

Son, that is not how America works, in the north or the deep south.
Fakey..............If someone moved in next door to you and starting to fly the ISIS flag...........the actual one.............what would you do.........what would you think about it..........................Would you go over and say HI............WANT SOME COFFEE..............WELCOME NEIGHBOR?
No one is flying an ISIS flag next door to you or me. And you would not recognize one if you saw it, I suspect.

I did not like CSA flags in the decades in lived in East Texas and Louisiana, but I respected the rights of the owners to be fools.
I am missing something in reference to this flag flying thing-----other than the confederate flag controversy have there actually been incidents or disputes?
ut I have
never seen the Israeli flag hoisted up on top of a private house in the USA-----anyone???------I have not been all over the USA-----but I have been around and
never saw it

I have. There is a family down the road that flies a big Israeli flag on a pole in their front lawn. Nothing else. Just an Israeli one.

"down the road"------ok----that pin points it. Do people along the rest of the road
know why? I grew up in a place in which we described "front lawns" and "down
the road" We kinda knew why people "did things". The lady with British background had an elaborate garden in her front and back lawn. Ardent catholics
liked to place plaster statues of Mary in their front or backyard gardens. Some
people OBJECTED to this or that decoration or display. If someone in my town
had habitually hoisted an Israeli flag-------that fact would be a "TOPIC"

??? You stated you have never seen an Israeli flag flying over someone's house followed by "anyone?" I was merely showing that if it happens in rural Indiana; it probably occurs in a lot of other places. Regardless of you not having seen it.
Why else would someone fly an Israeli flag the size of a car, from a pole in their front yard, 24 hours a day? If that isn't enough the Menorahs tend to give them away. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone they are free to fly whatever they flag they want. That is their right.
If it concerned me as much as the OP, I would ask them about it like a normal neighbor might, not post a photo of their house on the internet.
You can't see the forest for the trees can you......................... When a flag that was flown that was offensive to them they acted HOSTILE to those flying the flag..............Including being VANDALS................ There is the double standard...............I don't live in Dearborn, MI............where those flying POTENTIAL enemies of our country and way of life are being flown.......................................... They wouldn't do it here..........we'd make them feel unwelcome...........Now call me a bigot or something.............I don't care.............Them flying the flag of the Islamic State here after killings all over the globe...............I'd say they are STUPID..............
OK, you don't like Muslims flying their flags while you want to fly yours without negative comment.

Son, that is not how America works, in the north or the deep south.
I'm not your son........and I only fly the American flag................If they fly the flag of ISIS, if that is true..................then they can KISS MY REBEL ASS.
ut I have
never seen the Israeli flag hoisted up on top of a private house in the USA-----anyone???------I have not been all over the USA-----but I have been around and
never saw it

I have. There is a family down the road that flies a big Israeli flag on a pole in their front lawn. Nothing else. Just an Israeli one.

"down the road"------ok----that pin points it. Do people along the rest of the road
know why? I grew up in a place in which we described "front lawns" and "down
the road" We kinda knew why people "did things". The lady with British background had an elaborate garden in her front and back lawn. Ardent catholics
liked to place plaster statues of Mary in their front or backyard gardens. Some
people OBJECTED to this or that decoration or display. If someone in my town
had habitually hoisted an Israeli flag-------that fact would be a "TOPIC"

??? You stated you have never seen an Israeli flag flying over someone's house followed by "anyone?" I was merely showing that if it happens in rural Indiana; it probably occurs in a lot of other places. Regardless of you not having seen it.
Why else would someone fly an Israeli flag the size of a car, from a pole in their front yard, 24 hours a day? If that isn't enough the Menorahs tend to give them away. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone they are free to fly whatever they flag they want. That is their right.
If it concerned me as much as the OP, I would ask them about it like a normal neighbor might, not post a photo of their house on the internet.

