Is anybody bothered by this? muslim flags on houses in Dearborn

Set up a hidden camera system and then fly a few of these flags.


Keep your powder dry if you do this!
Too true:
There is a black flag flying over the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, known as the “Muslim Capital of America” or “of the West.” Though the flag is different, the choice of the color black was most assuredly deliberate.

Yet when a Dearborn couple displayed American and Israeli flags outside their home, they were threatened. In a news broadcast, the couple, Terresa and Hussein Dakhlallah, explained:

“They left Nazi signs in our front yard … Two people were standing there – one with a lighter and one with a gas can – telling us they were going to burn our home down.”

Terresa went on to say that a group of men in an SUV shot at their home with paintball guns and that when she put up Christmas lights, “they told me if I lit them, it would be the last thing I did.

If they had put up the black flag, they would have fit in well.
The Black Flag of Jihad
The Black Flag of Jihad
So they practice Freedom of Religion, but only if you bow to their religion.................sounds like them..............

Shoot paint balls at my house and get lead in return...........

ask them what it means

if the response is negative go to the authorities and tell them you have been offended

I'm sure the media will come running and demand they take it down b/c it's a symbol of mass murder that has been going on for centuries. Lorreta Lynch will have you arrested

That's true.

A black American leader of the Nation of islam can call for me to be stalked and murdered but I actually can't be offended b/c he said that or I might get investigated for hate crimes.
are you trying to be stupid or is it just happening?
look it up

LL greatest fears is a backlash at muslims
Farakan called for us to be killed
still can't tell if you're trying or coming by it naturally
you're to stewpud to look it up, but you call me the same

yer fucking pathetic
muslim flags on houses in Dearborn are as offensive to me as are those of the YWMCA or the Latter-day Saints or the Episcoplians.
muslim flags on houses in Dearborn are as offensive to me as are those of the YWMCA or the Latter-day Saints or the Episcoplians.
The post by Tilly went right over your empty head didn't it???????????

How they tolerate their flags, but if you put up one they don't like they threaten and attack you............

Works both ways in America.............If your an Real American............Attacking those with the American Flag or an Israeli Flag flying in their yard.................

DOUBLE STANDARD........................

It's called the Islamization of America.


Why would you put that on your roof? to me it means islam is dominant. Screw America:mad:

Why would some Jews have the Israeli flag flying in Dearborn?

I don't like the confederate flag , nor the Israel flag, nor the Islamic flag flown in the US, but that's me.

do you have a picture or citation referring to the flag of Israel being flown over
Private Homes in Dearborn? There are places in which lots of flags are flown---
from all different countries------and--of course, if there is a foreign government
office here and there---the flag of that country gets put somewhere-----but I have
never seen the Israeli flag hoisted up on top of a private house in the USA-----anyone???------I have not been all over the USA-----but I have been around and
never saw it. --------I have seen the flag of Puerto Rico----but it never bothered
me--------I would not like to see the flag of Turkey or Saudi arabia even Great Britain----on top of someone's house in the USA unless that particular house has some specific function for those countries. I do not know what "THE ISLAMIC"
flag is
The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........
ut I have
never seen the Israeli flag hoisted up on top of a private house in the USA-----anyone???------I have not been all over the USA-----but I have been around and
never saw it

I have. There is a family down the road that flies a big Israeli flag on a pole in their front lawn. Nothing else. Just an Israeli one.
ut I have
never seen the Israeli flag hoisted up on top of a private house in the USA-----anyone???------I have not been all over the USA-----but I have been around and
never saw it

I have. There is a family down the road that flies a big Israeli flag on a pole in their front lawn. Nothing else. Just an Israeli one.

"down the road"------ok----that pin points it. Do people along the rest of the road
know why? I grew up in a place in which we described "front lawns" and "down
the road" We kinda knew why people "did things". The lady with British background had an elaborate garden in her front and back lawn. Ardent catholics
liked to place plaster statues of Mary in their front or backyard gardens. Some
people OBJECTED to this or that decoration or display. If someone in my town
had habitually hoisted an Israeli flag-------that fact would be a "TOPIC"
The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........

what is an "IDF FLAG"-----the Israeli national flag?
The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........

what is an "IDF FLAG"-----the Israeli national flag?
Geesh.................the Israel Flag then.............are you happy now.........

Splitting hairs this morning...............................drink some coffee or something or get laid..........:uhoh3:
The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........

what is an "IDF FLAG"-----the Israeli national flag?
Geesh.................the Israel Flag then.............are you happy now.........

Splitting hairs this morning...............................drink some coffee or something or get laid..........:uhoh3:

he's still sleeping
The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........

what is an "IDF FLAG"-----the Israeli national flag?
Geesh.................the Israel Flag then.............are you happy now.........

Splitting hairs this morning...............................drink some coffee or something or get laid..........:uhoh3:

he's still sleeping
Well wake him up then...........

The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........

what is an "IDF FLAG"-----the Israeli national flag?
Geesh.................the Israel Flag then.............are you happy now.........

Splitting hairs this morning...............................drink some coffee or something or get laid..........:uhoh3:

he's still sleeping
Well wake him up then...........


no-------he will IMMEDIATELY demand coffee. Getting back to flags-------- I would not object to anyone flying a muslim flag-------its that NAMAZ shit I find intolerable----and the horrifying sight of an ASS raised in the air-------on the sidewalk
Now they`re afraid of flags. Is there anything that they aren`t afraid of?
Another IDIOT.................the same IDIOT'S that demanded the Rebel Flags removed.............

I live in the DEEP SOUTH..................the rhetoric caused MORE FLAGS TO BE FLOWN..............I've seen this flag more than I've seen flown in my entire life now.....................Those flying so just to FLIP Those trying to remove it the BIRD............You know the middle finger.............

We and the Western World are currently at War with ISIS.................flying similar banners is pretty damned close to an ACT OF SEDITION...............which is a slippery slope.......................

Imagine the Nazi flag flown during wouldn't happen then.........because that generation would have killed their asses.................

I'm not saying kill them by any means..............I find the flag OFFENSIVE.............and I am responding by telling them to shove the flag where the sun doesn't shine.................................

To the point Tilly and others made.......................when Israeli flags were flown...............These peaceful Muslims in Dearborn threatened them and shot paint balls at their house...................

DOUBLE STANDARD..............and your side ONLY SEES THE SIDE OF MUZZIES..............why is that...............If you respect Freedom then you must condemn them for their HATEFUL ACTIONS AS WELL.................

Where is that condemnation in your posts..............

A hundred and fourteen posts about a flag no one has even identified. If that is not a sign of paranoia what is? It might be a signal flag for the pizza delivery guy or designating where the Texas Holdem' game is being played.
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The only flag I've ever flown is the American Flag here.......................EVER...........
But if Islamic Flags started flying around here...............I'd fly a IDF flag just to tell them where they can stick their flag..............

I'm offended by their flag.................
So I'd just be returning the favor..........

what is an "IDF FLAG"-----the Israeli national flag?
Geesh.................the Israel Flag then.............are you happy now.........

Splitting hairs this morning...............................drink some coffee or something or get laid..........:uhoh3:

he's still sleeping
Well wake him up then...........


no-------he will IMMEDIATELY demand coffee. Getting back to flags-------- I would not object to anyone flying a muslim flag-------its that NAMAZ shit I find intolerable----and the horrifying sight of an ASS raised in the air-------on the sidewalk
His priorities aren't in order then.

muslim flags on houses in Dearborn are as offensive to me as are those of the YWMCA or the Latter-day Saints or the Episcoplians.
The post by Tilly went right over your empty head didn't it??????????? How they tolerate their flags, but if you put up one they don't like they threaten and attack you............ Works both ways in America.............If your an Real American............Attacking those with the American Flag or an Israeli Flag flying in their yard................. DOUBLE STANDARD........................ HO HO HO.
Quit sounding like Correll and the other sillies. Have any Muslims in your community complained about religious flags of other denominations? The double standard is yours.
muslim flags on houses in Dearborn are as offensive to me as are those of the YWMCA or the Latter-day Saints or the Episcoplians.
The post by Tilly went right over your empty head didn't it??????????? How they tolerate their flags, but if you put up one they don't like they threaten and attack you............ Works both ways in America.............If your an Real American............Attacking those with the American Flag or an Israeli Flag flying in their yard................. DOUBLE STANDARD........................ HO HO HO.
Quit sounding like Correll and the other sillies. Have any Muslims in your community complained about religious flags of other denominations? The double standard is yours.
You can't see the forest for the trees can you.........................

When a flag that was flown that was offensive to them they acted HOSTILE to those flying the flag..............Including being VANDALS................

There is the double standard...............I don't live in Dearborn, MI............where those flying POTENTIAL enemies of our country and way of life are being flown..........................................

They wouldn't do it here..........we'd make them feel unwelcome...........Now call me a bigot or something.............I don't care.............Them flying the flag of the Islamic State here after killings all over the globe...............

I'd say they are STUPID..............
Fakey..............If someone moved in next door to you and starting to fly the ISIS flag...........the actual one.............what would you do.........what would you think about it..........................Would you go over and say HI............WANT SOME COFFEE..............WELCOME NEIGHBOR?

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