ok I did not know it happens in rural Indiana. I have lived in places with significant jewish populations and never came across any situation in which
a private person displayed the flag of Israel ON A POLE on his front lawn----or draped out of a window---etc etc. Menorahs "give what away"???. Flying
the Israeli flag in such a manner is an Idea NEW to me. A menorah in the window
during the holiday Chanukah is normative behavior for centuries
Fakey..............If someone moved in next door to you and starting to fly the ISIS flag...........the actual one.............what would you do.........what would you think about it..........................Would you go over and say HI............WANT SOME COFFEE..............WELCOME NEIGHBOR?
No one is flying an ISIS flag next door to you or me. And you would not recognize one if you saw it, I suspect.

I did not like CSA flags in the decades in lived in East Texas and Louisiana, but I respected the rights of the owners to be fools.
Not the point............stop ducking it...........That is Diversion....................I gave you a what if scenario and you refuse to engage............

I'm not sure that is a real ISIS flag...........but the posts saying they attacked those flying the Israeli Flag show me the Double Standard going on here..........................You refuse to ENGAGE THERE ALSO..............

You are

I am missing something in reference to this flag flying thing-----other than the confederate flag controversy have there actually been incidents or disputes?
The only incidents I've read on this thread............are the ones in the same area threatened when flying the Israeli Flag..................

I've been looking for this Flag in the you have a photo of what this flag really is...................NEED INPUT...............
I am missing something in reference to this flag flying thing-----other than the confederate flag controversy have there actually been incidents or disputes?
The only incidents I've read on this thread............are the ones in the same area threatened when flying the Israeli Flag..................

I've been looking for this Flag in the you have a photo of what this flag really is...................NEED INPUT...............

oh I missed it-------someone threatened the Israeli flag flier?
That flag in the OP doesn't look anything like the ISIL flag. Not even remotely similar. If anything, it appears to be a small American flag sewn or imprinted onto a much larger black flag. It may, in fact, be some interpretation of a patriotic flag. Unless someone can actually identify that flag, the patriotic interpretation is way more valid than the nonsense of comparing it to an IS flag. Does anyone see Arabic writing and a big white dot on that flag?
I am missing something in reference to this flag flying thing-----other than the confederate flag controversy have there actually been incidents or disputes?
The only incidents I've read on this thread............are the ones in the same area threatened when flying the Israeli Flag..................

I've been looking for this Flag in the you have a photo of what this flag really is...................NEED INPUT...............

oh I missed it-------someone threatened the Israeli flag flier?
Yep.................In the same area that the Black Flag Flies..................

I'm still trying to find the black flag similar to the one in post 1
I am missing something in reference to this flag flying thing-----other than the confederate flag controversy have there actually been incidents or disputes?
The only incidents I've read on this thread............are the ones in the same area threatened when flying the Israeli Flag..................

I've been looking for this Flag in the you have a photo of what this flag really is...................NEED INPUT...............

oh I missed it-------someone threatened the Israeli flag flier?

eagle------IT's question-------did somone threaten the guy who flew the Israeli flag?
You can't see the forest for the trees can you......................... When a flag that was flown that was offensive to them they acted HOSTILE to those flying the flag..............Including being VANDALS................ There is the double standard...............I don't live in Dearborn, MI............where those flying POTENTIAL enemies of our country and way of life are being flown.......................................... They wouldn't do it here..........we'd make them feel unwelcome...........Now call me a bigot or something.............I don't care.............Them flying the flag of the Islamic State here after killings all over the globe...............I'd say they are STUPID..............
OK, you don't like Muslims flying their flags while you want to fly yours without negative comment.

Son, that is not how America works, in the north or the deep south.
I'm not your son........and I only fly the American flag................If they fly the flag of ISIS, if that is true..................then they can KISS MY REBEL ASS.
You are whatever I call you. You are entitled to your opinion, but it is no more important in reality than that of a Muslim American. You can kiss their ass, because your belief means squat to them.
Are you gonna engage or what?

Your a wimp............thanks for the diversion.............Mr. I don't want to engage the Double Standard here...............You aren't breeding are you...........that would be a mistake.
Now they`re afraid of flags. Is there anything that they aren`t afraid of?
Another IDIOT.................the same IDIOT'S that demanded the Rebel Flags removed.............

I live in the DEEP SOUTH..................the rhetoric caused MORE FLAGS TO BE FLOWN..............I've seen this flag more than I've seen flown in my entire life now.....................Those flying so just to FLIP Those trying to remove it the BIRD............You know the middle finger.............

We and the Western World are currently at War with ISIS.................flying similar banners is pretty damned close to an ACT OF SEDITION...............which is a slippery slope.......................

Imagine the Nazi flag flown during wouldn't happen then.........because that generation would have killed their asses.................

I'm not saying kill them by any means..............I find the flag OFFENSIVE.............and I am responding by telling them to shove the flag where the sun doesn't shine.................................

To the point Tilly and others made.......................when Israeli flags were flown...............These peaceful Muslims in Dearborn threatened them and shot paint balls at their house...................

DOUBLE STANDARD..............and your side ONLY SEES THE SIDE OF MUZZIES..............why is that...............If you respect Freedom then you must condemn them for their HATEFUL ACTIONS AS WELL.................

Where is that condemnation in your posts..............

The only thing I`ve condemned is cowardice. Afraid of a flag???
Eagle, you are entitled to your opinions above, but they are no more important in reality than that of a Muslim American. You can kiss their ass, because your belief means squat to them and squat to me. You are a coward, obviously.
Now they`re afraid of flags. Is there anything that they aren`t afraid of?
Another IDIOT.................the same IDIOT'S that demanded the Rebel Flags removed.............

I live in the DEEP SOUTH..................the rhetoric caused MORE FLAGS TO BE FLOWN..............I've seen this flag more than I've seen flown in my entire life now.....................Those flying so just to FLIP Those trying to remove it the BIRD............You know the middle finger.............

We and the Western World are currently at War with ISIS.................flying similar banners is pretty damned close to an ACT OF SEDITION...............which is a slippery slope.......................

Imagine the Nazi flag flown during wouldn't happen then.........because that generation would have killed their asses.................

I'm not saying kill them by any means..............I find the flag OFFENSIVE.............and I am responding by telling them to shove the flag where the sun doesn't shine.................................

To the point Tilly and others made.......................when Israeli flags were flown...............These peaceful Muslims in Dearborn threatened them and shot paint balls at their house...................

DOUBLE STANDARD..............and your side ONLY SEES THE SIDE OF MUZZIES..............why is that...............If you respect Freedom then you must condemn them for their HATEFUL ACTIONS AS WELL.................

Where is that condemnation in your posts..............

The only thing I`ve condemned is cowardice. Afraid of a flag???
People like you misrepresent FEAR and ANGER all the time...............

When someone comes up to you and says I'm gonna SMACK YOU......................Do you say................WHY ARE YOU AFRAID..............

Were you born an Idiot or did you grow into one...................
Eagle, you are entitled to your opinions above, but they are no more important in reality than that of a Muslim American. You can kiss their ass, because your belief means squat to them and squat to me. You are a coward, obviously.
I am missing something in reference to this flag flying thing-----other than the confederate flag controversy have there actually been incidents or disputes?
The only incidents I've read on this thread............are the ones in the same area threatened when flying the Israeli Flag..................

I've been looking for this Flag in the you have a photo of what this flag really is...................NEED INPUT...............

oh I missed it-------someone threatened the Israeli flag flier?

eagle------IT's question-------did somone threaten the guy who flew the Israeli flag?
It wasn't in the OP originally, but it did migrate that way..............In that same area it did happen.........They paint balled the house of those flying a community with a large Muslim presence...................

Still can't find this flag.
I did find this one.................Hell of a lot more interesting than the posts of idiots like FAKEY.


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